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2016 Whitecaps

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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
That was mince.

Aird is slowly turning into a favourite for me.

On corners, who is Waston supposed to be marking? Is it just me or is he NEVER man-to-man defensively? I find this shocking.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Yah looks like they play a zonal hybrid. But when the opposing team has a force in the air, he should be man to man with that guy. Let someone else sit central. Tough to say really. But rather man mark their big guy that got on a couple headers.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
7 games and not one goal in open play. 7 games and Riv can't buy a goal. Love his movement and hold up play. But someone has to score man. Bolanos didn't seem to care. Aird made a massive mistake for their goal. Heading the ball in play to who? To plata? Techera keeps trying to go down the line on guys and gets stopped every single time. He clearly does not have the strength to hold guys off at all. Everytime he gets pushed off to the line and off the pitch. Manneh was poor, not buzzing up and down the line as a winger should. I thought Laba and Jacobson did fine. But there top 3 don't connect. At all.

Sell morales and find a true #10 that is healthy and can help us unlock defence.
Robo, your boys, what is going on?



Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
7 games and not one goal in open play. 7 games and Riv can't buy a goal. Love his movement and hold up play. But someone has to score man. Bolanos didn't seem to care. Aird made a massive mistake for their goal. Heading the ball in play to who? To plata? Techera keeps trying to go down the line on guys and gets stopped every single time. He clearly does not have the strength to hold guys off at all. Everytime he gets pushed off to the line and off the pitch. Manneh was poor, not buzzing up and down the line as a winger should. I thought Laba and Jacobson did fine. But there top 3 don't connect. At all.

Sell morales and find a true #10 that is healthy and can help us unlock defence.
Robo, your boys, what is going on?


Not a rebuild. More a rethink. Caps have avoided the popular DP and would rather experiment with a diamond in the rough project. Like @LION said . We need a real number 10. Bobby get the fcuk on it. Your job status is in question.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Sell Morales and Rivero, pay the money and get a solid striker and an attacking CM. Riveros work ethic is great but you're paid score not to work. If you got paid to work hard Hurtado would make 6m a year but it doesn't cut it. Manneh started to look more like himself tonight that's was a plus but our finishing is just shocking. Could be in for a long year. Mattocks had more open play goals than our whole team ffs.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Sep 24, 2011
Dirty Money
Waston needs to settle himself, holy moly.

His first yellow was never a booking when you look at it...but when on a yellow you cant go to ground like he did.

Balonos getting mom IS Ridiculous the guy scored a nice goal but gives no effort and when Aird looks for an outlet on the wing he s nowhere to be found.

Kudo just doesn't cut it, i understand they signed him to get bums on seats but we have guys on VWFC2 that look like they would do a better job.

Thought we put Manneh on far too late and when we did have him on guys were passing to him head height when he had a guy that must be 6ft 5' playing against him.

Also once again the officiating was terrible


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
The line up was super strange to me. Did morales get hurt again?
Nico must be getting pissed. Unless he was carrying knocks from the weekend and coach wanted to rest him for this coming weekend.

Kudo did nothing. Worked hard the first 20 then he disappeared. what's his game? It's not strength or pace. If you don't have any of those as a striker then you better be deceptive as ever and find the lanes and create danger. But he doesn't do that either. What does he do?

At least we can say with Riv that he holds up the ball and allows the team to get up the field.

I don't see kudo as a central striker on his own either. He can not hold up the ball at all. It was a black hole up there. Agh. Why when Blas is on the bench do you go with kudo?
Again, at least blas can be a target and lay it back to morales and we can get forward. I don't get it. Can someone explain the idea behind last nights line up?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Robo and his game day tactics / game day man management become more and more baffling every game.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money

Picture I stole from Dude's favorite site shows the goal should of been called offside. The guy circled heads the ball being played right before the goal.

I had no problem with Waston's second yellow that got him sent off but the first yellow was a result of Besler asking the ref for a yellow on Waston a few minutes earlier.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Dirty Money
View attachment 14086

Picture I stole from Dude's favorite site shows the goal should of been called offside. The guy circled heads the ball being played right before the goal.

I had no problem with Waston's second yellow that got him sent off but the first yellow was a result of Besler asking the ref for a yellow on Waston a few minutes earlier.

AR2 is still on his way to the correct position n misses it, that's a hard one where the ball goes out and then gets whipped right back in, Lino can never make up that ground and is left guessing, can't call offside if you can't see it and the striker is left with the benefit of the doubt and they happened to capitalize on it as well. Shitty for the caps, especially when you're struggling scoring, you need bounces to go your way .... Oh well hopefully the jleague sensation can do something next game :rolleyes: ( maybe tie blas' boots)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I think Kudo should be deployed in a 2-up striker formation, with Blas. Did you see how bloody energetic and motivated Riv was coming on?

Speaking of Motivation and energy...Manneh. This kid is one step forward, two steps back for me right now.

