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Lance Armstrong busted for doping.....


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
What he said. ^^^^

consider 2 hypothetical situiations...one of which is truth obviously:
1. He never took PED's, Never participated in Blood Doping etc and is just a machine and blew the (mostly dirty) competition out of the water.
2. He was dirty but had Nike/Gatorade/Livestrong and countless resources behind him to ensure he had the best means of cheating and was virtually untouchable.

In both cases the media and USADA/WADA/etc have considered him guilty until proven innocent. There's STILL no smoking gun. He's simply said he's going to quit fighting the allegations because it's a waste of his time, resources, etc.

I don't know about you. I'd like to think he's innocent, or he's the worlds biggest hypocrite and thief (With the whole Livestrong, I beat Cancer yadda yadda yadda) But what truly pisses me off is the witch hunt.

Everyone at the USADA and WADA want to find him guilty but they have no hard evidence, so it's a war of attrition and eventually who's going to break first? A guy with Limited yet Vast resources or agency's hellbent on finding cheaters and funded by the world's largest governments and athletic commissions?

If I was a Lance Armstrong partner company like Nike or Gatorade etc I would pull all sponsorship/funding/support in ALL of these agencies/leagues/competitions/etc until they were able to provide a smoking gun and hard evidence worthy of a conviction he cheated.

In my mind him stating he isn't going to fight the charges is not an equal to admittance of guilt. I'd likely do the same if I was him.

FFS the American Govt had a full review and lawsuit with Clemens who had his old trainer WITH a smoking gun and they were unable to convict him... Sour Grapes or Legitimate anecdotal evidence from other riders saying he cheated is not sufficient in my mind to call him a cheater.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
to add: Consider what's more important here? (keeping in mind the lack of physical evidence and hundreds of passed doping tests,)

What's more important? A Witch Hunt trying to crucify the athlete that made cycling trendy again? The Michael Jordan/Tiger Woods of his sport? The guy that is behind over a half a BILLION dollars raised for Cancer research and awareness that has saved countless lives? What is it? Spending our tax and sporting dollars to crucify this guy or making sure the sport is CURRENTLY clean?

You have only Landis and Hamilton (both who've been found guilty of doping with hard evidence) going on public record as saying he's cheated. Who's more believeable? The cheaters or the Cancer Survivor/Hero/Sport Superstar?

The priorities of these agencies are out of whack imho.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I wonder what is next? Rock and Roll hall of fame kicks The Beatles out for lip syncing and never actually recording their own voices:rolleyes:At this pace Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt are screwed, because of what they've achieved, there's no way they did it clean......ffs


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
You got it. As soon as one guy from the 100m races is found guilt is everyone that finished ahead of him also dirty?

Bolt is widely respected and praised for his accomplishments because of his physically freakish stature, the fact he can run the same race the others much shorter than him can in 4-5 less paces but turns those paces over at the same rate. His Physical Anomaly is visible to all of us. Armstrong as per Dude's tale previously is about how he has an abnormally large heart and the capacity to absorb O2 into his blood from his lungs, his ability to pedal at pace for duration is locked inside his body.

Phelps only smokes dope to INCREASE his capacity to induce o2 correct? ;)

How long will it be till Bolt's teammates from Jamaica resort to cheating to compete with him? How long till they are busted and then tell anyone who will listen that they did it because Bolt told them to, or let them in on his secret? And that they saw him cheat and take PED's?

Where's the Man under the Bus picture from the FVSL alignment thread when you need it?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Here's a gem I found at slashdot

"As the media reports that seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong says he will no longer fight doping charges from the US Anti-Doping Agency, which will strip him of his titles and ban him from competitive cycling for life, Tracee Hamilton writes that the Lance Armstrong vs. USADA fight is a tough one in which to take a side, because to believe USADA means suspending belief in the science of drug testing. 'If you take personalities out of the equation, you're left with pee in a cup and blood in a syringe,' writes Hamilton. 'Armstrong never failed a drug test. He was tested in competition, out of competition. He was tested at the Olympics, at the Tour de France, at dozens if not hundreds of other events. And he never failed a test.' Instead Travis Tygart, chief executive officer of the USADA, gathered a group of people who swear they saw Armstrong doping. 'If the results can be discarded in favor of testimony, then let's go right to the testimony phase and quit horsing around with blood and urine.' There has been no trial, no due process, but in the minds of many, that testimony outweighs the results of hundreds of drug tests. 'I don't know if Armstrong did the things he's accused of doing, and neither do you,' concludes Hamilton adding that it can't work both ways. 'Either a drug test is the standard, or it isn't.'"


