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Vancouver Whitecaps Season Ticket Prices & Seating Chart


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
i have no idea what the moaning is all about. these tickets are a great deal. yellows for me. $35 per seat per game taxes in. i am sharing a set of 4 tix and will be taking the whole family to games for less than the cost of ONE of my company's canucks tix.

awesome stuff... gonna be great. as long as i'm not too close to the fake accents and cutoff levi's jackets.



Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
i have no idea what the moaning is all about. these tickets are a great deal. yellows for me. $35 per seat per game taxes in. i am sharing a set of 4 tix and will be taking the whole family to games for less than the cost of ONE of my company's canucks tix.

awesome stuff... gonna be great. as long as i'm not too close to the fake accents and cutoff levi's jackets.


You miss the point here. For you, I and the average fan, yes this is a good affordable entertainment package for the family ( but lets reserve 100% judgement until we see beer / food / parking prices). Where they went wrong is targeting the loyal supporters/customers. You pay 55% higher ticket price just to call your self a southsider now? REG'S you are a marketing guy. What grade do You give the caps? Do you take advantage of your best customer's? The ones you built your base upon. The ones who put you where you are today? What do you see as the result of this? I see a bunch of southsiders now spreading their support all over the stadium instead of one designated area. Atmosphere killer. I may be wrong but I doubt it. So ya SLEAZY it is.

Why The most expensive seat to a white caps game 20% higher than the most expensive ticket to see Man U at Old Trafford. If someone can answer for me that would be great.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
From what I understand, there are plenty of people out there who have held 86er/whitecap season tix for years that out-number the southsiders as a whole. Are they being targeted?

The southsiders obviously bring something to the table for the Whitecaps and as such, they get certain perks not afforded to you and I. Want to get first choice in selection of seats before even long-time season ticket holders? Join the SSers today for $30 and you can from my understanding (and don't take that as a slag towards the SSers from me, far from it).

They are certainly the most vocal customers but are they necessarily the "best" customers? There are other groups to consider as well as I've said above.

PS. I'm not a marketing guy.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
From what I understand, there are plenty of people out there who have held 86er/whitecap season tix for years that out-number the southsiders as a whole. Are they being targeted?

The southsiders obviously bring something to the table for the Whitecaps and as such, they get certain perks not afforded to you and I. Want to get first choice in selection of seats before even long-time season ticket holders? Join the SSers today for $30 and you can from my understanding (and don't take that as a slag towards the SSers from me, far from it).

They are certainly the most vocal customers but are they necessarily the "best" customers? There are other groups to consider as well as I've said above.

PS. I'm not a marketing guy.

My bad. i always see you commenting and questioning others marketing strategies. You seem to know what your talking about most of the time. Thought it was part of your portfolio. i do respect your point of view. Except when it comes to Bieska of course. Cheers.

Where is JBN anyway. Interested to hear what he has to say.

P.S. How do i make my avatar to juggle? I Borrowed him from the vmsl website.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I don't have a problem with the prices per se.

I have a problem with them pricing the seats based on sections instead or rows... you'd think that would be the way to do it, along with site lines... Why in the NBA, NFL, NHL, and CFL are the corners priced higher than the end zones? Footy is no different. The Southsiders congregate in behind the goal for many reason, two chief reasons being it's GA so you don't piss anyone off by standing all game and secondly they are the cheap seats. The guys don't watch from there because it has awesome sightlines.

also why are we going to be paying BC Place prices right away when we're told all of year one is at shitty Empire!? No Rapid Transit, no parking, horrendous concessions, washrooms, facilities, etc...

All for watching footy on a plastic pitch.

TBH: I'm re-evaluating whether I will spend $1.00 on the Whitecaps and just stay home and watch on tv and go on my company tix when I can get my hands on them...

I paid $220 taxes and fees in for the ENTIRE SEASON including all the playoff games... I also got womens games tickets in that package and I got some doubleheaders in there too.

