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TTP Bookie: Euro 2004 England v Switzerland


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I smell a draw here... injury time goal by the Swiss would be something special :D



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
All my dosh on the sons of Engerlund. A massive 120 tokens I have garnered by mowing lawns, shovelling driveways and selling lemonade on the corner.


New Member
Feb 8, 2002
Dirty Money
This should be an easy win for England win for three reasons:
1.Switzerland is among weakest at EURO
2.England is in high motivated situation after France, they need a victory to re-boost their hopes for a EURO win
3.Question of quality - not necessary to spend words about it.

England 3-1 :D


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
lita said:
This should be an easy win for England win for three reasons:
1.Switzerland is among weakest at EURO
2.England is in high motivated situation after France, they need a victory to re-boost their hopes for a EURO win
3.Question of quality - not necessary to spend words about it.

England 3-1 :D

That's some top-notch analysis. Been watching some 'soccer' on the box have you? Or have you subscribed to The Province?

Nope, I've got it, filling the net's in your son's class and he's been filling that precautiously gifted offspring of yours with his keen footballing nous and sporting acumen. It must be that.

What's this 'spending words' bollocks? You've misunderstood the TTP token system. Ask filling the net next time to explain it to you he's round for a sleep-over. Either that or your son's not half as clever as you think he is and buggered up writing your post for you.....

Do you think Michael Owen needs to get going? Do you think he needs to prove himself after being woefully ineffective against France? I'd like to hear your thoughts about that confusing issue. Or, indeed, your son's thoughts.



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
If you want to hear her son's thoughts you should probably do so before he reaches puberty. After that, regardless of the brainpower involved, there will be only one thing on his mind. Pussy. I don't really know what that would sound like though. I do know it smells like fish but tastes like chicken. At least that's what Filling The Net told me.


New Member
Feb 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Fastshow said:
That's some top-notch analysis. Been watching some 'soccer' on the box have you? Or have you subscribed to The Province?

Nope, I've got it, filling the net's in your son's class and he's been filling that precautiously gifted offspring of yours with his keen footballing nous and sporting acumen. It must be that.

What's this 'spending words' bollocks? You've misunderstood the TTP token system. Ask filling the net next time to explain it to you he's round for a sleep-over. Either that or your son's not half as clever as you think he is and buggered up writing your post for you.....

Do you think Michael Owen needs to get going? Do you think he needs to prove himself after being woefully ineffective against France? I'd like to hear your thoughts about that confusing issue. Or, indeed, your son's thoughts.

Firstly, I am reluctant to respond to you, not on the basis that I don't have an opinion on the matter but on the basis that I do not wish to be your sacrificial lamb. The fact that you would even give 1/2 a sh*t about what I have to say on anything, never mind, soccer leaves me quite leery. Your highly intelligent, articulate post are refreshing to read and I do not wish to enter in to any type of debate with you, hence looking like the ass you will make of me.

Secondly, in response to your questions ~ Owen's ineffective play versus France is not a discredit to Owen as much as a credit to France's defense especially Thurman & Gallas who barely gave him room to breath. (sorry, I have a hard time saying anything bad about Michael Owen, 'cause let's face it he is prabably one of the world's greatest players right now). The fact that France basically kept him quieter than Marcel Marceau will be playing heavy on his psyche right now and he will defientely need to step it up if England hopes to get past the first round. Does he think he needs to prove himself, I wouldn't know ~ I don't know him, but IMO, ABSOLUTELY. He is England's best player (no, it's not Beckham, yet with the media's keyboards & camera's going into a frenzy every time he touches the ball you'd think that wouldn't ya.), but getting through the Swiss defense today will be easier than ripping me to shreds for posting this and he will be back in fine form before the ticker reads 5 mins.

Anyways, that's my (lita) opinion, take or leave it, but please keep your crude comments about my first born to a minimum or if you had any type of decency or respect don't bother at all.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
An emphatic win indeed!

This event has now been settled.




Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't worry lita, Fasty just gets like this on match days.
His knickers have been in a twist ever since the 91st and 93rd minutes.
He's probably back to his old self by now, singing "3-nil" or something like that.

Last time I checked this site was called TTP...

For the record, my first born, at the age of 7 I should say, has mastered a couple of observations and sayings himself:

"Fcuk the Sassanachs".
"David who?"

Proud Dad,



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Kids are great. If you want to have some fun, take 'em down to the Sugar Shack buy them fifteen dollars worth of assorted candies and then head down to the beach and watch them go. I did this with my five year-old niece and she came up with all sorts of wonderful quotes.

For example, regarding the bratty kid in the sandbox, "That little boy is a stupid fcuking bitch".
while petting a dog she had graciously asked a lady if she could pet, "Uncle Potato, this is the ugliest dog I have ever seen".
When I asked her what she wants to be when she grows up, "A prison guard so I can beat down the prisoners".
Upon seeing a tree that had been cut down for some, to me, unknown reason, "There they go again, chopping down all the trees to make their fcuking houses".

Warning: Ensure child is delivered back to parents before the sugar buzz wears off. It's also quite amusing to see the look on their faces when you hand the parents the almost finished bag of candy and they realize the significance of it. Play dumb if they get pissed off.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
lita said:
Firstly, I am reluctant to respond to you.....

Your bravery is commendable. TTP is a ferocious place.

lita said:
(sorry, I have a hard time saying anything bad about Michael Owen, 'cause let's face it he is prabably one of the world's greatest players right now).

I was going to suggest you didn't have the first clue about taking the piss but then you posted that wee pearl about Michael Owen being one of the world's greatest players 'right now'. I love what you've done with that. Michael Owen is pants and has been, for England, for months and months. Just when you had me thinking you were just another dozy Canadian housewife with no sense of irony and as thin a skin as an albino on the Costa del Pisstake whose footballing knowledge is acquired off packets of Cornflakes and regurgitated AP press cuttings, you suggest Owen is quality!! Well played you.

lita said:
.....if you had any type of decency or respect don't bother at all.

As an upstanding pillar of my community I shall refrain from ripping the piss ou of that one.

For now.

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