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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


Active Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
first of all you are going to come back to me talking like you think you know what is what and then you talk about the richmond league and saltspring tournament, kamloops and ktown. Give me a break man. The multicultural league? Please man. I won best goalie in that league a few years ago after playing only a few games. Either i'm that good (i'm not) or the league is not good. All of the leagues you are talking about are not very good except for the pcsl which is slowly getting weaker and would definatley fold if we moved to a spring/summer league. You may have the cash to front your team but other teams don't. Have you ever been to nationals and fronted a team there? We are in debt from that and probably will be for a while to come. I know other teams that have gone to nationals and still owe money. You must have a very good job if you think that you can bank roll a season and then if you are lucky go to nationals. Other teams aren't so lucky and it costs a lot. Not to mention that you throw away a day if you travel to the island. You have some good points on why the league might be good, but it needs way more discussion and planning and developing. Just my opinion. And if you do make bc's this year, I'll take any fraser valley team over and vmsl team any day. Maybe you can throw some cash around and bank roll the draw and make it happen that wvfc plays acbc in the first round and we'll show you what league is better. 29


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money

I agree the FVSL executive have done a lot of great work. The website and online registration have been a huge improvement and they have been very accomadating in working with teams to fix schedule/player conflicts. Most problems in the fVSL in terms of promotion and relegation come from unorganized teams and poor leadership. However I do feel like the watching about 6 or 7 VMSL premier games, that the level of play is absolutly fantastic. I can't commet on the way the league is run as I have never played in he VMSL.

ACBC is on that level of VMSL and Port Moody has the right blueprint to get on that level. But it is a tough sell to teams to realistically take two steps back before taking one step forward. Why would the top 4 teams want to be promoted to a situation of more travel, money and lower competition. That is realistically what it will be. I'm with you that the league, if it works is a step in the right direction, but right now it comes across as unorganized and being shoved down peoples throat without all teams knowing details. There should be newsletters, emails things in the local paper explaining in detail how this is going to work, I get how teams are promoted in..great

Maybe it just needs one more year, so teams can properly prepare their clubs, sponsorship and maybe a little more information can be circulated. I personally would like to have been given the lowdown without attending a meeting, on an email to all team managers etc. Not that I will be involved int he league but I would still be interested as I love the game. Also maybe the VMSL would be more willing to have their top 6 in the league followed by 2 from the island and FVSL. In terms of quality of teams it seems a lot more appropriate.

Maybe this thing is bound for failure no matter what is done but it's great that you are trying to move BC soccer forward. However you come across as an egocentric prick, who's whole bit seems to be about himself and not actually BC soccer. Maybe I'm wrong and you just come across this way but from what I have seen BC soccer should completly stay away from you terms of being an embassador of the game.

bulljive, loving to hate since 1983


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I know your a great keeper i love to watch you play. And I agreed that the top 6 VMSL teams are the best...You said best league....what you should have said was best teams/talent because the league is different than the talent in the league. I am referring to how the league is run and so i say not the best league.
And we wont be playing you first or second round because we have a bye and then home field as a seeded team. As you will ,if you win your league.(when)
I dont pay fo anything anymore our team has fundraisers and each player pays a fee.
My only thoughts that if you all would have stayed out of the bar and liquar store you Nationals trip may have been cheaper.;)


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Give your heads and egos a shake!

FFS, ghouse has some good points.:eek:

Our club is not in position to qualify for this BCPL, but we support and love the idea. Unlike, the VMSL our membership has been informed through this whole process and were asked what would we like to see moving forward. Things such as games on good grass parks in the afternoon with changeroom facilities were a must. Funny thing is, once Hastings is gone, there are not many teams in the VMSL that can even meet the criteria.
Obviously, the best teams in VMSL are among the best in the province, however the gap has been shortened the last few years. Gorge in VISL have 3 BC Cups to their name and some FVSL teams have beat top VSML teams each year.

