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TTP Champions League - food for thought

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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I have been thinking about this for a long time and have been recently casually presenting it to a few key potential "partners".

Hands of Stone touched on the issue in a different thread today so I thought now would be a good time to put this out to the masses and see what were the thoughts of TTPers...

TTP Champions League - tentative title

To be played Wednesday nights during the fall/winter at 2 locations [one in the valley, one in Vancouver/Burnaby]. 8 teams split into 2 groups of 4. Top 2 from each group go onto final four championship.
  • 28 games in total [group stage is “home & away”] – basically could do this in 14 weeks time. Even less if more games were played over the xmas break
  • Sponsors put up money [$5000 to the winning team should not be difficult if this is done right - $10000 in total]
  • VMSL teams: Imperial cup winner & top 2 teams from each premier side
  • FVSL teams: Pak Cup winner & top 2 teams from premier

The numbers have not been totally thought out but seem a good mix right now to me.

A few questions that may come immediately to mind:

Why Wednesday Nights?
Mainly so that there are no conflicts with regular VMSL or FVSL games. This would only work during the winter season as teams could not stick together properly for the summer.

Why no Island teams?
Plain and simple: economics. Those teams can't afford to come here and teams from here can't afford to go there. Especially mid-week.

What about referees?
I'm sure something could be worked out with the ref associations and we would go through them and BC Soccer to make sure everything was done right in this regard. Referee fees would be payable by the teams involved or if enough sponsorship money was raised, could be covered by them.

What about getting cooperation from the VMSL & FVSL?
No need as far as I'm concerned. They have not responded well in the past to any type of working relationship and I do not expect that to change in the future. This "venture" would be considered a "tournament", sanctioned by the BCSA. Individual teams would be contacted and hopefully would want to participate.

Why 2 "venues"?
Atmosphere. The key to this whole thing is to make it event based. If you have it so that it is a true home/away format, fan attendence would not be as good. We could also control beer gardens better this way :D Also, the need for lights and quality pitches come into play. These are not in abundance right now, especially the quality part. Off the top of my head, I see possible venues being Bear Creek Park in the Valley and possibly Swangard for Burnaby/Vancouver, though the latter may be a stretch due to costs... not sure what Seaman center looks like these days.

There are probably more things to be considered but let's start with that and see what some of you have to say.



Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Great Idea Regs, but you stole it from HOS

A Couple of problems do come up.

Cards, Red and Yellow, with the BCSA involved, would cards in these games be transfered over to the VMSL and FVSL. I think not. Cards could be applied to this Champions League only, so if a player gets too many, they sit out Champions League games only, and it doesn't effect League games for the VMSL or FVSL.

Injuries, that is a lot of games on top of all the league, league cup, and B.C. Cup games that teams play.
The CAT system would really help in this situation, as CAT players could be called up for both League and Champions League games. Would teams have to stick with a set lin-up of players, like the Imperial Cup and B.C's or could they use the CAT system for this Champions League.

Last, Price, right now some teams have a problem getting the money together just to run a team for the one league. So some teams may have a tough team coming up with more money for Refs, fields, and the cost of doing business for a game (eg. medical supplies).

Great Idea though Regs, too bad its mine.



Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Fcuk you HOS.

Actually Regs and I discussed this about two weeks ago at KOB's, therefore I find that it is Regs' idea.

Screw of wanna be.

Chinese tomorrow? ;)

Excellent idea Regs. If it can be pulled off. Let me get in touch with the FVSL brass. I'm sure they'll be very supportive of the idea.:rolleyes:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
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Cards shouldn't affect other league games/status, at least they shouldn't as I understand it. The only way that it would I imagine is if they did something drastically wrong that would warrant a total ban from soccer ala Ref Beater or Two Left Feet :rolleyes:

I don't necessarily think that there would be too many extra games. Teams could use this instead of a training session.

CAT System? I don't think that would matter. $5000 to the winner is a lot of dough for any club to win... if they want to hinder their chances at that by fielding a lesser team... good luck to them.

As I said, if the sposorship is right, money for the teams may not be a problem. Say you need $100 per game for refs... that's ~$2800 needed. Not entirely out of the picture if you can raise $10000 in sponsors behind this... Get a sports medicine clinic in to supply taping, etc at each venue and that take care of that. There are many ways to overcome these obstacles.

