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Numb from the Covid

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
This is a hot button definitely worth of discussion.

@mtkb , you'll love this one...

This article doesn't get exactly into what was said, and the actions.

Here's my view....

  1. I believe for certain professions, there must be a vaccination requirement, but I limit those to the medical services space, largely.
  2. For the rest of society, I'm quite opposed to mandatory vaccination of COVID-19. Why? Mostly because I feel that people are entitled to their beliefs, and entitled to pursue work. If there were evidence that this virus was the mass killing sickness we all thought it was in March 2020, then maybe I'd have a different opinion, but we've come to learn so much, and learn that indeed we can move on with somewhat normal life with a large portion of the population vaccinated, and taking appropriate safety measures. The corporate call for mandatory vaccines has reached ridiculous levels, in my opinion. Even at our business, our larger customer have send in letters "requiring" that not just service personnel, but all employees at their vendors are vaccinated. That's an overreach that I completely disagree with. We are fortunate in that we have 100% vaccination, and this is currently not a problem I have to deal with.
  3. Terminating professionals in the workplace for expressing a personal, opposing view to their employers is a very slippery slope. is this a violation of personal code of conduct? If so, what is the expectation of code of conduct?
I hope this lawsuit goes through, and proves successful for the plaintiff. We can't become a society where censorship and coercion to keep your mouth shut become the norm. I have no idea if this lawsuit can be joined by other nurses to become a class action (not familiar enough with Canadian Law to comment), but if it can be, I'd certainly like to see more join.
Does it talk about how nurse's are required to go into work now if they have active covid but its not severe however I cant go to the fcuking gym (mask on, vaccine x3) but can sit in a piss pool full of people taking my kids to swimming lessons.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Does it talk about how nurse's are required to go into work now if they have active covid but its not severe however I cant go to the fcuking gym (mask on, vaccine x3) but can sit in a piss pool full of people taking my kids to swimming lessons.
They didn't cover this.

At least you were warm sitting in the pool. Complain much? Fcuk me, you've become such a pussy.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Some people and their expectations have become just too high during the pandemic, @Yoda. Leafs winning the Cup. Not sitting in a pool full of pee. I also want to sleep with a Martian smoke-show with double D tits, green skin, red hair, and four arms. We all know that's not going to happen.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I also want to sleep with a Martian smoke-show with double D tits, green skin, red hair, and four arms. We all know that's not going to happen.
Especially not since I have first dibs buddy.
She’s mine!
What are the chances we have the same dream? Wow.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No, I distinctly remember your wish list girl having dragon scales, but only on the soles of her feet...which is really fcuking weird.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Last Night I as watching the football game. 100k packed in to an indoor stadium. No masks.

Here in Canada we are limited to a portion of max capacity.My mind began to wonder.

What's the difference?

Is our health care system really all its cracked up to be?

Why are we not able to handle these numbers.

The pandemic is real. Catching it can be serious. We know this.

Then it hit me.

It really is all about business isn't it.

Our universal health care doesn't want the added costs that come with hospitalizations hence the restrictions.

In America it's like they encourage you to go get it so they can send you a bill for after.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Last Night I as watching the football game. 100k packed in to an indoor stadium. No masks.

Here in Canada we are limited to a portion of max capacity.My mind began to wonder.

What's the difference?

Is our health care system really all its cracked up to be?

Why are we not able to handle these numbers.

The pandemic is real. Catching it can be serious. We know this.

Then it hit me.

It really is all about business isn't it.

Our universal health care doesn't want the added costs that come with hospitalizations hence the restrictions.

In America it's like they encourage you to go get it so they can send you a bill for after.


Your tongue is firmly in your cheek....

Hey, it's really not much different in Europe at the moment.

Why isn't our hospital system busting at the seems right now? Well, IMO, the current advisement is correct for this variant: unless you have severe symptoms, just self monitor. No need to even get a test.

Ask yourself this: if COVID-19 weren't a thing, they'd be saying this was an especially bad flu season. They'd say:
-Stay home if sick.
-Do not visit doctor unless extremely ill or required.
-Wash your hands.
-Sleep well, take your vitamins, eat healthy, hydrate, get your flu shot,
-yadda, yadda, yadda.

All common sense health advise.

We'd still largely send our kids to school, because we have to go to work. They'd bring it home. We'd get sick. If we were sick, we'd avoid that visit to grandmas because we don't want her to get sick.

