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Mike Tyson - he's back...


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
TSN.ca said:
WASHINGTON - Mike Tyson talked about sinking into depression, referred to himself as Mr. Mom, and called his next opponent "real cute."

Yes, The Mike Tyson Show is headed to the Washington. The former heavyweight champion announced Tuesday that he'll fight journeyman Kevin McBride on June 11 at the MCI Center - Tyson's first bout in nearly a year.

"I just hope these people of Washington, D.C., are prepared to handle this," Tyson said. "It's going to be a train wreck."

The 38-year-old Tyson, 50-5 with two no contests and 44 knockouts, lost two of his last three fights. In his most recent outing, in Louisville on July 30, he was stopped in the fourth round by Danny Williams after tearing cartilage in his left knee.

"I know Danny Williams don't think he won that fight," Tyson said.

He had surgery - the knee is fine, Tyson said Tuesday - and he's been training in Phoenix for three weeks.
Mr Entertainment is getting back into the ring! I wonder if he will break his back in this fight? "I broke my back...spinal"

He is almost right though...HE is the train wreck!!!


New Member
Oct 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Still the best show in Boxing...unless you include the Hollywood produced "the Contender", or "The Champ"...which is to real boxing as "The Simpson's" is to reality tv.

Say whatever you want about Tyson...wherever he goes, the interest in him follows. It's just too bad that Don King has ripped him (and everyone he manages, for that matter) off so badly.

Nuff said.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Rivermouth said:
Still the best show in Boxing
Say whatever you want about Tyson...wherever he goes, the interest in him follows.
Nuff said.

i hear what your trying to say but its just not true. with fighters out their now like zhab judah, keith holmes, manny pacquiao, floyd mayweather jr., shane mosley, and our good old canadian boy ATURO GATTI i don't have the same interest in a tyson fight as i once did. sure i'll watch, but for my money i would much rather pay to see any of the above guys fight over tyson.
he's washed up.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
agree walls by tyson always has that x factor and appeal. He might bite your ear or if he chooses eat your heart and children. i still like watching the guy just by chance that he will do something nuts.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
it is expected their will be an announcement later in the day that james tony has tested positive for steroid use and will be stripped of his wba title that he obtained in the john ruiz fight 2 weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
And what may I ask does that have to do with Mike Tyson and or his back? Start a new thread, nugget.

It's spinal...


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Here he is...MIKE TYSON!!!
Tyson talks tough in press conference

Associated Press

6/8/2005 5:36:40 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) - Kevin McBride barely had a chance to utter what seems to be the only phrase he knows when Mike Tyson told him how it was going to be.

This wasn't the new charming Mike Tyson. In fact, it sounded suspiciously like the Iron Mike of old.

"I'm going to gut you like a fish," Tyson told McBride.

Those were fighting words, and Tyson will have a chance to back them up when he launches the latest comeback of his turbulent career Saturday night at the MCI Center against the unheralded Irish heavyweight.

Tyson hasn't shown in recent years he can fight like he used to. But for a few moments at Wednesday's final pre-fight press conference he sure sounded like he did in the days he was terrorizing the heavyweight division.

Of course, it's easy to sound tough when the opponent is McBride, the so-called Clones Colossus who seemed afraid to even be at the press conference, much less in the ring against Tyson.

"I'm a contender, not a pretender," McBride kept repeating, as if to convince himself that he does have a chance against Tyson in the scheduled 10-round fight.

A lot of fighters have a chance with the 38-year-old Tyson these days, as Danny Williams found out when he stopped Tyson in their fight last July in Louisville. McBride, who has been going to a hypnotist to get himself ready for the fight, doesn't appear to be one of them, however.

McBride got the fight because he was willing to work cheap - $150,000 US to the $5 million Tyson will make - and because Tyson's handlers figure he'll be easy to hit and go down a lot easier than Williams did in his aborted comeback fight.

At the press conference at Howard University, McBride was virtually ignored until the end by a town enjoying its lovefest with Tyson.

Even the member of the Washington, D.C., boxing commission sitting on the dais, Arnold McKnight, had to tell Tyson that he loved him.

"I love you too, brother," Tyson replied.

