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2014 Roster Moves

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
We all know that. Parents pay but net result is not there. Kids are not getting that next jump. Local League and than rest of the stracture. As of now it is all about money grabing. Club soccer is at high bronze development and no more. MSL was good enough in my opinion. But Caps are not part of that, kids get over looked and parents go mad. Till we see few kids making it in MSL. We realy got nothing to talk about. Caps import we lack in export. Simple. We are not good enough. Even if Trace hates my Latino inport. I think he has more in his little finger than local softy cry babies. One more good Latino and I will go and buy a beer and watch the games.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Hey, don't continue on the HPL discussion in this thread FFS.

Any further posts in here on that subject will get deleted without warning.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Hey, don't continue on the HPL discussion in this thread FFS.

Any further posts in here on that subject will get deleted without warning.

How about random incoherent posts? or pretty much anything Base writes, for me he has made this site close to unbearable. Unless of course you are looking to recruit someone athletic or from U12 silver.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
How about random incoherent posts? or pretty much anything Base writes, for me he has made this site close to unbearable. Unless of course you are looking to recruit someone athletic or from U12 silver.
Have you ever heard of an ignore list?

Once you put him on it, I fully expect a minimum 1 post a day from you and everyone else that thinks in the same manner. If you like to just lurk, great, just don't open your trap to try and silence someone/anyone else.

You get what you give.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Read a rumor today that after the season is done in Turkey, Drogba will sign with Seattle.

Meanwhile, in Capsville.....................crickets.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Bulljivi I am glad that some one is making you think somtimes. Or are you one of those guys who thinks we have five guys in Fraser Valley soccer Leagueas good as Caps guys. It might take another fifteen years before guys from your league get a call to comeup to a big club like Caps. As of now they can only to sell hot dogs.
Ask Bob what he thinks of them. Regs knows tonns and just sas very little. You local guys think we could play against Seattle with local lads from University and VMSL. Ya we could but score would be ten zip for them.
Hand full of balls and a stby stick ,chery balls and a raming brick. I am not sure where you get your information but I do know that an avrage player puts out avrage figth. In Canada they are all silver unless the hold hand full of balls in your opinion.
We are about 100 th in the World and you of all is trying to sell them as top fifteen in the World. Smile be hapy it will take a long time. For now beer and half a roch is ok for many.
Only one kid from Victoria in this area is good enough to play in MLS. By the way I head one of my players try out with Caps youth and he is going back for second look not bad for a handfull of balls.
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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
OK Base, for the record, I wholeheartedly agree the Cap's need their own USL franchise. Something in Victoria or Kelowna would be great.

My feelings towards "more Canadian content" stand, though I also agree w/ the thinking that we want the best that can compete for the job...all the while understanding that, outside the typical cap exempt top players, you have players that, on a world scare, are 2nd / 3rd tier. My thinking is that the best equivalent level the MLS can claim to be is Champions league.

In any event, my point is this: why can't the Cap's run a USL franchise where their depth players and best prospects can play? This would definitely open the door to signing the best CIS players graduating out of University, as well as the best kids coming up through the reserve & youth teams. There should be a philosophy there whereby the Caps use home-grown talent wherever possible, and import ONLY when the talent available through an international or US player spot is superior. So, what you'd now see is the home-grown prospects and imported / US prospects all battling for a 1st team spot in the true "2nd division" of footy in North America. Through this, if a Canadian rises to the top, great, if not, well, they keep battling for that spot.

To me, this is a no-brainer and makes the most sense. There is a business case for it, too...if part of your business case is to develop to sell, well, don't you owe it to your club to do the best job possible developing?

I just don't see enough. On the outside looking, they in fact seems to be trying to cut corners in their development system…all the while ignoring local tallent. I see there is a massive gap in their development system...aside from all the other problems that have been identified.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Guys this is a professional sports franchise, no different than the NFL, NHL, etc.

How many "Homegrown" players do the Canucks have? None... I guess the sport is indeed different and you could say home many grew up in their backyard? 2- Hamhuis and Santorelli. How many were drafted and came through their "system" a handfull- Sedins, Kesler, Burrows, Edler etc.

What I mean to say is that the focus of the "big club" should be to put the most competitive product on the field, regardless of where the talent is trained and where they are born.

The "Club" could be accused of hijacking the local youth elite development channels for financial gain which hinders our local SA's and ultimately trickles up to the issues with the development of Canadian players and the quality and calibre of the CMNT.

I don't think we can bitch about the club trying to go for it with outside players as far as the first team is concerned. While most of us disagree with who is running the club and how it's being run, I don't think a salient argument can be made that the Caps should be trying to go with local talent to win MLS. But please fill your boots on saying the Caps having some leverage to local elite players etc and the damage they've done to our youth programs is more than unacceptable considering how many players actually have made it to their first team since they've gone MLS.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dude I agree with you hundered percent. Cap will not do it. They have fomed a unity with USL club Chatrlston for next season. Caps have to give four or five roster player to play there. Younger guys will get better development. Div two is better than the kids get in PDL. PDL is wores than PCSL a local league.
Dude till few high pot movers get together and setup an NASL team in Kelowna really nothing is going to change. I hear Winipeg and Calgary are next on going for a club in NASL. Both big enough area in population to have a side in NASL.
It takes two milion dallars for first year or two in orther for a club to stay in NASL. Not many guys are willing to risk it in a such a small number of paid members.
Johnny as always you come out with a proper staitmant. You are right. I really don't care if the youth comes from BC as long as we add three local Canadian lads and give them a chance. There is five out there better than Harvey. Yet he colects the cheque and plays MLS.
I personaly think there is somthing wrong with Bob. I sware he must be around the showers after each match. What the heck. Where is our kids?
Bob is lowing the midea he gets when it come to Canadian players. Funny old Kook. He will be manified before he quits the Caps. I alway thought he and Ells should have been plumbers.Johnny I hope you buy extra chanes on your TV because our season with Caps this year might make you change a chanel or tw times.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I believe the LA Galaxy just bought a team in the USL. They are the first MLS team to have a second team. They are using it as a feeder system.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Guys this is a professional sports franchise, no different than the NFL, NHL, etc.

