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Provincial Cup Women's Open 2008 - Predictions, Results & Banter

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats to both clubs. It's been a long time since we've seen some new blood in the Provincial final.

It's still two weeks off, but I'll make the call now...
Surrey will beat Westside, and can look forward to another Maritime thanksgiving.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
FB, I'm in shock a loyal Coquitlam supporter like you predicting SU two games in a row to win!:eek: From what I heard about the two games on the island they were both entertaining to watch! As for what Nutmegs said about the Gorge- Westside game, "Congrats to Westside on their upset over Gorge - they just had more heart." My source tells me the difference here was that the Gorge keeper was shocking and supposedly wouldn't be able to catch those velcro beach balls if tossed at her! On another note on this game, not sure if it's a rumour but heard that Gorge is protesting because of WS's third goal. Supposedly a Gorge defender went down with an injury and instead of WS kicking the ball out(unwritten sportsmanship rule) they continued to play for about 1 minute before scoring. Heard that before the goal happened the ball was near the sideline about 30 yards out and should have been kicked out due to the injury! Anyways this made it 3-1 and then Gorge got one more, with a few great chances to tie it. WS's keeper came up huge, not sure if she was also the player of the game or not! On the second game SFC scored early, which seemed to wake up SU. SU from what I heard clearly dominated the majority of this game but in typical SU fashion decided to keep the fans entertained by not putting away their abundance of great chances.Leaving SFC to believe they still had a chance at some point to get back in the game! Looking forward to hearing the report on the final game between two teams from the MWSL. Good luck to both SU and WS. Hopefully WS still has film left in there camera for another team picture after the game!:D

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Gorge can't seriously be protesting that. Dewey knows better. He might want to smack Gomesy up the side of the head, but he can't protest.

As for picking SU - at any time - it causes me great pain. But there's a reason they have won four straight. I'd like to think it's in large part due to the regular beatings they took from Burnaby back in the day, but I doubt it. ;) That's a little revisionist history for you!

The hardest thing to learn in football, is learn how to win. Surrey knows how to win. Bottom line.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
FB, I have to agree with you! Do you think whoever the new coach of Coquitlam, will want to get a copy of SU's playbook? Unfortunately, Coquitlam will never have, half the heart of what SU has in what it takes to win the important games.:wa:

"The hardest thing to learn in football, is learn how to win. Surrey knows how to win. Bottom line."


Aug 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Conductor, according to a few people, you were at the park, so I don't know why you are pretending to get all this information from someone else. Unless those few people are incorrect about your identity, but I don't think they are ;)

Regarding our 3rd goal. Yes, they had a player go down after tackling one of our players in the box. The ball ended up on our players foot near the sideline about 20 yards out. She crossed it, it bounced around, another one of our players picked it up, shot and scored. Their player got up after the goal and continued to play, no attention needed for her "injury". First off, I never said anything during the game to not kick the ball out, so I don't know why my name was brought up, but also, there seemed to be no complaints from the Gorge team, so I'm pretty sure Conductor is just trying to stir the pot. If it was a worse injury, the ref would have blown the whistle or we would have kicked it out. The result of her tackle sent the ball to our player, so I think our player was right in continuing play. No one else seemed to stop for it.

My two cents,


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
posted by: gomesy_jr
Yes, they had a player go down after tackling one of our players in the box
Didn't that happen on the Saturday night at the Sticky Wicket? I could of swore there were a few box shots! ;)


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Gomesy Jr. I just want to clarify that I never mentioned anything about you NOT wanting to kick the ball out!You are right about the player,
[/COD"Their player got up after the goal and continued to play"E]I also heard that Gorge player was still crying, not sure if it was from the injury or WS's 3 goal! As for your sources, "Unless those few people are incorrect about your identity, but I don't think they are,"  It must have been my alias that they saw! I heard that my alias had to go for physio earlier today after his tough fall on the knolly hill yesterday!:D  
      Again Congrat's to both team's in the finals. Does anyone know if Gomesy Jr. could be the first player and than coach of a woman's team to win BC's in the same year? Nutmeg's USL div 1 title's don't count so coach K doesn't qaulify for this!;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
The game has 5 minutes left in OT.

Tied 1-1 at full time Megs has just potted Surrey United's second goal of the OT session to now lead it 3-1.

Looks like ANOTHER title for the SU ladies side. Fantastic stuff girls!!!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Congrats to the SU Ladies!