Now, to sit/stand in the exact same area to watch MLS I'm going to have to pay $492 + $10 Service Fee per order x 1.12 = A lot fcuking more than I had budgeted for, planned for... and that is where I feel they have missed the boat. Advertising that tix will start at $319 then only make 9% or so of your tickets actually that cheap...and in the weirdest of places, the corners...

the overall and average prices look fine to me... very affordable for the average person that could/would entertain season tix packages... I just don't get why VWFC Think they can stick it to their loyal supporters by having the highest $$$ "Supporters Section" In MLS in year one, with no precedent for on or off field success, it's a mighty big bet...

end rant.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
That was the one weird thing I noticed, is you can pay $494 for row 1, or $494 for row 30 or however many rows there are. That's kind of weird.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Its very weird...

If you had 5 tiers of pricing, I'd do this:

Sidelines rows 1-8 - Tier 1
Sidelines rows 8-up - Tier 2
Corners rows 1-8 - Tier 3
Corners rows 8 - up along with Behind net lower = Tier 4
Behind net upper - Tier 5

Then you obviously have swanky seating behind that...


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
please advise how you anticipate the whitecaps pay for the much higher salaries / costs of the MLS? the money has to come from somewhere. it is a business afterall. this is a bargain and will only get more expensive.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I hate to agree with JBN but I do agree the overall ticket price is okay it just seems the actual pricing for different sections are odd to say the least. Looking on the sounders website they did a more proffesional job pricing their sections but hey the Whitecaps were rushing to get the pricing out on time, and atleast they accomplished that. I hope I can get good tickets in the yellow because I really do not want the $500 tickets behind the net and get pissed on for half the games. I believe I am about 11,000 on the list so I doubt good yellow seats are in store for me but we'll see.

On a side note Rangers suck and their fans are inbred. That feels better.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Do the 250 or so Southsiders really believe they are being targeted?

How many seats do you think there are behind the goals? 2500? 5000?
Are the people sitting behind the net over on the "Northside" also being price gouged?

The comparison of the "supporter's" section costing $494 + HST ignores the fact that the Whitecaps also opened up the $418 price range tickets to them.

I agree that it is odd that the corners are cheaper than the ends, but ffs if all you want is the cheapest seat in the house move your little pack of whingers to the corner. You don't have to sit behind the net! I notice "supporter's sections" for other MLS teams are often in the corners anywyay.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
A few facts for the perhaps ignorant...

The entire south end (on the chart) from Green to green including the teal and aqua will be marketed and sold as "Supporters" therefore removing any doubt as to having to worry about getting tapped on the shoulder by "Soccer Mom" telling you to sit down, not swear, not sing, not chant, because her 6 year old can't see...

If you price the WFC "Supporters section" AVERAGE ticket price against every other team in the MLS we are number 1 most expensive. We don't even have any players signed yet. In LA they have the Galaxy: Beckham (Whatever you think of him) Donovan (Perhaps the best Yank player) and an awesome team. They get their "Supporters Section" tickets for cheaper than us, and their tix package inlcudes 3 International Glamour Friendlies every year as well as their US Open Cup games... How does VWFC think they can get this?

You would (even though the sightlines etc are the same as the Northside) think that they would price the Southend cheaper than the Northend because of it's "Supporters" Status.... because it's a harder sell to neophytes and newly acquired fans of the game and brand that they can't see if everyone else around them is standing for the full 90, throwing confetti around, doing Tifo displays with cards and large banners, huge signs, etc...

The other thing that needs to be mentioned again, and this isn't me or anything, I CAN afford it, I just don't think I will make the choice to now... There are a great many folks that were USL/NASL/USSF-2/CSL long time 86'ers/Caps STH's that bought tickets because it was the only really affordably priced pro sports team in the Lower Mainland- Southsider or otherwise... A great many students, elderly, "the pensioners shut-ins and blind" ;) that could afford the $12-$18 bucks per game basis at Swangard that just won't pay the money, and I'm going to guarantee that it's not just the 100-300 Southsiders in this grouping...

Single game tickets (If all goes according to plan) will be both scarce and expensive...


