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Premier [VMSL Premier] Results & Banter December 2009

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Capitain I agree with you. They should have gotten way more cards. In PCSL you would have played 9 V 9. There is now way that ref or an AR should be told I am A fukin coach. That is boosh fom the top. How do you expect your players to act if you act in that manner. Both sides were equal to faul mouth talk. One of these times ref with balls will send few guys home and things will get better. I just do not understand why A Presidend or a second in comend of VMSL does not call a meeting with all the teams in the Premier. To help refs out. Refs must be left alone to do their job. If you guys do not like AR's and you think they are letting things go or calling things they should not. Get a guy to use a Cam corder and show it to Angelo. Thats what he gets paid for. When you have twenty two refs and a guy in the midle it is no fun to watch the games.
Team capitain on each team must settle his guys down. There is alway room for improvment.


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
Dirty Money
Capitain I agree with you. They should have gotten way more cards. In PCSL you would have played 9 V 9. There is now way that ref or an AR should be told I am A fukin coach. That is boosh fom the top. How do you expect your players to act if you act in that manner. Both sides were equal to faul mouth talk. One of these times ref with balls will send few guys home and things will get better. I just do not understand why A Presidend or a second in comend of VMSL does not call a meeting with all the teams in the Premier. To help refs out. Refs must be left alone to do their job. If you guys do not like AR's and you think they are letting things go or calling things they should not. Get a guy to use a Cam corder and show it to Angelo. Thats what he gets paid for. When you have twenty two refs and a guy in the midle it is no fun to watch the games.
Team capitain on each team must settle his guys down. There is alway room for improvment.


i wish you would cliffnotes all your posts...

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
You mean grammer check. Then it would be English. This way is Euro tatch. All in good fun. To all of you all the best for Christmas and a New Year.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Mr. Base.........it doesn't matter. People who coach lie through their teeth at this level. On top of that, they often do it for personal/business reasons. It's all about angles or not having a clue. Our club knows a little about that............angles.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
On top of that, Mr. Base.......it is VERY difficult to get coaches who want to coach for nothing. I would love to know how many of the Premier coaches are getting paid?

Does anyone know? It is a thankless job coaching at times especially when it is volunteer. Our club has several coaches and not one gets a salary and it makes it very difficult to bring other coaches in. Money seems to be a requirement now for MOST coaches?

Let's go, Utah.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
Since the New Year is upon us, any predictions for the second half of the season anyone? Who are the dominant top 4 going onto bigger and better things..? Who gets relegated..?


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Capitain what is there to lie about at premier level. Coach is there to set the things right and be posative each and every practice and a game. There is no need to lie. They coach because they are friends of the club head guys. You all know that game has changed alot from long balls to five yard passes. That is due to small box work in the practices. Reffing is better now than it used to be before. AR are not as good. They make far to many mistakes due to lots of them never played a game or if they did,they played a very low caliber.
In my opinion game has gone down. Guys do not care as much. Guys hop from club to club and play for fun. Top four sides in premier are more serious and it shows. It is clear to all of us that Surrey Metro Ford and West Van do want to go to BC Premier. Fourth spot is for Grabs. Four clubs that could be there are Croatia SC, Inter,Columbus and Pegs. Again all depends who wants to spend extra five grand a year to play in BC Premier
league. It coastst money to go to Victoria five times a year.
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