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2001 Kamloops Tourney

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New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Kamloops Tourney

Are any members of the community participating in the Kamloops Tourney next week?


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Chunder ya little puke!

Get in touch with one of us about going up to Kamloops tomorrow.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
sexy tops...


After you've managed to shake your Kamloops hangover would you be so kind as to give considered thought to the process involved in getting me a highly sought after PoCoMo Kamloops tournament 2001 t-shirt? Seeing as I'm mere steps away from the King's Road in Chelsea (he added, not wanting to namedrop too much) and that, as a fashion accessory, most will concede that a Pocomo tournament t-shirt is the perfect addition to the wardrobe of the most fashion conscious young (ish) male, it would bring me so much pleasure to parade about in this years' model to show these shandy drinking Southern ponces what it's really all about.

Saw Emmanuel Petit yesterday with an extraordinary young lady as they got out of his Aston Martin. Her legs were taller than I am. He didn't seem to recognise me, however, which was mildly disappointing.

As you say, thanks in advance.

P.S. Hope you got the gear ready.


New Member
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

There's probably another thread devoted to ref-bashing, but my comments relate specifically to the refs in Kamloops:

I saw some of the worst refereeing I have ever seen this past weekend. No sense of humour whatsoever. In some games, it was a tribute to both teams that the matches didn't end in brawls (although one was close in our game vs. Calgary - they had some priceless wankers) as the ref did his damnedest to incite a riot.

I didn't recognise any of them, so I assume they weren't from round here. Though I stand to be corrected.

It's saying something that the last one we had against PoCoMo was by far the best we had.

BTW Mr. Fastshow, our pre-season is, as usual, firing on all cylinders. We followed up a creditable home win against the Alaves Ladies (must've been) with a spectacular 0:0 away at Worksop. Lovely. (Sorry for the thread violation, Regs, but I'm a little fatigued at the minute - too tired to swap threads).

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Couldn't agree more


You're spot on the referees. However, we had two decent refs, the other one being a young guy who did well. Having said that, we experienced a referee in the "semi-final" game in the consolation bracket who was the WORST I have seen, possibly ever. He didn't do anything right. He screwed up calls, lets guys get away with cheap late tackles, and managed nicely to get hit with the ball no less than 4 times in the game. I must admit that I almost felt sorry for him because I think he was mentally challenged.

What number were you, Owl? I was the number 16 who was stumbling all over the field and breathing out of his ass, after 5 minutes......

BTW, that dance had to be the BEST one I have ever been to. Amazing talent everywhere you looked.

Yours in Kamloops,



New Member
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I, too, was 16. The lumbering oaf who managed to hit the bar from 3 yards, and then just about to manage to miss, after having half an hour to control and shoot. God, I was happy after that goal went in. 10 mins extra time would've killed me.

My abiding memory of your performance was that you often had possession about 5 yards in front of me and I thought "sod it - I'm not chasing that, carve us for all I care". Question: why didn't you shoot more? Cultured left peg and all that.

Sadly, I cannot comment on the "dance" as I was back at the hotel with the wife and kiddie. I heard from a couple of our players that it was no great shakes. That said, unless an evening involves a night in the cells and/or a Hollywood premiere it will be described as ordinary at best.

As far as the reffing goes, you should ask Delta what the clown who reffed our semi did. First he denied us two clear penalties (the first was a blatant push/kick , the second: "handball ref!" "No - he kicked it at him" - I'm still baffled by that one), then he sent one of our players off for complaining about our sub being sent back to the touchline to re-do the change - after the ball had been dead for about two minutes and the sub was fully done, and then he booked one of our players for being cheeky about a handball that was given ("accidental, surely"). Then for his masterpiece. They scored a perfectly legit goal. Linesman keeps his flag down. Which was to be expected because it wasn't off-side. Ref starts to run back to the middle. Most of us think "great - no penalties and we don't have to get up at 9 to play again". He then stops. Thinks for a few seconds - probably amazed that our defence could be that bad so as to allow their player to look as though he was a couple of hours off-side. And then decides to have a word with the linesman. A few minutes, literally, go by and he then decides to call it off-side. Shocking.

That said, the best officiating memory was in our game against the Calgary mob. They were legitimately complaining about the linesman and the ref's response was "I know. He's been doing it all day. I'll have a word." Which he duly did.

Is it you we have to thank for depriving us of Richard Lord, or should we blame Chiasson?

Jesus, that was long. I have to work now.

One final point. Let's hear it for unlimited subs. I'd have been sucking those health care dollars this weekend had I not been able to come and go as I please.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh yes, the tourney.

The tourney was a lot of fun despite the poor officiating and the whining teams that we played against in our first 2 games. Chunder scored 4 goals ( 1 on a penalty) BUT he ........Oh, I won't say it. I will leave it up to Chunder if he chooses. :)

Jinky electrified the crowd by coming on as a sub right after a penalty was called. We were up 3 - 0 at the time and he had promised the fans something special, if we had a penalty opportunity. Sure enough, the ref let him on the field ( I didn't think you were allowed to sub someone in to take a penalty?) and he ran straight up to the goalie, warning him of what was to come. It was a great gesture of sportsmanship. However, I think he told the keeper where he was going to put his shot because the he made a simple save on a wonderful penalty.

