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New teams, possible changes, and probable improvements to the premier div next season

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New Member
Mar 27, 2003
Dirty Money
FVSL league is shite and you know it

So ... who the fuc would want to join with a bunch of idiots who are nothing more than a weekend comedy show on the pitch.

Another viable option for the FVSL woul be to join with the Vanvoucer womens premier league, it is definately closer to the skill level found out in the valley. Maybe the valley teams should stick to farming and cultivating the blue berries that we all enjoy. Would the farming community in the valley be able to share the pastures during league play, don't you think you should have a community meeting down at your Ruskin Hall, maybe the mayor and all could come, but you better check with all the real powers out in the valley - the farmers. Are the farms going to be able to survive with so many of the manual workers investing time to compete at the superior level of the VMSL ? How are the women going to be able to feed the families of double digits when there men are concerned with their soccer more than they are about collecting the eggs, milking the cows and harvesting their crops? Maybe there is alot more to the issue of merging the FVSL and the VMSL than you originally thought? I can fully understand though since it would be hard to think that early in the morning, what time does the Rooster wake you - 5:00 am???

Give your head a shake farmer boy, go plow your field and leave the soccer to us!


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Hooded coward

And what team does your majesty play for in the superior vancouver league?I notice on your location it says walnut grove? Are you a moron? you live here you dipshit.Do us a favor and go bang a tractor tailpipe loser.Cause that's what We valley boys do right Hooded Owl.Geek!


New Member
Mar 27, 2003
Dirty Money
your mom feels my girth


Well that only took you 12 minutes to come up with such a sophisticated response. I bet you did all that between milking your goat, pullin a few spuds from the patch and cleaning out the chicken barn. If you thought about my location long and hard you would realize that it couldn't be true, Walnut Grove come on... think about it valley boy!

Girth.... did your grandma give ya that name, or was it your mom, how bout one of your 12 sisters ??? I know it must have been someone in your blood line.

Take care pig fuker!

Oh ya, did you get a chance to start planning that community meeting regarding the stadium for this seasons FVSL cup play, oh wait i guess your too busy structuring the Pitt Meadows corn maze!


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Zenga? Is that you?

Hooded owl,

This is hillarious stuff. I've never heard the inbread, corn growing farmer stuff before. Pure genius.

TTP needs a comedian like you. Keep up the good work.

Oh, before I forget. Your last two posts, and Girths, were off topic. Keep to the topic at hand or your posts might just dissappear. It's happend before.;)


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
I have to agree with 2 left footed hooded owl............vmsl is alot better...Except for the metro ford wolves cat team.They are possibly the worst team in B.c....................they accumulate so much farm leftover is attrocious.. The cat team is made up of losers and wananbees.just look at their coach....Hooded owl.......where do u play? who do u play for?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Funny, I was thinking the same thing...Zenga's visit, all over again!

Hooded Owl get's 0 points for humor, and -2 for originality. Bag of hammers.

Blah, blah, blah...boring.....:rolleyes:

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Hooded bowls

Every once in a while, the TTP family must be forced to endure the rantings of the painfully insane. First we had "The creator," Regs, who surely must be insane to start such a site as this.

Then along came TheRob, proving that Valley boys have a place in everyone's society, even TTP society. But he too, clearly, is nuts.

We also have KNVB. While not completely insane, he sure is a cnut!

Then there's Dude. 'Nuff said.

How Sid ever figured out how to turn a computer on is beyond most regular TTPers. Yet there he is, week in and week out babbling incoherently IN CAPS with nary a spell check to be found.

Of course Luc Van Lierde (or Ronaldo or Lance or...whatever) pushes the sanity boundaries with his "challenges" to vastly superior teams and players; just hours before he plays them.

There are countless others. Fastshow (thanks for the receipts, coins, et al), Jinky, Reccos, Osame Bin Madden to name but a few. All clearly nuts.

Then, just when we thought we had exhausted the moronic views of the world, along comes hooded owl. Yeesh. I suppose he's trying to stir up something in this thread, ala Bronco. But I found myself too busy laughing at his inept and feeble attempts to stereotype the Valley to even consider a response.