I give you two young players of the same age- Aired and Manneh (Aired may even be a year younger I think). Whenever Aired gets caught up, you see him busting his ass to get back and in position, or to get a foot in. BUSTING HIS ASS.

Yesterday Manneh coughed up a soft back-pass, reminiscent of Flores' gaff earlier this season. Our back line was immediately under fire. Watching from home, Manneh completely fell off the screen. Why? Because he was too busy walking back, hands on hips, huffing and puffing, as his teammates cleaned up his shite.

Fraser Aired looks like he's playing for his job every time he steps out on the pitch, why Manneh looks like he's entitled to his. Everything from body language, to work rate, to obvious fitness differences tell me this.

And, let's talk about motivation and fitness levels...if Manneh is so obviously that far behind, why the hell isn't he getting time w/ USL2 to work it out, plus to send a message?

That little episode had me screaming at the TV last night.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I think both Kudo and Rivero could benefit from playing two strikers. The best I have seen them play was when they played together in the first half against LA before we went down to 10 men. At this point though I do think they need to be looking at bringing in a more consistent finisher as a DP. Perez is fine off the bench but he is too old now to be effective for a season.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Yes, Kudo is a 2 striker system guy. By himself is a joke. He will not hold up anything and win individual battles as he has no power, pace or weight in general.

Probably resting Riv for the weekend match and didn't want to ride him 3 games in a week?

So why force Morales in behind Kudo? for what?

Start with Perez and Kudo and then he could have brought in Morales and Riv for the last 25 if he wanted them both for the weekend.

Morales does nothing for me, especially in that line up.
Where was Jacobson? I guess resting for weekend too?

Blas and Kudo should be a look when we are resting Riv and Morales...
gives us the option of going 4-4-2...
but again, Morales is in, so it forces the system to play a 3 man mid, as he isn't healthy enough or defensive minded enough to go 18 to 18.

I didn't mind RT's work rate in there. But he could be a good guy to come in to kill games.

I just don't see the balance in that line up at all. You play with a one striker system, your first two choices have to be Riv and Blas.
But he starts Kudo?

I wish I knew more to make sense of it all.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't like Webber's writing but liked his article yesterday: this team is far better w/ Morales in. Same w/ Nico. So, if we are married to a single striker system, the way I see it they must play Morales alongside Laba, and Nico in the #10 role, either Riv or Perez up front.

But, I'd rather see 2-up, which means Nico sits, and Kudo w/ whoever. I'm not ready to throw Kudo out yet. Too much success in the J-League, that is worth something...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Yes, that probably is our best 3 in the middle. Laba with Morales more of a deeper play maker, alla Pirlo style, and Nico in the 10 spot.
Just need Morales to be healthy!

Kudo I guess needs some chances but has done nothing with the minutes so far...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
My thoughts are this...

Rivero has had more than enough opportunity to score, and make an impact, production wise.

The Caps brought in a proven goal scorer from what most feel is a comparable league. In the two games they've used him (and I mean featured him, not in spot duty as the game closes out):

1. In a two-up striker formation, he showed quite well, had a couple of very good chances, and drew a PK.
2. In a lone striker formation, his movement was actually still quite good, and the attack around him, as well as possession of the squad, was very good (up till they surrendered that goal).He still managed a couple of pretty good chances. Yet again, lack of finish, but some good signs.

In both cases, Red cards basically neutered the game plan.

I feel like Kudo's finish is just on the cusp of breaking through, whereas I feel Riv is at the point that he can't score in a brothel. Completely snake bitten.

He's doing something different out there, and I think, given the lack of production from Rivero, you need to give this guy a better look. He has the credentials; all those goals scored in the J weren't a fluke. Yes, it may be that you need to pair him w/ another striker. For me, it should be Nico. Why? Well, he's shown he has the energy and awareness to play as a 10, so you essentially put him up there, and give him free range. Let Morales sit deep and pull the strings from there, and allows Nico to do what he does best- play and intelligent game, and be where needed to generate attack. The #10 role is essentially a hybrid anyhow; it's a means of giving your most skilled and active player on the park freedom to roam, but also serve as the link man between your striker and midfield.

Blas has to remain as a 20 minute guy, and Riv, well...my hope is that Kudo would score and build himself a bit of a resume on this team, and put pressure on Riv to win it back.

It's a long season, anything can happen.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dude you post some dumb posts. Rivero is young player, he plays well with the players team has. Club has bunch of small attackers who come to play every second or third game. Coach keeps on making mistakes in formation and with team in general. No one plays with one striker. That's is an chicken shyt type of play it will always cost you a game.
Coach makes huge mistakes with defenders. Aird is all over the place. He never tracks his guy on time. For most he chases the play like a dumb nut. That is one area that cost a team points. Second area is Waston. In my opinion he is as dumb as a door knob. Always costing team cards and points.
Robo needs to sit down with the guy and let him know clean up or you will be sent packing. Same for Aird play D stay home and only jump up if you have the ball in your feet.
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