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HPL Founding Franchises

between the pipes

New Member
Aug 18, 2009
Dirty Money
Captain.......sounds like a done deal!

Mr.B......I truly hear what you're saying...although I only have daughters...lucky me:rolleyes:...and have watched them being coached by someone who has never played but "read some good soccer books"......my own fault about that but I couldn't put in the time needed to coach. That has since changed. I agree that some parents just don't get the fact that their son/daughter is not the next Pele (my era)....my thoughts:)

I thought Acid Tongue did play, I know the other coach was signed to team but never showed up!! I am sure there was a big mac or two that got in Coups way!!


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
Why $20? Why not? Lot's of parents put there kids value higher than it actually is. Charging $20 weeds out a lot of kids that "just want the experince of trying". I have seen it time and time again kids at a level well below the standard on the field making the whole evaluation poor due to their parents dream of being the next big thing.

And you think $20 fee will prevent "those parents who dream big"!? Those will come anyway!

But, it has never been about "those parents" although some people (like bravedart) are trying to blame "moronic parents" for this type of fee.

It is just another way to grab some additional money from the parents so buddies and good friends (who usually happen to be those "professional try-out assessors") make some additional money.

By the way, the only appropriate way to choose a provincial team or any high level team is to scout regulary (week after week) league and cup games. Ninety percent of the roster should be chosen that way and no player should be invited to play for a provincial team without being checked in action at least 10-15 times during the season (by more than one person). Remaining 10% of the players should go through try-out process.

A good provincial team's coach should watch at least 2-3 league/cup games every week, organize once a month an "invitational practice" to further test players he has noticed, talk regularly to the players, parents, coaches.

Now, ask yourself how many times you have seen a provincial team's coach scouting your son's or daughter's games!?

This HPL will be nothing else but (maybe, just maybe) a little bit stronger league than current metro/select league. A lot of players will not even try-out because of the cost and will rather stay in metro or gold league. But, somebody at BCSA noticed that there were some parents spending money on Y-League and they decided to literally extend that Y-League "system" into a new HPL league and charge a ridiculous amount of money for the season.

Now, let's be realistic. Whoever had a kid playing for a Y-league team can tell you that some kids (I'd say good 25%, at least, of the roster) were just average gold calibre players but made the team because their parents were able to afford the fees. The same will happen with HPL's rosters so do not get too excited about that league.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
I agree re: BCSA scouting. This is what BCPL will address, RL RCD.

Re: "25%" of kids....in some cases you are right. But are you generalizing this over every roster or are you saying "25%" of the league as a whole. Because there is a difference. 25% of the league might be "gold or..." and having 25% of each team being at a "gold or..." level....


New Member
Jan 11, 2011
Dirty Money
On Provincials: We've been involved with Selects (and SYL too) now for the past 4 years and not once did any of the Provincial coaches ever come and see any games, let alone talk to the coach. Absolutely absurd assessment process. Run 2 scrimmages and then run an Invite-Only set of scrimmages and then pick your team. Embarrassing.

On HPL: I'm VERY pessimistic and disappointed in this HPL thing and have no hope that it will be any different from the Selects organization (other than increased $$$). I've already hear rumours that many of the existing Select coaches will move to HPL anyway. One pessimistic parent we've been speaking to felt that the increased HPL price now allows the Selects program to stay at the same level of pricing as it currently is. Watch for that subtle move everyone.

Geez, just think of that great opportunity to pay $2500 to play/pay HPL and then for the poor SOBs that make the Provincial team, parents get to shell out another $3000-5000. Fcuk, do these people think with shite this money out?! And oh yeah, if you're a fair parent, you'd better plan on how you explain that kind of cash outlay to your other kids.

Sorry to be negative but we're tapped out financially from this whole friggin' 'program' and we have other kids.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
On Provincials: We've been involved with Selects (and SYL too) now for the past 4 years and not once did any of the Provincial coaches ever come and see any games, let alone talk to the coach. Absolutely absurd assessment process. Run 2 scrimmages and then run an Invite-Only set of scrimmages and then pick your team. Embarrassing.

