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Fraser Valley Summer Soccer league 2005


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
If only I lived in the valley, I'd come for dinner, take a few pics, have some pints . . .

"If only I lived in the valley"? WTF??

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
A very enjoyable evening in Langley. Ned was reffing and he had a minger. KNVB/Zaurrini did a FANTASTIC job with the wings and ribs, low-fat of course. Coach Beasley did a great job of everything else. The game ended up 2 - 2 on a clinical cross by Walks and an exquisite finish by KNVB off the noggan. The CAptain played out wide on the right for most of the game, which was great. :D There were a few nasty challenges in the game as it apparently was the World Cup to the other team. Unlucky.

Otherwise, many beers, a stop at McDonald's for the McChicken Wednesday, and many laughs. Thanks for the invite, Demo and crew. Hopefully we can do it again in the future.

P.S. I won't be able to walk for a week.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Well that was a load of shite wasn't it!

We played in another World Cup final again last night and proceeded to piss all over them in the second half. (Actually i can not say we as Coach showed up at half time due to work commitments. :mad: )

The Lagers are pretty good guys but when ever these two teams meet,we see players that have never played for them before? :rolleyes:

Walks and Captain were a big plus for the Muckers last night.(I think we had 13 players total)Captain displayed some tremendous skill and touch last night, but good old Walks set up the tying goal for us.

On to the main event..............KNVB did not let the boys or Coach down with a truely amazing display of BBQing skills.(Iron Shef Who!)
Wings and Ribs were on the menu last night and the man was truley on fire.Well done Knvb, you passed your exam last night and you are now offically in the BBQ hall of fame.

There are pictures in the Gallery forum. I have know idea how to link it up.
Please feel free to have a look at what was on the BBQ last night.

Ballbaby made a special guest appearance and is now in nagotiations with team Management about a new Mucker contract.
Nice to see you out Balls.

Coach pulled a Houdini and Vamooshed out of the parking lot at about 12:15 last night.

Zaurrini, how could i forget you!
Z brought out some amazing Canoli last night.(special pastry boys)
Everyone please go for a 5 mile run today to get that glue out of our systems!

Millar hit the post from 3 yards out and it cost him man of the match!
Brian Donald was a very deserving winner last night with Captain and Walks a very close runner up(Nice prizes last night eh!)

Okay enough said, please someone link up the Gallery from last night.

CJ, where the hell were you last night! Come on Bike, at least let us know when your not going to show man.

P.S. Nice to finally meet you Walks. Cheers big man.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Coach said:
The Lagers are pretty good guys but when ever these two teams meet,we see players that have never played for them before? :rolleyes:

Walks and Captain were a big plus for the Muckers last night.

Not like the Muckers to bring in players though.

Well done Coach.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
The Lagers are pretty good guys but when ever these two teams meet,we see players that have never played for them before?
Walks and Captain were a big plus for the Muckers last night
I'll let you figure out what's wrong with this on your own.

Nice to see you out Balls.
Speaking of wrong, I was going to mention this last night, Coach. It's a little bit odd greeting genitalia like that isn't it? Hello Mr. Winky are we coming out for a peepee? You're an odd man, sir.

Has anyone seen my cell phone? Last I saw it I was reporting a hit and run in the parking lot at about 1:00am, btw Walks, I have your tail light and 3/4's of your bumper. Also, you left your wallet, Tupperware , referee gear, whistle, tampons and what ever else was in your kit bag. Nice cross though. It's nice to finally play a game with someone who recognizes my talent level and knows enough not to pass the ball to my feet, God only knows what'll happen. Like when you square a ball to RF in the 6.

Has that ball landed yet?

Anyway, the only 2 enjoyable parts of last nights game was watching Captain TTP out of those two punters out wide right. Solid coaching move though Demo. I never myself would have thought to put a pure lefty out wide right, but it sure seemed to work out well. The old guy still has it. And the second was the look on Langley's collective faces when the second goal went in with about 3 left.

No, serioulsy has anyone seen my phone? I went back to the scene of the crime and asked the construction workers if they had seen it lying around. The wouldn't answer me of course, until I finished playing 20 question in regards to how their excavator doors and windows were open. If anyone asks we left at 9:30....

