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Rules of Inside the TTP Closet


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
There's a programme on the box over here (here being Bangladesh) called Room 101. It's hosted by the quick-witted Paul Merton and the premise is to have someone in the public eye choose five things they would like to have removed from this mortal coil, never to be heard from again. If their argument is convincing enough for Paul Merton, the offending party/thing is relegated into Room 101.

So, I propose having a TTP version called TTP's Into the Closet. If someone's argument is good enough, one, a couple, or all five nominations will be banished Into the Closet to spend the rest of eternity with Dazza.

The rules are relatively simple; no nominations of anyone currently or previously on TTP. This is not open to debate and anyone contravening the rules will be, himself, sent Into the TTP Closet. Each poster's five nominations will be open for two days (or thereabouts). At the end of this period, votes will be counted and any nomination with five votes or more (this number can be raised in time if this catches on............ so five it is) will be officially banished into Inside the TTP Closet. Voting is not limited to one, all five can be voted for if deemed fit for The Closet. Anyone desirous to vent spleen should make appropriate noises inside this thread and, after the two days, will be nominated by the 'outgoing' poster. Any questions should be directed, by PM, to KNVB.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Rules of Inside the TTP Closet- Amendment

In honour of HoS's submission to the corridor in front of the TTP Closet and the general success of this blatant rip-off of BBC2's Room 101, from this day forward in order to be banished forever and spend an eternity with Dazza inside the TTP Closet, a nomination must have, at least, eight (8) votes.

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