Unfortunately, the bottom line is where talented players and team success is evident, organization and communication is clearly not. I feel bad for the teams that have the vision and desire to look ahead at an opportunity to grow football in BC. Hopefully over the next 12 months something positve can come of this and clubs will get on board. Another typical Azzi throwing the wool over everyone's eyes houdini trick FINALLY caught up to him.

No disrespect intended, but the membership in the VMSL needs to step up and start taking charge of their league. Get involved, merge with youth clubs and start being proactive insted of protective. Soon enough, you may have no where to play on weekends?


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money

I agree the FVSL executive have done a lot of great work. The website and online registration have been a huge improvement and they have been very accomadating in working with teams to fix schedule/player conflicts. Most problems in the fVSL in terms of promotion and relegation come from unorganized teams and poor leadership. However I do feel like the watching about 6 or 7 VMSL premier games, that the level of play is absolutly fantastic. I can't commet on the way the league is run as I have never played in he VMSL.

ACBC is on that level of VMSL and Port Moody has the right blueprint to get on that level. But it is a tough sell to teams to realistically take two steps back before taking one step forward. Why would the top 4 teams want to be promoted to a situation of more travel, money and lower competition. That is realistically what it will be. I'm with you that the league, if it works is a step in the right direction, but right now it comes across as unorganized and being shoved down peoples throat without all teams knowing details. There should be newsletters, emails things in the local paper explaining in detail how this is going to work, I get how teams are promoted in..great

Maybe it just needs one more year, so teams can properly prepare their clubs, sponsorship and maybe a little more information can be circulated. I personally would like to have been given the lowdown without attending a meeting, on an email to all team managers etc. Not that I will be involved int he league but I would still be interested as I love the game. Also maybe the VMSL would be more willing to have their top 6 in the league followed by 2 from the island and FVSL. In terms of quality of teams it seems a lot more appropriate.

Maybe this thing is bound for failure no matter what is done but it's great that you are trying to move BC soccer forward. However you come across as an egocentric prick, who's whole bit seems to be about himself and not actually BC soccer. Maybe I'm wrong and you just come across this way but from what I have seen BC soccer should completly stay away from you terms of being an embassador of the game.

bulljive, loving to hate since 1983

I never asked or wanted to be an embassador.....
And how this just serves me when 10 teams are involved with the fact we could be religated is silly.
But your other points are valid.

My main concern is the future....Sooner or later things will change. Then when its ok for the VMSL ,then we put the BCPL in motion.
Someone will always get hurt and be pissed off.
Now is as good a time as any and the sooner we make the move the sooner soccer grows through out the province...Dont talk money cause its not the issue...


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money
G-House, I certainly don't want to be brought into a pissing match about which league is better or which teams are better, because it is kind of off topic. And quite frankly, irrelevant. So, I won't go down that road.

As far as your points about the leagues and how they are run, you have made some good and interesting points. I agree that your league president has gone into that league and made some very smart, forward-thinking decisions on a lot of off-field ideas, and I commend him for that. I also hope, and I believe there are more than a few people that will agree, that when the time comes, and our next guy who takes over the league will implement some very innovative ideas to enhance the profile and the quality of the league.

That is not going to happen until someone is willing to go in with a plan, and also not be afraid to use the numerous resources that are around the community. People such as Regs, for obvious reasons, Reedie, for where he works, we have lawyers, we have businessmen, one of the KurtenBloggers used to be in our league, for Christ sake. Why aren't we using these valuable pieces? I don't know.

But to compare leagues like you were, and I might be wrong Ghouse, based on executive decisions isn't really fair, and truly isn't indicative of the great clubs and traditions that have been developed in the VMSL. And there are many great clubs, as there are in the Valley and Island. But after witnessing last night's performance and even knowing about today's back door dealing, by no means is judging the clubs of this league based on decisions being made by certain people, a true representation of our league, because we truly aren't being represented, but rather dictated to.

