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Premier khalsa

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New Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
Try again

El Jefe,

It's "OFF the boat" not "of the boat", as you had wrote. That's why I had OFF spelt in caps. Sorry, next time I'll try to be more clear:rolleyes:


What was the score in the GN tournament when we played you? My memory also seems to fail me:D Anyways, tournaments don't mean shite these days. Best of luck to you guys for the winter season, prove those valley boys wrong.

To get back on topic- Khalsa 3 Caps 1

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Their inability to write anything coherent most likely reflects their 'freshness of the boat' and certainly is not doing their community proud.

Unless you're talking about how fresh the boat is, El Jefe, Yowen has made a valid point. The correct word should be OFF. I just want to make sure you guys stay friends through all of this.

Captain who is just trying to help out my fellow brothers in the Indian community

P.S. FRESHNESS is an awkward word


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
And the Captain...

And his "brothers"? Now that's an interesting thought. An Irish white Indian brother.

El Jefe

New Member
Sep 20, 2002
Dirty Money


Point well taken. My misunderstanding... although I am sure you will agree as to the general message in the post directed towards the ESL brothers in your forum.

Yours in Spanish,

El Jefe

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
Khalsa vs. Capitals

I heard the final result in this game was 2-2 with the Caps scoring in the last 5 minutes.

Hard Ballz:D

Reshams Buddy

New Member
Sep 24, 2002
Dirty Money
sat sri akal my ttp pajis

As Khalsa grows older, who do u think will be the future of Indian Soccer in the next few years:
PFC or GN or anyother club ???

I think PFC!!!


:wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa:


Not Bright
Aug 27, 2002
Dirty Money
on to soccer now ::: GOOD game today Khalsa 2 Caps 2 , I was there and thought the game was very compertive. Khalsa looked the better side in this one and had 75% of the play throughout; The khalsa crew were a tad unlucky in the attacking third in the second half . Khalsa is definitley making a statement with their great style of play ( a litte inconsistent today though ) and with their killer fitness......keep going strong boys !! :cool:


Not Bright
Aug 27, 2002
Dirty Money
Ankle Breaker who the hell are PFC are they competing with KFC ????? These guys sound like your community tournament yahoos that play in those picnic tourneys , that are no longer relevant nor a benchmark for player development and from what I know no real good players even participate anymore in your tourneys and no one watches......PFC who ?????:rolleyes:


Reshams Bumhole is embarrassing himself by being on this thread and talking soccer !!!! PFC , cmon man, be honest with yourself when making self humiliating comments like you are the future of Indo Canadia Soccer !!! what ????? PFC .......have you produced any national players, professional players , NCAA players . Everyone who knows the roots of Indian soccer know that Khalsa paved the way for everyone and right from the get go the Khalsa organization , was never restricted to just Indians , in fact the very first Khalsa team in 1963 had 7 european players in the starting lineup, some of whom were pro's from their native countries......so Reshams Girl what does this mean ?? well you could conclude that the Khalsa Organisation had vision , vision of building , creating and sustaining a competitive Sports Oraganisation for years to come.....and low and behold here we are 40 years later continually growing , building and reinventing itself with the objective of promoting our players and playing a competitive brand of soccer......Our club has never been colour blind and if you know how the word Khalsa was derived in our history, you will come to understand our motto that anyone that puts on a Khalsa Kit is " Khalsa " , so you guys keep doing on whatever your doing ( having our future star players playing in the cat league :confused: ) and remember your in Canada not your Uncles village. Fact - in the National Football League of India - which is a professional league, 50% of the players are not of India decent- so stick to your backyard logic and let the real organisations in our community take care of the professional approach to soccer . Good luck in those pathetic " picnic tournaments " that you farmers must be dying to play in ! the weird part is you guys suck in those tourneys as well and truth be told GN has more potential and is a better organization than you guys !! Hey no hard feelings though, but please come back to this thread in 40 years and maybe then you'll have something positive to contribute ;) :bronco: :bronco: :cool: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Reshams Buddy

New Member
Sep 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Sat sri akal Mr. Slick Upna

next time u reply, could you please cut the yip yap because i had a very difficult time in understanding what you wrote. Half the time I was looking in the dictionary just to understand the meaning of some words. So just for future reference, when you talk to me or my good buddy Resham Singh, could you please speak in a manner where both us so-called dippers can understand.

