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[North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October & November 2004

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Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004


My spin on things is YOU NEED TO START WEARING THE WHITE SINGLETS to get back on track...look good, feel good ;) . Lupoman, what gives with you guys recently? You are dropping quicker than Guy Gillingham when he caught a Pipes right cross a few years back...(Pipes' ensuing quote: "The juice doesn't make your jaw any tougher Guy")... :p

And Cside you are on a bit of a run...my guess is that ditching the hoops for the curiously similar to the Peg change strip has made the difference...(don't try the Peg red it makes the veins in the nose stand out)... :D

Big nite out for the Peg guys this Friday, training then a get together for old times sake at the old ( North Shore) Peg clubhouse with the "A" team for a National Champs appreciation/recruiting ;) nite and then up to the Serengeti :wa: to unveil the newest prey to the hungry cosmopolitan lapping lionesses..., a Baker, an artist, a physioterapist, (actually more than one physiotherapist come to think of it, at least one of which can do a bike)...

Rumour has it Pipes has been working on his rendition of "you are the wind beneath my wings..."

And Davey should be there :eek: :D :eek: :D

Oh yeah, top of the table matchup this Sunday... :)


Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Lupoman, what gives with you guys recently? You are dropping quicker than Guy Gillingham when he caught a Pipes right cross a few years back...(Pipes' ensuing quote: "The juice doesn't make your jaw any tougher Guy")... :p

Actually it was better described after our loss to Norvan on Sunday that we were going down faster than a two dollar Surrey whore :eek: That loss to Seymour was a killer, we should be 3 and 2, not 2 and 3, and now we are in the thick of things, Malones, then Freybe, Pegs etc. It ain't going to get any easier. Never mind,a few post game beverages ( in cups ) usually make the disappointment of the losses go away, just seems to be taking more each time! Got Blueridge in a cup match tonight, they look a much better team than when we played them in week 1. Now, where did I put that $2? :D


Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004


Hard lines on your Thurs nite 2-1 loss to Wayne's World. I must say with sadness that our club has sustained a greater loss...it seems one of our team members (yes the same one who was banned for life from the Roxy) whilst after a Peg A social event Thursday evening got himself in a bit of mischief at the Thursday Night Cougar Karaoke Crantini-Fest :knvb: and, as the Simon Lebon/J.Heywood lookalike belted out Hungry Like the Wolf managed to get not just himself, not just Peg A, not just Peg Old Boys, but the WHOLE CLUB :eek: :eek: banned from the bar in question : That takes some doing :D

Having said that an excellent Friday turnout at the old Peg Clubhouse which had its share of Cougs as well ;) some 50 club members were on hand to congratulate the National Champs and not be able to drink from the CanadianChampionshipCupbecauseitisn'tacupitsalousytrophy :( Of course we improvised by taping one of our plastic cups we always carry to it for a sip...some Lions Gate Youth vicarious nonathleteparent will probably lodge some sort of complaint I guess...we'll probably get three games...:rolleyes:

Anyway we are now inspired...and looking forward to Sunday ;) ...and for anyone that does not know and is interested Peg A is making a North Shore appearance this week :bronco: (although very depleted) against Sporting at Kinsmen Sunday 1400 hrs...come out and support...Biggs wear your singlet!

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Biggs, didn't see you out at Kinsmen on Sunday...was it meat draw day?
Good result for you guys on Sunday though against the venerable shotstopper Lupoman.

I see the injury riddled Norvan side managed to limp its way to victory over Lynn Valley...7-0 I think! :eek: Odd how they could field a side capable of potting seven goals and wasn't it a shutout :rolleyes: this weekend but by last Friday (2 days before the drubbing of the Valley lads) had already determined that they were too injured to face Peg the following week :confused: :confused: Must be clairvoyant to see that far ahead ;) ..or very selective... :rolleyes:

:( :(


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Sir M

I was there but not so obvious without my snowwhite singlet :eek: You guys had a great game and were again moving the ball well. I know the sausage boys think they were deserved of the close score but I would suggest the 1 goal game was somewhat flattering to them. Duzzi has a great shot but you might get Craig to make his own decisions in the future.