Like I said, I'm not going to talk about the soccer side of it, because it's pointless. On a side note, we all know that you have a dangerous team. If people really believe that the teams present last night voted against the new league because of short-sighted reasons and personal agendas, then I believe you're wrong. This league's proposal failed at the VMSL level a long time ago, when it wasn't really presented, but rather, for a lack of a better word "Back-doored". Whether I'm for it or not is irrelevant, as well. But one thing I do know, is being at that meeting last night, I was very appreciative of the fact that there was so many people there, and truly were there it seemed for the right reasons, regardless of whether it was 8 months too late or not.

GHouse, I truly appreciate your excitement, and your wishes to see a better environment for the game, and I hope people like you are around for a long time, especially since I have a son that is playing.

I have one other question for you, and it's sincere and in no means am I trying to be a smart ass, and by no means am I trying to downplay the merits of this proposed league. If you believe that teams or people from the VMSL are narrow-minded and short sighted, AND the FVSL is growing at a better pace, with a brighter future, as you said (and I'm not arguing), Why do you want to enter a league with these VMSL teams and people? Doesn't the fact the FVSL is moving in the right direction mean that soccer is going the right way already?

Like I said, no pissing match needed, I am not arguing the merits for or against on here.


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
Dirty Money
Burnsie, I'm busy, I don't have time for that editing krap right now. Besides, I just suckholed to Regs, he could at least edit for me.

There Burnsie, Paragraphs for you.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Millar said:
Burnsie, I'm busy, I don't have time for that editing krap right now. Besides, I just suckholed to Regs, he could at least edit for me.

There Burnsie, Paragraphs for you.

I feel so dirty now :(
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
G-House, I certainly don't want to be brought into a pissing match about which league is better or which teams are better, because it is kind of off topic. And quite frankly, irrelevant. So, I won't go down that road.

As far as your points about the leagues and how they are run, you have made some good and interesting points. I agree that your league president has gone into that league and made some very smart, forward-thinking decisions on a lot of off-field ideas, and I commend him for that. I also hope, and I believe there are more than a few people that will agree, that when the time comes, and our next guy who takes over the league will implement some very innovative ideas to enhance the profile and the quality of the league.

That is not going to happen until someone is willing to go in with a plan, and also not be afraid to use the numerous resources that are around the community. People such as Regs, for obvious reasons, Reedie, for where he works, we have lawyers, we have businessmen, one of the KurtenBloggers used to be in our league, for Christ sake. Why aren't we using these valuable pieces? I don't know.

But to compare leagues like you were, and I might be wrong Ghouse, based on executive decisions isn't really fair, and truly isn't indicative of the great clubs and traditions that have been developed in the VMSL. And there are many great clubs, as there are in the Valley and Island. But after witnessing last night's performance and even knowing about today's back door dealing, by no means is judging the clubs of this league based on decisions being made by certain people, a true representation of our league, because we truly aren't being represented, but rather dictated to.

Like I said, I'm not going to talk about the soccer side of it, because it's pointless. On a side note, we all know that you have a dangerous team. If people really believe that the teams present last night voted against the new league because of short-sighted reasons and personal agendas, then I believe you're wrong. This league's proposal failed at the VMSL level a long time ago, when it wasn't really presented, but rather, for a lack of a better word "Back-doored". Whether I'm for it or not is irrelevant, as well. But one thing I do know, is being at that meeting last night, I was very appreciative of the fact that there was so many people there, and truly were there it seemed for the right reasons, regardless of whether it was 8 months too late or not.

GHouse, I truly appreciate your excitement, and your wishes to see a better environment for the game, and I hope people like you are around for a long time, especially since I have a son that is playing.

I have one other question for you, and it's sincere and in no means am I trying to be a smart ass, and by no means am I trying to downplay the de merits of this proposed league. If you believe that teams or people from the VMSL are narrow-minded and short sighted, AND the FVSL is growing at a better pace, with a brighter future, as you said (and I'm not arguing), Why do you want to enter a league with these VMSL teams and people? Doesn't the fact the FVSL is moving in the right direction mean that soccer is going the right way already?