I only saw the OT and the game seemed very good.

Nutmegs with the clincher on a clinical finish.

Good luck at Nationals!


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Congrats to the SU Ladies!

I only saw the OT and the game seemed very good.

Nutmegs with the clincher on a clinical finish.

Good luck at Nationals!

Thanks Regs!! Maybe I'll even splurge on a TTP membership after that compliment! I can't believe I'm gonna beat Conductor to the game report!

The game was a battle and congrats to Westside for giving it everything they had. It was a story of two completely different games - the first 25-30 minutes Westside rarely got over half, we had them pinned in their end and developed a ton of chances but couldn't bury them. I scored the first goal of the game at about the 25 minute mark on a nice cross from Sharon and I somehow managed to out-jump the keeper and a defender to just flick it over the line (despite a good clearance attempt by the other Westside defender). We then had a few more glorious chances before half-time (including a sitter that I should have buried) but we kept putting everything over the bar or just wide.

1-0 at halftime and it should have been more which would have made it a different second half. But Westside came out hard after half and created good scoring chances and we didn't handle the pressure well and got away from our game that was going so well in the first half. Westside tied it with about 20 minutes to go after we cleared the ball to half but failed to move out quickly and one long ball back into their forward (Sara T) gave her a partial breakaway that she finished - much to the delight of the very-partisan crowd (guess people were cheering for the underdog). Both teams had scoring chances near the end of the game to win it but no finish and off to extra time it went.

In OT, play was relatively back and forth with no real clear-cut scoring chances until Sharon subbed back in at about 10 minutes and scored a nice left-footed chip shot just over the goalie. Second OT period saw SU just try to keep possession of the ball while Westside had a few counterattack chances to score. I scored the third with less than five to go after repeatedly holding the ball in the corner and getting throws. Finally on one throw I faked as if I was going to the corner but carried into the 18 went around their last defender and chipped it over the sliding goalie. It felt great and I haven't scored a goal like that in a while.

So the "Drive For Five" is complete (even though it took 120 minutes). I'm so proud of all the veterans on our team who just "refuse to lose" - Ger Donnelly with one of the best slide tackles ever near the end of OT! And as I said earlier, congrats to Westside for one helluva game - it was a battle and they never quit - lots of heart on that team.

Back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back - I think that might just qualify as a dynasty!:wa:


New Member
Oct 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Surrey carried the first half (up 1-0) and the beginning of the second, then Westside took over for a long stretch of time with some big strong play, tying it up along the way. Westside seemed to tire towards the end, although both teams traded some chances to win at the death, including a fantastic run the length of the field by (if my memory and the program are aligned) Kate Qually.

Both teams had some jump coming back out in extra time and Surrey scored a nice goal... good entertaining game.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow Megs! I think it would be safe to call it a dynasty. I'm thinking back five years ago after your first win. A lot of stuff can happen in five years to thwart team success, but a solid core of great competitors can keep things in check. That goes from coaching staff down to players like yourself.

Yep. Alot of things can happen in five years. Luckily you gals have kept your bodies in good shape, (the Master's team have been inspecting) and you can still compete and play with the young ones.

Now, a National title would be simply peachy keen.

Congratulations and you are definitely the flagship team of Surrey United.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Well I know it's a few days late but here's my take on the game. The first half for the most part was all SU, unfortunately I believe quite a few players on Surrey had the wrong sport down for getting points. To my recollection they had a solid 6 field goals, could have been 8 maybe. Problem was it was soccer and not football, even if a third of those chances go in WS would have been done by halftime. Instead give credit to WS, they came out in the 2nd half believing they had a chance to win this game. They tied it up and created problems for Surrey, not to mention anxiety attacks to the players and coaching staff. Colemanj is right about Kate's run at the end of regulation. It proved we still had alot of gas to give going into OT, and players overheard the WS girls complaining that they would have to go for another 30 min and were already bagged. Alot of credit has to go out to WS as they never gave up, I feel bad for their coach as I honestly thought he would lose this game, but still be going to NFLD with his men's team! Unlucky day for him. The girls on SU are very deserving of yet another Provincial title and for all those haters out there, I know the ladies really appreciate those of you as it gives them added incentive to win. I would just like to thank the haters here on behalf of the SU woman!:D

p.s. I geuss it's true Surrey girls do get around PEI, Calgary, Surrey just to give Coquitlam a chance to see what it was like to be at Nationals:D, Halifax and now Newfoundland.

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