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Premier [VMSL Premier] The Saudi Connection Boils Over


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Gotta ask, @whistle-blower , in, erm, “Blowing The Whistle”, did it ever occur to you that you are equally, if not more complicit in this systemized cheating that you accuse @dezza and his pops of? Seems you keep breezing past that fact, that you funded this mess and went into it with full intent on coloring outside the lines, and in fact instructed it to occure.

Seriously, what am I missing here? To me it’s still weird....are you just a jock sniffer that wanted to be able to say you “Own a Football Club” in Canada, and to boast back home? The useless media? None of this still makes sense to me. Way too many holes in the story.

And, don‘t get me wrong....I’ve been equally hard on @SmartCoach . A few years back, when clubs were busy ratting on each other about missing ITCs, he called me to swear up and down the only incentive the club provided players were free boots. It was intended for me to support him on TTP. Found out shortly after (next pre-season) that was a blatant lie as the club was successfully poaching at least one prominent Langley player from the Provincial run, and it was whispered to me what that incentive was.

So, this is what it looks like when the house of cards comes tumbling down, right? The rats try eating each other as the ship sinks?
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
@Dude if you want me to respond ask Regs to lift the connection restrictions he applied to make access difficult . If you guys really care to hear the truth then you should not accept the admins siding with one member over the other

While the restrictions get eased if the admins wants to reconsider, ask yourselves a simple question: why did the pure and honest @dezza and his role model father @SmartCoach work for 5 years with our president who is bad and crazy and corrupt and and

It’s either they share those characters, or they are abusive manipulative parasites who don’t care who to work with as long he does what they want or they are liars who are just saying bad things about him to hide the truth . Is there another explanation in your opinion ??


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
@Dude if you want me to respond ask Regs to lift the connection restrictions he applied to make access difficult . If you guys really care to hear the truth then you should not accept the admins siding with one member over the other

While the restrictions get eased if the admins wants to reconsider, ask yourselves a simple question: why did the pure and honest @dezza and his role model father @SmartCoach work for 5 years with our president who is bad and crazy and corrupt and and

It’s either they share those characters, or they are abusive manipulative parasites who don’t care who to work with as long he does what they want or they are liars who are just saying bad things about him to hide the truth . Is there another explanation in your opinion ??
I am asking you why you feel you have the moral high ground here? You are so busy outing them while ignoring you are as much lacking in the very high level ethics you call into question.

Was watching a new Amazon show yesterday....a story related about two friends, Frog and Scorpion. Unlikely friends. Frog goes for a swim, Scorpion riding on his back. They come to a disagreement and Scorpion stings Frog. Frog says, “WTF buddy, why would you do this? Now we are both going to drown?“ to which Scorpion answers, “It’s in my nature.” They both die.

If they are evil, cheating Frogs, you Sir, are Dr. Scorpion.

Carry on....


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
This is actually a little unsettling to have someone who's standards, morals and ethics that are held in such high regard combined with science , smarts and good judgement in the best interest of sick children to be anywhere near association to situation like this. Or Maybe its just me overthinking things. But it does make one ask. What else?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

I’ll admit it: this issue with this team, amongst others in the VMSL, hits home for me only because the fact there are good squads from the FVSL that I knew to be “clean” of these incentives that got damn close only to be beaten in the final by squads associated with being dirty...then to have those teams poached by squads like Rino‘s makes the sting worse. I know what some close friends went through in terms of time and effort to get their squads in position to contend for those finals. So, reading all this? Frankly, I’m even more amazed @utah and @lfc4 & Robbie Keam were able to get so bloody close. Really, given the disparity in “recruitment tools” (never mind the grey area of ethics), those teams had no business making it anywhere those years.
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
We are not innocent, we did wrong things ( in the amateur scene standards), same things were going to be called ( excellent management) if the city had a semi pro league . We did those with the Freedmans, we admitted it , they don’t want want to but it can’t be hidden anymore

We can’t lie and say we are admitted this publicly as a noble gesture , we are quite mad at those thieves who stole our spot to add insult to injury .

If there is a thing that may get others to forgive us , it’s that we were honest when we said that in the last 2 years we reached the formula to work with good standards and not violate any rules , most important we stopped competing with the big mafia in Surrey and Burnaby that forced us to work this way. we really meant it when we said we enjoyed helping athletes in addition to satisfying our desire to have a strong ream . if you’re go around to ask how many players had help from our president outside the soccer field , how many guys got scholarships because of him, how many guys got status in canada or jobs because of him, even after they are done playing , you will know why he is different from the other “ bosses “ doing this shite in the city

if the Freedmans did not steal our spot , probably non of this was going to be ever revealed But you were close in your analogy about the scorpion and the frog , the only thing that was missing in the story was how bad the frog treated the scorpion before he lost it
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
Dear admins of this forum
It’s very unfortunate that you treat a Canadian citizen this way just because you don’t like his country of origin , I don’t remember seeing a thread called ( the Indian connection in Surrey , the Persian connection in north van , the Chilean connection in Burnaby , the Scottish connection in port mody) , all known for their ( similar behaviors ) but no body dared to go to the race aspect of them .
making the connection difficult for our IP address when we haven’t treated anyone badly except guys who treated us like shite , stole from us , did all the things they said they were against ), is very unjustified. Soccer Coach attacked us for 2 straight years and his account wasn’t treated different
Please let the people here be the judges and don’t police our posts


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

that's racist aziz ansari GIF by Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
Plot twist....