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Do the 250 or so Southsiders really believe they are being targeted?

Ya i think they are. I am not a southsider Having the luxury of living 2 blocks from Swangaurd and seeing these guys game in game out, rain/ sleet/ shine supporting the whitecaps of many years does Irk me.

Dezza here is proof Taken off another site

VAN $494 (19) / $26.00
SEA $436 (18) / $24.22
LAG $400 (20) / $20.00
NYR $320 (17) / $18.82
POR $360 (20) / $18.00
HOU $334 (20) / $16.70
SJE $240 (17) / $14.12
NER $216 (17) / $12.71
FCD1 $252 (20) / $12.60
COL $216 (18) / $12.00
CHI $200 (17) / $11.76
CHV $180 (18) / $10.00
RLS $200 (20) / $10.00
FCD2 $170 (20) / $8.50

Dunno but maybe they would like to get rid of the southside behind the net idea all together and replace them with the downtown corporates. Again atmosphere killer.

how else do u jusify the fact that those same seats/sightlines are 40% cheaper to lions fans as opposed to the corner seating?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
@ sixfyv... agreed, they have to pay players and stadia lease, return investment on years of cash negative operations at Swangard, etc etc etc...

Like I said previously: I don't think the overall pricing is off the mark, i feel the way they've laid it out is where they've erred. It could have been fixed quite easily by switching the aqua and teal with the green...

Johnnie Monster

New Member
Apr 9, 2006
Dirty Money
Hello there,

I'm not a regular poster on here, but JBN knows me quite well. I'm president of the Southsiders, which presently comprised of 150 paid members and about 200 associates. We have an eight member executive board which is frantically scrambling to contain a full on pricing revolt.

I'd like to share a few things before people get the wrong idea about why the Southsiders are upset with the pricing structure.

First off, we do not claim to be entitled to any discounts, kickbacks, obligations, special favours or prices. My money is as good as anyone else's when it comes to supporting the Whitecaps. We are not "owed" anything for supporting the club up to this point, nor are we claiming to be.

The current uproar within our membership is largely due to the Whitecaps' failure to adequately manage the expectations of its supporters.

The Whitecaps' entire marketing campaign to date has been centred around the $319 price point as the proverbial "cheap seats."

When you look at EVERY team in MLS (and most football leagues in the UK and Europe, for that matter) the cheapest seats are nosebleeds and the seats behind the goal. It's an obstructed view for most down there, which makes it affordable, and that is why your most active supporters groups tend to congregate there. To them it's not about the view, it's about the experience.

It is therefore not at all surprising that members of the Southsiders (and others who are interested in "supporting" as opposed to "watching") arrived at the conclusion that the cheap seats would be behind the net. When taxes and fees are included, seats behind the net are **$200 more** than what the vast majority were anticipating. That's quite a shock to the system, let alone the wallet.

Here's the behind the net pricing for the big teams in MLS to illustrate a point.

Whitecaps $560
LA Galaxy $400
Seattle Sounders $400
Portland Timbers $369
NY Red Bulls $272
Toronto FC $361

The pricing for Toronto and Seatlle sparked full-on revolts by their supporters this year... and here we are, set to play in a temporary tin-can venue with no signings, charging $160 more than Seattle and $200 more than TFC.

The Galaxy have Beckham, and their package includes 3 - 5 major friendlies. Last year they hosted Real Madrid and Boca Juniors. We will be paying more than Galaxy fans just to see FC Edmonton and Montreal.

The Red Bulls are in the most expensive and most lucrative market in North America, with the league's highest profile signing in Thierry Henry. Those fans are paying exactly what I paid to stand at Swangard last year.

Which brings me to this:

Last year, I paid $270 for the "privilege" of standing on metal bleachers, pissing in port-a-loos, waiting in line at substandard concessions and arriving 2.5 hrs early to ensure I could get a parking space.

