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NHL Transactions and Such


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Here is a good link to keep you abreast ;) of all the transactions(buyouts, signings, etc.) in the NHL for the next few months. It's going to be crazy with all the teams making cap room and signing free agents.

Check it out:


Philly has already bought out Leclair and Amonte. Anyone have any idea where either one might end up?


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
Philly has already bought out Leclair and Amonte. Anyone have any idea where either one might end up?

Eventually six feet under in a grave or perhaps as ash in an urn on a mantle somewhere, I reckon. Geez, you're just not too bright sometimes. Do I need to explain where your pets go too?


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Everyone knows pets go to farms. They're better off there with room to run.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Montreal Canadiens - Decline team options on Patrice Brisebois and Gavin Morgan.

Detroit Red Wings - Place Derian Hatcher, Darren McCarty and Ray Whitney on waivers.
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
All three Red Wings will be bought out, as they have cleared waivers.

Rumours have Forsberg going to Toronto, Vancouver, or Anaheim.
But Anaheim only if Naslund ends up there, and Vancouver if Naslund stays. I love Morrison, but could you imagine a Bertuzzi, Forsberg, Naslund first line.



New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
are you an agent for the three of them keep??? how do you know what they'd sign for this year??


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It's not rocket science Walls, even you should be able to figure out that these players will feel that a 24% cut in pay is more than enough. Each one should and will command the 20% of the team cap afforded.

No more Kariya/Salami deals.


New Member
Oct 26, 2002
Dirty Money
I agree we could not afford all three but I honestly think that no new contracts will be at the 20%. Teams will have a hard time filling out rosters if they do that so I could see 17-18% being the highest. Some old overpriced contracts might be up there but teams can't control that. I think many players are going to have a serious reality check on what they are worth to teams in this new system. It will defintely be interesting once teams start signing players. I am not sure if it the lack of hockey this year or the fact that Canadian teams can now get any player they want to but I don't remember being this interested in a hockey off season.


Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
It's not rocket science Walls, even you should be able to figure out that these players will feel that a 24% cut in pay is more than enough. Each one should and will command the 20% of the team cap afforded.

No more Kariya/Salami deals.

How Swede it would be Forsberg and Naslund ponder idea of packaging their playing rights

Elliott Pap
Vancouver Sun

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Markus Naslund remained uncertain Tuesday about his future with the Vancouver Canucks, but he did confess to one thing: He'd like to play with fellow countryman Peter Forsberg.

In an phone interview from his hometown of Ornskoldsvik, Sweden, Naslund confirmed a report in the Swedish press that he and Forsberg are considering the possibility of becoming a package deal.

"Who wouldn't want to play with Peter?" Naslund responded when queried about the report. "We'll see if that could work out or not. I mean, I think you can ask pretty much any winger in the league and they wouldn't mind playing with him."

It would appear the only way the two unrestricted free agents could play together in the new salary-capped NHL would be to accept a discount, as Paul Kariya and Teemu Selanne did two seasons ago in Colorado, or to sign with a non-contender that has plenty of room under its cap.

Naslund and Forsberg are considered among the NHL's elite and would likely command close to the individual salary cap of $7.8 million US. But if they want to win -- something Naslund has stated is vital to him -- then they'll need quality teammates.

So how do you fit everyone into a $39-million budget? Naslund admitted he couldn't answer that question.

"I have no idea," he said. "We'll have to see. It will be interesting. I think everything is still pretty uncertain."

The Canucks have exclusive negotiating rights to Naslund until Aug. 1 and intend to make him an offer. Colorado has the same exclusive rights to Forsberg, but may not be able to afford him after committing $13 million to two players, Joe Sakic and Rob Blake.

Naslund is expecting an offer this week from Canuck general manager Dave Nonis. They spoke briefly on the weekend.

"It's obviously flattering the Canucks want me back," said a guarded Naslund, who turns 32 on Saturday. "I'll wait and see what the offer is. I can't do much more than that and I think I'm going to leave it at that. I don't want to say anything further because I know how things can be read or mis-read."

Forsberg's agent, Don Baizley, cut the 2003 Kariya-Selanne package so he is familiar with the tactic. However, Baizley doesn't represent Naslund and would have to join forces with Mike Gillis.

"I'm not going to comment on every little thing that's in the papers," Baizley told the Denver Post. "I will say that, right now, my instructions from Peter are to negotiate only with Colorado."

Gillis could not be reached.

The Swedish newspaper Expressen quoted Forsberg as saying: "We have asked our agents to seek out the possibilities of us signing with the same team."

Canuck assistant GM Steve Tambellini wouldn't comment on a Naslund-Forsberg scenario, citing tampering rules (regarding Forsberg) that are in effect until Aug. 1.

He did reiterate that Vancouver intends to sign Naslund.

"We want him back," Tambellini said. "I think the people in Vancouver and British Columbia have great respect for him as a person, so we're going to do everything we can to get him back in a Canuck uniform."

- It's believed the Todd Bertuzzi reinstatement announcement will come before the weekend, although Bertuzzi's agent, Pat Morris, said Tuesday he has not been given any heads-up from the league.

"The decision will come down when they've completed it," Morris said. "It wasn't completed [last Friday] when people said he was getting 10-20 more games. It wasn't even started."


