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March and Rally Against Campbell

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Saturday May 25th at 10:30 a.m. there is a March to Sunset Beach.
Seaforth Peace Park (Cornwall and Burrard)

Burrard Skytrain Station (Burrard and Dunsmuir)

Library Square (Georgia and Hamilton)

Victory Square (Hastings and Cambie)

Come to the March and Rally if you are against the massive changes in Employment Standards Laws that Gordon Campbell is ramming through.
These changes will reduce your Statutory Holiday pay and remove your right to bank time worked on Statutory Holidays.
Reduce your right to claim back wages owed to you. Take ou the requirement that your boss post a notice of your basic workplace rights.
If these changes go through, your boss will be able to force you to work more than eight hours without overtime pay. Pay you less for overtime you work and call you to work for only two hours pay. Hire workers under age 15 with fewer protections and change shift schedules without any notice.

Campbell is slashing workers' Compensation payments to injured workers and the families of workers killed on the job by 30%.
If you want to join a union to get a better deal at work, Campbell is giving your boss more power to stop you.

Don't let Campbell bully you!

Join the March and Rally on Saturday, May 25!

Chris Johnson

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Fight the Power, for your Friends

Keeper, when friends with 5 years of Full-time teaching get their pink slips, you go out and March for their jobs.

Hope there is a big turn-out in the morning.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Very Large Turn-Out, About 40,000

The police think it was smaller, but the orginizers put the crowd at about 40,000.
It was a good March down Burrard street to Sunset Beach, but the Rally at the Beach was boring. The speakers were not very good, but the music was not bad, and the people started to leave right after the March.

Good turn-out for the labour movement, hard to say if anything comes of the protests that do take place.
Lots of talk of General Strike on the day, hard to say if it would ever come to that.

Best poster of the Day; An X-Ray of Gordon Campbell's head, but instead of Brains in his head, it was Shite. Funny from a protesting point of view.



Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Not to add fuel to the fire here as the right to protest is an important one but I heard reported that the crowd was fewer than 20,000 and probably closer to 10,000! However, this was estimated when the people gathered to listen to the speakers, and with the poor weather, people where leaving before Jim Sinclair (head of the Labour Movement) even spoke.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
March Large, Rally Smaller

You are right John, the weather and like I said before, the poor speakers at the begining turned the large crowd away early.

It was a great sight to see all of Burrard street and the Burrard Brigde filled with people all marching together for one cause.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Nice movement when people start to blame the weather for a poor turnout.

How serious am I supposed to take this "message" if people can't be fcuked because of the weather? Doesn't sound like people are really that upset if they can't get a little wet about it :rolleyes:

Sick of the crybabies,


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
The Man (Regs) trying to put the People (TTPers) Down with the Heavy Hand (his Site)

Regs and the Multi-National Corp. TTP must be in Campbells back pocket.

Down with the Man



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
That's exactly my point... instead of explaining to me what exactly is the problem and what type of reasonable solution you are looking for, you say basically nothing.

There are those that tend to deal with life and get on with it and there are those who want things given to them on a platter.

Which one are you?


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
There are many Issues, Thanks for Asking

1. How about the training wage that the Liberals have created, the 6 bucks for six months. Yes regs, companies can hire mostly students for 6 bucks an hour for the first 6 months and then the wage is going up to minimum wage of 8 bucks. Is this right, that you should make less because you are a new employee, what protection does the employee have form not being let go after six months because your wage would then go up 2 bucks.

Regs, 6 bucks sucks.

2. Drastic Cuts to social services. Yes these services need to be run more effectivly, but to start cutting services to the point that people in this Province can't get Health care or can only get it if they have money is crazy. BBY General hospital is to have it's Emergency Ward shut down, and the number of beds in the hospital cut from 250 to 50 or less. Burnaby has a large population that would then have to travel to Vancouver or NewWest.

Regs, Keep the Health Care open to all, not just the Rich!

3. Cuts to Seniors, Campbell tried to Cut Bus passes to Seniors but an outcry by the public stopped him. He is however cutting other services that seniors need and should get. They have worked and paid taxes in this country and province and should be treated fairly and not forgotten.

Regs, Respect your Elders.

I guess untill the Liberal Cuts start to effect you, then you are with them and want them to cut everything and save tax dollars.

But when freinds with Homes and Kids get laid-off from jobs do you care then.



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
There's more...

