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Brown Soccer Banter


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh how easy to wind you guys up:D

First and foremost, I think it is comical.....actaully hillarious that you would even think of comparing our two clubs.....so i'm not even going to bother. The fact that you even have to ask what our club has done for the community proves your ignorance

Second, It is very easy to speak and hide behind an alias like "Big T" or "thisbuds4u". Real classy spewing unsubstantiated comments about paying players etc..........by the way who did we pay?

Third, why so defensive, my point is simply, if you can't beat any of the summer league leisure teams how will you fare against the competition in the FV Premier..........that was it. I actually really hope you guys don't bomb......it seems like you have a decent youth system starting.

Sooooooooooo, Congratualtions on the clubs' framework, it's too bad your ignorance is taking centre stage.


PS: Indo had nothing to prove in the summer.........We have accomplished more in the summer and winter than you're club will ever dream of. The sooner you and and all the other teams realize that summer soccer doesn't amount to anything serious the sooner you'll have better results in the winter.........where it counts

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Sandman
Oh how easy to wind you guys up:D

Second, It is very easy to speak and hide behind an alias like "Big T" or "thisbuds4u".

Third, why so defensive, my point is simply, if you can't beat any of the summer league leisure teams how will you fare against the competition in the FV Premier..........that was it. I actually really hope you guys don't bomb......it seems like you have a decent youth system starting.

Sooooooooooo, Congratualtions on the clubs' framework, it's too bad your ignorance is taking centre stage.



A couple of points:

#1) If thisBuds4u has an opinion of your club or beef with you that is not something the entire club shares. Heck I don't even know who bud is to this day or if he even plays with us. So the ignorance may be on your part making that assumption. And don't lump two different posts into one.

#2) If you want my name and number, PM anytime, I'm not one to hide behind a PC. All the boyz on Temple, SUFC and GN know who I am.

#3) People get defensive when people make inaccurate conclusions about the team. As you just got with bud for making inaccurate comment about paying players. You know full well that starting a club is hard work and a lot of dedication, but sometimes its the apna mentality to shoot something down before it starts. Thats why you got a response to your post. I think we were competitive in the tourneys but we are not established like the older clubs. That will take time.

#4) I don't think I would try to compare our clubs, its a moot point. We haven't proven anything and nor is there anything to brag about from our end. When we win something then we'll brag, until then its easier to keep it shut.

#5) I thought your post could have been more classy for a guy who has been around for a while and is well known. If you want to wind me up that real easy to do, just cut us down for no reason. :D

Big T :cool:
PS - Thanks for the wind up and I hope this clarifies.:wa:

star pimp

New Member
Aug 13, 2003
Dirty Money
van u should got the spot for fvsl premier div.

i think van u would be way more competive than sufc in fvsl premier. Van u has a good team and did well in the summer.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Big T

All your points are well taken............

Kudos to whomever did the negotiating on landing the premier spot.........Nor do I blame you guys for taking the spot........I would have done the same thing.

You have to agree that you lot are pretty fortunate to have been given a premier spot when you couldn't even win div 2? Saying that, my point is simply a slag towards the league.....Further, I honestly hope you guys do well. After all, I have NOTHING against you guys............no grudges, no vendettas, no nothing..........From now on in SUFC and GN are my favorite Valley teams:D


star pimp

New Member
Aug 13, 2003
Dirty Money
sandman is rite

if they cant win div 2 how they gonig to win in premier level. Van u would done much better. Van u is as good as gn. Gn and van u would been 2 soild teams.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Originally posted by Sandman
Big T

All your points are well taken............

Kudos to whomever did the negotiating on landing the premier spot.........Nor do I blame you guys for taking the spot........I would have done the same thing.

You have to agree that you lot are pretty fortunate to have been given a premier spot when you couldn't even win div 2? Saying that, my point is simply a slag towards the league.....Further, I honestly hope you guys do well. After all, I have NOTHING against you guys............no grudges, no vendettas, no nothing..........From now on in SUFC and GN are my favorite Valley teams:D


I understand where you are coming from as well, and I know there is a lot of skepticism about this move by the league....but the facts are SUFC provided the league with 4 teams and a club system.....I think they are looking at the future and would like to see a club take a foothold in the league and be a mainstay. There was no negotiations, it was just us asking people in the summer if they would be interested and handing in an application to the league with our possible team structure.

AS for us not winning the div 2....that one is a loaded question....you see we lost the title by 2 points, and in one of the last games we got screwed by the ref....2 disallowed goals....and we lost the game 1-0 and the title. So its not like we were out of the race or bottom feeders...shite happens and the league knew that team was a good side worthy of promotion to div 1......old news but it doesn't change the facts......we didn't win but I think we had a good side.

Again I do hope Indo and Khalsa do well.. Heck I even think Temple could get promotion this year, and RFC too....which would be great.....but our community has too many haters and pimps and wanna be gangstas.....and thats why we slag each other to death, but accomplish fcuk all.

PS - Yowen do you have any choogles for us ????

