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Numb from the Covid


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Also, it’s Charlie’s birthday today.


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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Almost sorry I asked :(

Off The Rails Football Fail GIF by Hashtag United Official


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
dude you are full of it! Commons sense that is!

Exactly that. How many have had the virus but didn’t get checked? For the first many months we were told to stay home and isolate if you had symptons. How many have had it with out knowing?
So what’s the real numbers then? No way the powers that be have tracked every covid case in the land.

also, how many of the deaths in Canada have come from old age homes? I’m seeing over 90%.

but we are masking up our healthy children? Not one child has died. “But it’s not about the children”.
it always is about our kids and their future. Always. Masking them up and creating fear is not healthy to them. To save grandma the tv tells us.
But grandma is going to die of loneliness anyways as she can’t see her grand kids!

Too many folks listen to the media and tv and not do any math on their own. The stats are there for all to see.

but the stats of unemployment, over doses, people living in poverty doesn’t seem to get everyone going. The real killers.

let’s get back to life and stop living in fear of the invisible monster.

Seeing kids play in masks, in the outdoors., is the saddest site to me. When they are all safe and sound. Masking up our future.
Listen to the TV Johnny. Don’t question anything!
But mom I’m healthy and feel great. But you “could” be sick. You never know.
Healthy seeds to plant in our future generation! Lol.
@LION , couldn't resist. If I'm going to rant, may as well do it in the right place.

Again, find myself very middle road on this. I do believe this virus is very real, but I still don't see how it is anything worse than a bad flue. I have a good friend I discuss this with a lot. He likes to say, "I'm not an epidemiologist, but...", but he's actually a couple of years away from his PHD specializing in epidemiology. So, when he says he isn't, it's not like me saying I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV.

We find ourselves both very middle road on this, if maybe slightly right of center on it. When I say I don't feel like this is anything worse than a bad flu, or something like walking pneumonia, I do strongly believe that. Getting pneumonia will knock anyone healthy right on their ass, and could kill anyone with pre-existing conditions. I freak out about it every winter because my wife went through a bad season with it, and as a result now her lungs are severely compromised. Because of this, we take our yearly flu shots, and currently following guidelines because, well, I actually like my wife, and who would do the laundry? I joke, I kid, but seriously, who'd do the laundry?

Pneumonia is certainly a huge contributor to the death of our elderly population. Influenza is highly contagious. I tend to take a lot of my cues from my pal, only because I really have no idea who I can trust, or what I can trust as sources of information. He's pragmatic, and I try to be.

We have a lot of time to talk these days, not because I'm not busy, but he's not. Business went tits up due to COVID. He'll be fine, has cash stashed away and will go back into some other smart person field sooner than later, but he has to sell his soul and work away from Whistler now. Better than being on the street.

Do I think we have a HUGE indoor air problem in Canada? Yeah, I do, but I've felt that way forever, way before this mess.

Do I believe this is very communicable? Yes, absolutely. I think that in itself is the biggest issue, it spreads far too easily.

Do I believe it's worse than pneumonia? I really don't, sorry.

This is really, end of day, what a lot of these measures are about, keeping the medical system underwhelmed. But I'll tell yah, when I went in for shoulder surgery in April, it was fcuking cool having a private hospital to myself. I liked that. Honestly, empty. Probably some poor cnut sitting at home at the time dyeing of a heart attack because he was too petrified to call 9-1-1.

I want to get on the other side of this, and I don't like people losing their livelyhoods, so I am doing my part...but fcuk me it's long since gotten stupid.

BTW, @LION, how's your work going? Can't be easy being in the restaurant services business. Your folks' place?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Someone riddle me this.
what’s the chance of catching Covid in BC? How many people caught it vs population here in BC.
what’s the chance of dying from Covid in BC if you are under 60 and healthy once caught?

is this enough to kill businesses and people’s livelihoods?

Why when there is more world wide deaths from famine and poverty, is this not what we all work towards fixing? Why isn’t that on the news every night and talking about how many kids are dying yearly cause of health issues. Talk about saving kids and raising their quality of life Or we talking about the 85 year olds in old age homes.

I find it strange everything stopped with these odds and numbers.