McBride might have something to worry about since the same commission appoints the referee and judges for the fight, but few think the judges will have much to do with the outcome anyway. McBride may be big but he's slow and easy to hit, and has never beaten a heavyweight of any consequence.

About the only good thing anybody can say about McBride is that he's six foot five, 275 pounds and holds the Irish heavyweight championship.

"A tomato can," is how Tyson described him.

While McBride may not be much, Tyson hasn't exactly looked like the baddest man on the planet lately, either.

He's been stopped in two of his last three fights, and once again has to be packaged as a reborn fighter who has rededicated himself to his craft to make people believe. He's got a new trainer in Jeff Fenech, says he has stopped smoking marijuana and wants to be the heavyweight champion once again.

"I'll go back and take what the people owe me," Tyson said.

Tyson was at his amiable best for most of the press conference, posing for pictures, making jokes, hugging the promoter and clapping for all speakers. He even applauded his ex-wife, Monica, who is now serving as a business manager of sort and will get $750,000 herself from the fight as part of Tyson's bankruptcy reorganization plan.

Tyson is making a $5-million purse, but he owes nearly $40 million to various creditors and will likely see only about $250,000 or so after he gets done making payments under a court ordered bankruptcy reorganization plan.

Tyson is in desperate need of a win, both to resolve his financial problems and to keep his career going. His purses are already shrinking from what they used to be, and a loss to another unheralded fighter would likely spell the end of his career.

Though Tyson has been in tough times lately both in and out of the ring, he still remains as probably the biggest draw in boxing. Washington promoter Marty Wynn said some 13,000 of the 17,300 tickets for the fight have been sold and said he expected to near a sellout by fight time.

Wynn said he had options for Tyson's next two fights, with one scheduled for November assuming Tyson wins.

"People call this a circus and some reporters call it a fiasco," Tyson said. "But you have to understand that these people aren't here because I'm a circus. They're here because I'm an icon, an international star."

McBride apparently thought so as well, saying that it had always been his dream to fight Tyson and now his dream was coming true. That dream actually could have come true last year when McBride was offered the fight at similar money but his manager turned it down because it wasn't enough.

"When the Tyson fight came up this time I grabbed it with all my hands," McBride said.

Mad Mike in classic form! Now, the question remains...come fight time...will the train derail or remain on the tracks? Who will show up fight day? The Pigeon breeding guy or the ear biting guy? 50/50 shot at being right!

Is anyone going to pay to watch this?


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Mcbride says he "grabbed it with all his hands". How many hands does he have exactly? Him no talk good. Has he been taking speech lessons from George W. Bush? Fcuking hell, McBride and Tyson together couldn't form a coherent sentence if you locked them in an English classroom overnight with George Orwell, Shakespeare and Fastshow.

Gee, this fight is obviously destined to go the distance. :rolleyes: I'll take Tyson in the first, 45 seconds in.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Or McBride in the 6th :eek:

The train-wreck in the ring must be over now. How the hell is Iron Mike gonna make up the $40 million he owes though?

Reality TV is his only option... put him on The Apprentice, not with Trump though, put him on the Martha Stewart version :D


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
You have to be kidding me...

Mike Tyson turns porn star!
Asian News International
London, August 4, 2005

Former World Boxing Champion Mike Tyson may star in a porn film with Jenna Jameson.

Tyson, who retired from boxing last month, said that he desperately needs money to pay his tax bills of several million dollars, and a porn career could help him in his cause.

"I just talked to a gentleman called Jimmy who's involved with Jenna Jameson. They said they were interested in getting me involved in the adult film industry. I need the money up front," femalefirst quoted him as saying to Zoo magazine.

American boxing journalist Pedro Fernandez also said that Tyson, who was jailed for six years in 1992 on rape charges, would triumph in the sex industry.

"According to court documentation from Tyson's rape trial, his member is at least 14in long. If Tyson brings out some of the ferocity that made him a champion, he could definitely become a successful porn star," he said.
Nothing really surprises me with this guy...


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
This is just ridiculous! What is the premise behind the video going to be???

Boxing related? Will he be biting???

It should be the top story on Sports Center tonight!


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Fcuk, lets be honest, we will ALL watch it if he makes it!! If I was a porn producer, I would give Tyson shiteloads of money to get him to do it... it would be the highest selling porn movie of all time.

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