Big T:cool:

BigTthinksYowenisgoingtoplayforVanUcuzheisG-spot'staxidriver :D

star pimp

New Member
Aug 13, 2003
Dirty Money
sufc premier haha

if sufc is premier level maybey fvsl should let GN B be premier also.
SUfc is a b team. Thats the truth

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: sufc premier haha

Originally posted by star pimp
if sufc is premier level maybey fvsl should let GN B be premier also.
SUfc is a b team. Thats the truth

Hey boy pimp, first off you are an idiot......read this next sentence carefully and write it out 1000 times.....

The team in Premier is NOT the same team that played Div 2 or summer tourneys.

Therefore your point is moot. Now go back to the street and make some money pimpin your ass.

Big T:mad:


Aug 19, 2003
Dirty Money

B calibre team, where does that put you guys when you had all your guys out and tied us 3-3 in the Temple tournament?

Just wondering since Van U. guys are as great as you say how did they place in the GREAT Richmond Premier League???


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Re: sufc premier haha

The team in Premier is NOT the same team that played Div 2 or summer tourneys.


You Bet its not. Last year 4 GN players signed down to play with you guys and then transfered back up before the deadline. After these imports you guys still didnt win div.2. What does this tell you? GN sucks when they dont have skilled players playing with them.

Also regarding Big T. he is a Terrorist and he was the president of SUFC, therefore you were once and always will be part of SUFC management. Actually Big T. didnt you apparently change the name of the medalions to SUFC and actually helped design the logo. (which includes two beavers)


Bush logo, bush management, bush premier team. Its all about the medalions div. 4 2001-2002 season, thats a real team.


Jun 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Big T, congrats on getting the premier spot. Don't listen to these fools, they're just hating cuz that's what brown people do best. It's sh!tty that nobody can come on here and say something positive about SUFC (besides their own players). People don't realize that summer soccer and winter soccer are 2 different entities (check that one in the dictionary starpimp, then you'll 'catch my mean'), and that SUFC have picked up players to play in winter that others didn't see in summer. It's called common sense. Use it.
As for Indo and Khalsa, I wish them all the best. These 2 teams have done so much for Indian soccer in terms of gaining respect in a league dominated by others. It would be awesome for them to meet in the Provincial finals, then they could rent out Swangard like when Croatia played Serbian WE. I hope Temple gets promoted, too, to further bolster soccer in our community. In terms of us (RFC), keep an eye on the standings, we're gonna surprise people this year. We've made some HUGE off-season signings and I think we'll battle for promotion. Anyways, in a nutshell, don't hate, appreciate.



New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Star pimp,

First of all I would just like to say your an IDIOT. You think that winning a couple of tournaments make you great? I really hope you don't play for Van U because most of the guys are nice guys. You expect the FVSL to promote a team they no nothing about into Premier? The league wanted a strong foundation within and they got it.


Points well taken. I also hope that Sikh United hold their own. Even you have to admit that they have accomplished a lot in the last 4 years.

Hope Van u win the powerhouse Richmond League:rolleyes: :wa:


Aug 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Kockanee (we know how little you are),

First of all, only two GN players played last year. The only player that made an impact was raiguy.
Now lets talk about GN. Overall great guys with great attitudes. But, too much politics brought in by kockanee.
Lets see, GN went 0-10 in the summer League, and finished bottom half in premeir last year. GREAT. I guess you must be management? A quality team run by a low level management. :rolleyes:


New Member
Jul 15, 2003
Dirty Money
All I have to say is that indo was a great team in the past, know there just a good team. Old age is catching up. Other teams are going to take over. They can't be good forever. There going to be better teams. Indo was the past, there better teams know. They did there part, its time people stop talking, and prove that they are good by showing it on the pitch. Temple if they don't make it this year 2 premier , it's not going to happen. I hear akal putting a div 2 team in next year. Wont take them long to move up wth there youth coming up. There youth looks promising. There the team to watch to get better in the next couple of years. The team just needs a coach and attitude adjustment. Van U is a alright team. They cannot compete in the winter, they have a few good players , i mean one , melvin thats it. Khalsa is in there own league there no point about talking about them. Good for sufc for getting a spot , pick up a couple of solid players and you'll do fine. To many jealous people out there. Thats the way east indians are. Cant do nothing about that.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Indo was the past
Yes, that's why they have signed the player who has been consistently head and shoulders above any else in the league for the last 3-4 years :rolleyes:


Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Re: Re: sufc premier haha

Originally posted by Kokanee

Also regarding Big T. he is a Terrorist and he was the president of SUFC, therefore you were once and always will be part of SUFC management. Actually Big T. didnt you apparently change the name of the medalions to SUFC and actually helped design the logo. (which includes two beavers)


Bush logo, bush management, bush premier team. Its all about the medalions div. 4 2001-2002 season, thats a real team.

Kokanee, quite the rant buddy.....yes I did help in the symbol but you know full well the person that came up with the concept was Ace. So don't cut down the logo or call it bush, that is a subject you should stay away from. :mad:

The beavers were defintely my doing cuz they represent canada.....you see we were trying to go with some indian and canadian themes in the symbol. :D

Plus me going to the gun range doesn't classify me as a terrorist...that is a little extreme. I fancy weapons, and firing off a few rounds once in a while is good practice. :D

Big T:cool:

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