Next year I will be at Empire, probably for the entire season. Once again, I will stand on metal bleachers, piss in a port-a-loo, tough it out for crappy overpriced concessions and pay $30 for parking... and if I want the "privilege" of standing where I have since 1999, I have to pay $300 more more my ticket than I did last year.

It is absolutely inconceivable that we should be forced to pay the same exorbitant prices for Empire Field as we will at BC Place. There is absolutely no justification for that, not even if we stocked our team with stars in their prime from the likes of Real Madrid.

Speaking of which...

Did you know that Vancouverites will pay more for their seats behind the net than fans of Real Madrid do? And here's a kick in the ass - we only get two Canadian Championship matches in our package. They pay less than we do, and they get three matches to the Champions League!

I'm not so daft as not to know that Canada and Spain's economies are apples and oranges. I do however think there is an important lesson there though.

The Whitecaps have a stated goal of becoming a top-25 club on the global stage. Real Madrid has to rank in the top 3 on that list easily.

I would suggest that the Whitecaps should be looking to learn from the best before attempting to climb the ranks on the wallets of the supporters who kept them afloat through the dark days of the 1990s and 2000s.

Hell they can even look at the bottom feeding dregs of the MLS for some wisdom.

DC United was the league's former glory club prior to Beckham's arrival at LA. Their supporters group, the Screaming Eagles, pay less than Vancouverites will to stand behind the net.

In return, the club provides them with a financial kickback worth about $75 per member. This allows the Screaming Eagles to provide members with a free jersey every year, and free beer at tailgate parties before every match.

That's DC United folks... in one of the most economically depressed regions of the USA.

On a price per match analysis, I will concede that the $560 "Aqua" supporters section ain't a bad price for the Vancouver's sports market.

Unfortunately, we don't have the option of paying on a price per match basis. It's an all or nothing deal, with half due in November, and half due in February.... that's right before Christmas, and right after. They couldn't have planned it worse.

A more comprehensive payment plan would do wonders to quell this uproar. Almost every team in MLS has one, save for a few, and none are in markets as pricey as we are.

I also question this:

Why do end zone seats for BC Lions games cost 40% cheaper than the corners, but end zone seats for Whitecaps games cost 55% more?

Why are the sections priced in a way so that two people with an aisle between them have a pricing differential of nearly $200?

It's a mickey mouse pricing plan, plain and simple. The Vancouver Southsiders should have been the Whitecaps' easiest deposits to convert into paid tickets. Now they've got a lot of people questioning whether this is a club worth supporting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Steve Nash just tweeted:

Whitecaps-Spurs friendly in Vancouver next year?(fingers crossed it's an annual affair. Home and away.)

That would be sweet.


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
Johnnie Monster, you explained everything perfectly well. Some things just do not make sense at all. In a stadium that has, what 55,000-60,000 seats, the strategy should have been to offer nosebleed seats for maybe $10.00 per game and then go gradually up for the best seats in the house, attract the large number of people, and build tha fan base.

The goal should have been to get at least 50,000 into the house (once the roof is done) for every game during the first season and I expected that. I was hoping they would be smart by trying to attract a large number of people by offering cheap tickets. But, when I heard that they were limiting the number of available seats to the lower level alone I knew all this would be about charging as much as possible.

Lenarduzzi is constantly talking about the European models and he clearly has no clue what that is. Today on AM 1040 he basically said that the pricing is fair based on the feedback of many and that is how it is. Obviously, they do not target the vast majority of people in Lower Mainland who love soccer but do not want to pay ridiculous amounts for MLS soccer (JM nicely compared the Whitecaps tickets with Real Madrid and Man U, the top teams in the World). What the heck Lenarduzzi thinks he is doing? It is obvious that they count on corporate support. Who in the right mind wants to pay over $100* per game (for the best seats) to watch Whitecaps and MLS? Again, the target should have been the large audience, not only corporations.

Whitecaps approached this from the wrong angle and I am quite sure they will pay the price for that. The first season should be about building the fan base, not making the most loyal supporters upset from the start.

*AM 1040 mentioned today the highest price would be $105.00 per game and Lenarduzzi did not deny that.

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