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Moore hit on Naslund

Was the hit clean?

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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Legal hit or not?

Listening to Team 1040, there is a lot of talk that really, the hit was clean. In today's NHL, I have to agree. But I also see where Crow is coming from in regards to his rant about players respecting each other... then again, not too many around here said the same thing when Bure hit Churla or Peca nailed Selanne.

What's the TTP concensus?



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm sorry but that was not a clean hit, he went out of his way to stretch his elbow out to get a piece of Naslund as he went by. Naslund even tried to get out of Moores way and Moore still leaned out to get a piece of him.

In Moore's defence though, he probably didn't know it was Naslund, as he said, and was just trying to lay a hit on someone. Still it was not a clean hit by any stretch, whether by accident or intentional. An elbow is an elbow.

What everyone should be talking about, and I'm sure what Crawford was asking (and swearing about) to the refs, after the play, between periods, and after the game, was how 4 guys on the ice didn't see the play and then Colorado gets a power play out of it.



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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
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Seriously, I didn't see any elbow stretch out. How can you say Naslund tried to get outta the way? If anything, he dove right into it :confused:

Ever hit in the NHL these days consists of a player "going out of his way" to get a piece of someone else.



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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
So your saying if a guy tries to miss a hit coming at him and the other guy sticks out his knee then it's OK, he's just going out of his way to lay a hit?

I know most guys dive right into a hit if they can :rolleyes: but i dont think Naslund was standing straight up when he was hit. I think he was falling trying to get out of the way. Moore could just have easily pulled away from hitting him with his elbow.

Even Linden said it was dirty.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Even Linden said it was dirty.

ooooooooohhh, then it must have been dirty. :rolleyes:

It was quite possibly one of the cleanest elbows I have seen in a long time. Naslund should keep his head up more. Crawford should quite whining and sort his hair out, as well as work on dealing with his pre-pubescent(?) voice. Just an impartial observation.

Go Flyers


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
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Naslund was falling, but not to avoid the hit... I believe he was diving to poke the puck back to the D.

Was Naslund vulnerable? Yes. Should have Moore shown some restraint? Probably. Was the hit "dirty"? No, well, it's not as clear-cut as you may like to think. There was no elbow stretched out.

Sticking a leg out to get a hit IS dirty and not what I was trying to imply whatsoever.

Let me ask this... when Big Bert is having one of his mean hitting streaks and builds up a head of steam to nail a defensemen behind the net when he isn't looking or has his head down, is it "dirty"?



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh, well, if Linden says it's dirty then it must be.
Moore could just have easily pulled away from hitting him with his elbow. Why the fcuk would he pull out?
It's a rough game, Naslund was mid-turtle when he got hit and that's why he was at the same level as the elbow. That was no more an elbow IMHO, than when Scott Stevens left Lindros on Stupid St. with no bus fare. Since you live down that way,Yoda mind picking him up?

Think you're reaching just a bit here?
So your saying if a guy tries to miss a hit coming at him and the other guy sticks out his knee then it's OK, he's just going out of his way to lay a hit?


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
Naslund was falling, but not to avoid the hit... I believe he was diving to poke the puck back to the D..
I agree here, he was poking the puck most likely. But how come Moore only caught him with his arm? Why wasn't he hitting him square in the logo? Bad timing i guess, from a "young kid", as crawford puts it.

Let me ask this... when Big Bert is having one of his mean hitting streaks and builds up a head of steam to nail a defensemen behind the net when he isn't looking or has his head down, is it "dirty"?
Depends on whether he hit's him with his elbow or nails him straight on like he always does.

Let me ask this, is elbowing a penalty even if it was an accident?

And Linden knows everything. Except how to score apparently.

KNVB, i live on Idiot Lane, it's TR that lives on Stupid St.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I guess I just fail to see where *the elbow* comes into play here... from what I saw, there was no elbow at all... I thought it was more of his shoulder than anything.

But even if it was the elbow area, wtf is a guy to do if he has someone lined up with his shoulder and the opposing player at the last second falls towards the ice? It's the same thing with players turning their backs to a hitter at the last minute and drawing a "hit from behind" penalty...

Reporting from CallingitlikeIseeit Court,



Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
I think the issue here is that Moore went after Naslund's Head........In my opinion I think he did. Hence, the "bounty" from Brad May.

If he hit him anywhere else on his body, I don't think much would have been made from it.


PS; I just wish someone would have just gone after Moore the next time he came on the ice...........

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Concensus from our local office group of hockey "experts:"

1) Moore didn't use his elbow. Local video judge (not French, BTW) claims that he saw no followthrough; just a shoulder and forearm. To see an example of elbow followthrough, rewatch Stevens hitting Kariya from last year.

2) Chances are, he didn't realize that it was Naslund he hit; he was just trying to hit anybody wearing a Canuck uniform.

3) Naslund should not have had his head down like that....:rolleyes:

4) The hit was late. Naslund no longer had the puck. (This point was hotly debated).

5) Next Canucks vs Avalanche game (Wed., March 3rd) will be very interesting.

6) Apparently Naslund's cut (and possible concussion) came from his head hitting the ice after his helmet was dislodged.

