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2018 Whitecaps

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Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money

You cut me deep.



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
I didn’t see the game but just watched the highlights. Some of us here wanted to see Brek start and play up top and see Reyna play as the 10...and that’s how they lined up. So how did they play respectively?

I don’t see how you play a 3-5-2 and have Juárez on the wing. He has no pace and that’s a very demanding pace oriented position.

Wonder boy Davies who we all love his attacking abilities really needs to work on his defensive awareness. In the last two games he hasn’t tracked his marker and it’s led to 3 goals. First Vela’s strike last week and Russels goal last night...they were both taking the throw in and Davies was marking them. The third goal he just didn’t track his runner ffs.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
@machel - systematically it looked like the squad had absolutely no clue how to play 3 at the back. At all. defensively we were exposed, and we were getting next to no possession. Impossible to say how Shea, Blondell, or Reyna played because there was no midfield of any sort that could win and distribute the ball.

Except, one very nice break through the middle that Reyna did start, played to Blondell's feet, carried on his run, and slotted a brilliant ball through to Reyna. Likely you've seen the replay how he went around the keeper then missed the sitter.

After that...goal, goal, goal, Waston snaps, loses his shite, the rest follow. Honestly I thought we could have had three reds shown against us (Waston definitely made contact, it was studs up, and intent to injure, no doubt about it), and they should have had one shown against them.

Diabolical, embarrassing, a joke. That they can't play a 3 CB system is one thing (lack of prep, not placing that on players), that Robo chose to start Juarez out at wide right is another, in a formation that doesn't suit him at all. Reyna is a lost soul right now. So many reasons to fire Robo right now, too many to count.
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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
As for Davies...he looks a bit lost at LB, but fcuk me, he's an attacking player. He just didn't quite close in well enough. Unforgivable for a LB, but he's not a LB, is he? He is also 10 times more aware than any other winger we have. I'm 100% satisfied with his awareness and his tracking back, frankly, I want to see this kid moved centrally, and see what he can do as a false 9. Let him lose, and send Reyna to a shrink.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Dirty Money
@GoF, any chance you can get @Canucks4Ever a pass representing you and TTP? Honestly, this club and manager needs more than one or two of you guys who actually ask tough questions. Read the article this morning from the latest Province knob gobbler, and wanted to use the page to clean myself after a solid morning deuce.

Just saw this! Robbo got a tough time post LAFC, but that was just from two people (I had to go to LA dressing room to get stuff for the MLS site). It didn't go down well apparently.

The problem is most of the people that go to Caps training/postgame don't have a great knowledge of the game so he's had a fairly easy time of it. Plus as their "official newspaper" The Province don't rock the boat anywhere near as much as they should. The stuff at the start of this week was horrible.

On the plus side, the podcast everyone was talking about was mine. No such thing as bad publicity as they say!

Since we've been using @Canucks4Ever's previews on our site, we can class him as one of our writers. I give him one game till a pass would be pulled haha


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Lol, @GoF sign me up. Robbo should welcome the tough questions, he grew up in Wales and the managers there have no where to hide when things aren't going well. I'll go to my one presser, get bounced, write an article and we'll let the people decide if the want more of the tough questions being asked.

One of the major problems with the coverage is that the Province is in bed with the Caps. Fcuking Lenarduzzi "writes" a column for them every Friday. How can you be objective when you're employing the people you are supposed to be assessing? Beyond that they always seem approach their coverage in what I would refer to as an "American" style where they are trying to explain what soccer is half the time and not delving into the finer points. They seem to still believe that this market doesn't understand footy so they right puff pieces and use buzz words that people have heard before like discussing formations. It's like they are scared that their market will tune them out if they actually begin to talk soccer properly.

As for the game this week I'm rather glad I went to Surrey to see Peg play PoMo. Nothing to really expand on that we aren't already discussing (tactics, three at the back, etc.). All I'll add is that, justified or not, VAR has never had a good outcome for Vancouver. Also, as a sidebar, don't know if Shaad has played any decent level footy, but I have run into him on the refereeing circuit before and let's just say his performances in the middle measure up to his performances in the broadcast booth...


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
As for Davies...he looks a bit lost at LB, but fcuk me, he's an attacking player. He just didn't quite close in well enough. Unforgivable for a LB, but he's not a LB, is he? He is also 10 times more aware than any other winger we have. I'm 100% satisfied with his awareness and his tracking back, frankly, I want to see this kid moved centrally, and see what he can do as a false 9. Let him lose, and send Reyna to a shrink.

I agree, a LB he is not.

Centrally as a false 9? Maybe try it while Kei is out but that’s a big ask for the kid. He may get eaten alive by more mature and experienced centre backs if used as a target man alone upfront. Maybe a better role would be second striker in a two forward scenario for experimental purposes.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree, a LB he is not.

Centrally as a false 9? Maybe try it while Kei is out but that’s a big ask for the kid. He may get eaten alive by more mature and experienced centre backs if used as a target man alone upfront. Maybe a better role would be second striker in a two forward scenario for experimental purposes.

Either or. I like the false 9 just to give him free reign. Let him loose. But 2 up is fine too, again, free reign.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Does @sunsei hanson ever check in here anymore?

Man oh man, I listened this morning to TSN 104, expecting, hoping that SH would at least challenge Schaad a bit. Challenge him on his homerism (how he couldn't see the rake on the ankle from Waston is beyond me, calling it a dive), and make the conversation at least uncomfortable and bring up it it is time to sack Robo?

