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[Men Open] 2005 Provincial Draw

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Hands of Stone

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Jul 30, 2001
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Rivermouth said:
I'm sure that Mums, Wilmetts, Williams and the gang won't be happy with this weekend's results and will do what they have to do to make sure that this weekend's results aren't repeated by their squad next year.

It is funny you mention these Wack boys, because I have played with all of them, guess where, the VMSL, WHY, because when they were in thier early 20's they wanted a shot at playing in the best league in the Lower Mainland, even if they had to drive for an hour each way for practice and games. Now I totally understand why a player that lives out in the Wack would want to play out in the Wack, but just because they ONLY lost to Slurrey 1-0 in the second round doesn't mean they are off to the Nationals next year.
Mums would be the first to tell you how competitive it is in the VMSL week in and week out, there are no off weeks, well perhaps playing Khalsa, but the rest you have to be on, or you lose.

The FVSL will get stronger as more and more players move out to the Valley to live and say no to the drive back in over a bridge to training and games, and if the Valley Premier league is smart they will keep it at 10 teams and not do like the VMSL and expand to 14, and in a few years they may pull out a close one in OT.

Well back to my WW2 posts, those are GOLD Baby, Gold I tell ya.


Mr. Rempa

Jul 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Jinky said:
Well on my way to a Lion-like set of predictions till Weakside shite the bed.

Thanks Smalley.

not so quick Jinky not so quick

The game may be replay :rolleyes:

ya know rumours rumours (good one) :D :D


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Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
Just a side bar from the obvious fact that the valley sucks and the VMSL rules, why was sap so excited when they won! Other than the fact that they had a man down and yes it is the provincials................I could not tell the diff. between the 2 teams.
If a bridge is all that keeps metro teams/players from playing in the valley, that is more pathetic than our valley record in the Provincials. I would support the creation of a prem league that had the best teams from all over the area, if your team is good enough to play in it then so be it.


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Oct 11, 2003
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knvb said:
To think there wasn't a glaring difference in talent levels in pockets all over the park is a little naive. The likes of Nial Thompson, Todd Stauber, Clayton Dobbin and Shawn Blakeway up front, for example, well, you had no one to match these guys when we actually did get the ball down and played it to them ... to say there was no talent difference is going a bit to far.

Just because you were a ghost :eek: on the field for ninety doesn't mean you have to take anything away from an already beaten chilliwack side.
Blakeway was a serious threat maybe twice, on one of those occasions he netted the winner.
Our young strikers have as much, if not more, individual talent than a lot of your players; just ask your defenders who got turned inside-out again and again. Of course it was all to no avail as Surrey prevailed, but at least show credit where credit is do and give the people an honest account of details not your biased, egocentric elaborations.

Congratulations on the victory.
Best of luck to you and everyone else involved in this weekend's semis.

Still a bit bitter... wait maybe that's just the beer...



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Stepchild said:
why was sap so excited when they won! Other than the fact that they had a man down and yes it is the provincials................
Never taking an opponent lightly mentally gets players focused for games. When you are mentally in the game, you get emotional. When you only need to win 4 games to win it all, every game is huge.

As for one league:
I say no way. The Provincial run is special because you play teams you have never seen before. Div 1 teams will get births by default. And it will just be like another league cup. The pre-game speculation and uncertainty between opposing league teams is what makes the BCs fun and debatable.
For argument sake what would be the breakdown from the 3 leagues for a premier super league? 10, 2, 2 = 14

Every year it's the same old argument. No disrespect to valley, the leagues may be a little closer but they are still far apart. One-off games don't tell the season-long story. When the 2 power houses from the valley came to the VMSL 5 years back, one was relegated without a fight, the other barely survived (adding 2 additional Div 1 teams saved SU). A season-long tale that told SU they needed to have better players to really compete.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
LION said:
WAB, what did you think about that late tackle in the box that the ref didn't call?
#18 PAU pushes it down the left side and inside the 18 to get a cross off right before the endline, he does get the cross off but also get run through just as released. A very hard late tackle,(carbon copy of Donald's second yellow on #18). Martin didn't have the balls to call that one. That would have been huge with 10 to go in regulation.
The game was wide open with crazy chances at each end. I think Sappertons winner was more of a defensive mistake then offensive glory.

I'm glad Martin didn't call it because he certainly could have. But the PAU guy was right at the end line with no chance of turning to the net and being a threat himself. Also, his cross ended up in a much more dangerous position-the far post- to which the header almost went it. Unlucky for PAU, lucky for Sap.
But don't try to deminish the work done by Emilio; he cleanly beat 2 guys on the flank. He could have hit it earlier and probably would have scored (he has an awesome shot), but he took advantage of no PAU d moving to him a slotted an easier goal.
Also, your 1st goal was against all flow of play. Our goalie mis-kicked it right to your front runner. Great shot, but it shouldn't have happened.

Shoulda, coulda, woulda's all over the park for both teams. That is why this game was hard to swallow of the non-victors ("losers" seems unjust).


