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U21 WHat do you think of the u21 league this year?


New Member
Dec 2, 2008
Dirty Money
I think it is worth talking about this league. Is it better or worse this year than in past years? What can be done to improve and broaden it?

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Thre is many things that have to be done. Nuber one each premier side must have a U21 team, is one. U21 league should start at U18. That way kids get four years to develop.
Also more kids would be exposed to University soccer coaches. Each club at premier level could have a team. Nuber two Lynn Valley has to be called in as a U21 club. They have over hundred guys to build the team from. Colubus is from that area that could be the feeder system. North Shore could use Capilanos and North shore as a feeder system.
Croatia soccer club has fifty guys to chose from all they need is a normal guy to run the club. Serbia has tuns of young kids good soccer players to choose from. Inter is fallimg down simply because they do not care about the youth program. Vince can do a fantastic job he need free hands. Now third and the most important all these clubs should be playing in div three open men. Inorder to take out clashes between the U21 teams . Div three could have three groups of ten teams each. If the club does well they move up to div two. Development woud be mutch better. Div one should allso have three groups of ten teams. And three clubs from premier should go down each year three new clubs move up from div one. Three top points in each group. Thats how simple it is. You can not have six U21 teams play each other it will only lead to fights. U21 clubs would make it more fun for div two guys. It would lift the soccer level over all.


New Member
Dec 2, 2008
Dirty Money
Hey Mr Base, thanks for that.
Something surely has to happen. Maybe all the bigger clubs should have to enter a team. Great idea there Base man.
Seems to me the league is not supported. I have some knowledge about this league. Club Ireland put in a team with proper coaches and a full squad. So did PCOV and Westside. Other clubs struggled with commitment like Cliff and Sapperton. Perhaps the Metro Ford club could have been more supportive. What a huge area and the coach struggled to get our 11 guys. Can't run a league with 6 teams.
Why can't these clubs support this program?
Next season Club Ireland will be way too strong for this league anyway so they'll take off. Their team is all select guys anyway heading up.
Who's in charge?
Anyway, someone needs to take control and lead this league. Mr Base, maybe you are the man!


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
First off, the U21 division this year is an improvement over last year. However, that really is not saying much because aside from the two Westside teams last year, everyone else stunk.

I actually think that CAT destroyed U21. The rule use to be that premier teams had to have Div 1 CAT teams, and as a result many of those clubs that had run good U21 programs were forced to put their resources into Div 1 CAT instead. The domino effect was a weakend U21 division. Now, that rule about CAT is gone and the CAT division has gone to shite, so we're left with a weak Div 1 CAT and a weak U21 division. Sad really...

The best solution for the short term would be to allow the Selects youth clubs to enter teams into U21. There is currently a rule that U21 teams must be attached to a senior men's club. Unfortunately, not enough senior men's clubs are interested in putting resources towards running a U21 team.


New Member
Dec 2, 2008
Dirty Money
This guy seems to know what he is talking about. But, I would think that to invite in u18 teams would simply hurt the dvelopment of the youth. So, I would not agree with that.
It sounds like the u21 is stronger than last year so that must be seen as a step on the right direction.
If Westside, PCOV and RCIU stay in the league that would help. Buy Sapperton folded and Cliff Ave seem unable to stay in or be competitive. I think the Metro coach is pissed so they may drop out.
Maybe the league just can't work!


