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Numb from the Covid


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@LION I'm not going to argue the buses vs. soccer

The restrictions are absolutely incomprehensible in terms of their lack of consistency. There is no doubt that certain industries/groups get special treatment because of their lobbying power. The proof is in the change in restrictions around ages allowed to practice sports, hastily made around Christmas due to the hockey lobby demanding it to allow Junior hockey teams to continue to operate. It sucks for us, but I think it's a reflection on our soccer community and how self-interested so many administrators of the game are that we don't have a stronger collective voice despite such a massive membership. But that's a topic for another day.

There is unfortunately a serious lack of Canadian data. I remember when Bonnie was questioned about reporting on deaths in Long Term Care homes. She said it was unfeasible for them to continue doing it once the number of outbreaks increased because the computer systems couldn't collate the data. It was literally each care home sending in a spreadsheet, and some govt employee having to manually merge/enter it somewhere else every day to get the stats. Sorry, too much work!

So, the US is really the best reference point I can give. And yes, we are not them, but do you not consider that part of the reason we are doing so much better than them through the pandemic is because we actually have restrictions in place that people follow? You can't tell me it's purely because they are more obese on average. I don't think the virus attaches to fat cells. They have 4x the number of infections on a per capita basis. If we had 20k active cases here would you be concerned? If not, what's the threshold? And if you look at any country's chart of infections you will see that growth was exponential prior to having some form of restrictions, so the point is that current 5k could easily become 20k if we aren't careful.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
So, the US is really the best reference point I can give.
If you're trying to ignore data that doesn't support your position.

They are not reporting granular/micro data because the populace would lose their shite if the true numbers were exposed. Generally speaking, all deaths occur in older and very unhealthy people.

The median age for morbidity in Canada is LOWER than then median age of covid-related morbidity in Canada.

Global News edited a news media show when they were reporting on how the numbers were really scary at care homes... then some joe average's figured out the message they said and then Global went back and edited their story.

Turn off the news. Stop living in fear. Choose life.

choose life renton.gif
Last edited:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'd also like the new take on who has died of Old age in the past vs. now calling it COVID?

We may never know, and "old age" is now being cancelled, too.

The new term for "old" is henceforth, "Persons with Experience in Life". Since you can't really say "Person with Experience in Life dies of too much experience in life", they have just decided to cancel it. "Old Age", that is.

The beauty of this term is that it is LGTBQ safe. It can be applied to a he / she or they, interchangeably. It's supper user friendly, and that's what I appreciate about it. I feel more woke as a result. It's a double whammy of woken goodness.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
It will be interesting to see the final death toll in 2020 in the USA. How close does it correlate to Covid or a pandemic of sorts. They are saying it’s over 3 million deaths estimates 3-3.2 range maybe higher. Call the deaths what you want but an extra 2-400,000 deaths from a previous year would require some response wouldn’t it?


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
All good points.
My brain strain is where has the flu gone?? The world is reporting zero cases?? How?
They claim the same measures we use to stop covid is what has contributed to this?? Maybe. But 100% ?? Looking forward when all of this is said and done and the minds of the world break everything down....


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Here’s the thing....Most people have questions and doubts. Most are too afraid to vocalize them out loud. It’s popular to jump all over people and label them anti-maskers when you ask questions.

So my deep dark secret is I stopped drinking in August. Cold Turkey. Decided I needed no more depressant in my life.

Also have decided that the day restrictions lift, I’ll probably start here and wake up in Vegas.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Timely op-ed:

Cases are not going to drop anytime soon, well at least how they are reported currently here in BC. So are we to be continued down this path of fear until God knows when?

Sports were open / allowed at one point I think for a 2.5 month period... and things were not out of control. If they are not open within the next 30 days (when all essential and LTC and seniors have at least their first shot), the BC government is going to fail because they won't be able to change any messaging and will lose the confidence of the people they govern.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
The number of covid cases resulting from the trivia night at the newport pub is now over 300. This virus to so contagious indoors.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yup. That’s why warmer temps and springtime can’t come fast enough. Fresh air is what you want and where you want to be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
For those that like to look at numbers and facts instead of the rubbish and fear on the tele/radio.

Feb 2021 covid update bc.jpg

The highlights for me:
Median age of deaths with Covid: 85
Avergae provicinal life expectancy: 82

99.97% Survival Rate

Also not summarized here, but data contained herein: divide the Covid deaths in BC (1,348 deaths from Feb 2020-Feb2021) by the 38,551 TOTAL deaths in BC in 2019.... 3%

On the flip side look at overdose deaths... just do 2020's OD's against the same divisor of 38,551. (1,716/38,551)... 4%. What's the Pandemic?