Like I said, no pissing match needed, I am not arguing the merits for or against on here.

Millar ,because I have the utmost respect for you and I am friends with Rob I believe you are not pisstakeing me when asking your question.
Firstoff I agree with alot of what you are saying and I believe you are credible enough that your opinion is sound and should be listened to by all. I may not agree with it all but it is valid.
To answer your question.
I do believe the FVSL is moveing in the right direction. But for what I see as total Improvement and to better soccer even more so, we need to all be together. The whole Province. Yes even the Interior.
I am glad you asked this question because...
Let me back up a bit... As you said above we have Lawyers ,Accountants Regs, Businessmen all who could be doing a part.
Well my first profession and the one which I did so well at and how I bought my house from was as a Promoter.
Id like to think it was something I did very very well at because of the success I had doing it. SummerLove Festival 30'000 fans at $60 a ticket for 10 years. Took 4 of those years to get to those huge numbers.
WakeWest the Canadian National WakeBoard Championships in False Creek 35'000 fans.And Televised. I was the host on TSN for the Canadian version of the Big Air X games and owned the Festival that went along with it (WinterLove) 3 years. Various other huge events and small. I also had my own radio show for 3 years on 96.1 fm here in Vancouver which was fairchild radio...It was called the GSPOT..Laugh it up. It was the way I sold out my events. Dont by adds buy the show. And host it.
I was the tour director for the Lollapalooza 3rd tour and road manager for the Last Scorpians and Alice Cooper tour. Actually that came first before all the other stuff. What I learnt there showed me how to promote to the masses.
My point is I know a thing or 3 about how to market events. Sports, Music its all the same and I have done them all. With huge success.
I Know if we all get on the same page and unite all Sr mens soccer. The best soccer below the WhiteCaps, we have a marketable product.
But we need everyone together on the same page.
The older historic clubs with the newer clubs with personality.
The reason this year is so important is because the MLS is comeing and we need to ride the media wave.
We need teams from out of town so the promoters and media have an angle to promote. Derby games are the best but not every week...They need to be special so they can be hyped. A derby game every week loses interest, it doesnt build it.
In this new division or league, I know if done right we could elevate the popularity of soccer to where we really do get fans and with fans comes TV (shaw), they have been doing great with the Giants games. With fans you bring Sponcors.
Sponsors means money.
It all will happen if we get this puppy off the ground and just before the MLS, not after it. Soccer will be very popular very soon and we either are involved or we miss our chance.
TFC has a reserve team playing in the CSL and they have local TV coverage. Same shti different pile. Not to mention the CSL has a fan base.
Ya I know we need to put this down on paper and have a plan, I have heard that...But it just took you all 8 months to get together for 1 meeting. A plan like what you all are talking about will take way to long and its really not needed to just get the division up and running. All the details can be worked out as we move forward.
And for anyone who doubts any of this...I have had doubters for every event I have ever had...Whos going to pay to show up to watch Wakeboarding at FalseCreek...35 thousand did and the TV trucks rolled right in with them.

When I quote the move field of dreams and say 'build it and they will come'...I mean it.
people will come if the games are promoted right. If we have good venders and bevys. Playing double header games at a few of the good little stadiums with the right promotion...Its a no brainer.
Press will eat it up.
But you need the teams from out of town to do it. To make it all work we need everyone Together.
NOW is the time and not later.
Or we just continue down this path we have now...nothing wagered nothing gained...
Whats the worst that could happen....we go back to where we are now??

Where is my place in all this...right next to anyone and everyone else. At the games watchin footy.

Will I step forward and help..you bet i will ,as should everyone.

The opportunity is here now...Lets not waist it.