How many "Homegrown" players do the Canucks have? None... I guess the sport is indeed different and you could say home many grew up in their backyard? 2- Hamhuis and Santorelli. How many were drafted and came through their "system" a handfull- Sedins, Kesler, Burrows, Edler etc.

What I mean to say is that the focus of the "big club" should be to put the most competitive product on the field, regardless of where the talent is trained and where they are born.

The "Club" could be accused of hijacking the local youth elite development channels for financial gain which hinders our local SA's and ultimately trickles up to the issues with the development of Canadian players and the quality and calibre of the CMNT.

I don't think we can bitch about the club trying to go for it with outside players as far as the first team is concerned. While most of us disagree with who is running the club and how it's being run, I don't think a salient argument can be made that the Caps should be trying to go with local talent to win MLS. But please fill your boots on saying the Caps having some leverage to local elite players etc and the damage they've done to our youth programs is more than unacceptable considering how many players actually have made it to their first team since they've gone MLS.

Somebody told me recently that my personal opinion can't be wrong, because it's my personal opinion. Same with yours, actually...so on that front, go fcuk yourself JBN.


Can't compare hockey and soccer in this country. I mean, come on...

And, development is the current Flavour du Jour in this thread, not necessarily the current roster. Besides, if you do compare the Caps, as a club, to the European Club system, those clubs ARE developing local talent. Talent that eventually ends up on the 1st team. Yes, they also bring in foreign players, but that foreign player needs to be at least significantly better than the home-grown boy to get that spot.

Now, we're a ways away from that, and have a poor development system in place, so far as "professional" development. We need every player to have the opportunity Carlyle Mitchell did...do go to the tier down, get a boatload of minutes, and come back capable and ready.

And yes, I don't see why there can't be more Canadian players afforded the same opportunity. You can't tell me there aren't more than a few big talented CBs in the CIS that would succeed with the same grooming Mitchel received.

And yes, I am of the opinion that our domestic professional teams should play a part in both protecting and developing Canadian players. It should be mandated by the CSA. I care about our MNT and I believe that the only way it will be competitive, long term, is if the bulk of the MNT players are groomed in the MLS. In the long run, it would also make the club overall stronger. More loyalty, and more talent due to getting the best of CIS players into their system. It's free talent.
Again, it's a no-brainer, so why hasn't this been done?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
If the Whitecaps were a Spanish club and comparing local talent to imports I would assume that they'd have plenty of depth in their local pool because THEY ARE SPANISH and have an abundance of Spanish talent. The Whitecaps are a Canadian team and there is no talent pool to draw from so bringing in players from anywhere else in the world is better than a Canadian kid. I'd love to see Canadian kids in the team but we don't have many of that ability. What's our FIFA ranking again?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Spanish/Uruguayan, same diff?



On the current topic at hand, Caps have to be careful in my view because if the don't show kids coming up through "their" developmental system soon, that gravy train is going to leave the station. You can't blame it on the lack of raw talent indefinitely, especially when up to the age of 13/14, Canadian kids have been on par with other nations in the same age group.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
The crux of it all comes down to supply and demand.

If the Caps are the Demand and the Supply is talented local youth, and the demand disappears (Which is to say the Caps not graduating anyone after years of ramming their "elite" programs down our youth's throats) the "supply" will go elsewhere... which is what Regs is alluding to (without speaking for Regs)

That being said Regs - the youth teams being on par with other nations haven't been "Canadian National teams" per se have they? I'm thinking those teams were private academy club sides etc? I'm also speaking of male teams, our gals have been strong a long time- different conversation altogether.

Right now the Caps need to be competitive. because of Bob's bumbling of almost everything on and off the pitch the honeymoon will not last forever. Catch 22. I'd like to see the Caps filling their "development program" with local kids and talented foreigners should they be willing to come, but at the end of the day they have a small quota to fill and need results on the pitch, if MLS made it lucrative to develop locally and who-cares-about results: The Caps would probably find a way.

right now local talent isn't the silver bullet...firing Bob is. (at least in my personal opinion :cool: )

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Caps add two more midfielders from down shouth. In my opinion a plus for Bob. Both capable to play under high heat and high humidity. Both have good skill ,both have pace. Now I am way more optimistic about our season to come. Robbo might have a beer or two and a happy season.
Robbo might have to learn Spanish to talk to all these guys. Good on Bob. He scrued up with Camilo but the two young man he added are not push overs. One is twenty two years old the other twenty three. Best age for soccer. We might kick TFC ars yet. FC Edmonton has no chance with us, Ottwa Furey is stacking the team they might surprize TFC and Montreal, Montreal we will see. Seattle close games, Portland we can play with now. First friendley Caps beat new team in NASL called Indy by the score three to two. Staying posative normaly out ways the negatives. Good job grandad Bobby. Finaly you are starting to think.
Johnny gettinhg rid of Bob one would have to start all over again. Delrymple is a fine coach.
I am surprized that club like St Jose did not call him out yet. He will be revorded one day soon.
Kids from him are getting called out to our National side. Yet Bob goes and revords a guy that just came over.
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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Trace Hurtado scored do you still dislike the lad. Now we need a left D from Barklay league and on we go.
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