Neither. Fcuk me.

They danced around the issue of "culture". Is it time to re & re the culture. He made some good points about the players (Waston and Juarez in particular) and the Bench (no names, but obviously it's Robo) being arguably the biggest moaners in the league. Questioned seriously the inclusion of Juarez at all. In all that, they did not ask once if Robo should perhaps be dismissed. Not one fcuking time.

If a Canucks coach were on the hot seat (last year and previous, when they had rights), or a Lion's coach, the hosts would ask those questions. Not with the Whitecaps, and I just don't get it.

I expect more of SH, he's at least a local, knowledgeable soccer guy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
One problem is that most fans are so casual they only follow the Whitecaps and don't give two shits about MLS in general. Maybe it's the way it's covered here in the media and other sources. The league is MUCH bigger than just the Cascadia teams. lol

I don't think the team will improve unless fans get more educated about the league and actually give a fcuk about it.
Hey, there's more to the NHL than the Smythe division or whatever it's called nowadays ;)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
One problem is that most fans are so casual they only follow the Whitecaps and don't give two shits about MLS in general. Maybe it's the way it's covered here in the media and other sources. The league is MUCH bigger than just the Cascadia teams. lol

I don't think the team will improve unless fans get more educated about the league and actually give a fcuk about it.
Hey, there's more to the NHL than the Smythe division or whatever it's called nowadays ;)

You are so bang on about the long term cementing into the market. To truly be one of the "Top 25 Clubs in the World" (LOL, remember that?), they need a support culture that is heard beyond the forums. @GoF does a great job with his website and podcast, but it seems to me the club is intent on keeping the supporter culture you find at the SS Forum and lingering around Twitter off the airways! That's asinine!

If you had loud, vocal Supporty screaming for the manager's head, and the media was all over that spreading the vile / interest, that is WAY better than what we have now, which is apathy, and media micro managing.

The other possibility is SH has fallen into the trap of the rest of the media, which is they actually just don't really care, and look as the Caps as a cute little side business they have broadcast rights to, but beyond that, do what they need to do contractually, suck up to Robo, then move onto the 'Nucks. The guys at SN? Even worse. They don't even have an obligation and they simply can't be fcuked.

How the radio station (TSN) and the Club don't see that a loud, angry supporter culture is better than a mothballed "nothing to see here" culture is beyond me.



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Agree with @Dude re the media coverage. As I mentioned earlier, it is shambolic how the mainstream outlets cover soccer in general as if it is some sort of niche market. Yes the sport still has a long way to go in North America, but fcuk me it is clearly mainstream. Listening to commentators do highlights and just butcher them makes me cringe.

Robo has had 4 years in charge and there really does not seem to be any plan or vision taking shape that I can see. Management seems content to hover around the edge of the playoffs and hope for the best. I understand that we are not blessed with deep pockets and don't have the ability to bring in a Giovinco or Torres or Ibra, but seriously, where are we going with this team? If you ask me Lenarduzzi is the real problem. He got bedded in with the 'Caps back when they were irrelevant and has now risen to some sort of self appointed "God of soccer" in Vancouver status. Seriously, why is he running the show? Why is his performance not being analyzed? As far as I can tell he's just had the job for so long that when people from the outside finally started to care they just assumed he knew what he was doing.

Without the budget of top clubs, in my opinion, we need to be producing our own talent via the academy. The Whitecaps have a great platform and set up and market to have one of the top academies, but so far all we have to show for it is Davies who, let's be honest, is more by accident than by design. We should be producing better players and feeding them into the system, but instead the academy and residency programs are just a cash cow for the organization; bringing in tons of dollars from parents and consistently producing no top talent. Certainly from that side of operations Lenarduzzi and his cohorts (including his brother...) are good at what they do. As someone who has coached at the camps they offer and had a chance to look at their business model for identifying talent and recruitment it seems to be a fairly simple idea: if you have money and know who to talk to we will look at your kid. I just cannot see that being effective long term...


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
but instead the academy and residency programs are just a cash cow for the organization; bringing in tons of dollars from parents and consistently producing no top talent.

Academy, yes.

Residency, no. They sink a lot of money in to Residency, and I'm sure are dismayed on the lack of return. They would love to be promoting guys to the 1st team, or selling them on for $$, but just don't seem to have it figured out. I think letting go off Niendorf who had the initial vision and got the Residency program up and running may have been a mistake... who's leading the program since?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Academy, yes.

Residency, no. They sink a lot of money in to Residency, and I'm sure are dismayed on the lack of return. They would love to be promoting guys to the 1st team, or selling them on for $$, but just don't seem to have it figured out. I think letting go off Niendorf who had the initial vision and got the Residency program up and running may have been a mistake... who's leading the program since?

Really, this is my question for guys like you and @Ballbaby , guys who are involved, tapped in. Balls attests the Residency is quite strong. Seems they bring home great results. So what is the disconnect? Is it the lack of the WFC2 squad, or a deeper issue of Robo not giving the players a real chance? Davie Norman Jr. Who? It's like for any Residency player, signing a 1st team contract is the first step off a steep, slippery slide into footballing obscurity.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I'm not involved at that level. Just happy to pick up a few of their discards and hopefully keep them playing until they can get a shot at something bigger.
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