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Canada MNT: Road to 2018

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Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
If I was in charge, development would be off the ball. Canada has lacked creativity. You don't go to space in soccer you create it (the defender see's the same open space. It's common sense!).Run the middle attract some defense and bring the support wide!!Canada is way to predictable on the first touch but you can't blame the guy with the ball

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Akslop Canada played nine man behind the ball soccer that did not work. You can not have six foot four D playing against world speed players. One has to have same speed player in the back as Mexican forwards. Tactical mistakes by the coaches and head guys of this country. Will Johnston is a fast guy he would have done better job on D. Henry would have done better job in the middle if the Park. We need two fast subs up front, we can not play our forwards in to ground. We must win against Al Salvador or we will miss it again. Honduras will get a point in Mexico we might tie in Honduras.
Akslop one must select athletic players first than teach them how to play soccer forget big slow guys. Five ten fast kids, we have none in the system. We are long ways yet. Hard to watch we lack a guy to skip that team. Centrer of the Park is lost almost all game.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
All game 2 made me feel was we are so far off the level it's ridiculous. For all the excitement about the current squad It just makes you realize how much work still needs to be done. Our movement off the ball is atrocious and are quality on it is just as poor. But then how often does a Canadian player look up and have the ever popular passing triangle available. We are lucky to have one passing option and the entire Mexican squad is reading it and already making runs for the turnover. Disheartening.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Regs no one gives him pass,Henry is slow defender. Fast forwards kill him on lateral shift. Aird is the guy for that spot. Henry is more in the middle as a stopper in front of last four or better yet bench.Mexico head seven eight crosses by beating our outside D.
That is NFG at that level. I blame Victor for not standing up and pointing it out to coaches. FFS we have faster kids use them.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah, total head scratcher on that selection.

For the sake of the national team, I sure hope Sam Adekube and Fraser Aird get a lot of time at WFC, and do well, as we could have gotten a lot out of two fast wingbacks in these past two games. I don't and never have believed in parking the bus; the only way to beat a strong offence is with a great counter punch, and that is done by exposing their back-line. Henry and DeJong were so bad, it was comical. Especially Henry. Corona outright picked on him like a kid wearing coke bottle glasses in playground. Every time you saw Corona set-up against Henry, you knew that inside / outside move was coming, and there was fcuk all Henry could do about it.

Blame the system all you want for our shortcomings, but we had David Edgar sitting on the bench, and although he may not be the swiftest, he is experienced at that position.

And...Larin. He looked bad. Very bad. What we really need is a time machine and bring back early 90's John Catlif. Maybe Larin should dig up some old '86er and Men's National Team vids and watch how a big target man really controls the play and pace up front. Oh, and how to shoot hard and accurately with both feet.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Exactly. For a big man, Larin played a small game. Not a threat for a header at all (though, service sucked, too...but I expected him to be a bit of a beast in the air).


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Have to agree with Aird, Adeukbe and Edgar. Edgar lot's of experience and he gets no minutes. I even mentioned Aird at the first game to Regs, said he would have been much better.

I thought Nick Ledgerwood worked hard, but what about Jonathan Osiro in that spot??? Osirio a TFC regular and Ledgerwood on FC Edmonton.

Also two games in a row that Tesho came on a sub and did fairly well I thought.

Someone needs to teach Doneil Henry about staying goal side.

Moving forward, a tie in Honduras will do us well. El Salvador may not have anything to play for in the last game when Canada plays them at home. So the Honduras game, a tie is what we need.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
All sorts of tactical miscues that can only be pinned on the coach. Playing safe with short corners...I hate that shite. Have some goddamn courage and design some set pieces around your big men.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Yah no target presence at all. I don't know if they make them anymore in Canada.

Devils advocate. Perhaps coach knew winning in Mex would be nearly impossible. Especially after leg 1's showing at home.
And went with guys for experience. To give experience to younger guys? To develop them a bit in that sense?

I don't know the age of he guys and just thinking that could be a reason for playing a guy that plays a lower level ahead of a MLS starter.