Our game was very one sided and Lupoman was very brave to have another shot in goal vs Malones. His last effort saw 9 go by him so good on him to stand his ground and keep the score down. :D

This coming week we have cside17 guiding his faithful into a hangover fest vs Malones. I'm hoping they party well into the night for any Halloween activities as I know a few of us will. Too bad we have the early match :(


Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

biggs said:
Sir M

I was there but not so obvious without my snowwhite singlet :eek: You guys had a great game and were again moving the ball well. I know the sausage boys think they were deserved of the close score but I would suggest the 1 goal game was somewhat flattering to them. Duzzi has a great shot but you might get Craig to make his own decisions in the future.

Our game was very one sided and Lupoman was very brave to have another shot in goal vs Malones. His last effort saw 9 go by him so good on him to stand his ground and keep the score down. :D

This coming week we have cside17 guiding his faithful into a hangover fest vs Malones. I'm hoping they party well into the night for any Halloween activities as I know a few of us will. Too bad we have the early match :(

Actually we now have the late game. Being President has it's perks! :D

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

cside17 said:
Actually we now have the late game. Being President has it's perks! :D

May have to come out and watch that one after the O/40s game...nothing else to do :mad: Tough one to predict...

Also may go watch some of my work mates on PAU take on the Omnipotent Slurrey Rangers Friday night due to being banned from the Serengeti...(or not...)

I have a life, really... :eek:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Come, come now.

It's top quality fitba you'll be taking in for a change.

Speaking of taking in for a change, I'll need to get my pom-poms dry cleaned to impress Friday.


Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Rangerforever said:
Come, come now.

It's top quality fitba you'll be taking in for a change.

Speaking of taking in for a change, I'll need to get my pom-poms dry cleaned to impress Friday.



Didn't PAU beat you last time you played? ;)

Are you @ Newton Athletic? I already have a vest, a throwaway and I think my Hep C shots are up to date, do I need anything else?

And just to stay on topic, and as I don't like fence sitters, I predict Cside and Biggs et al as a tie.


Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

It was the best of days, and the worst of days........the best of today was that long time Lupudlian Tim Green aka "Hooverman" became a proud first time father this morning, his wife gave birth to a healthy, but somewhat pre-mature baby girl. Mother and child are doing well, not sure about the father, has a habit of bring a bit squeemish when the blood hits the fan, as it were.From all here at Lupo central we wish him all the best with his new addition. From there it was the other end of the spectrum, I was at the memorial service for Hannah Smith, the nine year old daughter of Mark Smith who plays for Norvan. Such a courageous child, always a smile, a cheeky comment, and never complained about her lot in life.....always concerned about others right to the end. When you think your have problems, a day like this puts life in focus, from the joy of a newborn, to the loss of a child who had barely got a start in life. The wins and losses really don't mean much , do they.



Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

A 3-1 loss a step in the right direction? :confused: Depends who you are and who you are playing. Still missing a few key players due to injury, we put together a good effort today, most players still having to play way too much because of injuries, illness, etc. The score flattered us somewhat, but a stellar preformance by Marco Fanzone between the pipes, in his first full game in two years, kept it close. We'll be facing Coveside next week, who should be really happy after losing a close defensive :rolleyes: struggle to Malones 6-5. Ain't gooned anybody lately, time to sharpen up the old cleats..... well maybe not. We'll see how the hangover is.


lupomanlookingforthatbottleofbushmills :D


Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Coveside Vs Malones Match Report


Malones shoot score
Malones shoot-OG
Frenchie from Malones gets fouled- rolls 10 times, screams 10X louder
Malones shoot score
Frenchie-See above :rolleyes:


Frenchie- falls over a water bottle- see above for the rest!