View attachment 29956

@whistle-blower is not actually Abdul Rahman Fehaid!

I suspect some may have already suspected this was the case, but now it's irrefutable. And if @whistle-blower is lying about his identity, you can pretty clearly conclude that he's a liar in general, and 95% of what comes out of his mouth and is posted here, is utter bullshit.

So who is the real @whistle-blower? Well, who else would write "Our beloved president" when referring to the Tigers other than the man himself, Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Abu Aish. (Spoiler: he also sent me multiple messages on WhatsApp until I blocked him, and then emailed multiple times telling me he was going to)

View attachment 29960

Normally I would value people's right to privacy, but since you've violated mine, here goes:

Dr Mohammed Abu Aish works at a pediatric clinic in Saudi Arabia, where he is indebted to the government because they paid for his schooling. Occasionally he is granted permission to leave the country for a period of a few months and that is when he is contracted as a Pediatric Emergency Physician at BC Children's Hopsital.

People may ask why someone would spend such vast sums of money on an amateur soccer team. Is it money laundering? No, it's not. It's his own after-tax money which he is foolishly spending, and the real reason why is because if it wasn't for the money, who would choose to affiliate with him? Look at how he treats his supposed friend Abdul: he goes online, impersonates him, and posts multiple defamatory statements that constitute libel. He's literally framed one of what should be his few true allies.

The number of ex-players and ex-coaches that have been with Tigers and would never have anything to do with the team again because of him is truly astounding. It's no wonder he was so desperate he agreed to pay his new coach $3k/month for a season that doesn't even count. Best of all, written in the contract is $1500/mo payment for periods during which soccer is cancelled due to covid. Brilliant "professional" management there. It's right up there with getting busy messaging the team you sponsor's 2 star players right before a Provincial final and pissing them off so much they refuse to play, and then instead of letting the real managers fix it, contacting TSS and telling them they don't need to release those players. Good job, you torpedoed the team's best chance at a Provincial title.

This last week has shown just what a small, petty, weak guy you are. Impersonating someone else, while spreading lies in an attempt to gain sympathy and make yourself look good is nothing short of cowardly. Tigers will never have anything to do with CPL or L1BC because the "club" is a joke and anyone with the slightest level of competence will see through your BS and reject you, and if by some fluke you slip through I'll be there to make sure they know the truth. I've already heard about several women's teams/academies you've contacted to partner with, and they laugh about your pathetic incoherent approaches.

As for why anyone would livestream VMSL games, we already know Tigers have their $1500 camera to record practices/matches and create highlight packages, so the real reason is because someone likes sitting on his computer at 3am in Saudi masturbating furiously every time Tigers score a goal.

drop mic GIF by Captain Obvious
You sink more and more in lies

(calling the players of the team you sponsor to upset them )
let’s the people who read the whole thread know who is lying , That time was the wake up call that made you and your father upset , We were not going to keep doing your dirty shite and babysit those drama queens for you anymore despite your father begging us not to make them upset . Everything happens for a purpose, losing a provincial finals led to a good transformation that led to winning the league . A good transformation you never wanted to begin with

(the tigers is a joke )sure , the joke that gave a lousy club like yours a league title you were never going to get in 50 years . Of course , it’s not unusual for you and your father to blame others for your loss ( like what you are doing here when you discuss the provisional finals but claim the credit to yourselves when you talk to others about winning the title the year after ),

( real managers ), really !! , do you know that some prem players don’t even know who you are , did you ever show up for practices except for couple of times begging to give you some of our bench players to revive your div 1 tram , did you ever attend games except when there is a title or a cup to be in the pictures . You and your father know nothing about management , the only reason the Tigers joined you was to fill the paper work for VMSL , that was a mistake as they could have hired a more efficient manager who would have never plot to steal the spot later

( the media ), if course a manger with your limited mental capacity don’t understand how important that move was , it’s one of several moves that made the team expell the gold diggers and focus on players with goals , a move that got you the title you would never dream to come even close to

( paid coaches ), another example for your incompetence as a manager , without hiring a good coach after your current manipulating coach left , good players would have never stayed in your lousy club , having high quality coaches and practices was always one of our standards . We regret going along with you in the 3 years of questions because our standards were enough to attract good players without the reason to do anything that is classified as ( wrong)

you still deny but believe me everyone know everything we posted is authentic and true , people who know you know your WhatsApp and writing style , but the SMS and emails are even stronger evidence against you

believe me , even if this spot stays with you , it’s enjoyable watching horrible ( prem managers wanna be ) like you suffer and leave after every game with humiliating loss , we can’t fake to see the look on your faces 22 weeks in a row and in terms of being there to ruin big plans , believe me , non of the big people involved in real pro soccer is ever going to pick a call from a nobody like you
Plot twist....