Yet, we are still masking kids, masking adults, taking extreme measures that is costing our economy in may too many areas to count.

Do you know that bikes have literally doubled in the last two years, and I can barely find one? DOUBLED! And no more bro deals with manufacturers! I'm paying retail, and on a wait list, like some sort of peasant.

I'm hating COVID more and more every day.


Sep 21, 2015
Dirty Money
Your tongue is firmly in your cheek....

Hey, it's really not much different in Europe at the moment.

Why isn't our hospital system busting at the seems right now? Well, IMO, the current advisement is correct for this variant: unless you have severe symptoms, just self monitor. No need to even get a test.

Ask yourself this: if COVID-19 weren't a thing, they'd be saying this was an especially bad flu season. They'd say:
-Stay home if sick.
-Do not visit doctor unless extremely ill or required.
-Wash your hands.
-Sleep well, take your vitamins, eat healthy, hydrate, get your flu shot,
-yadda, yadda, yadda.

All common sense health advise.

We'd still largely send our kids to school, because we have to go to work. They'd bring it home. We'd get sick. If we were sick, we'd avoid that visit to grandmas because we don't want her to get sick.

Yet, we are still masking kids, masking adults, taking extreme measures that is costing our economy in may too many areas to count.

Do you know that bikes have literally doubled in the last two years, and I can barely find one? DOUBLED! And no more bro deals with manufacturers! I'm paying retail, and on a wait list, like some sort of peasant.

I'm hating COVID more and more every day.
Agree on both counts. Simply can't past the fact I turn on Liverpool Sunday and 55K in there, of which 8K were from another city because it was Cup. And then flipping through all the NFL stadiums Sunday. Simply no bigger events of packed in non mask wearing people anywhere right now than a massive sporting event. And the UK and the US are getting by.

I think I get it, I read, I listen, I think about this stuff. I have my opinions, keep most to myself But I can't get past how we are so micro managed here at this point in very simplistic matters, yet you turn on the TV and you can't help feeling like you are watching a sporting event pre pandemic. It's not slightly different approaches, we are on different planets right now.

Who is going to start the Quebec tax on the unvaxxed convo? fcuk me, even I can see that is a line long since crossed. Double jabbed for the record...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Heard about that tax today. So now we are really trying to fcuk over people we’d otherwise call our friends and countrymen? Good people?

I have a hard time disliking my country, but this has jumped the shark.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
complaining is all well and good, but society needs to hold those responsible to account. i'm thinking primarily of China for the shameless lying they did at the front end of this - they could have saved us all from this were they not so singularly focussed on "the party" saving face. the west needs to punish them economically, not least of which by reworking the supply chains such that all these woke corporations move on from their child-labour/sweatshop golden gooses.

there are plenty of politicians scurrying around who took the "do as I say and not as i do" mantra and really ran with it. yeah, i get that this is their stock and trade. it was materially worse here. the public needs to send a message that it sees the behaviour, will not stand for it, and that elections have consequences, to coin a phrase.

i think taxing the unvaccinated is the death rattle of politicians who have enjoyed their ability to be statist thugs during the pandemic a little too much. it's such a Canadian thing to do though... "you got any ideas? me neither... I know... a tax!"


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
complaining is all well and good, but society needs to hold those responsible to account. i'm thinking primarily of China for the shameless lying they did at the front end of this - they could have saved us all from this were they not so singularly focussed on "the party" saving face. the west needs to punish them economically, not least of which by reworking the supply chains such that all these woke corporations move on from their child-labour/sweatshop golden gooses.

there are plenty of politicians scurrying around who took the "do as I say and not as i do" mantra and really ran with it. yeah, i get that this is their stock and trade. it was materially worse here. the public needs to send a message that it sees the behaviour, will not stand for it, and that elections have consequences, to coin a phrase.

i think taxing the unvaccinated is the death rattle of politicians who have enjoyed their ability to be statist thugs during the pandemic a little too much. it's such a Canadian thing to do though... "you got any ideas? me neither... I know... a tax!"

It'd be nice to punish the Chinese economically, but I'm not taking that step first. Sorry, but they carry a way bigger stick than the rest of the world combined. You now start applying sanctions to China? They can, in a single motion, fcuk over the world's flow of goods. Everything from microchips, to wire, to instruments that we use in the manufacturing of our finished goods. Raw materials, you name it.

