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Numb from the Covid


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
Thanks @Regs and @Dude!

We found a really good Neoeosurgeon at VGH who actually listened and believed us because his sister was going through the same thing and he was the one referred us to the US neurosurgeon to get the test done. One thing that he mentioned that stood out for me, he said that they weren't allowed to speak against vaccines, they weren't allowed to suggest that the vaccine was causing injuries and if they did then their license will be reviewed by the board. Which seems quite strange to me.

You are absolutely right @Dude she could of had neuropathy in her system as a sleeping gene and after vaccine it triggered the neuropathy. As a matter of fact the video that I posted earlier in the chat the doctor does say that the vaccine triggers sleeping cells that causes other illnesses (cancer, neuropathy etc...). There are just to many unknowns.

My wife is fortunate to meet other people who are going through the same experience and they have close to 7000 active members on there social media group who were all injured by the vaccine. One particular case that stood out for me was a young border patrol agent who was basically forced to get his vaccine or else he would loose his job. Went and got his vaccine and on the way home driving had a heart attack and crashed his car. Now he is still at the hospital and guess what they told him the cause of heart attack? It was myocarditis. The wife tried to make this public and contacted all news channels and they all refused to run the story. This is just one story out of thousands of people in Canada alone. Of course this is a small percentage of people considering millions of people who got vaccinated and never had any issues. Just to be clear I am not against vaccines, I think vaccines have its place in our society and should be available to people who wants to get them, they should never be mandated and forced down our throats.

One thing that Trudeau mentioned yesterday when he addressed the truckers that really passed me off he said that 80% of Canadians got vaccinated and done their part to make Canada safe but what he forgets to mention is that at least 20-30% of that 80% got vaccinated out of fear of loosing their jobs and not being able to go anywhere it was never done by choice.

@Dude Lyrica is what my wife has been prescribed and also a ketamine cream that she puts on every night. It seems to help for her pain it goes from 10/10 to 8/10. I'm sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with it, I wouldn't wish this condition on my worse enemy the amount of pain that people deal with this condition is crazy.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks @Regs and @Dude!

We found a really good Neoeosurgeon at VGH who actually listened and believed us because his sister was going through the same thing and he was the one referred us to the US neurosurgeon to get the test done. One thing that he mentioned that stood out for me, he said that they weren't allowed to speak against vaccines, they weren't allowed to suggest that the vaccine was causing injuries and if they did then their license will be reviewed by the board. Which seems quite strange to me.

You are absolutely right @Dude she could of had neuropathy in her system as a sleeping gene and after vaccine it triggered the neuropathy. As a matter of fact the video that I posted earlier in the chat the doctor does say that the vaccine triggers sleeping cells that causes other illnesses (cancer, neuropathy etc...). There are just to many unknowns.

My wife is fortunate to meet other people who are going through the same experience and they have close to 7000 active members on there social media group who were all injured by the vaccine. One particular case that stood out for me was a young border patrol agent who was basically forced to get his vaccine or else he would loose his job. Went and got his vaccine and on the way home driving had a heart attack and crashed his car. Now he is still at the hospital and guess what they told him the cause of heart attack? It was myocarditis. The wife tried to make this public and contacted all news channels and they all refused to run the story. This is just one story out of thousands of people in Canada alone. Of course this is a small percentage of people considering millions of people who got vaccinated and never had any issues. Just to be clear I am not against vaccines, I think vaccines have its place in our society and should be available to people who wants to get them, they should never be mandated and forced down our throats.

One thing that Trudeau mentioned yesterday when he addressed the truckers that really passed me off he said that 80% of Canadians got vaccinated and done their part to make Canada safe but what he forgets to mention is that at least 20-30% of that 80% got vaccinated out of fear of loosing their jobs and not being able to go anywhere it was never done by choice.