4. The deregulation of trade apprenticeship boards. That means anyone who chooses to call themselves an "electrician", "plumber", or "carpenter" can without fear of having to show any certification (why? Because there won't be any certification anymore). So, when you want your house renovated you'll never know what you'll get. It'll be the Liberal version of leaky condos.

5. Street social workers and their entire offices are laid off and closed. That means the professionals who help manage the lives of drug addicts and street kids will no longer be able to control the flow of money to them. Suddenly drug addicts will receive their entire welfare cheques and go on a drug binge for a few days -- then starve for the rest of the month (or steal from you to survive).


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Neither of you have offered anything else that I haven't already read in the newspapers.

Are you muppets or parrots?

If you want me to take you seriously, tell me how you would go about making changes. Don't just cry about it, because that's all you and anyone else who is in a union I have talked to has done.

How many of you have actually thought about why the province is now in the situation it is in? Did you voice your opinion when the NDP was coddling up to your unions, setting wages at rates none of us could support?

Just because I have friends who work in these 'affected' unions does not mean I have to support the 'cause' of the labour movement. No one knows better than I do what it means to struggle and deal with things on a day-to-day basis. I've never had job security, benefits, vacation/sick pay... nothing.

So sorry if it upsets you that I don't jump in my kayak and paddle down your river.



New Member
Jan 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Union guy?

I have been in a union for several years, but after watching the crap that goes on inside them, I wish I didn't have to be in one.

I really resent having to pay dues to a leader who feels he has to justfy his/her position by making unrealistic demands to governments who are trying to cut costs. Where I live, in Washington State has gone through the same problems B.C. is going through right now. What I don't understand, is why don't more union people read something else other than the propanganda printed by their brethren before forming an "informed" opinion? We have to get facts before shooting our mouths off.

20, 30 maybe even 40 years ago, unions had a place in our society. Laws have changed in favor of the worker, and for that we can thank unions. But it's time to move on. We really need to find a way to have a society where there is labor peace if we want to take ourselves seriously, and the first step is to ease away from unions.

somebody has to agree with Regs


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I've said nothing about unions. I've only discussed issues regarding their area of business (e.g. education, health, etc.).

As for suggestion on how to make changes, here's one: go slower. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- many of the ideas and concepts the Liberals have for change aren't so bad, however, it's the speed at which they intend to instigate them which has me so up in arms.

Campbell suffers from what some would call "this year" syndrome. That is, he wants to cut and save as much as possible, this year, and damn whatever will come about as a result next year and years following. Sure you can a whole bunch of jobs this year and save tons -- maybe even attract some foreign investment because of it -- but by the time that "cut" can get a new job in the new economy, he/she will probably have been separated, in bad health, addicted to alcohol . . . you name it. People without jobs go hungry (just look at me :rolleyes: ).

As all the Liberals supporters like to remind the rest of us: the NDP got us into this mess. Yes, well, it took them 10 years to do it. And as such, Gordon can expect to ram a 3-year solution down our throats without a fight.

And yes, I most certainly complained when hundred of millions of dollars were wasted on ferries and golden handshakes; when hospital buildings were erected and left empty; and when our money was spent to advertise to us about things unnecessary. That's why the Liberals are in office.

So go ahead, make change -- improve the system. But ease us into the water before you turn up the heat. Don't just dump us straight into boiling water and expect us to enjoy it.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Blah, blah, blah...

I have a variety of opinions on this matter (shocking, I know), but I don’t have it in me today to go on a full-bore rant.

I will say this: these tough economic times lately have affected far more than just the public sector. I find it funny, however, that these protesters seem only concerned with the cuts affecting public workers. Tell me: if you receive your pink slip as a public worker, what is included in your severance package? I can guarantee you one thing- it is a hell of a lot better than the severance given to most people who are laid off in the private sector.

I am probably not out of line in assuming that 99.99% of the public service people who have been recently laid off are using the popular union rhetoric (“Lock your doors people”, “Our education system is degrading to that of a 3rd world society”) as a convenient shield of their true intentions: they are pissed the were canned, and they don’t want to bother hitting the pavement to find a new job. Translation: they are two-faced. Stop bitching, moaning, and crying, and get on with your lives. I can’t believe that ex-public sector workers don’t have useful skill that can get them gameful employment in the private sector- which happens to be seeing an economic turn-around right now.