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Gerry Herdenson said:
not so quick Jinky not so quick

The game may be replay :rolleyes:

ya know rumours rumours (good one) :D :D
I've heard the same rumour :eek:

Apparently the ref realized during the game that he only gave one yellow to the Weakside player so no red should have been shown. The ref reported this to the BCSA in his game report.

Does Weakside know about this? Isn't there a 48 hour window for protests or something?

cerebral smallsy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2002
Dirty Money
first i've heard of this rumour. i would guess it is nothing more than that. i'm certainly not going to chase down a rumour, that in the end would simply be a waste of time. nicholas on the other hand has probably been on the phone all nite. :rolleyes:


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Jun 3, 2003
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whataboutbob said:
As for one league:
I say no way. The Provincial run is special because you play teams you have never seen before. Div 1 teams will get births by default. And it will just be like another league cup. The pre-game speculation and uncertainty between opposing league teams is what makes the BCs fun and debatable.
For argument sake what would be the breakdown from the 3 leagues for a premier super league? 10, 2, 2 = 14.
This really is a beaten horse but no one will really know unless it is done so...
No one doubts the talent diff., but many of the VMSL'ers are from the valley. It would be interesting to see if future VMSL players would stay in the valley and support the teams closer to home instead of driving all that way to their perspective team(s). Just hypothetical, but the tallent pool b/t each league has been closing as more and more people move further out of van. as it is simply too expensive to live there. Until then, I guess we, the Valley, will just have to take advantage of our chances when we get them.
Look forward to the semi's, have to say I am a SU fan by default now.....god damn noone and KNVB.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Slap on the back anyone?


Do you think dropping your initials will have me agree with you guys now? You're right, your super superlative strikers turned our defenders in-side out again and again. They were truly unbelievable Sunday, unbelievable in the fact they could turn us so often, yet never seem to get a shot anywhere near our net. I could count on one hand how many times Drew touched balls other than his own. That's not my biased egocentric elaboration, matey, that's the truth. I've given you guys credit and plenty of it, nugget, but you seem to want more than you really deserve. You'd better start stretching your arms because the only other pat on the back you'll be getting is if you do it yourself.

The drawing board is back that way...



New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
From 1 to 18, better players in Vancouver without question. Are there players in the Valley that would make the top 18 on the 14 premier teams in Vancouver, of course, and lots of them. The guys I have at the moment who could play in the VMSL really stand out when we play the VMSL teams, but can just as easily get lost in the muck it out games in the Valley.
I would welcome the 10-2-2 scenario, it would be hard to argue against. If you end up in Div 1 unjustly in your eyes, just one thing to do, win and move up. And prove everybody wrong in the Cup.
No need for inferiority complexes or dead horse discussions with one league.


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Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Stepchild said:
I would support the creation of a prem league that had the best teams from all over the area, if your team is good enough to play in it then so be it.

They already have one. It is called the VMSL.

Love the Valley,


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Slap on the back anyone?

knvb said:
You'd better start stretching your arms because the only other pat on the back you'll be getting is if you do it yourself.

Steve Lombardi, the old WWF wrestler, used to do that very well.

Interesting fact....he never won a match, but always wanted praise. He would come close to winning, only to lose in the end, yet before every match, he would pat himself on the back. No one gave him any respect though, because he never won.

Funny how the world turns sometimes......


New Member
Oct 14, 2004
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Come on now Rivermouth, lets not go over the top here. To think there wasn't a glaring difference in talent levels in pockets all over the park (not in the middle though, fcuking Scottish retard made sure of that) is a little naive. The likes of Nial Thompson, Todd Stauber, Clayton Dobbin and Shawn Blakeway up front, for example, well, you had no one to match these guys when we actually did get the ball down and played it to them (that one time) ... don't get me wrong, you guys played a very determined and gritty game and teams like yours are honestly, so very hard to play against, but to say there was no talent difference is going a bit to far. We didn't have the ball that much becuase we made more runs down the line than you...

What is it they say about a person when they are sleepwalking? Oh yeah...don't wake them up! If you want to believe what you believe, far be it from me to try to wake you up from your delusion.

However, wouldn't it stand to reason that IF, as you believe, there WAS a glaring difference in talent on the pitch, that you would have clearly dominated the game? To wit: Your side would have been to the Rapids what an English Premier League Team would have been to you, with the results glaringly obvious for all to see?

The reality was that, despite all of the truly best wishes that I have for your squad as you advance to the Semis, your side could very easily have lost that game. Not once did your apparently glaringly more talented side dominate the game, (other than the 15 seconds that resulted in the goal), nor did any one player on your squad look obviously better than any one player on the Rapids squad.

Additionally, because the names you mentioned are as talented as Wilmetts, Mummery, Williams, and "up and comer" Langelaar, there can only be two conclusions: That your "obviously far talented" side wasn't on that day, which is hard to believe from a team that rigorously prepares for the Provincials and finished first in the VMSL, or that your teams "obvious" talent level was matched by that of the Rapids, which humbling though it may be, is more likely the truth.



