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The Nature Boy retire's

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Wow this guy wrestled until he was almost dead. I caught Raw tonight and saw the end of a true wrestling icon. This was one of the last wrestlers who actually "wrestled" it was a pretty cool celebration. (Ricky Steamboat, Greg the Hammer Valentine, Four Horsemen, Harley Race and many others were in the ring tonight.


Check it out 10:30pm on the Score


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Active Member
Aug 25, 2006
Dirty Money
People still watch wrestling?

It's slowly withering away since WCW and WWF merged. Not because of the wrestling or that the novelty wore off, but because of UFC.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
People still watch wrestling?

It's slowly withering away since WCW and WWF merged. Not because of the wrestling or that the novelty wore off, but because of UFC.

Really I totally disagree....Wrestlemania put 73,000 into Citrus Bowl yesterday, I can pretty much bet the farm UFC could never fo that!

Wrestling is getting bigger not smaller, granted I don't watch it as much but I always try to see wrestlemania...I mean Snoop dog and his friend in the little green hat was there!


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Actually Flair was a decent wrestler but nothing special. His ability on the mic and his overused "WOO" made him. Look at his matches the last 10 years and longer and he almost did the same routine over and over. Chop, wooo, chop, wooo, took a beating and stumbled like an idiot and fell down face first, got his ass kicked for a bit then fought back usually with a low blow then a few more chops and woo and then figure four. Wow figures why wrestling died off so fast. But it still appeals to people like Franchise...go figure. I guess now he might make some appearances here and there just to use that stupid woo.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Actually Flair was a decent wrestler but nothing special. His ability on the mic and his overused "WOO" made him. Look at his matches the last 10 years and longer and he almost did the same routine over and over. Chop, wooo, chop, wooo, took a beating and stumbled like an idiot and fell down face first, got his ass kicked for a bit then fought back usually with a low blow then a few more chops and woo and then figure four. Wow figures why wrestling died off so fast. But it still appeals to people like Franchise...go figure. I guess now he might make some appearances here and there just to use that stupid woo.

Flair made wrestling what it is and the fact you argue he didn't makes you like stupid.

The guy was 60+ and in great shape and still could keep up with the young guys, not like Hogan in the dying years.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
i was in Orlando for a "conference" (there was a convention to be honest but i mainly golfed and drank) this past weekend. There was not one iota of hype or talk about wrestlemania other than 1 billboard on a toll highway leaving the airport. I was in Epcot on saturday and was talking to a group of college students in line for beer in theGerman pavillion. 2 of the kids were wearing wwe shirts and they had no idea wrestlemania was in town, they admitted to not really enjoying it anymore and didn't like the direction it had gone. The one guy had a Undertaker shirt and the other Randy Ortonm, although that guy also had a Triple X (the movie) logo tattooed to his neck.. If that is not a codemnation of the driection the wwe is going in i don't know what is. I used to watch but i lost all interest in it and now will only watch if there is absolutely nothing to do or watch on TV.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
i was in Orlando for a "conference" (there was a convention to be honest but i mainly golfed and drank) this past weekend. There was not one iota of hype or talk about wrestlemania other than 1 billboard on a toll highway leaving the airport. I was in Epcot on saturday and was talking to a group of college students in line for beer in theGerman pavillion. 2 of the kids were wearing wwe shirts and they had no idea wrestlemania was in town, they admitted to not really enjoying it anymore and didn't like the direction it had gone. The one guy had a Undertaker shirt and the other Randy Ortonm, although that guy also had a Triple X (the movie) logo tattooed to his neck.. If that is not a codemnation of the driection the wwe is going in i don't know what is. I used to watch but i lost all interest in it and now will only watch if there is absolutely nothing to do or watch on TV.

For a guy who never watches wrestling your sure know alot of names.... :)

And I see your point about know one knowing about it as only 72,000 showed up that one poster you saw must be the cause of the low attendence.

Do you normally go to conferences and talk to strange kids about "wrestling"


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
From what i understand a few rollergirl "icons" also recently retired. I really had no idead people were still watching this. I have not heard anyone talk about wrestling in years. Are the ultimate warrior and bam bam biggilo still out there those were the days.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
From what i understand a few rollergirl "icons" also recently retired. I really had no idead people were still watching this. I have not heard anyone talk about wrestling in years. Are the ultimate warrior and bam bam biggilo still out there those were the days.

Nope Bam Bam is dead....but Kamala and Hilly Billy Jim are still hanging around:D

BTW When the Rollergirls retired did they hang their skates in the rafters?


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
I used to watch but i lost all interest in it and now will only watch if there is absolutely nothing to do or watch on TV.

I did not i say i never watch wrestling. I used to watch religously when i was younger and my bro is still a big fan so i know the names but i couldn't tell you who has what belt or what have you.

Wrestlemania will always be well attended as it is the #1 event in its entertainment genre. I was shocked there was not more press about it is all for the general public in the area. The wrestling fans would know about ti and attend it but was wondering why there was no push advertising push for the locals. Being as ti sold it out that makes more sense.

As for talking to "strange" college kids, not something i would normally do but when the majority are drunk blonde college girls i tend to make exceptions. There were 4 guys who didn't like the fact that we were talking to their girls so we were trying to defuse the situation while still enabling one of our party to try and seperate a small pack of the girls away with us. Wrestling was convienent at the time but his triple X tattoo was way to hard to not ridicule so it didn't work out for my buddy or us as planned. The girls did join us in the french pavillion for some more "adult" beverages (wine and champagne) but the one girl was their with all her friends for her birthday and they would not split up.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Wrestling is entertaining.

I dont watach it much...but there are a few I will stop channel surfing when I come across. Flair was one of them.

It isnt so much about their athletic ability as it is their ability to entertain.

Flair was excellent at entertaining.

I couldnt wait to see him
stumbled like an idiot and fell down face first

Only to get up and beg for mercy.....

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