On HPL: I'm VERY pessimistic and disappointed in this HPL thing and have no hope that it will be any different from the Selects organization (other than increased $$$). I've already hear rumours that many of the existing Select coaches will move to HPL anyway. One pessimistic parent we've been speaking to felt that the increased HPL price now allows the Selects program to stay at the same level of pricing as it currently is. Watch for that subtle move everyone.

Geez, just think of that great opportunity to pay $2500 to play/pay HPL and then for the poor SOBs that make the Provincial team, parents get to shell out another $3000-5000. Fcuk, do these people think with shite this money out?! And oh yeah, if you're a fair parent, you'd better plan on how you explain that kind of cash outlay to your other kids.

Sorry to be negative but we're tapped out financially from this whole friggin' 'program' and we have other kids.

I bet you represent 75% of the parents out here who have "HPL" tallent level kids.

Discussion amongst our team on Saturday night- after we all got snowed out- was about the same. In fact, most dads saying something like "Hell, I enjoy my summers, I don't think I'll bother forking out the extra $2500.00 just for football to take most of that away!"

These aren't inexperienced soccer dads here...these are guys who were part of that "Select Group" of players growing up, guys who had opportunities, many who'd played College or University, or at least Premier. That, and they can all afford it, but they are also smart...do they want to invest in it?

If this group is saying they'd rather see their kids step down from the top level then pay the tab, where does that leave things?

Take away the exhorbitant cash grab, then opinions change. But to pay that amount, to a system that has failed time after time, and doesn't even seem to have a good plan now...doubt I'd be investing in it either.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
On Provincials: We've been involved with Selects (and SYL too) now for the past 4 years and not once did any of the Provincial coaches ever come and see any games, let alone talk to the coach. Absolutely absurd assessment process. Run 2 scrimmages and then run an Invite-Only set of scrimmages and then pick your team. Embarrassing.

On HPL: I'm VERY pessimistic and disappointed in this HPL thing and have no hope that it will be any different from the Selects organization (other than increased $$$). I've already hear rumours that many of the existing Select coaches will move to HPL anyway. One pessimistic parent we've been speaking to felt that the increased HPL price now allows the Selects program to stay at the same level of pricing as it currently is. Watch for that subtle move everyone.

Geez, just think of that great opportunity to pay $2500 to play/pay HPL and then for the poor SOBs that make the Provincial team, parents get to shell out another $3000-5000. Fcuk, do these people think with shite this money out?! And oh yeah, if you're a fair parent, you'd better plan on how you explain that kind of cash outlay to your other kids.

Sorry to be negative but we're tapped out financially from this whole friggin' 'program' and we have other kids.

Father Fodder, you're spot on. I was talking to a parent of one of the better U13 girls in the province and he was saying IF the girl goes to our school district's soccer academy at our school(which she really wants to) that is going to cost him $10000 this upcoming year with the HPL/Provincial team included. Of the 3, I know which one would be the best value. :D It really is sad to see soccer every coming to this in terms of cost. :(


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
BC Team will be put to bed if the Whitecaps get into USSDA anyway. They will hand pick the best players. Whitecaps USSDA is required to be free as per MLS rules. Here's hoping that happens. And I agree - if my kid is ever good enough to play BCPL AND BC Team there is no way they'd play BC Team if it's going to cost that much on top of BCPL. No chance.

The selection process for the BC Team is very poor. Agreed.

I'd be disappointed if Metro/Select remained the same cost if all the coaches leave for BCPL and they are parent-coached anyway....I can see some metro/select teams remaining a high cost if they retain a paid-coach. IE, teams like SFC and North Fraser who did not get into BCPL might retain their coaches??? Just a guess.

