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Drama in BC Provincial B Cup as favourites Burnaby Metro Athletic kicked out


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Oops, meant #13. Mini Dude definitely didn't get lucky. He got put in the friendzone.


And, Buttpuppet, WTF?


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
The mess is down to BC Soccer
Burnaby Metro should have been told to change day of game to play Bacardi
Very poor sportsmanship by management of Burnaby Metro
BBC soccer only needs to have all players registered in a server cross check all players entered in provincial cups
Of course this would mean organization
A IT person they have the funds so there is no excuse they can make
To come after the competition has started and disqualify a team is rubbish they should have done due diligence before the start of the cup
Of course this will make sense to all teams entered
Several years ago we were in provincial B cup
I went to a meeting of managers and coaches
The BC soccer person who was there last president
Could not answer any questions about the competition we all just walked out
We were in final in Victoria last year the people on the island were absolutely terrific well informed and very organized
We won 2008 on the island again well run by the clubs there
BC soccer please use our funds on behalf of all players in BC
Sep 29, 2013
Dirty Money
My 2 bits.....

BC Soccer - as person in charge of this tournament should check that all players,manager,coaches and game official's, prior to playing are registered to play for one team. I know of a few players who play for more than one team during the season, (fall-winter ).this is kinda like sitting back and taking money and then telling people what to do.i would be pissed if they could have eliminated this problem by making sure all players are registered and legit to play for there respective teams prior to the tournament commencing .This includes game officials playing as a player then officiating .


Aug 13, 2015
Dirty Money
It was actually a FVSL Presidents Cup match (FVRD vs Kora FC). This is a "Div 2 Cup" that is open to all teams in div 2, 3, and 4. The team that wins this cup earns 1 of the FVSL 5 provincial spots.

The player in questions played vs us in the Presidents cup and was very noticeable (pretty decent- good player; received a yellow; got in a minor pushing match; scored a PK; and finally took a straight red card for going up behind one of our players and kicking him in his legs when he did not have the ball and was not looking in the 80th min). This is how we recognized him so easily. You don't forget someone like that (especially in the same season).

It is what it is. You can say that the manager "did not know anything about him playing for another team" or not. Who knows maybe that is true, but, I find it hard to believe. They screwed over Bacardi in the previous round by not cooperating with what seems to be reasonable requests from Bacardi. The soccer gods were angered. They cheated technically the entire season and finally got caught by the only team that would have ever been able to catch them... coincidence ?

I do feel bad for their team as a whole as it was not their fault. However, no remorse for the player in question as he knew what he was doing. There are many other things that he and his manager said over the course of this last week that I could add that make this thing almost comical but I'll leave to the imagination.

Cheers and good luck to everyone remaining in this dram filled cup.
Funny how that works. At least bc soccer stood fast by the rules unlike campo last season as when it was brought to our attention that they were using a playing that was the leading goal scorer in the div 4 league. We even had a little birdie send us the info and a picture of this player in the fraser valley uniform playing. The vmsl said it's not possible and turned a blind eye.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Devils advocate:
A div2 VMSL player also playing on a div4 FVSL team...will the teams ever meet? Can a div4 FVSL team make the B-cup? What are the implications?

This surely wouldn't help the VMSL side as much as the FVSL team as he would be more fatigued for the tougher games in the VMSL.

I guess my question is, why can't a player play for two teams if there are no real implications.


Aug 13, 2015
Dirty Money
Devils advocate:
A div2 VMSL player also playing on a div4 FVSL team...will the teams ever meet? Can a div4 FVSL team make the B-cup? What are the implications?

This surely wouldn't help the VMSL side as much as the FVSL team as he would be more fatigued for the tougher games in the VMSL.

I guess my question is, why can't a player play for two teams if there are no real implications.
I'm not sure but don't the fvsl do the same as the vmsl and all diva play off to see who reps them


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm not sure but don't the fvsl do the same as the vmsl and all diva play off to see who reps them

This is correct.

You can win the President's Cup and gain entry to this tournament, which is open to all Div. 2 teams and below.

I think the point, @machel, is to establish fair rules and boundaries, so far as rosters. Even if this player didn't, as @Canucks4Ever put it, have "a material impact" on the match, it is technically against the rules, and there is a clear line in the sand when it comes to roster rules.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
@Dude, I don't know a lot about the divisional alignment in the FVSL but I believe there is no CAT system like in the VMSL.(I'm not a fan of the CAT system btw). Please correct me if I'm wrong but in the FVSL, if you're a player in div1 then you're allowed to play on your club affiliated team two divisions lower, correct?

If so, isn't that kind of a similar situation?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@Dude, I don't know a lot about the divisional alignment in the FVSL but I believe there is no CAT system like in the VMSL.(I'm not a fan of the CAT system btw). Please correct me if I'm wrong but in the FVSL, if you're a player in div1 then you're allowed to play on your club affiliated team two divisions lower, correct?

If so, isn't that kind of a similar situation?

I'm not sure why you're so keen on trying to find a loophole to excuse this behaviour, but none of the major leagues let players play down in lower divisions without a regular BC soccer transfer. Here is the FVSL rule which explicitly states so:

5(b) A senior amateur player registered to a team within a club may sign an intra-club single game permit to play for his club in a higher division of the League for League games only. Clubs may use a maximum of seven (7) players on inter-club single game permits during any league game. Players must follow normal transfer rules to play for a lower division team within the club. Inter-club single game permits are to be handed to the referee at the same time as team lists.

So if you've really got such a hankering for extra games every week, just join a non BC soccer league, where your 2nd team cannot qualify for provincial competitions and you're not in conflict. There are plenty to choose from... Millars league, ultra league, canlan indoor, VFA futsal, urban rec, etc.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Basically, yo can sign lower and play up, not vise versa, and once you are Cup tied, you can't play up in another Cup the remainder of the season.
Nov 25, 2012
Dirty Money
My 2 bits.....

BC Soccer - as person in charge of this tournament should check that all players,manager,coaches and game official's, prior to playing are registered to play for one team. I know of a few players who play for more than one team during the season, (fall-winter ).this is kinda like sitting back and taking money and then telling people what to do.i would be pissed if they could have eliminated this problem by making sure all players are registered and legit to play for there respective teams prior to the tournament commencing .This includes game officials playing as a player then officiating .

I agree with your point there.
From the BC soccer website:
3) Player Eligibility
a. Registration
i. Any player whose application for registration has been accepted, and validated by the Registrar of the Association, for the current playing season, is eligible to play.

I guess there was no "validation"...not sure why any team should be punished (assuming of course they had no idea about their player playing for two teams) for BC soccer failure to check papers once they receive roster lists from teams- they are just as much at fault as the team.

Did the player receive any punishment from BC soccer?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Unless a hearing is pending it seems like he did not as there are no BBY Metro Athletic players on the BC Soccer Provincial Suspension List.

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