@Dude Lyrica is what my wife has been prescribed and also a ketamine cream that she puts on every night. It seems to help for her pain it goes from 10/10 to 8/10. I'm sorry to hear that you were diagnosed with it, I wouldn't wish this condition on my worse enemy the amount of pain that people deal with this condition is crazy.
Hey, I hope she gets a handle on it, I'm telling you: I did, after getting the right answers. In the beginning, hugely disruptive to my sleep, primarily, and it spiraled into other areas of my life, including more drinking. I drank to help the pain, but it didn't. Getting the pain under control was job #1, but after that, it literally hasn't stopped me from doing anything I want to do. If anything, I'm more active on a day-to-day than when I was playing footy. So....just here to tell you there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel.

I find myself agreeing with nearly all you say. I've been opposed to the strongarm tactics our government has taken, from the beginning, and vocal about it. The trucking industry, don't get me started on the real devastation this is having RIGHT NOW to our economy. Not down the road, right now. I don't lay this at an independent business person (American or Canadian) who chooses not to put a vaccine they aren't comfortable with into their bodies. I put this on bad government policy, plain and simple. IN the beginning, they got it right, allowing exceptions for truckers to go back and forth as an essential service. This is as contactless as it gets, and all outside work. Now, with vax passes, if they are unvaccinated they can't go into most public places, so the system was already in place to minimize contact and "keep everyone safe". What is the logic behind fcuking with that now? It's illogical, and literally only serves to hurt Canadians.

Yes, there have been certain bad actors in the last week that color these guys in a bad light. I was incensed at the defacing of Terry Fox, etc., but this doesn't represent the whole. Most truckers are just guys like any of us: small business people that want to provide for themselves and family. Most- like any segment of population- are pretty normal. Not racists, not assholes, and just want to get on with their job. I don't like comparing this "Battle for Freedom" to actual, real battles in the past. I see this as a good economic debate...but economic debates don't grab headlines, photos of Terry being dressed up holding a Canadian flag upside-down do, so shame on those idiots for giving the press something negative to focus on.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
@Dude - sticking an upside down flag in the arm of Terry and putting a hat on him isn't defacing him. Throwing paint all over Sir John A. - that's defacing. Sorry, I just can't get excited about what happened to Terry when so many other statues have had far worse done to them - and with nary a peep from the politicians and people throwing tantrums now (present company excluded).

@lego3 very, very sorry to hear about what your wife is going through. the lack of an exemption for further vaccines must be maddening - that makes absolutely zero sense to me. and yes, i can imagine that it would make you extremely reluctant to see your kids vaccinated after that experience.

I think even the numbers you posted just for general admissions still show that the unvaxxed are hoovering up hospital resources at a higher rate. Almost by definition, it would be even more so in the ICU. But yes, I accept your point about the stats about who is where and for what reason being rather vulnerable to manipulation.

I just don't understand why we are increasing restrictions when this thing is finally settling down. It's poor policy, but more than that it's never going to pass the smell test for ordinary Canadians who are sick to death of the more legitimate restrictions as is.

And if Trudeau thinks he's going to wait them out... polling has shown a majority of Canadians favour a reduction in restrictions - for the first time since the pandemic started. I'm not so sure this is a political winner for him long term - and besides, does he realize how long it will take to tow every single one of these rigs out of there?

One last thought - this protest is a public nuisance at this point and is obstructing travel and commerce through the political heart of our society. If there's no way to end it legally, that's a giant loophole that needs closing. But, I suspect there is a way, and just like the lefty protests out here, our elected leaders are way, way too slow to the punch on that...


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
Thanks @Dude, I am hopeful that it will get better.