What made this play so electrifying? Well, on his run-up Jinky pulled off a cart wheel that Mitch Gaylord would have been proud of, followed by a side - footed penalty that went directly into the keeper's gut, one that Chunder would have been proud of. It was a special moment that most bystanders will treasure for many years to come.

The quality of the fields was excellent and the dimensions were perfect. Overall, a good tournament that I will definitely be visiting next year. I highly recommend that the Sunday dance is a TTP sponsored event. It was amazing. Simple as that.

Yours in soccer dances,


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money


I was having difficulty focussing on the 2 goals I was seeing, so shooting was not an option. I always like to consider myself a playmaker. Okay, I am fcuking awful when it comes to scoring goals. Let's just leave it at that......:)

You can blame Craig Chaisson. I hadn't met Richard until the first game. I feel terrible for him. Please give him my regards when you see him next.

The dance was amazing. Every player on our team was absolutely stunned with the quality of the birds and the overall atmosphere. Granted, a lot of players on our team don't set their standards too high, but as a married man with two kids, who has never been with a fat bird in his life:))), there were very few girls who weren't worth a second look. I have a physio appointment on my neck tomorrow.

BTW, that was quite a miss. :)


New Member
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The miss


Indeed it was. But I'd rather focus on the superb angled run which got me into the space to score. ;) Just like Andy Cole, really.

I hear that Chiasson's team had to default the final after losing their keeper to another terrible injury. If that's true (which it may very well not be), I'm starting to see a pattern. Heard anything?

Anyone know who won the competitive? How did Sportstown do?

Definitely be back for a few 5 minute shifts next year.

Yours in line changes,



New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh my, let the banter begin...

Well there were 4 and a PK in the shootout to put in the basket this weekend...but that's about it...

...cause once you miss the PK down by a goal and a man as well (which is a story all in itself), your squad has your number. That was the sad state of affairs for Chunder and the Pocomo lads this wknd. This unfortunate result was followed by a lovely announcement over the PA in the garden, just to make sure everyone knew who missed it. Add to that the slide tackle and ambush by the Pokes and you have Chunder with two drinks flying through the air and a shoulder in his chest, burried under a sea of yellow. :(

I managed to redeem myself in the PK shootout the next day, slotting the winner in the...ahem...consolation semi...ahem...But Hey. That still felt good. At least I didn't miss that one too.
Then there was that brilliant game Mon am. The whole squad in perfect game shape as usual. What a nightmare. Regardless, the pokes played quite well this weekend and minus a few unfortunate events could have taken the whole thing. The Squealing wanker was a huge asset in the middle of the park and so were the Richmond gang that dropped in for the show. Guess we'll just have to take the Newton Tourney this wknd.

A few more notes on the KIST 2001 tourney...

-The refs were certainly shocking at best for most of the wknd.
-The beer garden would not have survived w/o POCOMO FC
-That's the last time I get a bad haircut.
-Someone else can take the PKs next yr.
-The Birds at the dance were fantastic.
-Just a reminder...my charges were dismissed thank you very much.

Now I have to get back to work...

Chun. :D


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sportstown went 1-2...and Riverside won the Comp. div, in a 3-1 or 4-1 win, can't remember. Maybe some of the sportstown crew can give you a more detailed explanation about what happened to them... ;)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, it was bad


Apparently it was a dislocated kneecap. The poor fellow is getting married on Friday. On top of that he has a dislocated knee. I don't know which is worse.

The worse part of the dance was Chaisson trying to hit on a girl who I coached 4 years ago. I am very good friends with her parents and I wouldn't let him go near her. :) For some reason, I don't think Chaisson will remember. He was a mess and I even noticed that in the state I was in.......

Yours in unlimited substitution,


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I forgot....


The angled run was tremendous.

Jinky Mannion set a record at the local A+W ordering food that came up to $16.53. I hope Jinky will let us all know what items were purchased, followed by a detailed analysis of the Cartwheel Penalty.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
been done before

I'm surprised Jinky missed the aforementioned cartwheel PK. He did it last Wednesday nite at Sportstown and slotted it nicely.

Then again, the keeper on that night was Jordina, the lower mainland's notorious kissing bandit... take it for what it's worth I suppose.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, but....


Yes, it had been done before but that was ONLY a co-ed game. Actually, it was a wrap-up game that meant nothing. We had a potential $100 - $200 riding on that penalty. Well, sort of...

Either way, it was great entertainment for the hundreds in attendance, well maybe the 30 or so who were there....

TTP should put a team in a tournament at some point. It would be a lot of fun, I think.

Yours in organizing,



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
been there

TTP has put in a team in a tournament before. You didn't show, remember? $225 is a strong deterent to "organising" and entering another one...

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