And we truly don't know the body language of guys and vibe in and around the room.
When building a true team I think those things are important and perhaps some guys were chosen with that in mind?

But that might not make sense cause Larin was terrible first leg. Had no left foot. And body language was terrible.

It seems we have some athletes out there. But not footballers. If we had the culture in this country then they would be footballers, or more so.
But right now I just see athletes.
Obv Atiba can play and sees the game well.
But the rest seem like fast, strong guys.
Agh. We are far off to these cultured countries.

We will get better. Gotta believe.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yah no target presence at all. I don't know if they make them anymore in Canada.

Devils advocate. Perhaps coach knew winning in Mex would be nearly impossible. Especially after leg 1's showing at home.
And went with guys for experience. To give experience to younger guys? To develop them a bit in that sense?

I don't know the age of he guys and just thinking that could be a reason for playing a guy that plays a lower level ahead of a MLS starter.

And we truly don't know the body language of guys and vibe in and around the room.
When building a true team I think those things are important and perhaps some guys were chosen with that in mind?

But that might not make sense cause Larin was terrible first leg. Had no left foot. And body language was terrible.

It seems we have some athletes out there. But not footballers. If we had the culture in this country then they would be footballers, or more so.
But right now I just see athletes.
Obv Atiba can play and sees the game well.
But the rest seem like fast, strong guys.
Agh. We are far off to these cultured countries.

We will get better. Gotta believe.

I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

I've read that this may be the best Mexican squad in decades, which perhaps skews things. I mean, they can fcuking score from anywhere, and look good doing it. Corona's turn and hit at the top of the 18 was magic...especially given all the traffic. But, again, fcuk me...put a goddamn boot through the ball as he turns! Seems like guys were hesitant on collecting a yellow of giving up another PK...I get it. Seconds ticking down, get to the half. Just frustrating.

All that said, good teams can make average teams look amateurish. That's what happened here, a different class, but I suspect Mexico is a class above every other team in CONCACAF, and their world ranking is lower than it should be due to the fact they are in CONCACAF.

That being said, yes, some baffling selections, nonetheless. Lion, if he were truly looking to give experience, there are young players in Canada's system he could have given the experience to. I don't like the miscast of Henry, it's worrying that it was done twice in a row. So now he's going to go back to his club, and I presume train and play as a central defender. Does he even see the pitch at West Ham? Maybe it was because it was Mexico that he looked sooooo bad.

Really, I think and hope that is the case, Mexico is simply a class above everyone else. We do have footballers in this country, and on that pitch, but collectively, not on the same level. Certainly not on the day...


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I don't know if anyone remembers but first half Larin had a half step on the defender who was on his inside, Larin should have taken one touch and hit it with his left. Instead he does an awkward outside the right foot toe poke that had zero power. The defender wasn't giving him room to shoot with his right but that's what he decides anyway. He did it twice last game to. Honestly at this level if you have so little confidence in your left that you won't even take a open scoring chance with it, how can we succeed.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't know if anyone remembers but first half Larin had a half step on the defender who was on his inside, Larin should have taken one touch and hit it with his left. Instead he does an awkward outside the right foot toe poke that had zero power. The defender wasn't giving him room to shoot with his right but that's what he decides anyway. He did it twice last game to. Honestly at this level if you have so little confidence in your left that you won't even take a open scoring chance with it, how can we succeed.
Yes, I saw this as well and had the same thought, i.e., WTF?

Towards the end of the game, he received the ball out wide, pushed it past the oncoming defender and rather than continue his run, he dragged his leg and went down for the free kick... he bypassed creating a threat just to get a fcuking free kick! To top it all off, he walked from the spot of the foul slowly and never got in position when the free kick was eventually taken (and fcuked up but that's another story).

I don't know how the coaching staff can put up with that, he isn't good enough to pull that crap and I don't care how tired he is, he walked most of the fcuking game :mad:

So to sum it up, he can't shoot, he's lazy and seemingly doesn't have a drive to do better for his team.

Am I wrong?
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