New Member
Oct 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Slap on the back anyone?

The fact that the players are talented on both sides is evident in the final score, so there is no need to discuss this point further. Both the Rapids and SU had an excellent game, and regardless of the fine points of it all, it just doesn't matter what anyone thinks. It matters what they do on the pitch, SU won and for that they get to play for another weekend (at least) and get bragging rights, and for the Rapids, its going to be another year in the making. Till then, all the best to those that won on the weekend, and best of luck to you all as you attempt to advance to the Championships.

Nuff said.

Mr. Rempa

Jul 26, 2004
Dirty Money
Westside protested the game and now waiting for the BCSA answer. The referee admited that he made a mistake. :rolleyes: Tomorrow we'll know if Vanreights-Westside will face each other again.

I just wanna see the Vanreight's reaction to this :mad: :D

Jinky your prediction still up mate


I told ya don't let that belly GROW yet, ur season is not over yet. :D :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
See, this is the problem with you FVSL guys, you simply run out of steam before the game is over. You were doing ever so well too. Perhaps if you had a few more talented players backing you up and done 6 more doggies at training you wouldn't want to quit like this.

To respond to you previous post, even the one you edited, (I read that BTW) I had originally posted disagreeing with your ridiculous comments that the only difference in the game was, and I quote:
the difference was in the number of runs that the individual players, and the team did,
It reads to me that you chalked the result up to doggies. I merely pointed out our more skill players, read slowly now, in pockets of the park, were much more effective than yours were when we had the ball, where as most of your "attack" came from Beckers tremendous drop and goal kicks. Refresh my memory will you? How many shots did your super duper "up and comer" have compared to the amount of good saves Becker had to make? Thanks.
To wit: Your side would have been to the Rapids what an English Premier League Team would have been to you, with the results glaringly obvious for all to see?
I'm glad to see at the very least your deliria isn't limited to your being completely realistic about things. :rolleyes:
That your "obviously far talented" side wasn't on that day, which is hard to believe from a team that rigorously prepares for the Provincials and finished first in the VMSL, or that your teams "obvious" talent level was matched by that of the Rapids,
Your side doesn't train 'rigorously' for the provincials? Perhaps that explains the result? So we trained rigorously and you did, what? Play crib? But at least you didn't read my posts about our two teams and assumed I some how was talking about my own individual game... Oh wait, yeah ya did.
continuously insists on his greatness simply because he plays in the VMSL. I think that all the Rapids boys can now sleep with the knowledge that they have attained total enlightenment, thanks to KNVB and his giving of "plenty of credit".
Wonderful stuff, because I when I said Todd, Nial, Dobbin and Blakes what I really meant was me. Insightful bugger ain't ya?

If you don't really give a good god damn about what I have to say (I told you I read it) and seek my "credit" then why are you so upset at what I have to say? Let me also get through to you, I never once insulted you (Who ever you are ) or your teammates.

Love and kisses.

cerebral smallsy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2002
Dirty Money
i have not heard anything official about this supposed protest. it is undoubtedly a waste of time so there is no sense in getting worked up over it. the chances of a replay are about the same as vantreights chances of winning their next game. hopefully it is against us. :D :rolleyes:


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't know if Dude will get pissed off at me for making a couple of comments since my team's not participating in this years tournament :rolleyes:

Final Four weekend is always fun. Thank god it's not being played on the Island.....It would have been cool to have the games back to back. Regardless, the nice weather and the Vantreight (or Westside) fans should turn the atmosphere up a notch.

-Yellow cards in the semi's are very dangerous. The two winning teams could potentially not have a stud for the final. It is very probable for someone to pick up that extra yellow not allowing them to play the following weekend.

-Its a big weekend for the players and for the officials as well. Players like to play in big games and officials like to ref them. Lets hope whoever is in the middle doesn't get carried away with the hoopla.......If Simon Fearn is in the middle of the park, I am going to have a howl.

-It seems that the eighth place team to qualify from the VMSL always does well. I know Metro Ford won the competition a few years back as the final VMSL entry and I think the same could be said about Peg........but not sure. So watch out for Sporting.

-Past final four experience can play a major part. So watch out for Surrey.

-Fan support can be a massive intangible. So watch out for Vantrieghts

-Coaching and strategy can be the one thing that tips the scales for team over another. WAB coach of the year..........So watch out for Sapperton ;)

Good luck to the teams,


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
Dirty Money
cerebral smallsy said:
i have not heard anything official about this supposed protest. it is undoubtedly a waste of time so there is no sense in getting worked up over it. the chances of a replay are about the same as vantreights chances of winning their next game. hopefully it is against us. :D :rolleyes:

A bit confusing. What happened exactly? Correct me if I am wrong, but I read that the ref gave a red to someone he thought he had already issued a yellow to. If so did he flash the yellow then the red, or a straight red?
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