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I'm not saying the u18 teams should be entered into U21 divison. I'm saying the youth selects clubs that have resources, and more importantly contacts for all their players that graduated from youth in the last 3 years and still qualify for u21 should be able to enter a u21 team.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Guys some food for thought,,What the hell is the use of U-21 anyways,,All minor sports end at 18 years of age and if your 19 plus and you dont have a pro contract your not going to get one,(ya ya the very odd exception) So why waist good field times on a go no where age group,,Really!! not be a dick but you all should be playing in a mens league by then cause your not kids anymore and you dont need to develop to play for fun cause thats all really that your playing for at that age anyways...Sorry but thats the truth..I say fold all U-21 divs and get on with life and playing soccer for fun...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Ghouse...agree 100%. Metro up to 18, kick the kids to men's after that. You know all the Metro level players will have no trouble latching on to either Premier, 1st, or University / College. It's the Gold level and lower players that may find it tough, but again...at some point you need to move on.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Wao it is nice to hear you guys. Some of you have very good things to say. See anywhere in the world as of U16 on you are with senior program. To have six good teams in U21 is no use. Teams get to play each other tomany times. If they all start in div three then they get to play against many teams. The development will be way better. If you go and watch U18 boys games most of the teams have ten eleven guys comming out. Kids are borred and will not commit. If they play against better players they will show and try to come up to that level. As far as selects comming up as a team will not work out. The league wants you to be a club and not a single team. That is the rules. It is only the pride of some of those coaches that becomes a factor in development. As all of them say my kids. They are not your kids they are club players. Club must be nuber one. It is alll gone waste side. Teams need track sutes and bags. To show where the come from and what club. Only clubs from West side and Surrey do look like a club. Delta is also on a upbeat. All has to be done is to ask the kids to come out and play on a U21 team in div three and they will all come out. If they do not want to do so. You do not need them. It is trable in short time with players like that. It can be done. Good gold team can hold his own in div three with three overage players. You can not get U18 boys to come out on 10.30 am saturday to play a game. Most of the kids work on saturdays. Party friday nights. Sunday after noon or evening is fine.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I have 7 u-21 guys on my team and they left u-21 because they were boared and wanted to move up.. yes they sit a bit more than the older guys but they have improved so much and will be a starter soon enough. I say get rid of u-21 and open up some field times to other teams and free up some refs,,ps they are not kids anymore and no matter what time their game falls on they will be there cause they have to.
Oh i think i just repeated myself


New Member
Dec 2, 2008
Dirty Money
Awesome insight and opinion. My view is that if the u21 was stronger there would be a better arguement for some to play there as a transtional step.
But the more I read and watch, the more I think that perhaps the thing is a waste of time.
RCIU have mostly u18 graduated selects and they are too strong for the league. Guess they ****ed up! LOL. Woudl have developed faster in mens.
As for fun and not turning pro - yeah - that's obvious to all I would hope.
Coaches ego's - yeah, always a factor as they can't give up control sometimes. But, some mean well and just enjoy coaching the guys they know. They feel part of the team too, right?


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
True but they could take their team into any league div 3 and now they have a lifetime to grow and move up and mabee one day play premier together

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Again guys thanks for your posative input. Richmond does have a strong U21 team. That is good. If they were in div three they could move up to div two in a year. That is how guys stay together and develop. As you all know you can only have one team from the same club in premier. Just think if premier side needs a player and can get one from div one how much better the league would be. We have to stream all this in to proper development. Mr Azzi is doing a very good job, but with bit of input and help from few guys could go longways. Lets hear it fro rest of you guys.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
ghouse is 100% right about this.... u21 is a waste of time, our clubs div3 team in the fraser valley was suppost 2 be u21 but we realised it would of been pointless tehres no challenge at the age of 18,19 your ready to compete against men. our Div 1 team could play u21 but why would we it would simply be unfair we would dominate. As ghouse said once your 18 if your still playing anything including college after u18 your NEVER gonna make it to a big club maybe the mls but thats still a long shot. however im not against u21 as i believe it shoud still exist for gold, silver, and bronze u18 players who still want to play. i couldn't see the point of a metro u18 player who would play in it.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Missinblues if you do not play in PCSL or in div one US school there is no hope for you.
If Vancouver gets in to MLS there is going to be maybe two three Canadians all the rest will be players from Div one US university program. Local guys are missing it all. By you going to div three Fraser Valley it is all over for you. You need to play in premier by twenty if you want to develop. Rest is just beer league.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Mr Base you are correct,,If your not playing premier or at a very high level at age 19/20 already you are not going to play pro, so why have the u-21 div at all. At that point you are playing for fun. Your a man not a child so get on with the fun with the rest of us and free up the fields and refs.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
i never said i was gonna go pro mr base ive been involved in english clubs i alreayd know im not gonna make it nor are many div1 schools in the us if your not in europe at age of 18 even your not gonna make it. american college soccer isnt of high standard compaired to england at all. By saying im going to not develop unless im prem thats bs i wouldnt progress even at that im not very good anymore ive been as good as i was when i was younger, i didnt make it and i accept that i only play for fun now nothing serious so i know theres no chance for me and i could play pcsl if i wanted to, trust me mr base canada and the states are SO FAR behind europe in the developing area. All the good americans have all played soccer in europe and learnt there. If american college is so good why didnt the van selects players at my age (19) all go to europe?? cause they no there is no future in soccer unless you want to play in mls which most young kids don't exactly dream off. Reread my first post before telling me that im not gonna make it i already know that i was mostly agreeing with ghouse.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
LOL...it's like finding a lost family member I'm sure for both! Enjoy the reunion.

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