Composition of "experts" group by team supported:

Canucks - 3
Leafs - 2
Stars - 1
Oilers - 2
Kings - 1
Flames - 1



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
IMVHO, i thought that Moore should have been lining him up to hit him square in the chest, not hitting him with a elbow/shoulder as he was skating by.

Trying to get a video of the hit from the TSN website, found a replay and close up, but can't get it downloaded to post it.

Naslund leaned to poke the puck, then leaned back as he saw Moore coming, Moore leaned out to catch him with shoulder or elbow, or something.

Now the Bertuzzi 2 for 1 hit was sweet. Helped get the winning goal i think

if you want to see the highlights go to

Go to Audio Video section at bottom and obvioulsy pick the Vancouver/Colorado highlights. You need to register to view the video.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Clean hit!!!

I wonder if everyone would be screaming bloody murder in this city if Tyler Bouck (sp?) laid the same hit on Sakic or Forsberg? Crawford would have said it's a man's game, you need to keep your head up!!!

Pussy!!!!! :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Haven't seen the hit yet, but it is interesting how the usual suspects line up one side or the other.

The two camps are:
A. the ones who'd do the same thing if given the chance.
B. the guys who'd be the victims.



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
That was no more an elbow IMHO, than when Scott Stevens left Lindros on Stupid St.
Scott Stevens always leads with his elbow and IS a dirty cnut!!! :mad:

IMO - the hit was late and a 2 minute penalty at best... The kid was reaching for anything to get his team going and we all love it when Ruutu or Cooke do it... Yes Nazzy was falling toward the ice and got a solid elbow/forearm, but I think the cut came from his "bloody" visor!!! ;)
May Day was right in going after the wee shite and Crow's rants in his post game interview was exactly what a coach is supposed to do!!!

As Bronco suggested, I'd have had Brookbank go head hunting after Sakic or Karyia!!! Maybe have Ruutu cuff Peter (I moan more than Bert and get less Penalties for it) Forsberg with his glove on!!! :eek:

Verdict = should be a good March 3rd.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
It was not a clean hit but it was a typical hit in the NHL these days. I really believe that Moore aimed for his head when his initial challenge was timed incorrectly. There should have been a penalty simply because the consequences of the hit were so damaging. Going after Forsberg or Sakic, well personally, I hate that shite. If referees did their job, that wouldn't be an issue. So lets maim the stars of the game and then we can all watch the Brookbank's and the Laraque's play.

The thing is, Moore's hit was significant because it was on a "star" and it ended in an injury. Otherwise, these hits happen every game. I truly believe that Matthias Ohlund's hits are for the most part illegal. His arms are up and he aims for the head and his elbows are always involved. Crawford better be careful for what he asks. He might just get it.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
May has a perfect opportunity to crack Moore in the face, instead he opted to push him. What a joke, he better make up for it in 2 weeks.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Brook Ward had three types of classifications for the hit last night on 1040.

A Clean Hit.
A Dirty Play.
A Cheap Shot.

What he was getting at is that a cheap shot is a hit well within the legal parameters of hockey, but still takes advantage of a guy in a vulnerable situation. Like what Scott Stevens does any time a guy is buzzing around the blue line with his head down.

Dirty play, to me anyhow, is the Kasparitis/Samuelsson/Marchment shite where they blanantly go after knees and attempt to injure. Stuff that is clearly defined in the rules as dangerous - knee on knee, hitting from behind into the boards. You can barely decipher whether Moore gets Naslund with an elbow or shoulder, so to say he was trying to goon him is a bit of a stretch.

The real problem is that you can no longer send over someone to jump Moore and beat the snot out of him. If May dropped the mitts and started throwing him he'd have gotten a 2, 5 and a 10 and the Nucks would have been shorthanded for half the period.

I think this is where Crow has legitimate beef - Moore really does have no reprocussion for nailing a team's superstar. He's not going to the penalty box and the rules actually protect him from getting the beating he probably deserved. If you want to do something ballsy like run Naslund and make a name for yourself, there should probably be some price to pay for doing it. The tradeoff for a marginally-skilled 4th line goon in exchange for the captain at the NHL all-star game is a joke.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

Balls, do plan on going through your entire adult life dressed like a man, but acting like a woman?
I really believe that Moore aimed for his head when his initial challenge was timed incorrectly. There should have been a penalty simply because the consequences of the hit were so damaging.
How do you know he aimed for his head? He was looking to lay an open ice hit, Naslund saw it very late, if at all, and didn't even have time to find his happy place. Problem is he was half way to the ice, doing what ever it was he was dong, before he was even hit. All this chat about an elbow is rubbish. He didn't throw one! Naslund would have been fine if he hadn't cracked his dome on the ice.

Are you really suggesting someone get a penalty based on if the guy get's twated or not? Fcuks the point of having hitting at all then? Even if you call penalty based souly on who's been hit, you're gong to end up have the NBA's "Jordan rule."

Drop the instigator and non-of this happens in the first place and if it does Moore pays the price, but then of course I wouldn't watch anymore because I don't like fighting in hockey.


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