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Scottish Premier League News 2009/2010

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Man United skirted the issue by issuing a statement that their tops are red.

that's bullshit they wore blue the year before against arsenal and then again the only team wearing a poppy on their shirt was arsenal who were playing in red.....

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm sorry but teams should not be forced to wear poppies. It should be an individuals choice. Were the NBA/NHL teams wearing poppies in their games yesterday? If not, why not? Why the **** do British teams have to do it? It is up to each individual how they want to remember. Well done to Manu if they chose not to.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
And well done to those that did. That was the basis of my post two days ago. It was not meant to be taken the way it was. It was meant to be taken that it is a free country in the UK, and here in Canada.

Again, I was not passing judgement on United, I couldn't be arsed one way or another on whether a team dons a poppy on their tops or not.

This shitstorm started when I popped off about Celtic supporters (GFITW if you didn't get the memo) singing a song during the moment's silence at Falkirk.

1. I never claimed or pretended to know anything about the "Occupied Six"... I am not an authority on the matter, wasn't born there, never have been there. It is called, for the record, Northern Ireland... A Nation in the United Kingdom... not "The Occupied Six"

I did state the following
The "Occupied Six" doesn't sound nearly as bad as if you had to march by the Derry/London/Dublin/Glasgow/Vancouver/Sidney/Paris/Liege/Rotterdam/Strasbourg/Milan/Roma/Moscow/Kiev/Berlin/Toronto/New York/... you name it...city square every day with a salute and a Zig Heil.

I realize now I misspelled Seig Heil as Zig Heil... basically I meant that I'm assuming (not knowing) that the People of Norn Ireland that are perceiving the British as thugs and oppresive would probably prefer that situation over one of being oppressed by the facsist and genocidal Nazi's if given the choice... Which was a real possibility that could have been the ruling party today if the Japanese hadn't decided to bomb Pearl Harbour and get the Yanks involved.. or If Hitler hadn't decided to use a large number of his troops and resources on "The Final Solution" or trying to go deep into Russia in the dead of winter...

2. I don't think it's bullshit that United didn't wear poppies, I said it was bullshit for them to come with that as an "excuse" for not wearing one when they were asked about it. They should have just said, we are not choosing to wear poppies and leave it at that. Instead they feel compelled to satisfy the PC Brigade (the same one that calls the Idiot/Lunatic Fringe of Rangers to task on a regular basis) when the question was posed.

3. I'm not one of these "No Surrender" politico types. I'd certainly like my Football team to adopt such a slogan, as it would provide the basis for a winning attitude... For the record God Save the Queen is not the National anthem of Canada... I am a Canadian. It is however the "Royal Anthem of Canada" Whatever that means... :rolleyes: I don't have a Rangers tattoo, I don't have King Billy banners in my house, I don't go to Orange parades, I am not a Mason, etc etc etc. In fact these days i am loathing the moment I ever got interested in Scottish Fitba to be brutally honest as it is utter and complete garbage both in the Domestic League and Internationally. Politically, if you must know, I am nor a Conservative or a Liberal, or too far right leaning or left leaning... I am by definition a libertarian... which means I would support the idea of liberties and freedoms everywhere for everyone, even if that means horrible disrespectful hate speech etc... just as I support my own opinions that those that do spout that type of rubbish are the lowest form of humans and in the shallow end of the gene pool and have nothing better to do with their time than complain about their situations...

You claim that using the name "Occupied Six" is a trend in my posts, I found only one when I searched, and I quoted it in this post... The Irish must have a different meaning of "trend"

Let's not let the facts get in the way of a good ol fashioned Witch Hunt though eh? ;)

Can we try and have our own "Good Friday Agreement" here now on TTP? ;)

as far as the NHL/NBA teams, why would they wear poppies etc considering that is not a traditional way of memorial during Veterans Day or Memorial Day down in the states? where all but 7 of the franchises of the leagues you speak of reside? (6 of NHL, 1 of NBA for you scoring at home)

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I'm sorry but teams should not be forced to wear poppies. It should be an individuals choice. Were the NBA/NHL teams wearing poppies in their games yesterday? If not, why not? Why the **** do British teams have to do it? It is up to each individual how they want to remember. Well done to Manu if they chose not to.

I don't know if the teams in the NHL/NBA were wearing poppies. If the American teams weren't, it's probably because they felt their total years of 4 out of 10 in both the 'Great' wars meant they weren't really a part of it all:rolleyes:

Canada is a different story. They fought under the British flag.

I agree CS, that it is an individual's choice to wear the poppy on Remembrance Day. It's an individual's choice because we have the freedom to make those individual choices.

It's probably way too big a deal to put a wee poppy on to remember those that paid the ultimate sacrifice so those individual choices could be made today.

I have no problem with people wanting to remember in their 'own way'.
I do think though that if there can be the utmost respect and reverence paid to the Munich disaster victims, for example, I really don't see why a poppy can't be sewn onto a jersey.