As for the trucking industry, people don't realize the severity of this situation. The produce that comes from south of the border ain't coming and if it is then the shipping cost is significantly higher and then that cost gets passed on to the consumer. It makes zero sense for what the federal government is doing. Of course Mr. Trudeau is calling them racist, how in the world are they racist by not wanting to get the vaccine? Also, trucking industry is probably the most diverse industry. I have seen white, brown, asian, and black drivers come from all different backgrounds. Just because they don't agree with Trudeaus views then suddenly they are racist and not Candian enough? This is so fcuked up.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks @Dude, I am hopeful that it will get better.​

As for the trucking industry, people don't realize the severity of this situation. The produce that comes from south of the border ain't coming and if it is then the shipping cost is significantly higher and then that cost gets passed on to the consumer. It makes zero sense for what the federal government is doing. Of course Mr. Trudeau is calling them racist, how in the world are they racist by not wanting to get the vaccine? Also, trucking industry is probably the most diverse industry. I have seen white, brown, asian, and black drivers come from all different backgrounds. Just because they don't agree with Trudeaus views then suddenly they are racist and not Candian enough? This is so fcuked up.
Completely effed. There is a strong trend in the "Woke" community to pigeon hole anyone who holds a tool or operates equipment for their livelihood as racists. Its as easy as the brown guys on this site going to the racist cards as often as they do. :D But, seriously....what got me fired up is the trend by Trudeau and the "Woke" community, now and in the past, of labelling this group as racist, as uneducated, and basically thieves, like when he outright accused the small business community of being tax dodgers. The reality is, our PM is a coward who refuses to actually sit down with this community and discuss the issues and solve problems. He's not a politician who wants to solve problems and get his hands dirty. It seems his entire existence is to simply build bigger and bigger, self serving, government. I don't know how else to describe his actual actions. In this pandemic, as the following article describes, the small business community is being burned to the ground. Small business still represents the lion's share of employment in Canada, so dominant it's not even close. The big box outlets? Thriving. Amazon? Killing it. The little guys? I'd hate- fcuking HATE- to be a restaurant owner these days. Can't get employees, the ones you have are woke and extra difficult, and you are now having to play with 5 cards ina game requiring 7. It's fcuked.

No media is truly middle ground. Really hard to find good writing without the hysterics, one way or another. This is a good one, though: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-truckers-are-the-proxy-protesters-for-a-lot-of-angry-canadians

"Like the truckers. The gap between those insulated by government employment and everyone else- and government employment especially includes politicians- is currently the deepest divide."


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
@Dude - sticking an upside down flag in the arm of Terry and putting a hat on him isn't defacing him. Throwing paint all over Sir John A. - that's defacing. Sorry, I just can't get excited about what happened to Terry when so many other statues have had far worse done to them - and with nary a peep from the politicians and people throwing tantrums now (present company excluded).
As for you, we all know you are a Canadian hating racist, which is why you hate Terry. And love Johnny Mac..


;) Note the rarely used winky emoji.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Thanks @Dude, I am hopeful that it will get better.

As for the trucking industry, people don't realize the severity of this situation. The produce that comes from south of the border ain't coming and if it is then the shipping cost is significantly higher and then that cost gets passed on to the consumer. It makes zero sense for what the federal government is doing. Of course Mr. Trudeau is calling them racist, how in the world are they racist by not wanting to get the vaccine? Also, trucking industry is probably the most diverse industry. I have seen white, brown, asian, and black drivers come from all different backgrounds. Just because they don't agree with Trudeaus views then suddenly they are racist and not Candian enough? This is so fcuked up.
wokeism 101. can't win on the merits so have to demonize anyone who doesn't fall into line. the tranny movement is the worst for it, but anything in the social justice warrior tent is prone to it too. vile.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Completely effed. There is a strong trend in the "Woke" community to pigeon hole anyone who holds a tool or operates equipment for their livelihood as racists. Its as easy as the brown guys on this site going to the racist cards as often as they do. :D But, seriously....what got me fired up is the trend by Trudeau and the "Woke" community, now and in the past, of labelling this group as racist, as uneducated, and basically thieves, like when he outright accused the small business community of being tax dodgers. The reality is, our PM is a coward who refuses to actually sit down with this community and discuss the issues and solve problems. He's not a politician who wants to solve problems and get his hands dirty. It seems his entire existence is to simply build bigger and bigger, self serving, government. I don't know how else to describe his actual actions. In this pandemic, as the following article describes, the small business community is being burned to the ground. Small business still represents the lion's share of employment in Canada, so dominant it's not even close. The big box outlets? Thriving. Amazon? Killing it. The little guys? I'd hate- fcuking HATE- to be a restaurant owner these days. Can't get employees, the ones you have are woke and extra difficult, and you are now having to play with 5 cards ina game requiring 7. It's fcuked.

