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U21 WHat do you think of the u21 league this year?

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dude i am glade to hear from you. I I posted before the sooner the kids get to senior soccer the better. It is almost imposible to coach at U18. There is no comitment. Unless you register twenty guys. Now go and figure out how mutch each guy plays and what kind of development it is. Half of the guys are kids in every sence. U17 boys should go to div three to playagainst men.


New Member
Nov 8, 2008
Dirty Money
The whitecaps are made of all 91s and 92s ( 2 93s )and they won the league easily, scoring average 7 goals a game.
U21 is for gold and silver graduates

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I do not agree with you when you say kids in gold and in silver are ready for U21. Metro kids half of then can not play in U21. Not because of skill, only because they do not have the drive. They just stand around and drible. As soon as kids start playing against men things change, kids hate to lose to older guys. It gives them a new drive. It is good for their development. ACDC has a good point as far as youth moving up to higher levels.


New Member
Dec 2, 2008
Dirty Money
I agree 1000% that if you're really promising you have to leave and go to Europe. I would say if you are 14 or 15 and dominating the Select league and make the Provincial team, the good bye, I'm outta here. See you later. Two Richmond u16 players are off to Italy. They actually now have a real chance to "make it".
The VMSL is for fun. It's about playing cos you love the great game. Making it has a different meaning. Making Prem is then the goal.
As for the u21 league, in it's current form, I agree it sucks for development. May as well play men and kick ass in Div 3. But shite, Div 3, imho, is not the home for u19 select players. They would kill in that league and piss off all the older players.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
And then move up as you should,,But its not as easy as you think in Div 3,,Ya a few teams there are on their way out but alot of team are trying to move up and thats soccer.
I say after u-18, as in every other minor sport, end it and drink with the men.
Play for fun and try out for Premier or take your team there through the league you choose.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Do not be fulled by Europe. Only one or two guys from each Club development team makes it to high level. Rest have to start at div three and prove them selves.
I say to all of you Canadian kids. Stay home go to school and University. Play soccer for University team. And when you have a degree in your hand go and try out for div three or div four in Europe. If you have what it takes with in a year you will move up to higher level. Just remember div three pays fifteen hundred to twenty five hundred a month.
That is not easy to live on. Take proper steps to have somthing to fall on if things do not work out. Soccer if fun but you must make enough to have a confortable life.
It is no shame to play in div three here and move up the chart. Select teams are no better than div two open men soccer. Coaches make them beleave that they are. Most of them can not hold a spot in dive one or Premier. Go slow and develop. ACBC has got the right idea. Mr Saputo can put in onother team in Halifax in A league. MR Aqulini a team in Kelowna. Mr Nash a team in Victoria.And some one elss two teams in Alberta or in Ontario. And here we go. Keap Canada Canadian. Keap our children at home.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I agree Mr Base,,fully.
Infact Montreal pulled out of the race for a MLS team because our dollar dropped. 40 mil for an exspansion team do the math its like 60 mil Canadian. Vancouver should follow and pull out as well or ask the MLS to allow Canadian teams to pay in Canadian $$. Wont happen. I like your Idea of a new All Canadian League. All you have to do is get one Airline sponcer and Its not hard to do. That would be sick..You wont get Beckham here but you will develope Candian Soccer and thats what Im for.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Do not be fulled by Europe. Only one or two guys from each Club development team makes it to high level. Rest have to start at div three and prove them selves.
I say to all of you Canadian kids. Stay home go to school and University. Play soccer for University team. And when you have a degree in your hand go and try out for div three or div four in Europe. If you have what it takes with in a year you will move up to higher level. Just remember div three pays fifteen hundred to twenty five hundred a month.
That is not easy to live on. Take proper steps to have somthing to fall on if things do not work out. Soccer if fun but you must make enough to have a confortable life.
It is no shame to play in div three here and move up the chart. Select teams are no better than div two open men soccer. Coaches make them beleave that they are. Most of them can not hold a spot in dive one or Premier. Go slow and develop. ACBC has got the right idea. Mr Saputo can put in onother team in Halifax in A league. MR Aqulini a team in Kelowna. Mr Nash a team in Victoria.And some one elss two teams in Alberta or in Ontario. And here we go. Keap Canada Canadian. Keap our children at home.

Where are the good old CSL days when you need them? :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Do not be fulled by Europe. Only one or two guys from each Club development team makes it to high level. Rest have to start at div three and prove them selves.
I say to all of you Canadian kids. Stay home go to school and University. Play soccer for University team. And when you have a degree in your hand go and try out for div three or div four in Europe. If you have what it takes with in a year you will move up to higher level. Just remember div three pays fifteen hundred to twenty five hundred a month.
That is not easy to live on. Take proper steps to have somthing to fall on if things do not work out. Soccer if fun but you must make enough to have a confortable life.
It is no shame to play in div three here and move up the chart. Select teams are no better than div two open men soccer. Coaches make them beleave that they are. Most of them can not hold a spot in dive one or Premier. Go slow and develop. ACBC has got the right idea. Mr Saputo can put in onother team in Halifax in A league. MR Aqulini a team in Kelowna. Mr Nash a team in Victoria.And some one elss two teams in Alberta or in Ontario. And here we go. Keap Canada Canadian. Keap our children at home.