Please, hooded owl. do us all a favour and go post something in the "vanvoucer" women's league thread. I'm not sure where that league plays out of, but I bet they have some cracking players.:rolleyes:

Just to keep on topic - GEU sucks and they looked horrible against Delta. I fancy a Firefighters - Peace Arch quarter final. This will give the FVSL a true test.

Please, let brooding fowl do his thing and ignore him. I'm sure he will go away.

The Monkey


New Member
Jan 5, 2002
Dirty Money
Monkey, even without the peace arch shout, that was money.:D




Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Hooded Wanker,

Feel free to bash the FVSL. Just do it here. In fact I encourage you to keep it up. Fcuking hillarious stuff. I love it.


New Member
Mar 27, 2003
Dirty Money
Lucky Lucy

Hey Lucy,

Can you name 11 players from the Valley that could compete in the VMSL? Please I don't want some made up team of your superstar players coming over from Scotland or wherever else you claim to have contacts. Just produce a list of 11 players that have ever done anything with their soccer, I don't mean backyard church soccer either.

Maybe if you took the time to pull your head out from under your dairy cows you would wake up and smell the scent of the pig shite that is leachy from your ass. Your arse has seen more prick than a pin cushion!!

Wake up sunshine and realize your strengths --- hey atleast i'll admit that i can't milk a cow, maybe its time you admit you can't compete at the superior level of the VMSL :D

Produce a list and then i'll have a good laugh!

crafty cokcney

New Member
Nov 25, 2002
Dirty Money
A little help Lucy!

I'm sure you will come up with your own shower of shite Lucy, but to help you on your way to answer Tawny Owls question here is a hint.................

The whole fukcing Firemen team are Valley Boys, mainly North Delta...:p

I'm not sure if North Delta qualifies as the Valley Barn Owl but it's pretty close.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Man, I can't wait to find out who, exactly, Hooded Owl is...if he is actually a player.

I'm already a huge fan.:rolleyes:


New Member
Mar 27, 2003
Dirty Money


I have seen you play and if your consider yourself a ''PLAYER" than i should be in the premiership... as far as you knowing me, hell if that happened you would probably want to be me !



Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
the golden boot winner in the vmsl last year and this year lives in maple ridge. As for making an entire list..well rookie......i don't eat worms.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
this argument isn't going to happen.......it's pointless peewee........don't reply to this ...just take a hike


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Next thing I know you’re going to call me a mucker:rolleyes: . Please don’t. Because, you know, that would be the first time.:rolleyes:

As I’ve already stated, I do want to be you:rolleyes:. Really, I do. Let’s list all the things you have going for you so far: original piss takes:rolleyes: , a cool nick-name:rolleyes: , (because, you know, anything is better than “Dude-where’smycar?”), and a great sense of humor (the mama joke…top shelf…:rolleyes: ).

The one downfall: you’re a pussy. Sorry bro…something I haven’t been accused of (and I’ve been accused of a hell of a lot, if you’ve been reading). We’ve given you ample opportunity to tell the masses who you play for (if you do play), so why the hesitation? You see, those are typical TTP stall tactics you’re displaying…come here, talk a lot of shite, tell great jokes (really, they are one of a kind…you need to write a book :rolleyes: ), mama slags (Girth has never, ever heard that one :rolleyes: ) …anything to avoid revealing yourself.

I’d call you yellow (have I already? I think I have, haven’t I?), but I wouldn’t go that far. You’re so cool, and I wouldn’t call anyone I want to be like yellow.:rolleyes:

In case you’re wondering, this symbol::rolleyes: means sincerity:rolleyes:.

So, ummmm…out of curiosity…who do you play for, Subway (eat fresh)?


New Member
Dec 2, 2002
Dirty Money
Easy FVSL lads, easy..like hooded's woman

FVSL guys….paying attention to the Hooded Wanker….c’mon Dude you know better. He (and I use that term loosely, as sexuality has not been determined…and for that matter probably never will) ‘suddenly’ started posting TTP notes against FVSL.

This ‘thing’ is already a member and thinks ‘it’ has started something quite funny with this usual rhetoric and signing in with a new name – wow, you are funny…oh, hooded one….

