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The HOSS Report


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Say this

Say this to her HOS. Might get a sympathy hump out of it. Are you ready?..........Mon crayon est grand!

Try that.:)


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It's so simple


Get one of the girls to tell her it's already all over the internet and in no time she'll have a new guy to replace what's-his-face with... of course, print this page out and have the Canadian (Leigh or Roni perhaps) hand it to her as she's telling her this :D



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Victoria in Final?

Gorge won today 2-0 over Ontario... with 1 round-robin game to go they have 9 points and Ontario who is in second in their group has 4. I believe that means Victoria can do no worse than Silver for BC this year. Well done.

On the women's side, Burnaby tied 1-1. A win in their final round-robin game will also put them through to the final.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
You won't Believe This

With the rain all day yesterday, both the men and womens games had their fields changed due to field closure.

We go to the new field, and when we get there we find out that it is also closed, we must then drive to The Soccer Centre where the Indoor facility is(It is a full field artificial turf inside).

We go there and have a meeting with CSA and Ontario soccer officials, they were not ready for one day of Rain, if this happened back home we would never play.

We thought we were going to play inside on the artificial turf, but that did not happen.

The Ontario Mens team (Aurora Hearts) have a field with lights about 45 min north of where we are.
The Ontario soccer officials tell us that we will play at that field, but the men will play first at their time of 8:30 and we will play after at 10:30.

Are girls had been driving around since 4:30 trying to find a field, so we go and eat and drive another 45 min for a 10:30 kick-off in the driving rain.

We get to the park, a nice field with good club house, at 9:15 and the mens game has just started.

It is a great game, back and forth but not a lot of super chances but very intense, one red card for each team in the first half and a second red for Aurora Hearts(Munsons team) in the 2nd half.

Vic. Gorge scored near the end of both the first and second halves, and looked very strong during the game ( I hate to say).

On to the womens game, that is then played on a very mucky feild that has lots of water on it and just had the men kick the shite out of it.

Kick-off is a 11:00 pm (nice time for a hug nationals game).

It is cold and raining very hard, but our girls come out and take the play to the Rexdale Elites (Ont.), we control much of the play in the first half, with a great goal by Lindsy Burkinsha's head of a corner mid-way through.

After the break the Ont. girls came out flying and our girls were trying to defend to protect the lead. On only there second good scoring chance of the game, they were able to head a ball into the far post to tie the score.

Our girls started flying after this, and dominated the game the rest of the way. There 40 year old keeper made two huge stops down the stretch and even the big puddle in front of the Ont. goal stopped us from taking the lead.

A great game for our girls with all the adversity that took place on the day, and to finnish a game at 12:45 am on a misserable night.

Drive back to the Hotel, arrive a 2:00 am to find out that all games the following day are changed to the Indoor Soccer centre, with artificial turf (like Livingston).

Because all the games are played indoors on one field, all games are now 35 min halves, with the first game starting at 6:30 am and last game at 8:00 pm. This is a joke!
By the way it is a sunny day today but we still play inside.

We took our girls out this morning to get turf boots, and we play at 3:30.
At least we get a bye tommorow, the girls can go out to the banquet dinner tonight and enjoy themselves with a day off tommorow.

It is a must win for us vs. Aylmer FC Outaouais Quebec today, if we lose they are in, if we tie it goes to some crazy tie breaker, you have to see this one.

On to social activities, I got a messege from Holmey today and I think we may be out on the town tonight and tommorow night.

The Jays play the season finale on sunday at 1 pm and I will be there on CBC across the nation, Holmey and I would never get on TV.

Pissed-off that I missed EC but we had to play at 11 pm on a Friday.:mad:

HOSS will try to get back right after the game today.;)


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Easterners are pufters


That is a fcuking disgrace!

I can't believe you didn't get on EC... you've let a lot of people down :D



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Turf good to BC

Both BC teams won today (Men 1-0, Women 2-0) so both are now through to the finals on Monday.



Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
B.C. vs. Nova Scotia in Finals

Women: BCFC (B.C.) vs. Bedford Scotia Olympics Ventilation Sys. (Nova Scotia) 10:00 am.