A venue on this side of the river could be difficult but something in the valley can be arranged easily, I'm sure.

Full of holes but good points nonetheless, HOS.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
What's in it for TTP

You say it is called "TTP Champions League", is TTP putting up money for this Cup, or is TTP just organizing it.

There are some interesting names for competitions out there, but I think "Take The Piss Champions League" would take the cake.

"And the 2003 Take the Piss Champions League winner is ....."

What does the trophy look like, a huge Penis, or a Soccer Player with his cokc out taking a piss. You could pour your beer in the top and have it come out down low.
Need a good trophy for this competition:D



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
It's all a good, massive idea.

I particularly like the aspect of representation from various leagues -- which would be the whole point, I guess. :eek:

The winners could receive waterbottles.


Aug 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Great Idea

I think this sounds like a great idea and i'm sure it would attract alot of fan support. Would it be easy to get a beer garden set up for these games?

Cheers, Gomes


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It is possible- a remote possibility, I know- that NAP Turf may be ready by this time next year (you still owe me that case of beer, Mitchell). This is a potential great venue, as far as Beer Gardens are concerned. What about Town Centre in Coquitlam?

As far as invites, couldn't one be sent to the Island Champion, just to gage the interest? It wouldn't be much of a Championship, especially if they end up winning the BC's again. I know costs are prohibitive, but who knows?

Yeah, I can't see the leagues themselves supporting something like this...makes too much sense. The teams, on the other hand, I can see supporting this in a big way. Even if the Championship doesn't win a team anything beyond $5,000.00, the bragging rights alone would be worth it.

One thing: I think you'd have to somehow control the rosters, just as you would for a regular league game. Players would need to be registered to the team through BCSA, etc.…


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

I'll be at NAP tonight as a matter of fact :D

Having teams put in a list at the start of the "league" would not be a problem... as long as no Saskatchewan reps or the CSA is involved ;)


Beer Garden... that's the whole point of this :D



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
I think it's a sweet idea. I would definitely try to make it out and watch some games, drink beer, etc. Would give you guys more piss taking material and teams could use it to replace training as well. You'll have to have your own Champions League theme song though! Good luck, great idea, hope it flies.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
As much as the purists might be against it, the only way you could pull this off is to hold the tourney on some sort of turf-based complex, especially if this thing is going to run through the winter.

Burnaby's probably got the most complex, uh, complex available given the fact there's three fields, all equipped with lights, abundance of seats (or at least places to watch the games from) and plenty of changeroom facilities. The obvious benefit is that the park will always be guaranteed to be in good condition - I don't recall many Champions League matches being postponed due to heavy rainfall, stolen goalposts or some retard parks board guy shutting down the field an hour before kickoff. You've gotta pretty much guarantee that the schedule will be set in stone and won't be subject to any change, barring some crazy unforseen circumstance.

Although it's far out for several valley teams, Burnaby Lake West does have the benefit of being right off the #1, thus no winding directions through residential areas to get there. Jump in the HOV lane and you're set. You can also explore the possibility of charging people for entrance to games....I've seen it done both for High School Provincials and for our 2000 CCAA National Championships, both held at the Burnaby turf.

I recall the Canadians' tournament had a beer garden while it was at the turf complex, albeit a smaller and seemingly tighter-regulated one than they offered at the grass pitches in previous (and following) years. This would be a huge factor in attendance and overall revenue.

Call it the Lower Mainland Champions League and you're in business. With teams vying for the prestigious Player's Cup. Oh, and the $5000 dollars.

cerebral smallsy

Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2002
Dirty Money
looking out for the runner up

VMSL teams: Imperial cup winner & top 2 teams from each premier side

is it safe to assume the second place team on side A could fill one of the "top 2 team" spots after westside completes the treble?:D

but seriously, it's an idea that looks great on paper. if it did come to fruition, i would be a supporter. unfortunately, the reality involved in logistics and money inevitabley leads to XFL like results.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sounds like a great idea.

I know there would be a shite load of organization needed to get this off the ground, and that will be the main stumbling block that would prevent this champions league from going ahead.