No media is truly middle ground. Really hard to find good writing without the hysterics, one way or another. This is a good one, though: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/re...proxy-protesters-for-a-lot-of-angry-canadians

"Like the truckers. The gap between those insulated by government employment and everyone else- and government employment especially includes politicians- is currently the deepest divide."
You're so bang on with this I had to look twice and make sure it's Dude...

A lot of public sector employees have no idea how the real world works. To the extent they do, they just want to control it. They've managed to get rid of the traditional tradeoff - better benefits and job security for less pure income than your private sector equivalent - and turn it into a situation where the best thing you can do for yourself is get on the government tit. That's no more healthy a situation for an economy than having it be driven by the housing market. We currently suffer from both ills.

The young wokies represent a similar problem. They have such simple lives relative to people with 3 kids, 2 mortgages, and one wife, that they have all sorts of time to sit on social media and ruminate about what a utopia would look like. Because they have no idea how things work, and aren't anywhere near the levers of power, they aren't remotely bothered by how the practical application would work. And, they've never been told "no" in their lives. So, "it should be that way" gets conflated with "it must be that way".

Add it all up and someone like JT can harness the combination of ignorance and righteous indignation to really do a fcuking number on the country while staying in power for a good long time...


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
You're so bang on with this I had to look twice and make sure it's Dude...

A lot of public sector employees have no idea how the real world works. To the extent they do, they just want to control it. They've managed to get rid of the traditional tradeoff - better benefits and job security for less pure income than your private sector equivalent - and turn it into a situation where the best thing you can do for yourself is get on the government tit. That's no more healthy a situation for an economy than having it be driven by the housing market. We currently suffer from both ills.

The young wokies represent a similar problem. They have such simple lives relative to people with 3 kids, 2 mortgages, and one wife, that they have all sorts of time to sit on social media and ruminate about what a utopia would look like. Because they have no idea how things work, and aren't anywhere near the levers of power, they aren't remotely bothered by how the practical application would work. And, they've never been told "no" in their lives. So, "it should be that way" gets conflated with "it must be that way".

Add it all up and someone like JT can harness the combination of ignorance and righteous indignation to really do a fcuking number on the country while staying in power for a good long time...
Drop Mic GIF by Captain Obvious


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
The media is reporting that Djokovic will be getting vaccinated. He must have hated seeing Nadal win the Australian Open.
The protesting truckers are receiving more and more negative media coverage. Blocking roads at Coutts Alberta and flying swastikas in Ottawa are unacceptable


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The media is reporting that Djokovic will be getting vaccinated. He must have hated seeing Nadal win the Australian Open.
The protesting truckers are receiving more and more negative media coverage. Blocking roads at Coutts Alberta and flying swastikas in Ottawa are unacceptable
Yup, you will always have idiots and bad actors in any cause, especially stupid given you know it'll get negative media play.

What isn't sexy? Bad fiscal policy. That doesn't "sell newspapers". Swastikas and defacing Terry Fox does.

Willingly take steps to destroy a country's economy? Free pass for JT and his gang, but hey, look over there? That trucker with the hat is doing something stupid! Suzie, roll the camera!