1) Hooded Wanker – you’re breakfast for anyone with a brain – so go back over to VMSL threads and have a field day….
2)If you are not just playing some existing TTP wanker with a new name, then it’s strange that you would just sign up and go right after FVSL people. Perhaps one of us, or in your case, most of us, has pounded your current lady or slut sisters of late…
3) If in fact you do hold these judgments against the FVSL people, you are likely from the North Shore – which, quite frankly, contains the most ignorant sods in the lower mainland. These fcukers actually think it’s cool to not know any geography beyond Burnaby…
4) The VMSL is better than FVSL. Well done. Everybody knows that. The guys in here are not comparing. The simple fact is that the best teams compete there, but if there were a few established clubs within the FVSL district….what would happen ?? People talk about the first merger and relegation, but Surrey FC found out they would have a spot in VMSL on a Thursday night….league started on Sunday. If they had some time to prepare, they would still be present, and quite frankly, extremely dominant within your ‘little’ league.
5) Hooded Fowl….your little comment about naming 11 people is pointless….they already exist among you and many more in VMSL, just do not want to put names out there and let you know that they have already infiltrated the ‘greatest’ soccer league ever…..some of them even spend most of their lives out here, move inward, play in the VMSL, and then pretend their past life in the valley where they grew up....never existed…right REGS???
6) The quality of play in BC in the last decade is in serious decline. It is actually quite ridiculous that VMSL people still think they are at a top level….top of what? Boys, there is nothing better than a good team from BC doing well in the nationals, but overall, things are not what they used to be. I’m just a mucker, but I have watched tons over the years and this crop of teams is not even worth discussing…..VMSL or FVSL…or on the Island…..compared to 10 years ago.
7) I live downtown, and quite frankly the best night when soccer lads are out is when the FVSL teams come down because they always have the hottest chicks with them and they know how to party. Not sure about you, but I have not seen anybody getting paid to play in either league yet. So unless you consider the ‘free’ trip to Saskatchewan by winning BC’s a major goal, then why wouldn’t most of your goals be directed to play with your best mates…..
8) Ten years ago, you had great party teams like Peg, Wolves, and Fireman, and they could kind of compete in partying with this one team from the valley….but now the VMSL have all disappeared in party abilities. Oh….but not the FVSL guys. So let’s add it up. You have more BC champion medals. Cool man…those are good times…good times….here is VMSL thinking………”There is nothing better than going out Sunday, and getting that win, and then after our showers, running home to our moms/bitches/boyfriends for a night of cuddling and hearing how our simple life is better than our farm boy compatriots.”
9) Sorry, here is the rest of the lower mainland on a Sunday…..”Thank god I do not have a wanker like hooded owl on our team, that loser cannot even carry a conversation let alone a beer cooler. Hey, what was the final score, oh really…hmmm…acch well, lets hit the pub all night anyways”
10) FVSL lads, do not respond to these guys. Their league is better, no doubt, made up with plenty of our FVSL lads. So who cares. Imagine having to play freaks like this on weekly basis. We’d all be red carded for the season, because you would just have to kick them, sort of like the class idiot with the sign on the back. Take note over the summer at various tournaments where the fun all starts and ends…..its always the FVSL people with personalities dominating these geeks.
11) Congratulations VMSL players, you are the best !! Ignore the last 2 years and GORGE, you will reign supreme again this year. But as usual, your little candy, half-ass party attempts will fall by the wayside. Oh well, at least you won 2-1 in the most important event of your fcuking boring life………….


Now excuse me, I have to go to bed. I have to get up early and prepare the pigs for going on a downtown Vancouver trip on Saturday…better make them look pretty so hooded owl gets laid at least once a year…………

So please all FVSL people, do not respond to "little red ride-me-hooded-ass"- it is just a geeky wanker with no life skills....
:knvb: :knvb: :knvb: :knvb: :knvb: :knvb:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
some of them even spend most of their lives out here, move inward, play in the VMSL, and then pretend their past life in the valley where they grew up....never existed…right REGS???
This hostility is unprecedented :rolleyes:

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