Lastly, 62 patients in ICU. There's over 200 ICU beds in BC.... I think we've safely "kept the hospitals from being overrun" Not one backside has entered the emergency triage centre they set up at the VTCC West.

Overdose Data Source
JCCF Image from Report


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I have a close friend who's family have been affected by the OD deaths. She has become one of those 1,716. There is a direct link to COVID. In March, she lost her job, and was isolated from her family, and turned to drugs for her comfort. She had been clean for a significant amount of time till then.

Yes, all circumstantial w/ drug abuse. Who's to say if it weren't COVID, it would have been something else? Addiction is a brutal, brutal disease. And just imagine if we'd sunk even a fraction of the resources into addiction that we have into COVID?

I really, really want someone from the scientific community to explain to me WHY these crazy measures have been deemed a requirement by our politicians. There must be something I'm missing, that we're all missing...cause right now it seems like we've shut down the planet for a yearly flu.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I have a close friend who's family have been affected by the OD deaths. She has become one of those 1,716. There is a direct link to COVID. In March, she lost her job, and was isolated from her family, and turned to drugs for her comfort. She had been clean for a significant amount of time till then.

Yes, all circumstantial w/ drug abuse. Who's to say if it weren't COVID, it would have been something else? Addiction is a brutal, brutal disease. And just imagine if we'd sunk even a fraction of the resources into addiction that we have into COVID?

I really, really want someone from the scientific community to explain to me WHY these crazy measures have been deemed a requirement by our politicians. There must be something I'm missing, that we're all missing...cause right now it seems like we've shut down the planet for a yearly flu.
When the "mitigation" or "harm reduction" strategies start having worse outcomes than Covid, we have a problem.

The biggest issue to me is the border policy... here we have the Government stating that foreign travelers have no choice but to isolate and payvout of their own pockets, without the market competing for the business... and Joe and Jane Sixpack applaud the Government. Because Socialism... if we can't all be equally rich we should be all equally poor/miserable. Poppycock.

They shut the borders down under the auspices of travelers bringing in Covid... when it's just political pandering to Joe and Jane who cannot afford to travel to PV or Cancun or Dubai. So these people all celebrate when people like Mark Machin get cancelled for travelling. I have a friend who posted an article about the Covid Prison Hotels and stated "Going on Wish to buy as many tiny violins as I can"
ryan reynolds GIF

When the border is closed, the dealers cannot fill the new heightened, never mind the usual, demand and start using more fentanyl instead of the "clean" illicit drugs and people like Dude lose loved ones. I'm actually surprised the authorities aren't calling the excess OD Deaths "Covid Deaths"


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
With all the stats of this in Canada and in BC. Why would you want the jab? What is it saving you from? Imagine taking a vaccine for every 1% chance of something happening to you. “If” you even catch it.
we are talking .0004 percent of a chance.
so why would people get it with those numbers?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
OJ? Now you are winding me up.

To be clear, wasn't my loved one, but it was my best mate's loved one. Hit his family hard. But, really, could be any one of us? I have one buddy who is in a coke spiral so bad, I honestly expect that the next call about him will be his funeral. His spiral is COVID related, no job, idle hands, and isolation. I have another acquaintance in an eerily similar situation.

JBN, I never thought about the restriction on supplies, and of course! South America is having as hard a time as any in getting planes out. This isn't a joke, it's completely real. Literally jumbo jets that's normally be making their runs out of Bolivia are no longer making the same runs. In the end, downgraded product here.

It is pretty dark humor to say, but I'll say it....the Government has tuned to classifying any death where COVID had a hand in as a COVID death. Cancer patients dying now of COVID, not Cancer. Elderly dying of COVID, not complications w/ old age. Why not simply add in the increase in OD deaths as COVID? The authorities can claim those, and spike the numbers.

Joking / not joking.

Are there any scientists in TTP land that can actually explain to us the real reason we are being restricted? I want to hear this.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
With all the stats of this in Canada and in BC. Why would you want the jab? What is it saving you from? Imagine taking a vaccine for every 1% chance of something happening to you. “If” you even catch it.
we are talking .0004 percent of a chance.
so why would people get it with those numbers?
Me? Well, I suspect the vaccine will be a requirement for travel. Proof of. So, I'll get it. Simple as that. Also, I get the flu vaccine every year, simply part of my personal health plan. So I'll get the COVID Flu vaccine, too.

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