@Dude , I lost my job cause of Covid. So did hundreds of thousands of others in the hospitality industry. I am not a couch potato and this has effected me on many levels. I am willing to take my chance with a bad flu. But I can’t make that decision for myself. The government makes that decision. But big pharma to the rescue! Can’t wait to get that Pfizer vaccine with a 94% effective rate. Should bring my survival chance from 99.7 to 99.9! Lol

Really, after anyone with a brain sees the numbers in all this. I’m baffled that folks are ok with the shut downs and masking up kids. For what? How in anyone’s mind is this a good thing for society?
the numbers are there and pretty clear
What percentage of deaths are coming from old age homes?
someone do this math. And sees that we need to mask up healthy kids? Shut down their activities and development?

someone please make me understand this. As I don’t get it. At all.

we do know the long term effects of poverty and unemployment right?
we do see the OD’s happening this year in BC? The numbers are 3-4x the covid deaths. And it’s usually younger people not folks in their last years waiting for the next flu to take them out. Younger folks in depressed situations perhaps... with years to give to society and their families. But covid is what’s taking over the news everyday, covid is what sells vaccines for big pharma. The exact same companies that have adds on these stations. And same companies that have x politicians on their boards. Do we know the long term effects of this vaccine? But we are ok with it? It’s so strange as it doesn’t add up. At all.
All lives are important. But where was the guys willing to go to war for the freedom of their kids and families. But now masking up their families for less than a half percent chance of even getting a bad flu!

this whole Netflix couch potato generation isn’t effected. They love the lockdowns. Lots of people’s lives have barely been effected. Go to work, come home, watch your shows, and repeat. Maybe the 6pm news is one of their shows. Wear a mask they type from their couch. The tv says they are hero’s for staying home. They love it! But it doesn’t effect them. The Walmart shopping home body is the hero now! The news said it. It has to be true!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
@LION so sorry to hear of the job loss, maybe someone here with a business will see this and reach out to see if there is a fit or a way to help!

In other news, I see the good doctor has created another shitestorm with latest statement/orders concerning amateur sports. Government website(s) not in step with these things and sport organizations are up in arms trying to decode what it all means to them.

I will say, I don't know why youth sports are being asked to step back to a previous return-to-play phase if there have been no published numbers / outbreaks reported that are directly attached to youth sport events, particularly soccer.


lucious lyon wtf GIF


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Very unfortunate. And here I am unable to find workers or get those who are employed to consistently show up @LION If you are interested in a career change I have an open position in the trades as a flexo graphic print press operator for my company.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
@LION, really sorry to hear this my friend.

Let me start by saying, through this whole thing I have tried to be extra sensitive. I have also tried to manage my connections to keep my sanity. I have at least three close buddies that are way off on the right side deep end. These are the conspiracy theory Trumpians that actually believe Bill Gates is the mastermind behind all this, and the vaccines will include a nano-bot technology to track us. These are also the types that defend Trump in everything, and believe he was cheated out of an election. Yes, these are Canadians (well, one an Aussie). One I’ve completely taken a break from. The other, I have lunch or breakfast w/ him once a week, and yesterday literally got up from lunch after another Trumpian style badgering, walked away, and said, “Fcuk off, you can buy lunch, it’s your punishment for the last half hour.”

These are the same guys that in February were showing me videos of Chinese bodies pilling up in the streets, and buying actual gas masks in anticipation of this biological war we were about to enter into. It’s a lot, to deal with these crazy theories and be bombarded, to the point I am ending friendships. Won’t see one at all, walked out on another yesterday, and my Aussie buddy, I just choose not to ride or ski with him for a couple of weeks, and remind him that the discussions put me in a bad place, so let’s drop it.

People are hurting, and people need positivity. I go out of my way to send positivity (again, TTP safe place) because there are some days where I’m on the verge of tears, the fear of the unknown. Not of death, not of my family’s physical health, but their mental health. Fear of not being able to provide for them, or keep my employees employed. I have weekly leadership meetings with my management group to discuss if we need to lay people off, and we keep finding ways not to. I lose sleep over this shite. My wife is right now on a TEAMS call we started at the beginning of COVID-19; it’s only there for all of our employees to get on and have a work free talk to see each other. Today was heavy. One COVID outbreak where grandma lives, worry. One with a close friend just went in for surgery to remove a cancerous brain tumor. Brain cancer is nearly a 100% death sentence, oh, no visitors allowed. He may just pass on without being able to see many of his loved ones, because of new COVID-19 policies. This is a 46 year old father of two. Hits home. My wife just signed off on the call telling everyone that times are tough, keep smiling, we’ll get through this together.

