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Div 2 VMSL Division 2 CAT Results & Banter - Dec/Jan 2005

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Sep 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Nice win.
4 - nil. Is nothing to sneeze at. Thats quite the win. Rust is gonna be there but 4- nil Wow.!!.
Dont take this offensively. Did you have any A players play for you.. Or any "A" subs play for the B team. Just a question. Dont take offense.
Congrats on the win

"On too Richmond Utd next week"... Its good to be ambitious.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Nice win, you lads are on a bit of a roll, can't say the same for the mighty Socceroos mind you. Looking forward to our match next weekend !!

RUFC B 3 - 0 Socceroos

What a dreadful start to the New Year for us, could not complete a pass to save our lives but still managed to create some chances and keep it to a draw after the first half. The second half was a whole other story scoring 3 and missing many more. The 'roos gave up near the end and started with the chippy stuff as one of their lads decided to run over one of our midfielders, unlucky for him though as he not only took the worst of his dreadful attempt at a tackle but was sent off as well, pretty well summed up the afternoon for them. I had the pleasure of playing on the Socceroos' side of the pitch in the second half and enjoyed many "fat guy" jokes from the sideliners, pretty embarrasing for the lad I was marking who apparently was not too happy about being tackled and could not do a thing with the ball, he finally had to ask to come off, better luck next time ;) As for the Socceroos, I can only hope that they were missing a few guys(10 or so) because aside from IFC, they were the worst side we've played this year, fcuking shocking !!

Cheers, mackers.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Deuce said:
Nice win.
4 - nil. Is nothing to sneeze at. Thats quite the win. Rust is gonna be there but 4- nil Wow.!!.
Dont take this offensively. Did you have any A players play for you.. Or any "A" subs play for the B team. Just a question. Dont take offense.
Congrats on the win

"On too Richmond Utd next week"... Its good to be ambitious.

Yeah we did Duece, we had three players from our "A" team play. Only one guy who starts for our "A" team actually played, and he came on in the second half. The others play with us regularly, and don't start for the "A" team. They are subs with the "A" team.
Make sure you come say hello next time we play.


Sep 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Socceroos said:
Hellooooooooooo.....my friends, we are back. I checked out King George today. Even though it looks like the forehead of our coach, I think Saturdays game against Richmond United will be a go. I predict a win by the mighty Roos. 2:1 sounds about right.

You predicted a win for the fourth week in a row. Failed again.
2-1 , does'nt sound right. 3 - bagel, sounds about right. (vmsl made a mistake, no worrys).
You havent won since Oct 31, 2004. You predict wins every week. Know your limits!!!!!
You played S.U. and you lost.
You played S. Temple and you lost.
Club I (or as you call them the red heads) , and you lost.
R.U.F.C. and you lost. Just wanted you too know the facts.

Worst game of the year for us. Very energetic group (soccerroos) for the first 30 minutes, the socceroos played well. Couple of close plays, a post , a breakaway, but nothin.
Shoulda , woulda , coulda.. No if ands or butts you lost.
You called one of my players unclassy. You called another fat.
And every time our goalie ( named Adrian) touched the ball you yelled Aaaaaaaadrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiaaaaan. ( The movie Rocky) Youuuuu might want too think about who was unclassy.
Mackers owned your #24. But you just yelled he's fat... good thinkin.. You my friend are a disgrace. Just know you were beaten.!!!!!
Slacks scored twice against ya. Btw the third goal was a cracker.

Ugly soccer but your prediction is wrong and you lost for the fourth game in a row.


Sep 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Gurps said:
Yeah we did Duece, we had three players from our "A" team play. Only one guy who starts for our "A" team actually played, and he came on in the second half. The others play with us regularly, and don't start for the "A" team. They are subs with the "A" team.
Thanks again for the game Duecy, make sure you come say hello next time we play.
Hey Gurps,
Thats what i thought 3 players who are subs, and one guy loookin for a game. Thats what i thougt...... Just curious , sorry to bother ya.

I remember talk about cat system.. ( socceroo whining.). Well done, thats how it should be done.
Congrats again on the win.
I will come by next week and say hello.. So will Mackers.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
No problems Duece, see ya next week...if the weather holds up.

What the hell happened in the Kosova - Croatia game???

Kosova won 7-1?

Is this a misprint RobJ?


New Member
May 19, 2004
Dirty Money
Here it goes. I was just about to say that Mackers had a great game and that I had nothing but respect for shutting down one of our more skilled players....but then I read the post he left. Now I say: "Funck you fat cnut! Not only are you fat ,you are also disrespectful....As Deuce summed up,I think we gave you a good run for your money...It was a good game till we let you have it. Next time we will actually play with a goalie. The" cracker" you scored...... Well,all game you said our goalie had no hands, and well you're right, they were amputated at birth, all he has are stumps, so congrats on that "cracker" of a goal! One more thing....Deuce are youi looking for a good summer team? Rayment has been a Socceroo for 5 years, and he loves it. Sorry Mike,I just outed you. Good Luck


Active Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

I say: "Funck you fat cnut! Not only are you fat ,you are also disrespectful....

