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FVSL 2003/2004 Rumours and Stuff.


New Member
Apr 30, 2002
Dirty Money

Did your team try and accomplish this within the Delta United club? You could of had Friday night games at JO. The Delta United club now has 2 U21 teams, ironically one a ND team. It sounds like our clubs are similar except for the fact we have far superior facilities.

The Delta United club is turning a corner and will have the best facilities in the FV by 2004.

What is your home field by the way?:rolleyes:


New Member
Apr 7, 2002
Dirty Money
ND vs DM clubs

I can't believe a goalie put that together, well done JTG!!!

Are the Highlanders in financial difficulty and have to bring back their part owner, Oscar, to sell more seats to the games. It only took 1 month of thinking about not playing to bring Oscar back. WOW!!!!

I don't want to get into our club your club because I think there is enough local talent to support the 2 clubs. Look at Surrey they must have 4 or 5 in one community. But I think it took Delta Metro about 5 years before they started to actually work and talk to each other as if the teams were part of a club (I believe this year is the first). North Delta has put together 6 teams in one year. I don't know if it too much too soon or not but it is a very good foundation to build on.

And just think about the classic cross town match. It has been alluded to before here on TTP. S.E. Hinton's novel "The Outsiders" (the only book most of read in grade 8). Delta Metro the South Side Socs vs. North Delta Lions the Greasers. The setting for the rumble scene, Delview Park. What else could be better? Oscar,with his return and with his Reel Fast Films experience could film, direct and produce the whole extravaganza....


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: ND vs DM clubs

Originally posted by Cheddar
Look at Surrey they must have 4 or 5 in one community.

Only one that matters though. ;) :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Cheddar
North Delta Lions the Greasers.

Just because that I-Tie LION's on your team, you shouldn't tarnish everyone with the same brush. :p

Joely: Fcuk off. I'm the diplomat on here OK? :D

I fancy the Socs on this one.

I'm off to have a wank now reminiscing about Delview Park dugout memories.



New Member
Apr 7, 2002
Dirty Money

Milhouse I have no idea where we will be playing this year! But I heard Saturday night at JO is open.

Oscar Goldman

New Member
Mar 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: ND vs DM clubs

Originally posted by Cheddar
I can't believe a goalie put that together, well done JTG!!!

I am stunned by Joely's words as well and a little embarassed to have worked at the same school that taught him how to write. Fortunately, I may have been able to save one of his "little brothers" from producing such mundane prose. Regardless, kudos to him for trying to "represent" for his team. I look forward to reading more of his posts during the season and gleaning more insight from his unique perspective on the sideines. Is there room for a two goalie system in Premier?

Cheddar...the rivalry is a great thing. Part of the Highlanders bitterness can be explained by the hope that we would be able to meet the Lions in Division 1 league play. The reality is that as long as the Rangers are in Div. 1, the Lions had very little chance of being promoted to Premier. They have essentially sidestepped the obstacle....regardless, it will make for interesting games.

Lion...I hope that you and your coach have found a "happy" place together. Just imagine the volcanic tension that will be created if decreased playing time meets with regular losses. Hmmmmm.... that sounds an awful lot like my situation this year with the Highlanders...

Santos....the silence is deafening...are you huddled with a dictionary and thesaurus planning a timely response?

Kjellbotn....once again, a return to the Highlanders is not an option. I know you are concerned about the increased league fees for Premier but there are financial assistance programs (bottle drives, lemonade stands, garage sales) that you can turn too. You just may not be able to afford all those "rounds" that you to buy after everyone has left the field.

Oscar the grouch


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Oscar the bitter OLD bastard

First off I have no idea who you are and could really careless, but it seems you are personally attacking some lads from another team??? I could be wrong and if so appologiseto others whom will read this, but TTP is not about naming names and taking shots at peeps on a personal level... Use ( ;) :p :cool: ) if you're being a funny cnut!!!
If not we here at "Have a laugh at everyone else's expence Inc." will assume your weeman (kock) is 2" and you drive a really large pickup truck complete with A/C (rusted out side panels) and a gun rack...:D (joking hahaha)
Seriously though, most men can admit they don't like the idea of someone else getting a break while they got screwed in times past, but hell you make yourself look like a royal jackass by assuming JTG, Wop Sucka LION and Kjellbotn will not get the playing time or opporotunity they deserve... You call yourself a teacher, yet can't come to terms with an inferiority complex??? :rolleyes:
Sort your own shop out, state why the Lions shouldn't be in Premier and add why your mob is much more deserving of a shot...

