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Well written for all you volunteers out there


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I've read that article, and it's a great one and so correct.

Too many sideline coaches, who can't approach a coach face to face, but have no problem throwing together that email to say how they are unhappy with their kids playing time or whatever, and that emails already shown up on the coaches phone before they've even gotten home and stepped out of their car. No concern for the time spent at home planning practices, lineups, game plans, whatever.

I've had it with coaching ball, and the wife has dealt with it coaching girls soccer, and they had a lady who defied the coaches request to not coach your kid because it conflicts with the coaches direction, she sent numerous emails regarding playing time, scheduling, summer tournamnets, cancelled practices, practices that should be added, you name it, she complained. It sucks the life right out of you when you have to read it, despite being asked to come talk face to face.
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trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Our club has roughly 2100 youth and 100 adult players. Approximately 20-30 hours of my time per week is spent dealing with club related issues of one form or another, and from August through October, that usually goes up to 40-45 hours per week, That's on top of an allegedly "real" job.

At times I honestly wish that I could go back to just coaching kids or just playing the game instead of having to deal with the politics of satisfying the overly-vicarious parents of the next Messi or new coaches who want to make up their own rules or old coaches who get into handbags at 5 paces with parents on other teams at U10 games or any other kind of off-the-pitch shenanigans and nonsense that you can possibly think of.

But then again, who else would be able to put up with all of this shite? Now fcuk off, I'm busy and have to go sort out the latest batch of outrage from U13 player assessment results...


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
It is for the most part a thankless job. The only thanks you get is from people who know what you go through because they've been through it themselves. And even then it's not often.

I've tried to keep out of it all because I couldn't handle all the shite. I'm not sure I could be diplomatic enough. Although it was always fun to listen to the responses the wife gave to those emails. It was as close to telling them to fcuk off as possible but still sound nice. It's an art form really.

I don't mind helping out. Still helped out the Gr8 girls basketball team and Rep Softball teams for both my kids. But I'd much rather be a fan than a coach. Fold out the lawn chair and watch.

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