Also, I have two manufacturers I use in China. Visited Shanghai a couple of years ago specifically to check the plants and see if there were any kids running around, crawling in an out of small spaces. Not a sign, and in fact, state of the art facilities with, generally, safety standards exceeding what you'll typically see here, and I get the product at a 1/4 of the price of the equivalent finished product here. Excellent quality. Tough to ignore that when businesses chase a black bottom line.

It is what it is. I hear you, but there is no easy answer of solution to punishing China economically.

Honestly, if you really want to see kids running around a plant doing manufacturing tasks that'd be otherwise reserved for adults, take a trip through Newton in Surrey.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
It'd be nice to punish the Chinese economically, but I'm not taking that step first. Sorry, but they carry a way bigger stick than the rest of the world combined. You now start applying sanctions to China? They can, in a single motion, fcuk over the world's flow of goods. Everything from microchips, to wire, to instruments that we use in the manufacturing of our finished goods. Raw materials, you name it.

Also, I have two manufacturers I use in China. Visited Shanghai a couple of years ago specifically to check the plants and see if there were any kids running around, crawling in an out of small spaces. Not a sign, and in fact, state of the art facilities with, generally, safety standards exceeding what you'll typically see here, and I get the product at a 1/4 of the price of the equivalent finished product here. Excellent quality. Tough to ignore that when businesses chase a black bottom line.

It is what it is. I hear you, but there is no easy answer of solution to punishing China economically.

Honestly, if you really want to see kids running around a plant doing manufacturing tasks that'd be otherwise reserved for adults, take a trip through Newton in Surrey.
Yeah, China wouldn't want the entire western world saying "we'll do business elsewhere"... they couldn't handle that hit. We need leaders made of far sterner stuff than the pantshitters currently running the world's liberal democracies (with the exception of Australia) to make it happen, but I don't accept that we have to just throw our hands up in the air and say "they've got us". fcuk that. Not militarily, not economically, not ever...


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
It'd be nice to punish the Chinese economically, but I'm not taking that step first. Sorry, but they carry a way bigger stick than the rest of the world combined. You now start applying sanctions to China? They can, in a single motion, fcuk over the world's flow of goods. Everything from microchips, to wire, to instruments that we use in the manufacturing of our finished goods. Raw materials, you name it.

Also, I have two manufacturers I use in China. Visited Shanghai a couple of years ago specifically to check the plants and see if there were any kids running around, crawling in an out of small spaces. Not a sign, and in fact, state of the art facilities with, generally, safety standards exceeding what you'll typically see here, and I get the product at a 1/4 of the price of the equivalent finished product here. Excellent quality. Tough to ignore that when businesses chase a black bottom line.

It is what it is. I hear you, but there is no easy answer of solution to punishing China economically.

Honestly, if you really want to see kids running around a plant doing manufacturing tasks that'd be otherwise reserved for adults, take a trip through Newton in Surrey.
You don’t see the problem with what you just said? No country should be that dependent on another nation especially one that may or may not have the same values as your own. We have become vulnerable by our own desires for lower bottom lines and it will only get worse as time goes on.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
If I didn't know you guys better I would think some of you have been drinking. ... Have to refill my glass.....
Talked to my neighbour today, he is a retired teacher who now talks like a long shoreman when the subject of covid arises. He is waiting for prostate cancer surgery. Doesn't know when he will get the call so in the meantime he sits around the house to avoid people and worries the cancer is spreading. I would bring him some good cognac but he is avoiding anything that might weaken his immune system.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I didn't know you stopped!

Drunk We Did It GIF


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah, China wouldn't want the entire western world saying "we'll do business elsewhere"... they couldn't handle that hit. We need leaders made of far sterner stuff than the pantshitters currently running the world's liberal democracies (with the exception of Australia) to make it happen, but I don't accept that we have to just throw our hands up in the air and say "they've got us". fcuk that. Not militarily, not economically, not ever...
Brah, they’ve got us.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You don’t see the problem with what you just said? No country should be that dependent on another nation especially one that may or may not have the same values as your own. We have become vulnerable by our own desires for lower bottom lines and it will only get worse as time goes on.

I assume you are going to voluntarily spend 3x retail on your next home appliance in protest? Honestly. It’s like the kids protesting forestry while wearing full Gortex and sipping their lattes out of their stainless steel coffee cups.

Talk is cheap. Business like mine chase a bottom line because consumers like you demand it.

Also, eat a dick, kicking you was worth it. :D

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