View attachment 29956

@whistle-blower is not actually Abdul Rahman Fehaid!

I suspect some may have already suspected this was the case, but now it's irrefutable. And if @whistle-blower is lying about his identity, you can pretty clearly conclude that he's a liar in general, and 95% of what comes out of his mouth and is posted here, is utter bullshit.

So who is the real @whistle-blower? Well, who else would write "Our beloved president" when referring to the Tigers other than the man himself, Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Abu Aish. (Spoiler: he also sent me multiple messages on WhatsApp until I blocked him, and then emailed multiple times telling me he was going to)

View attachment 29960

Normally I would value people's right to privacy, but since you've violated mine, here goes:

Dr Mohammed Abu Aish works at a pediatric clinic in Saudi Arabia, where he is indebted to the government because they paid for his schooling. Occasionally he is granted permission to leave the country for a period of a few months and that is when he is contracted as a Pediatric Emergency Physician at BC Children's Hopsital.

People may ask why someone would spend such vast sums of money on an amateur soccer team. Is it money laundering? No, it's not. It's his own after-tax money which he is foolishly spending, and the real reason why is because if it wasn't for the money, who would choose to affiliate with him? Look at how he treats his supposed friend Abdul: he goes online, impersonates him, and posts multiple defamatory statements that constitute libel. He's literally framed one of what should be his few true allies.

The number of ex-players and ex-coaches that have been with Tigers and would never have anything to do with the team again because of him is truly astounding. It's no wonder he was so desperate he agreed to pay his new coach $3k/month for a season that doesn't even count. Best of all, written in the contract is $1500/mo payment for periods during which soccer is cancelled due to covid. Brilliant "professional" management there. It's right up there with getting busy messaging the team you sponsor's 2 star players right before a Provincial final and pissing them off so much they refuse to play, and then instead of letting the real managers fix it, contacting TSS and telling them they don't need to release those players. Good job, you torpedoed the team's best chance at a Provincial title.

This last week has shown just what a small, petty, weak guy you are. Impersonating someone else, while spreading lies in an attempt to gain sympathy and make yourself look good is nothing short of cowardly. Tigers will never have anything to do with CPL or L1BC because the "club" is a joke and anyone with the slightest level of competence will see through your BS and reject you, and if by some fluke you slip through I'll be there to make sure they know the truth. I've already heard about several women's teams/academies you've contacted to partner with, and they laugh about your pathetic incoherent approaches.

As for why anyone would livestream VMSL games, we already know Tigers have their $1500 camera to record practices/matches and create highlight packages, so the real reason is because someone likes sitting on his computer at 3am in Saudi masturbating furiously every time Tigers score a goal.

drop mic GIF by Captain Obvious
You sink more and more in lies

(calling the players of the team you sponsor to make them upset )
let’s the people who read the whole thread know who is lying , That time was the wake up call that made you upset , We were not going to keep doing your dirty shite and babysit those drama queens for you anymore despite your father begging us not to make them upset . Everything happens for a purpose, losing a provincial finals led to a good transformation that led to winning the league .

(the tigers is a joke )sure , the joke that gave a lousy club like yours a league title they were never going to get in 50 years . Of course , it’s not unusual for you and your father to blame others for your loss ( like what you are doing here when you discuss the provisional finals but claim the credit to yourselves when you talk to others about winning the title the year after ),

( real managers ), really !! , do you know that some prem players don’t even know who you are , did you ever show up for practices except for couple of times begging to give you some of our bench players to revive your div 1 tram , did you ever attend games except when there is a title or a cup to be in the pictures . You and your father know nothing about management , the only reason the Tigers joined you was to fill the paper work for VMSL , that was a mistake as they could have hired a more efficient manager who would have never plot to steal the spot later

( the media ), if course a manger with your limited mental capacity don’t understand how important that move was , it’s one of several moves that made the team expel and kick out the gold diggers and focus on players with goals , a move that got you the title you would never dream to come even close to

( paid coaches ), another example for your incompetence as a manager , without hiring a good coach after your current manipulating coach left , good players would have never stayed in your lousy club , having high quality coaches and practices was always one of our standards . We regret going along with you in the 3 years of questions because our standards were enough to attract good players without the reason to do anything that is classified as ( wrong)

you still deny what you did but believe me everyone know everything we posted is authentic and true , people who know you know your WhatsApp and writing style , but the SMS and emails are even stronger evidence against you

believe me , even if this spot stays with you , it’s enjoyable watching horrible ( prem managers wanna be ) like you suffer and leave after every game with humiliating loss , we can’t wait to see the look on your faces 22 weeks in a row.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I've reached my limit here. This amounts to sour grapes over a failed partnership, nothing more or less. You are exposing the wrongdoings of your own club, good for you. You made the "cheating" happen, you just had a couple of Muppets pulling the strings.