Bash me all you want...I make things happen and I dont stop till its finnished. Nothing can stop us if we really want to do something.
Dont be a hater..Jump on board..leave your legacy.
Your kids will say..my dad did that.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Ghouse, I don’t think anyone can knock your enthusiasm. Some of it may be a bit on the delusional side, but in principle, I do agree with:

~The concept of uniting the best teams from across the Lower Mainland and the Island- in one Premier division- is long overdue.
~The opportunity is NOW. I agree that piggybacking on the elevated interest the Whitecap’s expansion into MLS is key.

As to your comparisons to Wakeboarding…though I respect the promotional success of those events, you can’t compare that to the BCPL. You will be targeting completely different markets, and you have a full schedule slate to deal with. When you can showcase an extreme sport or event in a great venue, in a one-weekend shot, you leave yourself w/ the big cash-in opportunity.

Soccer will never appeal to the extreme sports crowd. Not going to happen, ever. Soccer does and should appeal to the casual fan, if packaged properly.

Also, and this is as obvious as I can think…so long as this or any of the three leagues continues to play through the winter, you simply won’t get the families out. It’s a non starter. I would think that part of the BCPL growth strategy would be a move to a summer callendar.

But, that is- for now- an irrelevant point. One step at a time, and the first should be the establishment of the league.

I’ve learned a lot in the last 12 hours or so about where and how this whole thing went sideways, and I have to agree w/ a whole lot that has been written: the VMSL teams and stakeholders have been left out of the process. It isn’t the money. As Millar has pointed out, there are some pretty experienced football people on that side of the fence with some pretty strong attributes they can bring to the table; some who may fundamentally disagree, some who will always disagree w/ the concept, no matter what, but others who are open to the concept, so long as they can contribute. At the end of the day, it comes down to involving your membership in the process. I think that the FVSL teams have felt fairly involved and informed. Even guys like me- creaky old Masters who have no real stake in this- have been well informed. Not just officially, but through the grapevine, and it has all been fairly consistent and transparent.

Now we have- as Millar put it- back-door dealing and flip-flopping on the VMSL. You guys are scrambling, and rightfully so. The common thread is that you are all passionate about the issue- one way or another. Passion leads to action. Too bad it took you all 8 months to get together on it. And, I guess for this cluster****, you need to look at your leadership, and ask serious questions.

Mr. Azzi’s legacy for this league should be obvious to everyone: he stepped up and took leadership at a time that the league should have otherwise collapsed. It was when, 1997 when the bank account was cleared out- wasn’t it? In a time when the league needed strong leadership, he stepped up and provided it. Say what you will about it being a dictatorship; maybe the league needed a dictator at that time. Maybe I’m being a bit over-the-top (I’m sure Captain will tell me so), but for all that perhaps you guys can all thank the man before he hands in his resignation. And, quite honestly, it appears that his resignation may indeed be what is required to move forward on this, one way or another. I know I’ve felt that a change in leadership was overdue for the past few seasons. Your meeting Sunday (it is still unclear weather if it was an official league meeting w/ minutes being taken, or simply a casual Q&A get-together- in which case all your votes may be in question as to the official legality anyhow) was, if nothing else, a massive show of non-confidence.

Also, from my understanding, the objection coming from the Island isn’t exactly the teams themselves not wanting involvement, but more like some of the older players on those teams. That is a big difference from the Island wanting out. I can definitely see some of the older players not wanting involvement, for family or career reasons. But that is a far cry from the actual VISL itself not being in support of the BCPL.

I agree w/ Guinness…you guys need to collectively take control of your league if you don’t like the way it is currently being led. I would just say that in doing so, show Mr. Azzi his due respect as you show him the door. Then, everyone take a breath, and get back to the drawing board w/ an open forum style line of communication. Take another year if you need to dial in the fine points, and go from there. My opinion, anyhow.


New Member
Sep 13, 2008
Dirty Money

With your "promoter" background and all of that...

Did you organise and "promoted" a long weekend tournament in the summer a couples of years back? At Burnaby Lake?

If that was a success why did you quit doing it?

Even though you tried by accomodating the stronger teams in one side and the weaker teams in the other side (here you included your team which according to you have played games against the best in BC. ei. 3-3 Surrey, beat Croatia, etc.) so could get to the finals and get the $10,000

Just refreshing my memory.