Men: Vic. Gorge (B.C.) vs. Halifax King of Donair (Nova Scotia) 12.

Both men and women went through the tourny with only one goal against each.
Vic. Gorge even won 1-0 on the Turf:eek: , they had to go out that morning to by boots because you can't use sixes on the stuff.

The girls won their big game 2-0 vs Quebec, the crying girl did not play (but a great rack).

Is due to go down to minus 3 over night with a possibility of snow over night.

We are due to play on the nice field, but if it snows we could end up indoors on the turf.

Holmsy meet me after the game on Sat. so we had to have a few pints and talk old times.
He had to drive to Hamilton today with his new bird, so we couldn't hit the town.
He will try to get to the finals.

The banquet was on Sat. night and with both the B.C. men and women having a bye on Sunday, there where a few drinks at the hotel and the dinner.
I was able to win a Cujo hockey stick as a door prize, now I have to get it signeds somehow.

Went to the Jays game today, was not bad, but the $10 28oz beers are on tap.
LJ and I also hit the CN tower and the glass floor 115 stories up.

Will try to give update right after game but must also catch flight to home sweet home.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Great Updates

All I have to say (and I usually say too much); have you seen Minney? Because the entire nationals this year are Mickey Mouse!

Next time the nationals are here, they could be held in Sports Town.:D

What a complete disgrace.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

It costs $7.50 to see a Bluejays game, but $8.00 to buy a Haugendaus ice cream cone. Basically the Skydome and the Jays value ice cream more than their ball team!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It's been a long time

Congrats to Burnaby!

BC won the senior women's title today, winning on PKs after regulation and overtime produced no goals.

No score reported yet for the men's game between Victoria and Halifax (who made the final based on better +/-... they were tied on points with Alberta and Manitoba).


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Well done

Congratulations, Ladies, and of course, to HOSS. They obviously deserved it after all the crap that happened. Well done.....



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
don't look good

Not sure if this is a full-time result or just half-time score...

Nova Scotia 2
Victoria 0



Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Well done kadies

Well done Burnaby,
congrats to Burkinsha and KJ on a great result for BC soccer and hope to see you in Surrey colours next season...;)

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Crazy PK's

If you want a job done right, you get your keeper to do it.

The girls went 0-0 through full time and extra time, we were outplayed by the Nova Scotia team at times as the girls could not seem to settle down with all the pressure from the other team.

A few good chances for each team through-out the game but nothing too great.

We went into penal's with what I thought was an advantage, having a very good keeper that fills the net at 6'1, and the other teams keeper 5'3.
This is one case where size did'nt matter for the women.

Both teams scored had difficulty scoring from the 12 yard spot, keepers made great saves, posts getting in the way, and the net being too small.

Both teams could only score 3 from 10 shots.
That is 10 shots each, we went through every player and the keepers were up next, it is fitting that the keepers decided this because no player that walked to the spot looked very confident, with the keepers both making some incredible saves.

Michele Gademans, our keeper, took the first shot and made no mistake, putting it high on the small N.S. keeper.

She then went into the goal and made a brilliant save to win the gold for BCFC, she was brilliant in the final game and only let in one goal through 5 games, our back three was very solid through the tourney, along with all starting 11 and all the girls that came off the bench did a super job.

Side note, felt bad for the N.S. girls as they had not allowed a goal through the whole tourney and then lose in PK's in final.

We could not watch the men's game because we had to rush off to the airport to catch a flight that was delayed by over 3 hours because of mechanical problems, gave the girls some time in the bar however.
Can't drink out of the Cup because it is a Sheild that looks like a big cutting board.

Heard however that the men were dominated in the final and that the score does reflect the play of the game.

Nice to be back home in Van. where the air is fresh and there are mountains to look at, would not want to live in TO.

TB, I am hoping that this will not be the last of the HOSS Report and that it will live again next year, but for the men:D .



Sep 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Well done HOS. Now get your ass back to practice, we need a target between the pipes. This time don't ruin shooting practice for us.:D

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