"disrespectful" ?? OUCH, that's ripe coming from you and your lot after the berating I took on your sideline all second half :confused: As for your most skillfull guy, you guys are in more trouble than I thought if #24's your go-to guy ?!?!?


Sep 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Socceroos said:
Here it goes. I was just about to say that Mackers had a great game and that I had nothing but respect for shutting down one of our more skilled players....but then I read the post he left. Now I say: "Funck you fat cnut! Not only are you fat ,you are also disrespectful....As Deuce summed up,I think we gave you a good run for your money...It was a good game till we let you have it. Next time we will actually play with a goalie. The" cracker" you scored...... Well,all game you said our goalie had no hands, and well you're right, they were amputated at birth, all he has are stumps, so congrats on that "cracker" of a goal! One more thing....Deuce are youi looking for a good summer team? Rayment has been a Socceroo for 5 years, and he loves it. Sorry Mike,I just outed you. Good Luck
Peter are you drunk?
Oh thats right you must be cuz you were on your second pint at 11:00 am.
By 1:00 you were an annoying embarrassment. Shouting my Keepers name like in the movie Rocky unclassy and you are disgrace to Div 2 cat. Pick on Mackers all you want. The Kid in the net is 18, and let me tell you that will not happen again.
Every time Mackers touched the ball you called him fat. You were berating him. And he absolutely owned # 24. Do you even know who Mackers is?
He was not the one too score the "cracker".
You calll Mackers a fat cnut. Are you the pot or the Kettle. You are definately not a run way model yourself Peter. More like the Pilsbury dough boy, with the size of a head as a large pumpkin. :bronco: With SOCCEROO painted on the back of your jacket .
This time the excuse is why you lost is your goalie. Hey mate what i recall is Slacks scoring two goals inside your six. I would be blaming the players not the goalie. As saying "you gave us a good run for your money" HARDLY"
Yes you gave us pressure for a few moments, because it was guys like me that were playing the shits for a few seconds here and there.
Btw you did not let us have anything. You guys were exhausted 10 minutes into the second half. "Am i looking for a good summer team"? Not a chance Peter. Not a chance in hell. The name of your team, color of your jerseys and you on the sidelines. Not Priceless. :D


Lifetime Better Bastard
Nov 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Gurps said:
No problems Duece, see ya next week...if the weather holds up.

What the hell happened in the Kosova - Croatia game???

Kosova won 7-1?

Is this a misprint RobJ?

Gurps no, it was not a misprint. I must say we had a good ref and I am proud of the way the eight players that showed up played. We did not give up all game. We had one regular defenceman come, so Kosovo took advantage of us in that way. Our manager took count of breakaways and shots against us. They had 26 breakaways for a grand total of 53 shots on net. 7-1 or 1-0 a loss is a loss.

No excuses they deserved the win.

This has pretty much summed up our season this year.

Billy boy

New Member
Sep 2, 2004
Dirty Money
Lobbans1 Wickham2,
Great game for 60 mins then Wickham decided to throw on there "A" team.(plus those allready playing) Lobbans were up 1-0, heavey pitch, had not played in 6 weeks absolutely cream crackerd. (a little tired).ok thats the sour grapes part over.
Is this how one team can amass a 12point lead, Is it great tactics from the coach?(maybe). Or is it, do whatever it takes to win the 2ND DIV CAT TITLE? Who knows. But maybe the true winners will be the team that comes in 2nd ,go Bombastic. Comments welcome.


New Member
May 19, 2004
Dirty Money
Deuce said:
Peter are you drunk?
Oh thats right you must be cuz you were on your second pint at 11:00 am.
Every time Mackers touched the ball you called him fat. You were berating him. You are definately not a run way model yourself Peter. More like the Pilsbury dough boy, with the size of a head as a large pumpkin. :bronco: With SOCCEROO painted on the back of your jacket .

Just to clarify a few things for you. I am not resposible for the post above. Our entire team can post under the glorious Socceroo name. Secondly I don't recall drinking or shouting at anyone....maybe I was just too drunk to notice. I did not call Mackers fat,as you mentioned I am rather big boned myself and I can feel Mackers pain of being bullied in school because of his weight and height.
I am glad you noticed our New jackets tough,...New being the key word here. I think the shite you were wearing on the field was a donation from your A-team 12 years ago.....
Good luck next week
P.S. My head weighs 12 lbs,while the average head is only 8 lbs. Germans are superior after all.


New Member
May 19, 2004
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
At what? Starting and losing wars? I'll give you that but that's about it...

What about the beautiful women? only kidding on that one... Beer? World Cups? Heavy Heads?
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