Fcuk off and have a lovely day, Guinness:D

Ps. Good luck Lions (you're going to need it);)

Oscar Goldman

New Member
Mar 20, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Oscar the bitter OLD bastard

Originally posted by Guinness
First off I have no idea who you are and could really careless, but it seems you are personally attacking some lads from another team??? I could be wrong and if so appologiseto others whom will read this, but TTP is not about naming names and taking shots at peeps on a personal level...

A good effort Guinness but if your post were a shot, it just sailed off for a throw in. (I should know because I've hit my fair share of those on the field). I'm not about to surround my wit with "smileys". Perhaps you'd like a laugh track to provide you with clues on what is funny. Your perception of "takethepiss" is a little naive and your understanding of the rapport shared by the Lions and Highlanders is nonexistent. Why wade into unknown waters?

Whenever I've been to England, I always steered clear of Guinness. Made me tired and gave me gas. You're having the same effect. Good on you for trying though....we have some lovely parting gifts and a participation ribbon for you.

Oscar Wilde


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Some more tidbits.

I heard from my source in SYSC yesterday that ALL of their teams in the valley, with the exception of Rangers, will be moving to the VMSL.

Can anyone confirm this?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, the VMSL allignment is out, isn't it? Check to see if you see the Peg Cat, Royals, Rangers (FVSL Div 4 Rangers), and Donnegals are there.

I'd doubt that all those teams will be in the VMSL. I can't see the Royals and Donnegals agreeing to that because I don't think a lot of those guys would want to travel to vancouver every second week...but I've been wrong before.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money

Originally posted by Dude
Well, the VMSL allignment is out, isn't it? Check to see if you see the Peg Cat, Royals, Rangers (FVSL Div 4 Rangers), and Donnegals are there.

I'd doubt that all those teams will be in the VMSL. I can't see the Royals and Donnegals agreeing to that because I don't think a lot of those guys would want to travel to vancouver every second week...but I've been wrong before.

Actually, Div 2 Cat alignment has not been finalized, Div 1 cat alignment has not been finalized. There was a interesting comment made by TS in the VMSL rumors thread that the VMSL had one or two teams drop out of Div two...and was processing applications for those spots. So, the regular Div 2 alignment has not even been finalized.
Could it be that these applications are from the above mentioned FVSL teams? Further, it looks like there is one regular Div 1 spot up for grabs too(the old firemen spot).

Looks like few spots open for some valley teams who may be thinking of a switch. Would be interesting to see who is applying for those spots.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Rumors are just rumors.

Premier - Rangers A
Div 1 - Rangers B
Div 2 - Royals
Div 3 - Donegals
Over 35 - Fireman S C
Over 35 - Sundowners S C (Welcome back lads)

That's the valley boys!



Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
oh baby!

That's going to happen for sure!

(with of course a couple of pints on the line?) rolleyes:

and of course on grass.


New Member
Jul 24, 2003
Dirty Money
What going on with :

Poco City

What teams are you guys having this up coming season.




Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
GEU Teams

For our club it will be the same as last year except the Black Gnights will be in Div 2. Our Cat team will be made up of 9 new young players from the Allouette under 21 from last year along with 6 or 7 players from the team last year.

Knight Rhider

New Member
Jul 31, 2003
Dirty Money
This Discussion has inspired me to join TTP and add my opinion to the pile. I'm a Lion, and proud and I just want everyone to know how proud we are. Maybe we haven't won division one or done things others feel we need to do but we've achieved a lot that we're proud of. Together.

Concerning the premier spot well that was given to us. And quite honestly i loved to see anyone who feels we don't deserve it turn it down being in our position. No we didn't get in the traditional way...thats not up to us. When lady luck wants to fcuk, you don't ask questions you jump in the sack. We're jumping.

And concerning the lack of skill we have and the 5-6 core players. Wow thats a slap in the face. First of all show me one team that doesn't have their key players they really on. You can call it riding coattails whatever you wish but you need key players PERIOD.
And beleive me the lions that need to step it up to play WILL. I know what i have to do to make it happen for us and that's just what has to be done. But if i were you guys i'd be more worried about your own players. Let's see how many try to jump ship now that we're in the big leauges. Cause you know the lions are the team thats the most fun to play for:p. The rangers, poco, the storm we've all cleared eachothers coolers together drinking partying all night. Let's not forget thats what this is about FUN.

The Lions are here like it or not we're here to stay and quite frankly it's our time now to step up or step out and we'll make it happen not in one season or maybe not even two but soon. A young group of talented partyers like us we're on the rise.:D

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