The rest of the "Mafia" stuff...sure I'd love to read more. Go for it. Name and shame, and GO.
Last edited:
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
How can
I've reached my limit here. This amounts to sour grapes over a failed partnership, nothing more or less. You are exposing the wrongdoings of your own club, good for you. You made the "cheating" happen, you just had a couple of Muppets pulling the strings.

The rest of the "Mafia" stuff...sure I'd love to read more. Go for it. Name and shame, and GO.
How can I keep telling you the truth about them if every phone I use , it’s IP gets blocked by the admins


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I feel your pain @whistle-blower. Our Westside O-45M-B team had very similar issues. Coach-Kaner had promised to bring a post-match doob to every game. But, we found out he was sitting in his car before games and boaging the whole thing to himself, with no regard to the rest of us. Then, a certain Persian on the team wanted to change our Jersey color from red to fuchsia. This divided the squad and made our "true meaning" even more complex. Then, enters a number of Scots to the squad who were pilfering from the beer cooler and claiming that the only color we should play under is "gloomy cloud, just before a rain storm" grey. Further fracture continued as we were not only out the post-game doob, numerous beers from the cooler, but now we were talking about our feelings. Soccer is a bitch.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Seems that the import money was the crooks here.
Have you heard of the old saying “if you can’t beat them, join them”?
Perhaps after years and years of trying to keep a prem team afloat, father and son had enough of everyone around them paying players and taking the top local players. Maybe some of their own. If nobody is playing fair than why continue? Maybe they finally said fcuk it. Let’s help these young students out if we can.
It was a marriage of convenience. Both used each other. What are you crying about?

By doing all this BS you could be hurting some UNI players that did take money and broke their leagues rules. Why take down everyone around you? For what reason? What are you to gain?
Start your own thing up and push on with it. Live and learn. I don’t see what the point of all this is. Everyone in the soccer community already knew this stuff. What’s the point?

I don’t think Dezza and pops did much wrong here. They had an opportunity to field some very strong line ups and they took it. How many other clubs have done the same? It’s just kind of part of local soccer these days no?

Always has been when I played and now coach. I have lost cup finals to stacked paid teams. We have knocked out paid teams from cups. Every team/club does it different. Good on the guys that can make some money while going to school. Good on the clubs that can field strong teams with out paying players. It doesn’t really bother most people these days. Just find ways to win in your own way.
when everyone knows it’s happening I don’t think the screen shots and your sob story does anything.
The Freedmans have given much more to local soccer than your money can ever do. Go buy another team and go chase some wins.
Jan 16, 2021
Dirty Money
Why hurt the Freedmans !! , because they stole our club spot when they felt they are “ strong “.a spot that’s not theirs . A spot they only helped by filling paper work and during the 3 horrible years we hope we can delete from our records as they did not add anything to our club

People work together , have disagreements and leave each other with respect and each one take his assets with him. Those guys wanted to break the merger and steal the spot we came to this partnership owning and supporting throughout all those years

Those thieves took the spot we earned , we owned , and we improved by working behind the scene to change small things one after the other in the Vmsl website to say they own the premier spot .

Our team got better and better by our work and our standards before promoting to premier and in the last couple of years , apart from 3 years of wrong doing with the Freedmans that did not add anything to our team except an imperial cup we don’t deserve , the remaining 8 years in our club was all hard work and dedications , even without counting those stupid years , we were still going to promote to premier and to win the league because those years were all hard work and true professional work , simply no other club even the ones with huge youth base work hard on their men’s team like us . No other club play 365 days per year because we love the game like us

Many of you are missing the point , this is like if you bring someone to your house to help in small job like painting , you are doing all other construction ( AND ITS YOUR HOUSE) , in few months he steal the house and claim it’s his because he helped only in painting . What would you do at that time @LION ? Just go and buy another house according to your logic . No , we rather demolish the whole house

@dezza and @SmartCoach. The BC Soccer case is gone through now , if this does not get you banned. Canada soccer is next


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You merged with another club. Partnership has fallen apart. You are airing your grievances on TTP. At this point you may as well follow-through on your threats to go to Canada Soccer, and be done with it.

This thing was already weird with you doing the media stuff for God knows what reason, but whatever. Carry on I suppose.

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