...and there was group of kids drinking in the school yard.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Quite the cast of characters on Langley Turf last night from both teams. I had to come out and see it for myself. The game was interesting as the intensity level warbled from indifferent to "I'm gonna fricken kill you." The only guy who stayed consistent, intensity level wise, was Ned the ref, but that isn't saying much. Does a sloth have intensity?
The BBQ afterwards was fantastic. Knvb and Zaurrini put on an amazing show. Coach and his full cooler of premium imported beers was almost too much but then the Italian pastries from Commercial street made their appearance. I declined the phallic looking delights but enjoyed watching Knvb thrust that 6 inch pastry in his mouth with the cream oozing out the corners. The Captain looked appealing munching on some ribs, BBQ sauce all over his face, reminding me of the toddler days of the Ballbaby children as I seeked a baby wipe for the poor soul.

Coach was wearing one of his $300.00 designer shirts. I mean you have to look great in the trees behind the construction site. No BBQ sauce on that shirt. Amazing.

Nice to see so many faces congregated as a unit instead of scattered amongst various teams. Thanks for a very fun night and I won't even discuss the Casino escapades last night.:mad:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
A very enjoyable evening in Langley. Ned was reffing and he had a minger. KNVB/Zaurrini did a FANTASTIC job with the wings and ribs, low-fat of course. Coach Beasley did a great job of everything else. The game ended up 2 - 2 on a clinical cross by Walks and an exquisite finish by KNVB off the noggan. The CAptain played out wide on the right for most of the game, which was great. :D There were a few nasty challenges in the game as it apparently was the World Cup to the other team. Unlucky.

Otherwise, many beers, a stop at McDonald's for the McChicken Wednesday, and many laughs. Thanks for the invite, Demo and crew. Hopefully we can do it again in the future.

P.S. I won't be able to walk for a week.

Yes, I forgot to mention the hit and run.....:D


It must have been someone else you were thinking of. Perhaps Thriller who devoured TWO massive ribs after the horse's willy pastries, supplied by Zaurrini. :D

The casino was good until Johnny and Jimmy Fcuknuts decided to hit on 15, with the dealer showing a 6...... :mad: That sent me on a downward spiral, although I only ended up losing $35. We finished it off with the longest wait EVER at McDonald's. Both servers had nice nuggets though.

Until next time


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Since you bring up the casino Captain. The Chinese people as we know them in our community are quite bright. They know how to make money like no one else. They are amongst the brightest in our schools. Why oh why did the few dolts of the Chinese community have to come out and sit at my blackjack table and proceed to take money out of my pocket? Even the dealers were shaking their heads at these guys and suggested I move to another table to get away from these morons. I laughed when I saw the Captain sitting at another table and then saw the dolts sit down beside him. Most certainly, moments later, a disgruntled Captain sat down beside me as he vocalized his ordeal that developed at the othertable. LOL

These dolts should have been taken outside and beaten to a pulp and then thrown into the excavator the guys were trying to hijack last night. The construction workers would have found them this morning next to knvb's wallet and cell phone.:D


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Flintstones FC 2 Lagers 2

knvb said:
Like when you square a ball to RF in the 6.

Has that ball landed yet?

Bastage. :D
I'd be fcuking crazy to think, for one moment, that I would have ANY sympathy from my mates on my first touch of the ball in nine fcuking months wouldn't I? :eek: ;)

The Brontosauraus ribs and Pterodactyl wings were spectacular.
And, yes, the Canolis were very phallic-like which made me indulge that much more.
In that, I'd like to thank Wilma and Betty for their efforts last night.
I couldn't decide who I found hotter working around the Q last night.
The red head or the brunette...




Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money

I think half of your McChicken is still on my seat :D.

Thanks for having us out last night lads ....... really enjoyed it and epitomized what summer soccer is all about. Tons of laughs, a few pints :rolleyes: (I think I'm still pissed), some great food (well done knvb and Zaurinni) and a bit of footy.

Unfortunately for the food bit, there's half a chicken wing and a part of a rib still stuck to my flip flops :rolleyes:.

It was great to meet Coach, Ian McLean and a few others as well as play with a load of guys that I only referee during the winter. Seriously, a cracking time but what the fcuk were Millar and I thinking that we could fire up that excavator ?? Unreal .......

The casino was comical as well ........ If I got dealt another fcuking 12 (and then promptly drew a facecard), that dealer and the two muppets that spoiled Ballbaby's and Captain's winnings were gonna' get kicked into next week. It wasn't till about 41st and Granville that I thought / discovered that I left my bag at the park :rolleyes:.

