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The Sniper

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs: There is definitely some ressemblance to Damon Allen. They are both black. :p Actually Damon looks older!

Hey Dude: tell us what would be better in the US. Capital punishment or a gun control system that registers the Bushman rifle equivalent of the US military's M-16 that are in the hands of civilians who don't need them?

With proper gun registration, the police have some chance of tracking weapons, rather than the US hit and miss system they have now.

Who the fcuk needs this kind of gun in civilian activity? If this was used for hunting, where is the sport in that? A novice could hit a target at 200 yards with a scope and a tripod.

What a difference 30 years makes!! Back in the 1960s and 1970s, peace loving black athletes in the US changed their names and converted to the Muslim faith as they opposed the war in Viet Nam and militarism. Cassius Clay became Mohammad Ali and football great Bobby Moore became Ahmad ("the admirable one led to truth) Rashad in 1973.

No doubt there will be future snipers like these two assholes. What an opportunity for those al queda fcuks to copy!!!
Didn't someone mention that if there were 20 of these nuts out there all alround the US, how much havoc that'd create!!!


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
How sad,

That Star Trek programme goes off the air and the black vulcan guy loses it and starts gunning people down.

Very illogical.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
The Sniper is...

Bobby Moore of English football fame looks like a white version of the sniper! At least this guy didn't have an identity crisis on his way to the truth.

Jinky: I didn't think you were old enough to remember the good Bobby Moore.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm not old enough to remember the Battle of Bannockburn either but I know it happened.


New Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
great thread

have not been on here for a while and am very impressed with this thread.

i was a strong supporter of the death penalty and am now not so sure.

lets be realistic though. like the british army on bloody sunday in ireland these cops/FBI will be given the "shoot to kill" order and then this whole argument is made redundant.

judge , jury , executioner in one go.

just proves some things dont change.

define a "civilised" society?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Tiner - they got 'em both already

They were caught just after midnight Vancouver time sleeping in a rest stop. A father and son who were black but daddy had some sort of new Muslim name and his own Jihad going on.

Now the issue is what state they are going to be prosecuted in as there are differences in the dealth penalty use between states.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Father and step-son.

I'm wondering though: what about all the fuss & muss about a white van?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
White Van

The white vehicle may well have been just a vehicle someone saw driving away after one of the shootings. Don't forget this guy had a hole in the trunk of his car to shoot out of (for some shootings) and this would really have muffled the sound of the shot and have been confusing to people looking around to see where the shot came from. By the time people would have connected the person down with a shooting, the guys were probably slowly driving away, if they shot from the car.

Someone may simply have saw a white van driving by after a shooting and not noticed the shooters car moving. At one point didn't they actually think it was a larger truck not a van?

The Teacher

New Member
May 12, 2002
Dirty Money

Didn't someone make a false claim about a white van and a phony description of a shooter merely to seek the fame and reward last week? That may be where the idea of the white van came from.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Hey Dude: tell us what would be better in the US. Capital punishment or a gun control system that registers the Bushman rifle equivalent of the US military's M-16 that are in the hands of civilians who don't need them?

Why not both? I am a huge supporter of gun control. I agree with your comment on the "Bushman" too. It is shocking how easy it really is to get your hands on these things in the US.

My opinion: if someone is motivated, for whatever reason, to go on a killing rampage that the alleged sniper did, I say he deserves a fair trial. In the event he's found guilty, he should receive the death sentence. The chair is too humane for someone like that. That said, a lethal injection would do just as well in any civilized society.

The kid on the other hand...I wonder what happened to him.

I read that Mohammed was picked up and held on "Weapons charges". Could this be because they are still compiling a list of evidence strong enough to convict him?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

You’ve stated that opinion a bunch of times here now. My objection to your previous post is you make me sound like some gun-toting Yank who wants to carry around a hand gun “just in case” I need it- typical American gun supporter attitude. I’ve stated time and time again that I am highly opposed to “The Right to Bear Arms”, and highly supportive of strict gun control. Here and in the States.

You don’t seem to accept that others have a different opinion than you on the Death penalty issue. You bring up some worthy arguments (economic, mistaken identity, etc…), but you haven’t really divulged the real reason why you are against it. IF you can give me a VALID reason as to why somebody like (for example) Clifford Olsen should live in a prison for the rest of his life, with all his benefits and rights to seek parole, I’m all ears. Personally, I think that this guy should have been executed at the first opportunity. Please…tell me what good it does to keep criminals like Olsen living. Or for that matter, alleged mass murderers like Picton and Mohammed (assuming they’re found guilty of the crimes they’re alleged to have committed).