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I would take the armchair quarterback offerings and opinions from people such as myself over anything reported by the media in Vancouver anytime.


Won't happen. Plus, Forsberg is injury-prone... noone in their right mind is going to start the season with a $39 million payroll as they will need some wiggle-room of a couple of million in case of injuries and for the trade-deadline.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
willis316 said:
I agree we could not afford all three but I honestly think that no new contracts will be at the 20%. Teams will have a hard time filling out rosters if they do that so I could see 17-18% being the highest.

Thiat is some fcuked up logic, Willis. I don't know why on earth you'd risk losing a franchise player over such a miniscule amount of money.

Take Calgary and Iginla. Arguably the best player available in Free Agency. Easily a franchise guy. You think Calgary is going to take even the slightest chance in negotiations with him? You offer your elite players the full 20% because if you don't, somebody else definitely will.

Hypothetically speaking - Calgary offers your proposed "17 to 18%" deal to Iginla, and that works out to being around $6.82 million (math: 39mil times .175). Toronto steps up and offers the full 20%, which pays Iginla 7.8million.

So, if Calgary was ready to invest $6.82million in their superstar, they're going to let him walk over $980,000? Yeah, right.

There are easily more than 30 NHL guys who think they deserve to be maxed-out under the new cap system. Sad thing is that only 30 will, and the rest of them won't come close.

Say you do something like sign Naslund for the full 20%, and then go nab Forsberg for the maximum amount under, like 19.99999% of the remaining cap space. Now you've tied up nearly 40 percent of available salary on two players - this is where you'll really see market value of players. The second-tier "stars" who can't get max contracts are going to be in a helluva state, IMO.

It's all going to be very NFL like in a few years with guys basically becoming unofficial "franchise" players.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
From what I understand, the 20% isn't on the 39 Million. It is on the total money spent for payroll. If it is only 29 Milllion, the top salary can only be 20% of that. That is the way it was explained by Don Taylor yesterday. Does anyone know if that is the case?


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't think that could possibly be correct as then you would have some pretty brutal problems :eek:

For example... Naslund signs for 20% of payroll. Let's assume the Nucks actually do carry a $39 million payroll at the start of the season... Come January, the 'Nucks are actually shite and not going to make the playoffs... What does Nonis do? Trades some players (other than Naslund) and calls up 3 or 4 players from Winterpeg... All of a sudden the team payroll is at $34 million. In terms of Naslund's "salary", that's a $1 million reduction, no? (granted, not exactly... more like $500,000 as half the season is already over)
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
arthur griffths(sp) asked the question to the Boston owner this morning, and he said it was 20% of the 39 million, also, all bonus and benefit money is incorporated in the 39 million, so the salary for the top players could only be 5 million, depending on their bonus structure and benefits package

shorty made a good point at lunch, saying that we might see more of what kariya and selanne did, mainly due to the fact that some of these have so much money already, if they take a decent paycut to play where they want, or with who they want, it's not going to make a big difference, it will also open up even more room under the cap to get an extra player or two

just a side note: 2007 Memorial Cup is going to be held in Vancouver, announcement will come tomorrow


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
TheRob said:
From what I understand, the 20% isn't on the 39 Million. It is on the total money spent for payroll. If it is only 29 Milllion, the top salary can only be 20% of that. That is the way it was explained by Don Taylor yesterday. Does anyone know if that is the case?

Don Taylor might be slightly retarded (not really ground-breaking news), given this analysis. How can you base the percentage on a sliding team salary amount?

Say Naslund signs with the Canucks for the full 20%, while their salary is at, oh I don't know, $25mil. Maybe they sign him early before filling out the rest of the roster. That means Naslund gets 5 million per year.

But once Naslund signs, the team salary figure for the Canucks now goes up to 30mil...get what I'm saying? His 20% deal is obsolete now. It doesn't work logistically. The point Regs brought up is another good example of an inherent flaw with Taylor's read.

It's crazy that the NHL players have bonuses and incentives capped too. One of the things that allowed the NFL to dance around cap issues was signing bonuses - which is guaranteed money in a league full of non-guaranteed contracts. That's how Jeff Garcia got $5 million bucks for playing 11 games in Cleveland.

the 'eh' team

New Member
Jul 7, 2005
Dirty Money
The 20% max. per player is based on the 39 million. It doesn't matter what the teams individual payroll is. The 7.8 mil. is based on the league wide salary cap.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Report: Wings offer Yzerman a contract

TSN.ca Staff

7/28/2005 10:00:44 AM

Steve Yzerman has a major decision to make.

According to the Detroit Free Press, the Red Wings made the 21-season veteran a contract offer for a one-year deal.

General Manager Ken Holland did not tell the paper how much money he offered, but it is believed to be in the $1.5 million to $2 million range.

"He wants to talk to with his family," Holland said. "He understands our time constraints. He will let us know of his decision by the end of the week, and by Monday, we'll be up and running."

Yzerman has spent his entire career with the Red Wings and has won three Stanley Cups.
Two mil for Steve Y?!?! I guess in todays NHL(a phrase coined by Ryan Walter) you are going to see a lot of the older stars getting offers like this.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Adrian Accoin...4 years 16mil to the Blackhawks????


This really is the silly season!!!!

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