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
On topic... wtf is so bad about steroids and PED's..

why are they illegal??

Besides shrinkage and moobs???

does it cause cancer?

can u get addicted to it?

If you have to many do u beat your wife?

I say u make it mandatory that everyone in sport consume some sort of enhancer... there is your level playing field and the percent would be higher that the general public is entertained after spending their money!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
John Witherspoon agrees with you Polska,

This is sort of on topic, and very funny. NSFW Language (even if you ARE a sales guy)

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Let me make something clear...I don't necessarily think LA was clean. I would not be surprised if was dirty. I do know- either way- the playing field was absolutely level. Cycling IS filthy, always has been. Basically, it you want to make it on the Euro scene, you need to juice. This has long been accepted and understood, as you need to for the recovery.

LA was the best of his peers and generation, full stop- and most of his peers were caught using.

Second, this isn't done yet. UCI has jurisdiction on the TDF titles, and they have sided with Lance.

Absolutely a witch hunt, an unfair and slimy one at that.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
He cheated. He has been punished. Hopefully one day they'll go back and all of Carl Lewis' medals away from his positive test which was never made public................


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Is it cheating if they are all doing it? Seriously...where do you draw the line , Captain? When you bet on sports, do you put your ideology away for the wager, like when your favorite juicer is favored.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Captain, you're missing the point. Whether or not he actually DID cheat is not something any of us know outside the LA circle of trust.

What we do know is that he never failed a test, except one which he had an exception on due to it being a topical cortisone cream to treat saddle sores... and he was exonerated.

What is the effing point of drug testing if it doesn't mean anything. They treat samples from years ago and he still hasn't failed.

I could go to this douchebag from USADA and say that I saw Carl Lewis shoot himself with Nandralone- are they going to hunt him down? No, because it doesn't further their cause.

We know that FloJo and Carl Lewis were guilty in the 80's and such, but Ben Johnson was the scapegoat in '88 because it better served Nike, CocaCola, General Electric, RCA and all the other Olympic sponsors that also sponsored the Yanks T&F teams that didn't sponsor Canada and the Canadian TV audience that was irrelevant compared to the American ratings numbers.

Also note to confirm Dude's point. The cycling industry haven't stripped Armstrong of anything, USADA has said they have jurisdiction but they do not- that's still being contested.

regardless of whether (on paper) they "strip" him of all of his accomplishments when you ask anyone in the next decade who was that Yank that won 7 TDF titles they will say Lance Armstrong.

How do they plan to pull rank and say they have authority and jurisdiction? How will they recover the bronze olympic medal? how will they recover his money he now supposedly owes them back from prize winnings?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I think Cappy should pay back his bookies, since he won betting on cheaters. Far fetched? Not that far.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
An interesting little read layman-ing it up for us great unwashed. It's the rounds as the devils advocate to all the media machines calling Armstrong a fraud.



Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Dude is on a roll.

After the shite pump he served Sid ( now know as sidney) his confidence has never been higher....

If you look up the saying "You've just been served" you will find a picture of Dude accompanied with the Blue steel stare!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
He cheated. He has been punished. Hopefully one day they'll go back and all of Carl Lewis' medals away from his positive test which was never made public................
Maybe he did, where is the positive tests? I think this quote from Blue Chips, sums this story up best. "A foul is only a foul if the referee blows his whistle."
"This class is culturally biased"
"Dwayne, you can get through college half-assed. Richard, you can get through life half-assed. But I'll guarantee you boys one thing. Sure as hell, I'll guarantee you this: you cannot win half-assed!"
You took the purest thing in your life and corrupted it, for what? For what?
You took the one thing that was pure in your life and you tainted it!!
It was a nuclear surfboard
I figure a white blue chip athlete like myself deserves a little something extra.
Lookin' out my back door.
All along the watchtower.
This is far the worse team that has sat in this locker room.
I'm goddamn sick of watching you play!
How long are you gonna keep this bullshit up,Ed?Huh?You know goddamn well there was no such incident.There was an alleged incident which you invented.In the same way that if I assert that you sleep with sheep,than it is alleged that you sleep with sheep.
You got a future in politics,asshole.Why don't you run for office?
Get a tutor for Tony for TV,all right?
Stick a fork in this creep!Because he's done!He's dead meat!You're finished!You will never coach in America again,you got that?!Why don't you try Bulgaria?!Hear they're looking for wimps like you!Whiners!
There goes Happy, headed for the cash machine!"

to bad I couldn't find the clip, but its all alleged, and a pile of shite IMO.

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