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The Unwritten Rules of Soccer


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Jason DeVos recently posted his column on the unwritten rules of soccer. Are there any that he missed? Any that are garbage?

Rule #1 - Respect the rules.

Rule #2 - Play until you hear the whistle.

Rule #3 - Football boots are black and white and made from leather.
*If you wear anything else, expect to be kicked by your opponents and called a poseur by your teammates. Unless you are Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi, in which case, carry on.

Rule #4 - Socks are to be pulled up to the knee and no further.
*See rule #3.

Rule #5 - The only player on the field who should be wearing gloves - regardless of the weather conditions - is the goalkeeper.
*Again, see rule #3.

Rule #6 - Magic spray is actually magic.

Rule #7 - If you're injured, get off the field. If you're hurt, suck it up.

Rule #8 - Unless you were on the terraces as a boy supporting the team you now play for, do not kiss the badge. Ever.

Rule #9 - Classy players never celebrate when they score against their former teams.

Rule #10 - If a player misses an easy chance, he must immediately look at the ground and inspect it for any clumps of turf. If he finds nothing amiss, he must then inspect his boots to determine the exact cause of the miss.

Rule #11 - When playing the offside trap, the chances of getting the call are directly proportional to the ability of the back four to each raise one arm and shout "OFFSIDE!" in unison.

Rule #12 - If the offside trap doesn't work, blame the fullback.

Rule #13 - All corner kick takers must raise one arm before taking the kick. This is the universal signal for "I'm taking the kick now!"

Rule #14 - Players must always acknowledge their supporters at the conclusion of a game by walking towards them and applauding. Don't overdo it though, or you will be ridiculed by your teammates for being "busy".

Rule #15 - When losing a cup game, goalkeepers must always come up for corner kicks in stoppage time, regardless of the fact that they have never won a header in their lives.

Rule #16 - Under no circumstances are defenders allowed to wear anything but short sleeved shirts.
*This rule was passed directly to me by former England captain, Terry Butcher. As such, it is written in stone.

Rule #17 - Goalkeepers are a strange breed. Accept it - they will never change.

Rule #18 - Nutmegs only count if you collect the ball on the other side.

Rule #19 - Cuts that require stitches do not also require an aesthetic to "numb the pain". Stitch it up and get back in the game.

Rule #20 - Any foul, no matter how egregious, must always be protested by the offending player, usually by exclaiming the following: "But I got the ball, ref!"

Rule #21 - Goalkeepers must always spit into the palms of their gloves at the beginning of each half, must smack the bottom of their boots against each post, must have a water bottle in their goal and must have a towel that they drape in the side netting of their goal (regardless of the weather conditions).
*See rule #17

Rule #22 - 20 consecutive passes in a rondo means that both defenders stay in twice. Being nutmegged in a rondo means that the victim stays in twice.

Rule #23 - When a defender makes a spectacular block, he is not allowed to show any outward signs of being in excruciating pain. He must immediately start organizing his teammates by pointing to the opponents and yelling "Pick up!"

Rule #24 - Any manager that is given a "vote of confidence" from his chairman should immediately update his resumé.

Rule #25 - What is said in the dressing room, stays in the dressing room.

Rule #26 - After scoring a goal, never point to the name on the back of your shirt - it's the one on the front that matters.

Rule #27 - If a player goes down with injury, kick the ball into touch. If the opponent does this for your team, throw it back to them when play resumes.

Rule #28 - If an opponent commits a foul on your teammate, do not wave an imaginary card at the referee.

Rule #29 - Diving should be done into a swimming pool, river, lake or ocean. Not on grass.

Rule #30 - If a Canadian-born player switches their international allegiance to another country to further their professional career, fans are free to call them a traitor. Alternatively, fans can say that the player has "pulled a Hargreaves" or "pulled a Leroux".


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I love the last one...

And, kissing the badge is Ok by me as long as you've had a long term tenure at the club and thus it being a secondary supported club going forward.
You can cheer for more than one team and show loyalty Jason.
Like wee Nacho Novo for example, right Captain?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
#31. Don't be a fcuking suitcase. It's a team game and you're not that good.

#32. Earn respect, don't assume it will be given.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
#34 You can move up to 4 yards closer to the opposition net from where the ref points for a throw in.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2001
Dirty Money
#33. Don't say you played semi-pro in England. You didn't

Well in bandcamp.

I can't remember how many guys we had come out to training with us at Sporting Vancouver, tell us they played with Benifica or Sporting Juniors back in Portugal. They always sucked.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Well in bandcamp.

I can't remember how many guys we had come out to training with us at Sporting Vancouver, tell us they played with Benifica or Sporting Juniors back in Portugal. They always sucked.

As soon as the words are out of their mouths give them a fake training date and time and delete their contact info. They will suck.

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
#35 - Do not speak with an English accent when you are playing or coaching when you clearly are not English and are Canadian. UVIC tried it over the years......It's embarrassing to the game. Cheers, Mite.
Yes, because the English are authorities on the game! Brazilian accent too hard? English accents are embarrassing enough;)

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