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Russia Invades Ukraine


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Reality - clean energy is not scaleable at this point. We need energy. Therefore, we need less clean sources - and lots of them - for now. Nuclear would be an option, but the greenies love to vilify it - so we don't go there.

The other thing to come out of this - most of Europe has let their militaries atrophy. This is a giant wakeup call to divert money to fix that - ideally away from SJW nonsense. The public is about to get a lot more interested in defense of the homeland, as they should. Not going to be a particularly green development and I absolutely could not care less...
The "I could not care less" attude is shared by XR environmental protestors. Yesterday they shut down a dinner for rich Scottish people, with the slogan " no dinner for killers". The XR folks are influenced by the 16 year old girl you called "mentally ill".
We need to find a middle ground between these extremes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Barrons and other media are reporting the US government just sold wind power rights in an area called New York Bight for $4.37 billion. Some oil companies, including shell, are among the purchasers.
Please tell me how wind and solar are going to power Intensive Care Units in hospitals on a calm, dark night...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
The "I could not care less" attude is shared by XR environmental protestors. Yesterday they shut down a dinner for rich Scottish people, with the slogan " no dinner for killers". The XR folks are influenced by the 16 year old girl you called "mentally ill".
We need to find a middle ground between these extremes.
What I could not care less about is the irrational rantings of the eco-terrorists. What they could not care less about is the real world. Big difference, your attempt to conflate the two notwithstanding.

She is mentally ill. It's not a criticisim - mental illness is no one's fault and I bear her no ill will. It's the people listening to an uneducated, manipulated teenager that I absolutely loathe.

This isn't rocket science. China and India off of coal and onto oil and gas - since we're trying to clean up the one planet we all share. Those revenues into the liberal democracies who do it relatively cleanly - that includes Alberta's development by the way - instead of the social justice havens of Russia and Saudia Arabia, for instance. Some of that revenue goes to better social programs for all Canadians - see Norway for a great example of how that works - while some in turn goes to investing in scaleable, cleaner energy sources for the long term.

I know that the younger generations are all about "I want it and I want it now", but the adults in the room need to realize that a long term vision is required here - and have the stones to carry the day.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
What I could not care less about is the irrational rantings of the eco-terrorists. What they could not care less about is the real world. Big difference, your attempt to conflate the two notwithstanding.

She is mentally ill. It's not a criticisim - mental illness is no one's fault and I bear her no ill will. It's the people listening to an uneducated, manipulated teenager that I absolutely loathe.
Wrong. She keeps telling people to follow the science. She wants governments to follow the advice of scientists.
There have been many media reports that she has aspergers, which means she is on the autism spectrum. Most pschologists want the public to stop calling it aspergers because the symptoms can vary considerably. She appears to be able to prcess information properly and make appropriate decisions for a 16 year old but is challenged with social interactions.
You say she is uneducated. She is attending school and has had some remarkable experiences in her life which have taught her a lot. She is probably better educated than the average 16 year old. Her parents say her climate activities have helped her with her autism.
You also say she is manipulated. Please elaborate.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
From 2018 apparently. Since hard to tell what is actually happening these last couple of days.

Basically can't trust anything from social media unfortunately
True. And then the whole bot thing on twitter.

This FB page is more accurate to what's happening in real time.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Wrong. She keeps telling people to follow the science. She wants governments to follow the advice of scientists.
There have been many media reports that she has aspergers, which means she is on the autism spectrum. Most pschologists want the public to stop calling it aspergers because the symptoms can vary considerably. She appears to be able to prcess information properly and make appropriate decisions for a 16 year old but is challenged with social interactions.
You say she is uneducated. She is attending school and has had some remarkable experiences in her life which have taught her a lot. She is probably better educated than the average 16 year old. Her parents say her climate activities have helped her with her autism.
You also say she is manipulated. Please elaborate.
Wrong. She keeps telling people to follow the science. She wants governments to follow the advice of scientists.
There have been many media reports that she has aspergers, which means she is on the autism spectrum. Most pschologists want the public to stop calling it aspergers because the symptoms can vary considerably. She appears to be able to prcess information properly and make appropriate decisions for a 16 year old but is challenged with social interactions.
You say she is uneducated. She is attending school and has had some remarkable experiences in her life which have taught her a lot. She is probably better educated than the average 16 year old. Her parents say her climate activities have helped her with her autism.
You also say she is manipulated. Please elaborate.
Speaking as a parent to an Autistic kid (youngest) it’s not mental illness. I call it my daughter’s super power, and in her case her processing speed is off the charts.