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
As they said on the radio yesterday the conservatives missed a real opportunity to stand on the podium and say we see you, we believe in the freedom of choice and what the actual truckers are here for and whatever anti Trudeau info they want to spew but you with the confederate flags and Swastikas you aren’t with us and we don’t want you here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I've been biting my tongue this whole time wanting to say exactly this.
It's an absolute fcuking disgrace what the citizens of Ottawa have had to go through.

Seriously - Fcuk off.
All of you.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Worth a read

Like I said, two sides to every protest.

When Vancouver is taken over by protesters for whatever socialist cause is the latest, we have the same issues. People shitting and pissing wherever they want, setting up tents in the middle of the city, closing down roads, generally behaving like assholes.

Personally, I don't endorse ANY of those ugly bi-products, but I also oppose a government that refuses to bring parliament back into session, and clouds economic issues with phantom health issues. We have a government that RIGHT NOW takes action that has driven a stake through it's people.

This IG poster has expressed some completely valid feelings...but let me ask this: if there were no protest, and the policies regarding cross border shipping were the same, and her price of produce doubled, and quality fallen to shite....would she be mad enough to write an IG post calling out the government?

Too many people are getting mad about the WRONGS THINGS! Don't get me wrong, the occupation and behavior of those making it hell, I don't agree. But....what can be done? I've written my letters, what else?

Truckers being asshats because a store requires a mask, a law the Provincial government put into place that the store owner- a small businessperson, just like the trucker- has no control over. Well, that's just dumb.

Conveniently ignoring real, dire, economic issues all because you are mad about asshats taking over your city? Also DUMB.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
The media is reporting that Djokovic will be getting vaccinated. He must have hated seeing Nadal win the Australian Open.
The protesting truckers are receiving more and more negative media coverage. Blocking roads at Coutts Alberta and flying swastikas in Ottawa are unacceptable
The Australian government let a different player in to the country who was Covid positive and still let him play. This player actually knew he had Covid while in the air enroute to Australia. So being unvaxxed is more dangerous than actually being Covid positive? What a fcuking joke.

And as other people already posted. Of course there will be some bad apples in a huge protest. Those flying the swastikas are obviously cunts.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
The media is reporting that Djokovic will be getting vaccinated. He must have hated seeing Nadal win the Australian Open.
The protesting truckers are receiving more and more negative media coverage. Blocking roads at Coutts Alberta and flying swastikas in Ottawa are unacceptable
Let's be clear - protesters ought not be tarred by the brush of a single idiot with a swastika. Moreover, the media actually tracked the guy down, and he made it crystal clear that he loathes swastikas and Nazis and the lot. The whole point was to equate Trudeau's current approach to it. Obviously grossly inaccurate and hyperbolic, but it's 100% acceptable speech in a liberal democracy.

Of course, if it isn't, then I assume you'll be leading the charge to denounce every single lefty that calls every single right wing commentator they don't agree with a Nazi...

As for Coutts, I must have missed the righteous indignation when the eco-terrorists jammed up our highways, railways, and pipelines right on the eve of Covid. Spare me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I have sympathy for IG girl, but she's wrong about the jurisdiction. The trigger (traditional usage) for the protests was the federal decree about cross-border truckers. It came into effect Jan 15, and the US followed on Jan 22 - if you think Justin didn't send over some maple walnut ice cream to ol Joe and ask him to play along, I have a bridge to sell you in Iowa.

The truckers are right where they belong in terms of jurisdiction.

The fact that she lumps a Trump flag in with Nazi flags and homophobic slurs tells me all I need to know about her. I won't call her a "nasty woman", but she clearly has a political bent and this makes me take all of what she says with a grain of salt.

All that said, she's right that a civil society can't allow protesters to create this much of a nuisance for helpless members of the public. This is exactly why secondary picketing is illegal. This could have been cleared out forthwith on that basis, just as the eco-terrorist efforts in BC could have been. For all the complaining of the Ontario based politicians, why is no one off to court to get an injunction against the truckers? I bet enough of them leave voluntarily that the rest see the writing on the wall and follow suit.

Rant over.

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