Coveside- header goal
Coveside shoot Score
( Frenchie may have had another moment somewhere around here)
Frenchie-definitley had a moment here. Went into a crunching tackle, studs up, with our big man EW. EW won-( see above for the theatrics) Frenchie retreated to the sidelines. Like a true Frenchman!

Malones shoot score
Coveside shoot score
Malones shoot score
Frenchie came back in, guess what? If your from Blueridge, see above!
Coveside shoot score
(Frenchie was involved somewhere here :rolleyes: )
Malones shoot score
Coveside shoot score

Final score Malones 6-Coveside 5.

Frenchie had approx 76 rolls on the ground. And yelped more than a two bit hooker, being whipped in an S&M movie.

It took us 15-20 mins to wake up, but we had spotted them 3 goals. I thought we out played malones, but kept shooting ourselves in the foot. Basically our backline let us down today. We defended like the French during a war :eek:

Ohh well the pints were good afterwards, we outlasted them on the field, and at the Black Bear afterwards.

Should make for an interesting rematch :D

But we won't have a party the night before.


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004


Happy Halloween and thanks for the 3 points :bronco: :bronco: :bronco:


Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Does anyone know anything about the rumour I heard this weekend about a certain Freybe striker taking credit for a goal against us last week which was scored by our midfielder on his own net on an assist by our left back Pistilli... :eek: with 5 mins to go? Was he even on the pitch?

I mean he got one gift in the 1st half when his 30 yard wormburner went in off of the post as our (not wearing his glasses) left back yelled "BYE" and our goaltender stood there and admired it:rolleyes:

Surely this cannot be true :confused:

PS Looks like we have been reinstated at the Serengeti : :bronco:


Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Yes Duzzi tried to claim the OG, as stat keeper, I didn't count it. :D If for no other reason, than to wind him up and let him whine :eek:

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

cside17 said:
Yes Duzzi tried to claim the OG, as stat keeper, I didn't count it. :D If for no other reason, than to wind him up and let him whine :eek:

Thats a shame. Poor fellow to stoop to that. Maybe he needs counselling. :rolleyes:

PS He certainly doesn't need your winding up he can do just fine on his own by what I can see.:p


New Member
Oct 9, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Sir M

I couldn't catch sight of you in the crowd of 10 to watch our defensive stuggle. Both teams lined up with nothing in mind :eek: and we both played a perfect mindless game :cool:

The best chance of a defencive stand came after the game when a Coveside dad tried to stop Jags's mutt from stealing his sons lunch. He missed and the kid was in tears :mad: Coveside were left to win the beer drinking but even then, after a peek into their website it would appear not too many of them like to open their purses. :rolleyes:

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

biggs said:
Sir M

I couldn't catch sight of you in the crowd of 10 to watch our defensive stuggle. QUOTE]

Sorry I missed it...lots of goals anyway :eek: I got a bit sidetracked with the over 40 lads and by the time I looked at the watch it was already 1 PM. Whose gonna win the Freybe/NVan tilt this weekend? Wonder if Norvan have recovered from their rash of injuries :rolleyes:?

Looks like the Peg starting goaltender has returned to the fold after his short lived venture back to Metro...and HE knows enough to never listen to Harry... A little bird told me he could very well be making his 0/35 debut this weekend. That is someone else's call, however ;) ;) , as I will be in Mexico :cool: :wa: :cool:


Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: [North Shore Coaches League] Results & Banter - October 2004

Another disappointing outing today, just can't seem to get it together this season....if it's not injuries, it's guys going out of town, busy, or just plain don't care. Shored up the line up a bit this week end, with John Davidson and Dave Jeffs making their return to the fold... plus we are looking to get some of our long term injuried back within the next week or so to try and salvage the second half of the season. And just to keep things in the swing we get to face Pegs on the 14th, out of the frying pan into the fire....burn,baby,burn!!

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