I certainly don't think Man U deserves a 'well done' for carrying out their right of freedom of choice. The irony overwhelmes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
It's probably way too big a deal to put a wee poppy on to remember those that paid the ultimate sacrifice so those individual choices could be made today.

I have no problem with people wanting to remember in their 'own way'.
I do think though that if there can be the utmost respect and reverence paid to the Munich disaster victims, for example, I really don't see why a poppy can't be sewn onto a jersey.

I certainly don't think Man U deserves a 'well done' for carrying out their right of freedom of choice. The irony overwhelmes.

That being said WW1 and WW2 were world events and tragedies, the Munich Disaster was a football tragedy, and as such...

I hear what Jinky is saying in asking what does Football have to do with Remembrance Day... I answered that when I said Popular culture, iconic institutions and people getting behind a thing like poppies...

Comparing WW1 and 2 to the Munich disaster and how they are remembered by the Football world and involved clubs is Apples and Oranges (oops, I said Orange :eek:)


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money

the sheer quantity of absolute bullshit and casual bigotry you've posted in the last few days defies disection. Do you sit in the Wheelhouse and spout these opinions?

And most internet savvy people know that in online forums like this, the moment you bring Hitler or the Nazis into your argument, you lose.

So, you're wrong and you lose.

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
That being said WW1 and WW2 were world events and tragedies, the Munich Disaster was a football tragedy, and as such...

I hear what Jinky is saying in asking what does Football have to do with Remembrance Day... I answered that when I said Popular culture, iconic institutions and people getting behind a thing like poppies...

Comparing WW1 and 2 to the Munich disaster and how they are remembered by the Football world and involved clubs is Apples and Oranges (oops, I said Orange :eek:)

....and as such, stick a fcuking poppy on!! Exactly!

Ah yes JBN, you are right. However, the great Sir Matt Busby did say;

'Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I can assure you, it is much more important than that'.

That would make it a world event I would think:D

Apples and oranges! Absofcukinglutely!

I'll try this again;

Regarding football; for me, everything has to with Remembrance Day. Not football specifically. If people want to be tubes and try and come wide about that, good on them. Well done;)

The Munich disaster and the war are different. My reference to that example was that if we can all, not just Man U fans, but football fans, pay our respects to that tragedy, we should at least pay our respects to those who gave their lives in the wars. I don't see what saying 'well done' serves here.

Man Utd are a world famous club. It's not just adults, who should(but don't) know better that are watching. It's the wee ones. We wear a poppy to remember. We remember and show respect to those that died so that hopefully it will never happen again.
The poppy is a symbol ffs. I cannot for the life of me fathom why Man U wouldn't have them on their jerseys.

We can agree to disagree. I'm at a total loss on this.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
The poppy is a symbol ffs. I cannot for the life of me fathom why Man U wouldn't have them on their jerseys.

We can agree to disagree. I'm at a total loss on this.

That's just it, the poppy is a symbol, but it means different things to different people. What can't you understand about that?

Also I believe your quote was actually uttered by Bill Shankly.

On top of that, Man U claimed that they chose not to wear the poppy because the club already constantly honours veterans through their charitable wing.

Believe it or not, there are actual veterans who choose not to wear a poppy, would JBN like to stick the boot into them also?

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
That's just it, the poppy is a symbol, but it means different things to different people. What can't you understand about that?

Also I believe your quote was actually uttered by Bill Shankly.

On top of that, Man U claimed that they chose not to wear the poppy because the club already constantly honours veterans through their charitable wing.

Believe it or not, there are actual veterans who choose not to wear a poppy, would JBN like to stick the boot into them also?

Wanker! Realised that when I left.......you were quick to jump on it. I'm sure you're loving that:D

Jinky, not wearing a poppy on the world stage of football on a shirt says to people that the organisation doesn't care to acknowledge the veterans....no matter how much they say they honour them through their charitable wing.
The Man U statement was put out because of the pressure. Plain and simple. Do you think Man U could just hope for it to go away? The statement was made so as not to tarnish their goodwill. That is it.

So there are veterans who choose not to wear a poppy? As I am choosing not to believe you, could you enlighten me? Just to help me understand?
I do know there are people that believe the decision to wear or not to wear a symbol was what those lads were fighting for in the war. I have a hard time believing that the war veterans would be amongst them though.

A club, however, as big and as visible as Man U....I think you are dealing with much bigger issues.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money

you can choose to believe whatever you want but I have a question for you.

Whose actions are nobler, a club whose charitable wing gives actual tangible aid every day to veterans in need but refuse to wear a poppy on their jersey, or a team which does little in the way of any charity but prominently display a poppy on their kit?

If I were a veteran in need (and I have been killed several times today on Call of Duty 2) I know who would receive my support.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money

was that a whoosh? Cause I didn't catch your answer. I'm not trying to be an arsehole here, I think it's a legitimate question. To me it's kinda like actions speaking louder than words, or in this case, poppies.
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