Meanwhile, I’ll have another meeting about possible layoffs on Monday morning. This shite kills me.

I’m saying this because I don’t want to come across as those guys falling off the right-deep-end; I’m not one of those guys. Again, this is my safe place to rant a bit. That being said, the mental health side of this is the real killer, IMO.

My best buddy, his wife lost her sister in July to a needle. They found her in her apartment, died alone, on the floor, needle in arm. She had been clean for a couple of years, had been working, and self-sufficient. Yes, she was a recovering addict, and that is a fight I never want to wish on everyone. COVID comes along, she loses her restaurant job, and told to isolate. Fell off the wagon hard.

This is the story that is being ignored.

I really do want to hear from people with, well, more intelligence than I have (that’s tee’d up, go for it). Again, I equate COVID to Pneumonia, highly infectious and deadly to those w/ pre-existing conditions, especially the elderly. My fiend who’s not an epidemiologist but holds three degrees, one a masters in health sciences, and would be an epidemiologist had he completed his PHD, estimates only 10% (high estimate, BTW) of all COVID-19 positive cases get identified through testing. That means our real death rate is closer to 0.1%. Meanwhile, there is a large segment of our population that are just hanging on by a thread, finding the internal strength every day to keep a positive outlook. I am also asking myself, if the cost being justified? Really?

I would also like to know, who has spoken to their elderly parents recently? My dad and second step mom are nearly isolated full time in Qualicum. Second step mom has multiple myeloma. She is extremely compromised, and afraid for her life. She knows what will happen if she contracts COVID-19, or even a flu that can lead to pneumonia. Dad golfs a lot. Never looked better. It’s his escape. Loves his wife and wants to enjoy more years w/ her…but guess what? They are DESPERATE for us to visit this Christmas. So, we’ve booked a hotel, and for two days we’ll explore the island a bit, maybe ski Mnt. Washington, and figure out some sort of safe environment where we can at least see each other. I will also tell you that both of them have the opinion that, WTF, this is predominantly affecting the elderly, people who have lived long, meaningful lives and left behind legacies. People who know they are in the twilight of their lives, and they feel their kids should not be sacrificed for them. That’s my dad’s opinion, that’s the opinion of several of our elderly loved ones. They want to be safe, sure, but not at the expense of the mental wellness, and financial security of their kids and grandkids.

So, where do I fall? Not off the right side, but asking serious questions, and really, don’t get it. I just don’t get it. Vaccine can’t hit our borders soon enough so we can get on with things.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
So there you have it, no indoor OR outdoor soccer as of now:

For youth, back to phase 2.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Phase 1 for the moment we are being told Regs. Keep the 7 year olds 9 feet apart instead of the original 6. No game play. Yah ok.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
This bus full of kids sure had an impact. Patients now being flown down from PG to Vancouver due to over capacity?

I hope nobody gets the impression I'm wearing a tin hat, I'm not. I do ask questions and challenge the answers when they don't make sense. I am positive my impression would / will change when this hits closer to home.

I've had friends w/ loved ones who've contracted this- they have a different perspective. It's more real for them. I've had friends who've contracted it. I find those with right leaning tendencies downplay their symptoms. "They were mild symptoms, I was better in a week, isolated for two." I've got a South American buddy who caught it, and it spread to his wife and two kids. Said they didn't have bad symptoms, but he was knocked on his ass for about a month, bad symptoms he said. No hospital. This guy is an elite athlete, raced on the DH Mountain Bike World Cup Circuit and as recently as last year still racing at the elite level on the World Championships. 35 years old. If you were to ask Yannick, he'd say, for sure, this thing is very, very real.

I then think of last January...caught walking pneumonia. Went on antibiotics. For a solid two week period, I was comatose. For at least a month after my lungs felt like shite, persistent cough. Went to Mexico for a week of surfing and it all cleared up, came home to an airport full of people wearing masks and the news of COVID hitting our shores. Did I have it? I don't know, they weren't testing for COVID in January, but it's pretty well known that Whistler was ground zero for known cases in BC.