You’re an ex-cop (I think). Obviously, you have some real experience here…which makes it even more shocking to me that you oppose the death penalty for people like this.

What do others think about the death penalty? Don’t worry…Reccos doesn’t bite too hard!


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
They are studying state laws carefully before pressing all of the charges!

As for the death penelty................GIVE IT TO HIM! But he is entitled to a trial.



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Death Penalty


I was a civilian consultant working with VPD to establish team policing and reorganized investigation services. Not all police believe in capital punishment, but I grant you that more think it appropriate than in the general population.

Without restating all my prior arguments that I think outline my reasons for opposing state murder, I will again reiterate one major drawback. The cost. It is now cheaper in the US to keep them in for life imprisonment. More importantly, there is a huge number of people who have now been found innocent who were on death row now that we have DNA to use.

State murder in the US goes only to those too poor to afford a good defence. A heavy preponderance of those are black rather than white, etc. If the district attorney is up for reelection, then they seek the death penalty. The US is one of the few remaining civilized nations in the world where this continues.

One of the main reasons that I am opposed to the death penalty came after I spoke to a person-when I was at VPD in the mid 70s- who participated as a prison guard at Canada's last hanging, here in BC. His view. It was the most barbaric thing imaginable and he thought that if any sane, sensible thinking person actually had to participate in doing this awful deed, that they, too, would be repulsed and conclude that this should not be done.

I don't recall his description of what exactly happens to the guy swinging, and how the prison guards are left to clean up the mess, but it was pretty bad. I have long blocked it from my memory. How would people feel if the citizens had to do the dirty deed and these people were chosen similarly as we choose people for jury duty? Would Dude, or any member of the public, be so anxious to open the trap door on a guy if they were assigned to taking the body down from the rope for the weekends hanging? Why should the guards do it?

The death penalty does not work as a deterrent. Take the sniper case. Once he did one killing, it didn't matter about the rest. The death penalty comes into play at one, and the rest can simply be icing on the cake. In fact, some guys might even want the notoriety of being put to state sanctioned death and commit their crimes to get this recognition. To me it is far better to lock these guys up permanently and not to let them communicate with the outside. The less then we hear from them, or about them, the better.

As much as these killers are abhorrent fcuk rats, are we not better as a society when we don't stoop to the level of state sanctioned killings in the name of justice?

Dudethenongun totinghangman: Is this reason enough?
Oh, by the way, I do believe in a woman's right to have an abortion. Now is that consistency or what?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
We'll just have to agree to disagree.

Would Dude, or any member of the public, be so anxious to open the trap door on a guy if they were assigned to taking the body down from the rope for the weekends hanging? Why should the guards do it?

Unfortunately, somebody has to do the dirty work. Hangings are barbaric, but lethal injection is something I could accept. That said, if somebody took one of my kids, and did what Shane Ertmold (sp?) did to Heather Thomas, I can't say I wouldn't be the first in line to open the trap door. Slowly.

Once again, nothing will deter those disturbed enough to commit mass murders. Their motives are sick and bizarre, no matter what.

Ever read A Time to Kill by John Grisham? Fictional story, but a great read.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
More evidence against death penalty

The news say that the sniper will be charged first in Montgomery County where he did the most killing and shooting. This means, Dude, that it is unlikely the death penalty will be achieved as Maryland has a moratorium on executions (lethal injection) and has had this since May. The governor has said he would stay any executions, however, he may not be in office when the guy is convicted as he is running against a Robert Kennedy daughter who supports the death penalty in a few limited instances, however she also supports the moratorium.

Notwithstanding where the first charges are laid, they can still charge the sniper under federal law. In the US they have no standard national criminal code like we do. There the states determine the punishment and set their own criminal laws out. There are still federal laws and courts and penalties and federal courts take precedence over state courts and all that.

The appellate court in Maryland has a disdain for the death penalty. The announcement of stopping - pending a study - further deaths in Maryland says that there are questions about the "integrity of capital punishment" and whether the penalty is being applied "fairly and accurately" and "without a racial bias".

BTW, there are 9 blacks out of 13 on death row in that state. Even the conservative Supreme Court of the US is going cold on the death penalty. Lots of blacks in Maryland but this still is disproportionate to the population there.

In Illinois, the government is reviewing hundreds of cases of death row people as they have had too many being found innocent by dna evidence.

Maybe even America will wake up to the inhumaneness of state murder!!!

:wa: :wa: :wa:

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