If I had half a brain, I'd be dangerous .........

Cheers, Walks


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Good news! I found my wallet. Still no sign of the phone though. I'm sure the Greek tree dwellers have it. They're ruining football (and my cell phone no doubt) at every level. I only wish I had a picture to prove it.

The Canoli's where simply fantastic as Ballbaby alluded too. I enjoyed every mouth watering inch of that puff pastry as I shoved it in my gob.. though I have to admit, I felt very uneasy when I peered up at Ballbaby and he asked me if I could go slower.


Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Muckers mayhem at its best :rolleyes: . Excavators :confused:(was there one there?). Tail light, bumper :D and cannot forget Rf's first touch in a game in a long time. I think it may have landed by now.

Capt., Ballbaby , would have met you at the casino, but with Millar bitching and whining about having to get home and this and that (fcuking hell, shutup already :eek: ). Not to mention the bitching about: "if we go to the casino, that cnut Walks is going to be there, isn't he. There he goes again, off on another tirade. Walks, next time you go pick up Millar.

The ribs and wings, awesome and the canolli were unbelievable, except for, I really don't want to know what Knvb does in his spare time. seriously next time you have a canolli, get a room!

There actually was a game last night which ended 2-2 Zaurrini and Knvb, both with their 3 markers of the year. Both now tied with the Cj bike kid who was MIA.

Both Mucker and Lagers have a bye in the first round, but, there will be a game next Tuesday, same time, same place, same teams. 1st place will be on the line as well as a bye into the final if the quarter final game is won


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Flintstones FC 2 Lagers 2

Rangerforever said:
Bastage. :D
I'd be fcuking crazy to think, for one moment, that I would have ANY sympathy from my mates on my first touch of the ball in nine fcuking months wouldn't I?
Pardon the pun here RF, but fat chance of that happening. If I can be taken to task for not hitting a 40 yard chest high cross fist time (because what else would you do with a ball like that, God forbid you take in down,) then you certainly can be for missing a side footer 3 1/2 yards from goal. BTW, 50 more air miles on that ball and you can finally get that new TV you always wanted. They come in colour now you know? The kids will be ecstatic.

Demo said:
I really don't want to know what Knvb does in his spare time. seriously next time you have a canolli, get a room!
What I and my puff pastry do in our spare time is none of your business and if you don't like what we're doing in public you certainly don't have to watch, like Ballbaby does.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Demolition said:
There actually was a game last night which ended 2-2 Zaurrini and Knvb, both with their 3 markers of the year. Both now tied with the Cj bike kid who was MIA.

Well first off, CJ Bike doesn't drink with his enemies, and when he heard that Capt., Balls, and Walks would be there, he decided to stay away.
But with second place on the line for the Golden Boot coming down to the final game of the season this Tuesday, he can Gar-an-tee that he will be there, even if that Celtic Bastage Capt. or Greek Cnut Balls are there.

Glad to see that Millar did not get any, so 4 goals by CJ Bike will put 2 names on the boot.

Sad to hear I missed knvb and his oral fixation will the canolli, but I have seen him eat sausage before, he allways finishes.

What is on the menu this week Coach?



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, only one more sleep until darby day part II begins. What exactly is on the line here, Demo? First place overall in league standings? First round play-off bye? Loser has to eat RF's gamers? An autograph Beasly T-shirt? What?

Are Captain and Walks allowed out to play again? Walks may need a loan though, I think the last game cost him in the neighborhood of $500.00 to play. What was it again, Walks? Deductible on the car $300, lost dosh at the casino $50, $45 in gas to make TWO trips out to Langley. $50 pints and ribs another $50 to steam clean get Captains McChicken sauce stain from the seats. If nothign else you made one hell of a cross, big man.

What's the word from the Langley camp Utah? I know that bag of dicks is reading this. How many ringers are out this time?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Unfortunately for the Langley team, I will not be there. I have committed to a reffing indoor gig and am 'saving myself' for the playoff(s). :rolleyes: Unless I can get someone to cover for me AND Walks wants to car pool, Captain Shamrock will be unavailable for selection............Also, I heard that cnut CJ Bike might be there...After his negative comments last week, it might lead to a donneybrook(sp?).............:D

Good luck, Bhoys. Bring home the league title against the team who treated last weeks match like the World Cup. :)

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