Social awareness is a challenge with people on the spectrum. Greta appears to have this challenge as well, just an observation.

At 16 years old, I will say she’s incredibly strong willed. I question though parents that’d willingly allow a kid to be thrown into a political jihad of their own so willingly.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Some of that revenue goes to better social programs for all Canadians - see Norway for a great example of how that works -

Norway is not a great comparison to Canada because they own 60%+ of their largest oil producer, Equinor. Canada's total ownership of the oil industry within it's borders is roughly 2%, which it turns out is actually less than some foreign governments!

Sure they still collect money from royalties and corporate taxes, but the Norwegians really figured out how to maximize profits from their fossil fuels. It should also be pointed out that natural resources in Canada are owned by the Provincial governments rather than the Federal government. That's why Alberta is the richest province.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
Sweden has joined poland in declaring it will not play a world cup qualifier against russia. Hopefully fifa kicks russia out.
Belarus has joined russia in the invasion if ukraine.
Japan has joined the west in kicking russia out of swift banking. Good news.
Best news is ukraine has not surrendered and zelensky has not fled. Stark contrast to what happened in afghanistan when the taliban started to attack kabul. The afghan president fled and 99 of the people refused to defend their democratically elected government against the tyrannical taliban.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Internet Im Out GIF


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Wrong. She keeps telling people to follow the science. She wants governments to follow the advice of scientists.
There have been many media reports that she has aspergers, which means she is on the autism spectrum. Most pschologists want the public to stop calling it aspergers because the symptoms can vary considerably. She appears to be able to prcess information properly and make appropriate decisions for a 16 year old but is challenged with social interactions.
You say she is uneducated. She is attending school and has had some remarkable experiences in her life which have taught her a lot. She is probably better educated than the average 16 year old. Her parents say her climate activities have helped her with her autism.
You also say she is manipulated. Please elaborate.

Ever watched her at a press conference? She reads canned lines and that's it. Any freelance questions, zero ability to think on her feet. Almost like she's a no-nothing 16 year old who is just repeated woke nonsense she's been spoon-fed. Weird. As for the science, I remember being told by the "scientists" that by the year 2000 half the earth would be underwater if we didn't radically alter our behaviour. It's 2022 and my feet are still dry. "Trust the science" is a bullshit argument from authority.

I'm well aware that the woke crowd has infiltrated the American Psychiatric Association and is in the process of trying to shame the DSM-5 down to almost nothing. They started with gender dysphoria - of course - but like all cancers have moved on to other areas. I have serious reservations about watering down real issues that require real assistance for real human beings.

Yes, she has had some remarkable experiences in her life. She crossed that Atlantic in a carbon neutral boat? Of course, she had to fly a second boating crew over to pilot the thing back to Europe, rendering the who escapade decidedly NOT carbon neutral but... details.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Speaking as a parent to an Autistic kid (youngest) it’s not mental illness. I call it my daughter’s super power, and in her case her processing speed is off the charts.

Social awareness is a challenge with people on the spectrum. Greta appears to have this challenge as well, just an observation.

At 16 years old, I will say she’s incredibly strong willed. I question though parents that’d willingly allow a kid to be thrown into a political jihad of their own so willingly.
Yeah I'm not for a second suggesting it's something we should stigmatize people for. And yes, some of the most brilliant people on the planet are autistic or have other challenges. Whether it's a "mental illness" or not is debatable; the challenge in this day and age is that the debate has been hijacked by those with ulterior motives...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Norway is not a great comparison to Canada because they own 60%+ of their largest oil producer, Equinor. Canada's total ownership of the oil industry within it's borders is roughly 2%, which it turns out is actually less than some foreign governments!

Sure they still collect money from royalties and corporate taxes, but the Norwegians really figured out how to maximize profits from their fossil fuels. It should also be pointed out that natural resources in Canada are owned by the Provincial governments rather than the Federal government. That's why Alberta is the richest province.
Your first point is well taken. To the second, I would suggest that equalization payments have the effect of converting ownership of the natural resources, in practice, from provincial to federal hands...


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
I'm well aware that the woke crowd has infiltrated the American Psychiatric Association and is in the process of trying to shame the DSM-5 down to almost nothing.
The psychiatrists would disagree with you, they would say they are trying to improve DSM 5.
The profession is vastly improved compared to 20, 50, 100 years ago. They have journals and papers are subject to peer review and prior to covid they held frequent in person conferences.

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