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Teachers' Work-To-Rule


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes. It's wrong, and they've been itching to do since the beginning. They've made no attempt whatsoever to bargain with the BCTF. All they've done is piss the teachers off more than they are already.

Teachers will continue to withhold volunteer services, and will walk out next week: and I support them.


Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Keeper
Yes. It's wrong, and they've been itching to do since the beginning. They've made no attempt whatsoever to bargain with the BCTF. All they've done is piss the teachers off more than they are already.

Teachers will continue to withhold volunteer services, and will walk out next week: and I support them.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't teaching now an essential service? If the teachers walk, they should have their pay affected.

Why should the Gov't assist BCTF? Pissing teachers off? Why do you think your action so far has not received the result the teachers are looking for? I give one answer....because the teachers pissed off alot of people off the bat. Especially with the outrageous pay demands.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Liberal DICKtatorship

How is it that the Provincial government can just imposs contract on its workers, when it feels that bargining has taken too long and they want job action to stop.

This goes against every thing that the labour movement has worked for over the past 60 years in B.C.

The government impossed a contract on the Nurses last year, and now they want to do the same to the Teachers.

It doesn't matter what you think they should be paid, both unions have the right to bargain for thier contract and have job action to achieve thier goal.

Can the government of B.C. just step in on any public sector employee now and say this is what you are worth and this is what your contract is going to be.

Sounds like a DICKtatorship to me.

Its time to stand up and revolt against these practices.



Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money

I will agree with you, the time that has gone by is not sufficient to come to an agreeable resolution from both parties.

But how much time is needed? Bottom line, this issue affects and involves the kids. Gov't has to step in, the two parties are so far apart that if it doesn't have a conclussion soon the only people that lose is the end - is the kids.

I don't care how much teachers are paid. But if teachers are going to say that this job action is for the children - thats bull. If all other requests by the teachers are given and the huge pay increase is not......teachers would still continue job action. Its all about the money. I did agree in previous posts that teachers do deserve an increase, but 22%. Give me a break.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
How Much are the Extra's Worth

I don't think they deserve the 22% either, but if they are forced into a contract that they are not happy with, they are going to continue with the labour action, of no extra-curricular activities.

How much are these extra-curricular activities worth to the parents (tax payers) of the kids.

If the teachers do drop all the extra work that is not part of thier contract, then the parents of this province will have to pay to get thier children all of the activites that the schools now supply for free.

Mabey the teachers contract has to be written differently to include more duties with the higher wage demands.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
no position to have an opinion

Fcuk, I'll pay the individual teacher that can drill into HOS' head that it is spelled Maybe an extra 22%!


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
More like a 122%, Babey

Mabey TB should get 2.2% for the spelling lessons the HOS needs, let alone the extra-curricular activites that will be taking place this summer with the Dragons at various soccer fields in the lower mainland.

This is the year to bring back the cup to the Dragons Lair.

The year is called "The Roar for One More"



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't teaching now an essential service? If the teachers walk, they should have their pay affected.
Yes, education (for only the last 8 months, mind you) is an essential service. If the teacher walk, then, by all means, withhold their pay. I still support them; and here's why.

Their employer, the Public Education Employer's Association (aka the Liberal Government), has made absolutely no effort to bargain with the BCTF. Is the wage increase they're proposing a sticking point? Yes. But just as important to the teachers is the issue of class size limits and support/specialized teachers. The point is that the employer should be actively involved in the bargaining process -- not merely another Liberal arm which is their simply to reject every offer presented to them.

In his discussions with the BCTF before being voted into office, Gordon Campbell stated that his government would not interfere with the normall bargaining process (I can back this up with direct quotes, if you'd like). However, we have clearly seen that it was his intention to legislate a contract all along.

Gordon Campbell is nothing but a liar.


Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: How Much are the Extra's Worth

Originally posted by Hands of Stone

How much are these extra-curricular activities worth to the parents (tax payers) of the kids.

If the teachers do drop all the extra work that is not part of thier contract, then the parents of this province will have to pay to get thier children all of the activites that the schools now supply for free.

Mabey ...

If they do decide to drop extra-curricular activities, they should allow a system to allow volunteers take over.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Who's the First to Sign Up

That may be difficult with how busy and stressed out parents are already in this day and age, both parents working full-time plus kids.

Parents should take more responsibility for thier kids education, but how much time and money do they have.

How many people will be signing up if that happens.



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money

Ya, right. How can you expect parents to volunteer their time for extra-curicular activities when they don't even take the time to care whether or not their children receive report cards?