Good luck !!!!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Is that an offer of volunteering, Sliver? Thanks! You can be in charge of ordering and safe-keeping of the winning water bottles posted by Keeper above :D

It would be a lot of work, yes, but things have to start somewhere. It makes it much easier if we can go to key people/businesses and say, look at the interest/thoughts already garnered here.

In other words, keep the thoughts coming everyone... I've heard that this very thread came up in discussions last night during a coach's meeting for a prominent VMSL club.

This is good. Now if we can only get Lennard Bobbaduzzi to be our media liason :D



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Here's a thought on the Island team thing: could accomodation be taken care of by the tourney through sponsorship $$$? Assuming $100.00 per night in a reasonable hotel or motel, that would mean about $400.00 / night (16 players, 4 / room). Total costs could reach as high as $2,000.00 for this, but it may also help draw in more sponsorship dollars by having the Island champs participate.


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
wicked idea

I think that this isa great idea. If it's organized properly, then it would be huge for football in the lower mainland. Some important things to sort out (in my point of view ofcourse):

- yellow/red cards cannot count in regular league play, or else nobody will play and risk it.

- must have a set roster (~20 guys) to keep some continuity

- Where are you gonna get $10,000 ??

- I don't think teams will have a problem paying for refs etc, as long as that's the only cost to the team. Is there going to be an entry fee?

- Can we get sponsorship from local TV (Shaw or Rogers?), giving them a chance to televise some matches? Probably asking too much, but just an idea :(

I hope this thing comes together, sounds like a wicked idea.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
You'd go about cards and player eligibility the same as if the whole thing is (and, well, it is) a completely seperate entity. All you'd have to do at the beginning of the competition is have teams set a roster of 25 players or so. That should cover the entire 1st team (unless you're ICSF Inter) and enough spare bodies from within the club or CAT system. Then simply refer the ID cards used in each league to verify. In the unlikely event that with a 25 man roster teams are still struggling for bodies, implement the single-game player signing a la the PCSL. Then offer teams the choice to add this player to the roster, or simply use him for the single game. Again, all players must be club tied. You can argue over the finer points of staying strict to a 25-man roster, or allowing teams to sign as many players as they want. I mean, so long as signings/callups are within a single club, I can't see the harm. It would actually make the CAT system benefitial, more so than it is now.

Cards - simple. Cards that are handed out during Champions League play (now referred to as CL) can only affect CL play. Cards handed out in VMSL/FVSL action do not affect the eligibility of a player participating in CL. Obviously long-term bans like the situations Regs mentioned earlier would require special treatment, but that's the exception rather than the norm.

If you really want to pimp this to most teams, you should highlight 1) the big prize money available, 2) the chance to play more games against quality oppositon on quality pitches as an alternative to training sessions, 3) the fact that cards and discipline will not affect eligibility for regular league play, 4) a chance to implement the CAT system on a more frequent basis.


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Sounds good

I love the idea Regs if you can pull something like this off, you would be a God. Of course we all would do our part to help. Sure there are hurdles, but they can be tackled.
I wonder about pitches... are there enuff.
Just a thought, this could affect the stronghold the VMSL has over the Fraser Valley. The Valley would be much more appealing if this comes off.
The extra game a week would be good, you could train once a week and play twice:D . As a coach it would be much easier to manage playing time. We would be able to carry a bigger squad with more quality because there would lots of game time to go around.

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
It sounds great. The only issues that may be too big to overcome are:

1. Money. For fields, refs, medical, etc. Teams are strapped now. The amount we fundraise and pay ourselves through pools, raffles and beer funds is kinda silly already.

2. The VMSL and the FVSL. They would never go for it. They don't want to risk losing top players to injury in games that don't mean anything to their respective leagues. Regs (and HOS), this is definitely put together with the right goals in mind: promoting better, more entertaining soccer for the masses. I just don't see how the selfish leaders of the 2 leagues would go for it.

3. I do like the idea of weekly television coverage on Shaw. What better way to promote the game than expose the best for all to watch without having to brave the elements?

4. The Island thing will never be a go. Sorry Dude. If you're talking about doing this on Wednesdays, which I think is the most logical day, how are you going to get a team to take a full day off work to travel back and forth? Not enough people are that flexible.

This idea is so intriguing, I may put off my planned retirement this year if this goes (and Poco makes it:rolleyes: )

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