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Bruce Allen Furor


Sep 21, 2002
Dirty Money
Well... since you can't understand the "big" words... I'll try and write this simply...
The charter protects people who don't want to wear safety helmets, because in the charter, religion is the law.... it states this in the opening line... Simply put, religion is law according to this charter.

I think this is directly related to the topic at hand. Political correctness and it's ability to supersede laws based on religion...

guru...ur a fcking twat. u make no sense. ur arguments are shallow and not well thought out. i think everyone needs to stop responding to this guy...he's wasting ur time with his senseless posts. ur interpretation of the charter is wrong... trust me, they taught me about it, and big words, in law school.


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Boooooooring..... Read page 8 of the Province today... Fallen Mountie Honoured... take a look at the wife and 8 month old kid who just lost their husband/father... read about how he was gunned down.... read further of how it took 48 hours before the police could release the suspects name and photo citing the "Privacy" act. These rights and freedoms are great aren't they...

You spoke before about even prisoners have the right to vote.... well there's something seriously wrong with a society that gives rights to prisoners. ANY rights.

It is my opinion, (and I doubt I'm alone) a person should lose their basic rights when they commit a crime and are subsequently incarcerated for that crime.

It's my opinion that any society that constructs laws that can be overturned or superseded based on religion is misguided.

Our charter is being used to manipulate the law based on religious rights. When "faith" of something unknown, can over-rule fact there is a serious problem with human perception as to right and wrong.

Yes it's everyone's duty to challenge outdated laws and practices, but to have the freedoms of individuals supersede these laws while they are in effect is a breakdown.

Peoples rights and freedoms are important, but individuals (religions, sects, factions organizations) are not more important than the group (entire population). As people here playing a team sport should know, a team can't run based on individual efforts. Whether you like what the coach is preaching or not, you have to follow his lead or you end up with a poorly run team. If he's a poor coach, fire him and get one that works for the betterment of all. If it's one individual who doesn't like the way he runs things.... there's the door, hit it... thought I'd through that in as my last statement...

This will be the last of my replies, this has turned to the ridiculous...


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
guru...ur a fcking twat. u make no sense. ur arguments are shallow and not well thought out. i think everyone needs to stop responding to this guy...he's wasting ur time with his senseless posts. ur interpretation of the charter is wrong... trust me, they taught me about it, and big words, in law school.

I don't waste your time.... you do.... is there someone forceing you to read this?
Maybe you should have spent more time in school listening to the teacher. Or were you excercising your right to be there and not listen...
Jun 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Boooooooring..... thought I'd through that in as my last statement...

Guru, come back and talk when you actually finish High School and have some form of proper education. Your spelling and communication skills look like that of someone who barely finished grade 10. Given that you are 50 years old, I don't think that will happen anytime soon.

It is obvious from your posts that you have a lot of anger and personal issues to deal with.......


Active Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Guru, come back and talk when you actually finish High School and have some form of proper education. Your spelling and communication skills look like that of someone who barely finished grade 10. Given that you are 50 years old, I don't think that will happen anytime soon.

It is obvious from your posts that you have a lot of anger and personal issues to deal with.......

Nice.... 4000 words and you pick out 1 speeelin miztake... you aint fixin ta corect my gramar next iz ya!

And we'all didn't have grade 10 when I went to school.... grade 8 was all thar wuz cuz we had to work the farms... 4 miles to school each day in the snow uphill (yes both ways) took it's toll...


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Guys, If you pay attention to the Big Dipper it is like pouring fuel on a fire.

If you ignore him he may just go away instead of just crapping on every thread he comes across.
stepoverloyal ;)


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Boooooooring..... Read page 8 of the Province today... Fallen Mountie Honoured... take a look at the wife and 8 month old kid who just lost their husband/father... read about how he was gunned down.... read further of how it took 48 hours before the police could release the suspects name and photo citing the "Privacy" act. These rights and freedoms are great aren't they...

I'm sure the suspects family wants to read about their son in the paper before soemone can properly notify them... insensitive bastard! Not to mention fear of wing nuts like you seeking their own justice on a suspect, who has not been to trial yet... I say again innocent until proven guilty. A suspect in Canada has rights you stupid shite for brains, vigilate, let's hang em high, knee jerk, who cares about all the facts, Redneck (I am taking licsence here because you said you would not post back)

You spoke before about even prisoners have the right to vote.... well there's something seriously wrong with a society that gives rights to prisoners. ANY rights.

It is my opinion, (and I doubt I'm alone) a person should lose their basic rights when they commit a crime and are subsequently incarcerated for that crime.

What about those who serve their sentence on the outside... probation, community service, and house arrest? Should we strip those folks of their rights too? Once again your argument is short sighted and emotional

This will be the last of my replies, this has turned to the ridiculous...

Meaning : I give up on defending my goofy statements.

Guru - I respect your point of view, and like getting into it with you on a variety of subjects. The reality is there is no one answer to solve the problems in our society.

Taking away rights of individuals is a trap laid by those in power to slowly erode the rights of individuals in order to control them. It starts with emotional calls for this person, (use the suspect mentioned ealier for this example) and results in everyone losing some of there rights and freedoms. Take a look at the US. It started with a three strike system, and soon, college kids are going away for life because they have had three minor offences. The Prison system in the US is expanding into an actual industry that makes billions annually. FEMA builds concentration camps and houses displaced people from Katrina, and others without trial. Blackwater (a private contracted police force of ex-military soldiers of fortune used in Iraq) sets up shop in major US cities, and under the Patriot act, has total immunity of law. Once again, people have got to start looking at the BIG picture, because those who mean to control you certainly do.
Jun 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Backline, don't bother arguing with Guru.

Hi is a bitter 50 year old that has some serious mental issues, as can be seen from his strange posts and arguments.

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