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I suppose that they're the first people I would think that would be interested in the welfare of their own children. I'm sure there are others as well -- I didn't mean to suggest that volunteering need be exclusive to them.

Screw You Captain

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Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Liars et al

Gordon Campbell is nothing but a liar

He's much more than that. It takes more than a liar to take away bus passes from seniors who've busted their asses all their lives in this province, or stop funding drugs to people with tuberculosis
on the downtown eastside.

Meanwhile, I'm gearing up for my 2.3% raise over the next three years.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money

At least Glen Clark didn't steal from children and the elderly, take books on tape away from the deaf, or break established contracts.

Clark may have been a clown, but Campbell is an out right asshole.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Keeper- short memory

Keeper: you have a damn short memory! Glen Clark did not do one good thing for this Province. I challenge you to name one. Campbell has a long way to go before he can duplicate the mass destruction Glen Clark single handedly caused directly to the economy, and indirectly to the social system.

I'm on a tangent here, but do you honestly believe he was a friend to the Unions? Take the Softwood Lumber crisis. The Provincial Government could have had this stalemate settled long ago, but through Glen Clark's stubbornness and win / lose style of negotiation, the industry is both in limbo, and in decline. Businesses and their workers are either dramatically laying people off until the issue is settled, or simply closing shop.

Before you bust my nuts, I was one of the first on these threads to defend teachers saying Campbell is hell bent on balancing the budget, no matter what the costs. The teachers need a raise. Christy Clark was quoted today saying, "They deserve a raise, but what are we supposed to do, give them a billion dollars?" Answer: No. Give them $500 m though, and while you’re at it, get our fcuking economy in line to pay for the raises. Settle the softwood lumber dispute, cut government red tape to attract new industries, and start drilling for oil. Steal from Peter to pay Paul.

Think next time before you go defending that fcuking crook Clark. He not only destroyed the strongest left wing party in the Province (read: no Government opposition), but he DID steal from taxpayers. What the fcuk do you think he's doing this week? Defending himself, with public funds, on accusations that he used his influence to help a friend get a casino license. He's the single worst person to happen to BC in a very, very long time.

"At least Glen Clark didn't steal from children and the elderly". Sure he didn't.:rolleyes:


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
First of all I want to say that I love how we are able to talk, and read the thoughts of real people here........it is great!

I sympathize with the teachers in that they have a tremendously difficult and important job to do. I don't however feel that they have represented themselves very well in getting there priorities and issues out to the public! As long as they are going to talk about money, and in terms of 18-22-34% or whatever percentage raise that they have asked they won't get my support! That is a ridiculous demand and I am sick of hearing teachers say that that is just a starting point ect..........if you ask for it then you are hoping to get it! If class sizes ect are your real demands than make those the headlines!

As for Clarke vs Campbell issue........that is what has got me to write in on this thread. I think it is so wrong to judge Mr.Campbell based on the short time frame that he has been in power to date. He was given a mandate to get the provinces economy kickstarted and to cut red tape ect.........isn't that what he is trying to do. Mr Clarke bloody well drove us to this point with the wasted billions of dollars on ferries, and buses and crown scandals that we don't have the money to support these social programs that everyone is up in arms about right now!

I could go on and on here...........but wanted to get that off my chest!

I will go on record as saying that the teachers are in for a difficult next few years and I hope they don't make things worse themselves! I am very confident that the coaching and volunteering that they do is going to be deemed as part of there of job description by the LRB as history dictates...........and if they don't adhere to that then the teachers will become the bad ones here and that will be a shame!

So to the teachers here please don't be confused by the Union Leaders and remember why you got into this profession, for the kids! I am pretty sure that you all knew what the pay structure was and weighed that as part of your career choices back when you were in school.

Lastly, I just heard this morning that long time CFOX broadcaster Cari Marshall was given the axe this week..........28 years of service...........it isn't just the public sector effected by these tough times!



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Best thread on TTP (apart from Beyond the Chick Tourney, of course)

I don't have time right now to make a full rebutal, but let me just mention a couple things until later.

First, I'm not defending Clark. As I said before, he's an idiot. Belive me, I fully understand what he did to the province. So I don't believe that the opposite of him (Campbell) is any good for us either. As for Dude's arguement:
and indirectly to the social system
Campbell just happens to be directly destroying our social system.

I mentioned in an earlier post: watch your belongings, because crime is going to skyrocket. "Make no mistake".

P.S. In my last thread, I meant audio books for the blind, not the deaf. 'Doh!

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