By the way, GN is good but not better than PFC


:wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa: :wa:


New Member
Jul 26, 2002
Dirty Money
all i can say is that pfc has about 4 exceptional players....and all the best to them.....the rest i believe are average at best......i think that teams such as GN, Sikh Temple and the under 18 Khalsa team ( they will be really good in a few years) are the teams that are worth noting for the future...I mean no disrespect to any other teams out there but this is what I believe....prove me wrong...I'd be delighted to see it....i know I have a biased opinion but the reason I believe that GN are as talented as they are now is because they have been playing together for the majority of 10 ten years now....i don't think that any other indian team can say that.....I know i haven't experienced the game of soccer as much as alot of the regulars on ttp, but i strongly believe that teams that stick together, regardless of their success, will in the long run be better off.....we all realize that we are not professionals, all we do is play the game b/c of our love for it.....we should enjoy it while we still can.....with teammates that we enjoy playing with.....

PS: I do not believe that east indian tournments are shite....that is basically the equivilant of saying that the talent level of indian soccer is sub-par.....i cannot name one player who played on the india nations team that did not consistently play in these tournments ('cept maybe sankar). These tournments, for the most part, display the best talent we have......so don't knock it but rather embrace it...once we are done playing, it will be these tournments that we remember most!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I remember Sandman giving me a dig when I commented on soccer and the East Indian community. I coach at the u-12 select level and have witnessed many Indo-Canadian youth teams play. They can play! They have some of the most talented kids I have ever seen. Somewhere along the way, as they grow older, they fade into oblivion. I suspect that this will change in the future as there seems to be a more advanced outlook as to the development with these kids but there are a couple of things that can be obstacles in my opinion.

The Indo-Canadian community holds very high regard for their star youth players and this is evident at a very young age. This places an emphasis on individualism and can really hinder the potential of many players. It can also breed elitism and segmentation within the team. As a coach, I try hard to never let that happen.

The other obstacle is the intensity and amount of training relative to the age. The ratio is way out of wack in my opinion. Simply put, I think many players will burn out by the time they reach graduation. These teams play year round and train very hard and at a very young age. The coach is held in the highest regard and the parents trust them with the fate of their children. This is great as long as the coach is making sound decisions. I wonder if any other youth coaches have noticed an increase of "adult-like" injuries among the youth; injuries like ligament strains, concussions, hip-flexors etc. These injuries should not be so prevalent at such young ages.

I have several extremely talented Indo-Canadian boys on my team and they are always being approached to join one of the ethnic teams. The parents do not join for the above reasons I have mentioned. Having said that, I cannot say enough about the very high skill level of some of the Indo players and I would love to get my hands on some of them. There is no reason why we shouldn't have a high number of Indo-Canadian kids in the national program.

I also think that the politics within the Indo-Canadian community at the senior level of soccer makes it difficult for the young players to make a decision and some opt to quit to avoid the decison of who to play for. I mean look at some of the comments made on this thread towards Sarai. Luckily, there were some great comments made in his defense.

Just thought I would add my two bits. I am not an Apna but I look like one. ;)


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: the loss of a key Khalsa player

I have heard from a current Khalsa player that Harry Sandhu will be leaving Khalsa due to political reasons. Apparently he has resolved his differences with Van United. Is it true, that he will be playing similar to a tripod in the back line with Jas Mann behind him and Peter Virk cumming infront of him. Also how will this effect the current drive of khalsa players to be on top.

Ankle Breaker

Sep 15, 2002
Dirty Money
I agree that somewhere in the development of Indian players, there is a big hole. A lot of parents do promote individualism for their kids and I think that is a big problem. Another problem is politics. Its funny b/c the older leaders in our community are the ones who create the division and politics and it filters down to the younger ones. A lot of people are jealous of others and that is bad for the community also.

As for PFC, how is your team going to get better by playing in CAT? Also, Indian tournaments are good but no where close to what they were 10 years ago. The true test of any team is not to win tournaments at the Indian level but go beyond that and play against harder competition. The only problem with you guys is that you have not even win an Indian tournament so................
As individuals you guys do have some decent players and in order to get better, these players need to play at a higher level and don't even begin to compare yourself with Khalsa or Indo as these two clubs have been around for a long time (40 years for Khalsa and I am not sure how long Indo has been around.

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
What's up with all this GN and PFC stuff? Is this not a Khalsa thread:rolleyes: ? Well stick to it:mad: !


Hard Ballz
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