I hope people understand, questions are good, and what's not good is any of us being insensitive to people this is directly impacting negatively. I hope my dad or either of my two step moms, or mom-in-law don't get this thing, it'd hurt them bad. For all of you out there reading this whom have had direct contact and have loved ones fighting it, all I can give are my best wishes for a recovery.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Same same Dude. Questions are good. Hard convos are good for growth.
I just called my parents and updated them on what we think the next months will look like. Xmas as well. They are both high risk. They know it. My mom was crying as she misses the grandkids so much. But we need to keep them at bay and maybe a open air visit soon so she can see her grandkids smiles.
this is heavy for everyone in different ways.
luckily my wife gets checked weekly cause of her job, so our house is kind of on top of it.
@akslop thanks for the offer. I’m going to sit on things and see what’s out there in the new year. Enjoying being home with the boys right now. Worked since 13 years old (every weekend at the family restaurant) so it’s been a nice time off and putting energies in to things I love. We are fine financially. Maybe not mentally. But you guys all knew that anyways.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I think that's the key right now, hitting closer to home... I mean it's real obviously but until someone you know closely gets hit with it, it's really hard to keep up and not start asking questions.

Personally I'm not aware of anyone I know coming down with covid or testing positive. Other than my kids school having reported cases and my wife's co-working testing positive (had a massive headache for 2 days, then a-ok), it starts to feel so far away from me.

That being said, even though I am used to the WFH stuff, I am starting to go a bit squirrelly.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I think that's the key right now, hitting closer to home... I mean it's real obviously but until someone you know closely gets hit with it, it's really hard to keep up and not start asking questions.

Personally I'm not aware of anyone I know coming down with covid or testing positive. Other than my kids school having reported cases and my wife's co-working testing positive (had a massive headache for 2 days, then a-ok), it starts to feel so far away from me.

That being said, even though I am used to the WFH stuff, I am starting to go a bit squirrelly.
“The whole argument is really easy...either you trust in the science and people or you don’t. I have lots of degrees hanging on my wall, yet I still acknowledge that there are millions of people that are really smart (much more than me in subject matter) doing the absolute best they can. No conspiracy or other BS can cut across so many players.

Occam’s Razor: Is it more plausible that millions of scientists are racing to help society (with the backing of multinational corporations that make profits IF IT WORKS) or that millions of people are involved in a large global conspiracy to make people sicker so Big Pharma can control us?”
-Words from my much more smarter buddy.

I choose door #1, thanks. That’s where I’ve chosen to put my trust. It’s way less scary to me. I choose to trust in humanity, but I have questions.

I get my back up about limiting our OUTDOOR activities and movements. Even wearing masks outside, I get agitated, but go along. Back to trying not to be a dick, I try to be respectful of others and their nervousness. Fear of the unknown is real. That said, it’s not magic that influenza and other airborne viruses “wake up” in the winter. It’s because we are spending way more time indoors in close contact w/ each other. “Flu Season” is absolutely related to poor indoor air quality. It is the time of year we breath in recirculated mechanical air. It should be called the “indoor Air” season…certainly a bigger issue in commercial settings, but also residential…yet the powers that be are telling us to stay indoors? In the beginning, they fcuking shut down parks, from municipal playgrounds to Provincial parks and campgrounds. Really? Why does the flu die down during Spring and Summer? Well, because we are opening all the doors and windows. Fresh air in Canada is a luxury compared to the rest of the world, where in many major industrial centers your outside air is polluted worse than the indoor air. We take it for granted, and I keep saying, the outdoor air is your best friend in this pandemic.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Well there you have it.

Stay-at-home extended to January 8th now in BC. Fcuk me.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Well there you have it.

Stay-at-home extended to January 8th now in BC. Fcuk me.
Extended again to February 5th... Why a whole fcuking month in one shot? Can't you shorten to 2 weeks at a time now?

Fcuk, even I am starting to think "fcuk it" and take a chance going out for a lunch or dinner with people. Don't mind not having family over, that part is OK by me :)

Henry attributed the spike in cases to changes in how the province collects data, but she cautioned the province's curve is trending upward.

Quit fcuking changing things up all the time! I am really having a hard time figuring out why the wishy washy crap is still going on here.

On another note, not happy that some dope in prison is likely to get vaccinated before my family is. Crime doesn't pay?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
doing the same damn thing over and over and expecting different results is insanity. I think it’s time to realize these soft spotty shut downs are not working!

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