the part about the money living on 1500 is so far from wrong. My dad made close to that in pounds a month not even full time to coach s****horpes u16 team the year before they figure out if they get yt apprenticeships, and trust me the players (this time english 3rd divison now the 2nd) were making enough to drive in top of the line audis, porsches etc... so i doubt it was an uncomfortable living. I have 1 friend who made it my age. peter winn plays for s****horpe and his 1st contract he was making close to 500 pounds a week thats almost the same as $8000 a month and he was 17 at the time. Thats pretty damn good for a 17 year old to be making seen as im 19 making about $2600 a month, and constantly bored while he gets to play the "great game". what would you rather do? especially seen as not everyone who gets a degree makes alot of money... Mr base when you have opened your eyes up to realise how much money there really is in this sport in europe maybe going to college in the states wont sound so attractive as there is nothing afterwards. College is only good over here for sports if you play basketball, football, hockey etc cause thats the entrance into the biggest league. where do american college kids go for soccer??? Cause to face facts the mls isnt even as good as the english 1st divison, As every prem, championship side, and half of the div 1 teams would kill the majority of the mls teams in a real competitive game.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Missionblues One or two guys maybe. Rest of the kids get zip for pay. And on top of U19 div three maybe. U21 now you are talking. Uk is trying to buy players from all over the world. There is many kids from Africa that will work for half of the money. Just to stay in soccer and maybe land a big fish. School in Canada or Us is your best bet and then go over seas. Lopts of coaches talk crap. Kids get wrong ideas. Go slow be sure and be smart and ready to do the job as a soccer player before you go. No select team or gold team will get you ready for the task over there. Players here are subed every the minutes over there there is no subs only if a guy is doing a shity job. Canmadian kids are not ready fisicaly to do that type of stanious job. Only is system change is done here. Players will be able to go and get the job. How many kids here go and do six K runs three times a week.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
are you high? all of them get plenty of money or they would just go to another team. My dad was involved in the club and it shows what you know as there isnt gold or select teams there. there is professional clubs with a youth set up, then there is sunday league football were kids all get a chance to play. The professional clubs don't even compete in leagues until they reach the youth team. Also there isn't a player who doesn't get on they play 3 halfs of 25 mins with roll on roll off subs so everyone gets to play you don't have to be by contract either. i was a contracted player but there was many trailists who came and got there chances. I hope you don't coach kids and tell them to stay here cause there chance is better because it really isn't. College soccer is not of high level trust me from playing with and against players who do play in the states and up here, and there class isn't close to as good as some off the players who i played with over there. Since being here i have played agaisnt one player good enough to be in europe...marcus haber and that's why he is there cause if he doens't find a club which is first priority then he can go to college over here if he ahd of doen it the otehr way and gone at 23 no teams would even second glance him.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
You did not get my point at all. I know that the club youth plays against club youth. Thats how I grew up playing. What i said to you and rest of the guys was. Make sure you finish your school before you go. Just in case. There is many countries in Europ to play in. Canadian kids are more ready fior Swiss soccer and Dutch soccer than British soccer. Marcus is a good player in my opinion he should finish the school and than go. Just recently Ian Hume got a serious injurie and might quit have to quit soccer. That is what I am talking about. Be safe be smart and than go. If you play good soccer it does not matter if yopu are twenty five years of age. You can always get a try out.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
I agree with Missionblues, Haber and the rest of them had to go to Europe before finishing high school or they would have no chance of earning decent money for more than 1 or 2 years. The Whitecpas Prospects program has helped change that, so lets hope the Whitecaps investment in the Prospects pays off so that it continues.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Guys your proveing our point, They went to europe before finnishing high school,,thats how old. way under 21 for sure so what we are saying again is u-21 is a waist of time. Get rid of the u-21 program.


New Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
i'll chime in with my 2 cents on the issue. having played in and graduated out of the u-21 program, i think the whole problem revolves around the fact that there is no clear level for the u-21 program within the vmsl system. for teams like the whitecaps prospects, they could be slotted in or around div1, whereas, for instance, yaletown would probably be a div3 side. u-21 needs to have a clear skill level that is maintained throughout all the teams, otherwise it's a joke because you're either blowing out other teams or getting blown out.

in my eyes, u-21 is the vmsl's way of gently easing u-18 players into the system, but to be honest, you either still want to play or you don't. either make the u-21 division highly skilled (prem prospects) or a young beer league. anything in between won't really cut it.

and to missionblues, do you have any idea how many kids go over for trials to europe? do you think it's easy to enroll in university when you're 23? go do your trials when you're 16, sure, but don't pass up on a possible scholarship and free education because you MIGHT get to play some div2 football in the netherlands or something. also, go see how much anybody outside of the top flight is making in countries besides england (ie portugal, sweden, etc). just because you're playing in eurpoe, doesn't mean you're banking a lot of cash.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Oppenjay I like the way you think. You made some very solid points. Well done. More young guys should get propper information. Some of those Metro coaches are feeding kids bull. School first an than soccer. PCSL has a very good summer program. That is where you can get the most experiance and get exposed to University coaches. Just go to PCSL.org and check it out. UBC has a team in the league. Victoria United always has six or seven University kids. Bruce the head coach from Victoria is always watching the games. There is two clubs from USA in the league. University of Washington and Pacific University coaches do look at the games always. Also Fraser Valley University who holds a very goiod soccer program also plays in the league. Or in PDSL. I say again div three and up is a better way.
Nov 9, 2008
Dirty Money
i think the better solution to making u-21 more competitive is MAKING all players under 21 in vmsl play u-21. which means not allowing them to play the open division. what do you guys think?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
You might as well have the youth system extend to U21 then, ie, play another 3-4 years. I don't think that would help "development" at all.

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