BCPL is good, but has to prove to everyone it is worth it. IE< kids need to make Whitecaps, kids need to get college scholarships, kids need to transfer overseas for professional contracts. I agree there should be some skepticism. BUT, I think those skeptics should be diving in and seeing with their own eyes before making judgements.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
All of you need to slow down a bit. Whitcaps will take three players maybe four. We still have two hundred very good players. BC program is always going to be around. Caps are a pro Club. Some of you think that Bob and his brows will run rest of us. Never. We sand our kids to Europe with out them. Ours stay six seven years and play most of thier come back few months later. Lots of us grew up in Europe. We know the Clubs over there, they want tough stay at home players. They normaly have those few that score and add to winning. Our kids do well in the D and midfield. Our forwars are mostley to slow for Europian game pace. Thier forwards attack solo. Here because of over coaching our forwards work as a pair. Most can not do it there. Remember HPL is just for rich kids. Most of them will be below avrage players. They will blow them up on paper but in realaty. Just a cloud of hot air.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Base - How can you say in one post how great BCPL will be and then in another post say "most will be below average"? If that is the case then BCPL is no good! Pick a perspective and stick with it. Also....spell-check.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Bettermirror I am an Europian I grew up in a club soccer. I can clearly tell you that HPL in nothing more than a class system. Due to their inability to win on the pitch. They are trying to win on paper. To all those kids that do not wish to pay five grand per year I say cheers to Mr Palmiarie and people like that. These folks come out to help kids in our community. At 500.00 a year to play select program. Again in my opinion it is fantastic. Now to jump from five hundred to five thousand and you have two kids who is going to play. Stop and think a bit. Caps have residency program. They will take four to five best players in BC. There is going to bee 11 and a half sides per age group to be part of HPL and MSL. Most parents can not aford that amount. What does that do to your HPL soccer. Five out of fifteen will be HPL level kids. Rest will be kids with money. Perhaps silver two level. This is why I stick for MSL and not for HPL. If HPL was 800.00 to 1000.00 a year than I say HPL would draw best players. Just to let you know I did coach against residancy kids in PCSL. U 18 boys are miles away from senior soccer. Just go and look at their practice. Shooting drill 80 shots seven goals. In my opinion it is all who they want and no more.
Good MSL and good Gold level will bring forward just as many good players with way less presure on our kids.


Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Well.....unless the trees in my back yard start blooming dollars....my kid won't be playing HPL...which will upset her but in the long run she'll still enjoy her youth years with her buds and get to try all the "other" sports (mainly at high school...where Provincial coaches don't like you to play)without the fear of someone finding out and squealing to the coach. How do I know? I coach at her school and have been told by a couple of BC team players exactly that. "I can't play because the coach said I can't"......these kids aren't professionals are they??? They want to play for their school!! Sorry...starting to rant....I mean,$5000 to play on a BC team???? You're representing the province,it should cost $0,nada,nothing!!



New Member
Jan 13, 2011
Dirty Money
Well.....unless the trees in my back yard start blooming dollars....my kid won't be playing HPL...which will upset her but in the long run she'll still enjoy her youth years with her buds and get to try all the "other" sports (mainly at high school...where Provincial coaches don't like you to play)without the fear of someone finding out and squealing to the coach. How do I know? I coach at her school and have been told by a couple of BC team players exactly that. "I can't play because the coach said I can't"......these kids aren't professionals are they??? They want to play for their school!! Sorry...starting to rant....I mean,<SNIP SNIP>


If your female is on a really good High School team the odds are her school will be invited to the UVIC UMBRO annual tourney where some serious scouting by Canadian University soccer teams is happening....


Sep 22, 2003
Dirty Money
Define really good.....they are a double A school and the team has players from grade 8-12.My girls are grade 8 and 11. Never heard of the UVIC UMBRO tourney either.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Define really good.....they are a double A school and the team has players from grade 8-12.My girls are grade 8 and 11. Never heard of the UVIC UMBRO tourney either.


Scottyshell, what school are your daughters at? If you don't know I coach at South Delta and we have been going to the UVIC tournament the last 5 years. There are university coaches out watching the tournament and it has 24 teams in it usually with teams coming from Alberta too. I enjoy the tournament there and it is one of our two tournaments we always go to. Mind you it does cost money to play for the school team......athletics fee, shorts, socks, t-shirts(they get to keep), and to travel to Victoria and Kamloops. I had 7 other coaches come out for the tryouts and we didn't charge the kids anything to come out or for the coaches' time. Funny how that works. :)


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Agreed. Provincial team should be free. Base. BCPL is not a jump of $500 to $5000. More like $2500 (as per the VR franchise). Still a lot of money! I don't argue that.

If Whitecaps USSDA gets off the ground that program is apparently free as per MLS rules for academies. Don't see a provincial team carrying on if all the best players are on the Whitecaps. Whitecaps would never release the guys to play for the BC Team...

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