I don’t feel too badly for most of the public sector people who have lost their jobs…they’ll find work again, for the most part. I do feel bad for people in the softwood lumber industry who have been working in one job their whole lives, and who have skills that may not be useful in other lines of work. But at least they’ll be entitled to some EI, and possibly job re-training. If you’re higher up the rung of a larger mill, you’ll get yourself a nice severance package. You can then afford the time it will take to find a new position within the workforce.

I feel really sorry for the small business owners of support companies of the softwood lumber industry, who will either close shop or declare bankruptcy because there is no more industry to support them. How will THEY feed their families? What you people don’t seem to understand is that as small business owners, we pay yearly to WCB and EI, yet we are not entitled to any of those benefits because we are self employed.

If my business dries up tomorrow, and I have to close shop, I don’t get ANYTHING. But, if that happens, I’ll hit the pavement first thing Monday morning and find a new job…because that’s the way life goes.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money

You make far too many generalizations. Not all unions are the same, nor are all collective bargaining agreements, nor are all union members. When I was laid-off from my public sector job, I got fcuk all so get your facts straight. Most unionized workers, when they are laid off, get up the next day and go out looking for work. What else are they going to do?

If they are going out to labour rallies then that is their right. So the Labour movement has an agenda? So does the government. They are trying to bust the teachers' union while disguising it as fiscal restraint. The Labour Movement is attempting to bring that to people's attention. Believe it or not, that's their job. It always has been and union workers are not the only beneficiaries of their work. Worker Rights legislation was not simply gifted to the masses by generous governments, that legislation was fought for and won by activists and union men and women. It cost many of them their lives. So the idea that unions have played themselves out is absolute rubbish.

The Labour Movement is also Campbell's only visible opposition which suits him fine since he can blame them and the last NDP government for all of the province's problems. However even right wingers like Raef Mair have stated that this goverment simply doesn't think out any of their plans. Kill the unions, gut the social services and question the motives of anyone who objects to it. And when all else fails, just bring up the NDP.

Well the NDP didn't do much for me, but they did do one thing right and that was trying to settle the Native land claims. They didn't do that out of the goodness of their hearts either. But they understood that the question of land ownership is the real reason why there is a lack of international investment in BC. Nothing will change until that problem is solved.


Jul 29, 2001
Dirty Money

This government was chosen by the majority of British Columbians to govern this province for 4 years. Any individual or group that suggests replacing them or gets in the way of it's work should be charged with treason and jailed.

Screw You Captain

New Member
Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Dude, I don't have much in me today either, but a couple things come to mind. Our friends have just brought in some big changes to the labour code, essentially without a peep from anyone. I do feel for people getting jacked over by the softwood b.s., and I also feel for people whose minimum shift just went from 4 hours to 2. Let's see, at $6/hour, minus $4 bus fare, a healthy $8 take home before deductions.

Yessir, this government works for everyone.

ps- I talked to a high school teacher who said at his school, classes were being set at 38 kidsfor next year. Thanks Christy, that will go a long way to reducing the dropout rate in BC.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
When I was laid-off from my public sector job, I got fcuk all so get your facts straight.

Why don't you try and convince me, and tell us exactly what kind of severance package you received? Humor me. Am I incorrect in assuming you qualify for EI? What I'm trying to tell you is that many of us who work for ourselves do not qualify for anything- no severance, no vacation payout, no EI. Personally, I won't have it any other way if I can control it.

Here's what you and other public sector workers don't seem to get: we all don't have a divine right to work. We need to keep our jobs buy working hard, working efficiently, and working productively. Once again, if I loose my job (i.e.: orders stop coming in, and I go out of business), who am I going to blame? The public sector gives off the impression they've been wronged. Is it possible that many of the departments in the public sector are being downsized or closed because they are inefficiently run? Oh, I'm sorry...I forgot, City workers are known for their hard work and tireless efforts.

On the teacher and Medicare front, I'm sure you've read many of my past post on the issue, and are familiar with my views. I've never heard you disagree with me before. BUT...school administrators need to have the power to fire bad teachers. SYC...how easy is it for the school board to fire a "bad" teacher these days, if that bad teacher hasn't committed any serious wrongdoings? In my line of work, if you don't produce, you get fired. Simple.

I'm not here defending all the Government's moves, but Jesus Christ...all the bitching and moaning from the Public Sector Workers who've been "done wrong" is getting fcuking tiring.

BTW: Raef Mair is clearly not a hard right-winger...probably more center / right. Big difference.

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