Yours truly,



Jul 29, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm an organizer for Croatia. I don't know the other VMSL clubs very well but my take is that the majority of clubs are being run by 2-4 guys who are already stretched-thin to operate a team week-to-week. On top of the usual VMSL demands for the organizers, the new league will add more work in the form of increased fundraising, more player recruitment, and overall more overhead. The upside is negligible. Is 'better soccer in Canada' really a priority for the organizers when just fielding a competitive team next season requires a minor miracle?

Most VMSL clubs don't have the fundamental pieces to be ready for a next step. Specifically, they lack community support and a reliable source of talent. The first priority of the VMSL should be to help clubs solve those core problems. They don't need a new league. The clubs need facilities for training, resources/expertise to reach out to their communities, and basic facilities to accomodate their supporters when they do come to a game.

The comparison to the BCHL is great because the contrast is obvious. BCHL clubs commit many resources into community awareness which makes them a viable channel to potential customers for their sponsors. They also have arenas that provide a fantastic atmosphere for supporters and families. How do you compare that to standing on the sidelines in the mud at Hastings Bowl?

Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

(it is still unclear weather if it was an official league meeting w/ minutes being taken, or simply a casual Q&A get-together- in which case all your votes may be in question as to the official legality anyhow) was, if nothing else, a massive show of non-confidence.

Not an official meeting. It was going to be a Q&A but we all knew where it was heading.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm an organizer for Croatia. I don't know the other VMSL clubs very well but my take is that the majority of clubs are being run by 2-4 guys who are already stretched-thin to operate a team week-to-week. On top of the usual VMSL demands for the organizers, the new league will add more work in the form of increased fundraising, more player recruitment, and overall more overhead. The upside is negligible. Is 'better soccer in Canada' really a priority for the organizers when just fielding a competitive team next season requires a minor miracle?

Most VMSL clubs don't have the fundamental pieces to be ready for a next step. Specifically, they lack community support and a reliable source of talent. The first priority of the VMSL should be to help clubs solve those core problems. They don't need a new league. The clubs need facilities for training, resources/expertise to reach out to their communities, and basic facilities to accomodate their supporters when they do come to a game.

The comparison to the BCHL is great because the contrast is obvious. BCHL clubs commit many resources into community awareness which makes them a viable channel to potential customers for their sponsors. They also have arenas that provide a fantastic atmosphere for supporters and families. How do you compare that to standing on the sidelines in the mud at Hastings Bowl?

Thanks for reading.

This is a great post, and from your standpoint, I can absolutely see your concerns.

I guess I would ask this...shouldn't it be the responsibility of the club to do the things you say? Shouldn't the club be affiliating itself w/ a youth organization, in order to gain access to that talent, and to work w/ them on access to training facilities?

And I hope I don't offend you with this, but does being an ethnic club that caters exclusively to its own community maybe hold you back in this department? I do write this w/ the highest levels of respect for your club. I've always loved the community aspect that Croatia brings to the scene. Love the matches at the picnic grounds in the summer, and the family atmosphere in the barn after. You guys have a great thing going, and frankly I’ve always been a bit envious of it. I wish that all soccer clubs had such a strong community behind it, like you do.

All that said, the limitations holding you back aren't other club’s problems, IMHO. These are issues only you guys can overcome by, perhaps, being less exclusionary...but that may come at a cost of losing the great community flavor you have now.

That’s a tough one, but I don't think it is directly related.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I guess I would ask this...shouldn't it be the responsibility of the club to do the things you say? Shouldn't the club be affiliating itself w/ a youth organization, in order to gain access to that talent, and to work w/ them on access to training facilities?

Dude, that is way easier said than done. Frankly, youth clubs just don't give a sh!t about Senior men's soccer, and why would they?

Trying asking Sandman about how well partnering ICST with SYS Pegasus worked out for them getting better field access...

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