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Numb from the Covid


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
I have no time for the covidiots but luckily people I knew pretty much are too busy these days to chase conspiracy theories. I tried to think back to the times as kids where we got vaccines to remember what our families said which I suspect in our family was not much on that - just signed the form and sent us to school. Those were simpler times but in my elementary school days we had kids with polio but irrespective of that - no one questioned vaccines.

We have so much more good, real information these days yet so many wildly ignorant and stupid people.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The following story is too good not to share....

COVID fatigue is happening everywhere and with everyone. Literally dominates every conversation, weather we want it or not. Almost no escape.

Hopefully this generates a laugh....all ended fine, but will admit there was a moment when it may not have. Also, kind of goes hand-in-hand w/ the concussion discussion in the other thread.


Last week running at SFU with my training buddy Stephanie. Start at campus, run down the old Shell trail access road on North / East side of mountain to very bottom, hill repeats on trails back up to campus.

Start out route down the fire road by old Shell Station and of course, talk COVID, and this day's topic the range of people from totally dismissive to anxiety sweats. I like to think of myself as very middle ground, but will admit to having shifted more to the right side after my own experiencing "fighting" COVID. I'm sort of calling total bullshit on the deadliness of this virus, but, @Reccos I have always been, and still am, a believer in our medical system and vaccination. My whole family with exception of our indominable 6 year old have had their 1st jabs.

Me to Steph: “One thing I’m trying to work on is being more understanding of people who are afraid or COVID nervous/ anxious. Show more understanding. Everyone is hurting, and frustration levels are at wits end.”

Kid you not, this was me talking, running down the fire road. It's a double track- past a guy who’s hiking up, with a mask on, walking up the middle of the fcuking trail, motioning at me and yelling at me to give him 6'! I am literally mid sentence talking tolerance at this point. Now, there will be times when 6' isn't possible, but everyone should do their best, including assholes walking up a trail approaching someone running down.

Science also shows that INDOORS you require some prolonged exposure (15 minutes of close contact) realistically for transmission. This is why, when public health calls, they ask if you have been in close contact with anyone longer than 15 minutes, indoors. But, I digress...

So...guy rudely yelling at me to give him 6', and not making an effort himself. Trail is maybe 10' wide, so I guess I'm supposed to run in the ditch. Instead, I run past, maybe giving 1-2', and politely say: go fcuk yourself.

Hiker: 6 FEET!!
Me, yelling now as I'm down trail: GO fcuk YOURSELF!!!
Hiker: YOU go fcuk YOURSELF!!!

Then..."Sorry Steph, where were we….. god that fcuking pisses me off. Let’s go find him at the top and I'll run into him….”

Steph: "Maybe you should cough on him, too!" Fictitiously egging me on. Of course that's a non starter.

Went from 0-snapshow in 0.05 seconds. @utah and @lfc4 have seen the show before. Sometimes I just go to black.

Thankfully, I hate running uphill, so turning around wasn't an option, and I suppose he also felt that best he keep going in his direction. But man....this occurred so fast, and could have gotten ugly! For no better reason than, we are all bloody triggered! If you think about this objectively, it was a stupid argument on both sides! I should have tried to make a better effort to give space, so should have he made an effort, and then, yeah, simple science...but of course it never gets to calm, cool, heads.

I guess I have some anger issues to work through.....


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
In real life or here on TTP?

Wait, you mean both don't you?
Fed Up Goodbye GIF by CTV Comedy Channel

@Dude after reading this


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I caught this....everyone sounded very excited, so I'm hoping this time around w/ high vax rates in BC / Canada, the return to normal is close to the phase 4 date they project.

I'm going to watch again tonight, too many distractions here at the office, I'm mostly interested in sports, and return to play for the near term, but international travel by October would be nice.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Key Dates

Step 1: Starting May 25​

Step 2: Earliest start date June 15​

Step 3: Earliest start date July 1​

Step 4: Earliest start date September 7​



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah, so this doesn't tell you much. Tells me we are stuck in this thing at least through New Year.

"Travel- Canada-wide recreational travel"

This really only stopped for the last 3/4 months, and in the beginning months of 2020, otherwise- as we all know- it was full open.

Canada Wide recreational travel doesn't exactly get the needle moving on tourism.



Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
This is promising from the Yanks... Not to get political, but that halfwit Trudeau and his pack of special monkeys will find a way to screw this up.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
JBH: fear and politics based on fear have overruled reason on this since- I'd say- summer last year when it was becoming overwhelming evident that we are really closer to seasonal flu than SARS, in terms of magnitude of the deadliness of this virus.

Even today, the RTP for soccer / baseball still states no spectators, yet in the same guideline outdoor gatherings of 50 people allowed. WTF? When is the last time you saw a soccer of baseball game w/ 50 people clustered? And, when you do, especially in soccer, it's spread out around the outside fence or boundaries of the field anyways, so...what gives? Clubs being forced to tell their parents they can't watch their kids play makes zero scientific sense. And, Bonnie herself stated two days ago "Outdoors remain your safest place", so why the restrictions on outdoor sports?

So much is non-sensical.

Everyone is excited, I want to be excited, too. This is all "onece bitten twice shy" for me, as we went through similar messaging last year around this time.

We need to move on with normal. Not modified normal, not restricted normal, but normal. Tourism needs to be allowed to thrive again. Restaurants need to be allowed to run their businesses normally again. Pubs need to be allowed to get their patrons bombed and throw them to the curb at 1:00 AM again, and Granville street needs street fights during 2-4 AM time slots again. Personally, I'll accept proof of Vac for travel- I'm ok with that, even though there is a strong argument that is unconstitutional and crosses privacy boundaries. Whatever it takes to get back to allowing the economic wheel to turn properly, instead of this fcuked up, unbalanced, rusty bearing, chain-drive-keeps-slipping system we have running now.

Oh, get people off the free money train, force those able to work to go back to work.

Enough is enough.

Ironically, JBN, it's me not "reading the room" well on this, I know you are having a good laugh right now. Fcuk it.

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