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Div 2 [FVSL D2] Results & Banter - February 2010

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Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
To make this comment is a uncalled for. With having one of my teammates accidently kill himself about 2 years ago is not a piss take. It is a disgrace. Take the piss don't joke about death you ****ing douche. Grow the **** up.
dear westcoast fukinwhat??????

shut yer fuking mouth.. death is part of life. if yer afraid of death then life aint worth livin is it? we have all gone through it..... what makes u so fukin special?? gettin yer knickers all knotted up and twisted ... get a life u fukin mut.. boo fukin whooooooooooooo!

someone get this guy a hug...


here's an idea? quit soccer and focus on being surrey's first good father


New Member
Sep 13, 2007
Dirty Money
If this game had any meaning to us we would have played. But with being out of cup and having two games left that really don't mean shite, it would have been a waste of time completely. I had 5 players(out of 9) that have nagging injuries including myself. I wasn't about to go out and play a team that could have just injured themselves and ACBC. ACBC shouldn't have been in the division to start with. If it was any other team we would have played. We played before Christmas with 9 guys and myself injured. 1-1 was the result. I wouldn't want to have Rich bring his team out to have it get ugly when they have cup games still to come. If this game was mid season or even just after Christmas we would have played. I have never forfeited a game. I did it to protect myself, my players and my opposing team. With this season being a lost cause we needed the week off. I take full responsiblity for what happenned and know it won't happen again.

WestCoast...What??? Forfeiting is for losers that need to quit, but what would my stoner friends do on their weekends??? So quitting isn't an option, even though sometimes I would love to.

Thanks for letting us know when it is okay to forfeit and when its not


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
ACBC 3- Guildford 1
0-0 at half and thats what it should have been.
Super great game , you could tell both teams wanted to clinch the Provincial berth.
End to end fast action but not to many shots by either team. You could really tell it was a game of importants.
Guildford caught a break and were awarded a Pk 5 min into second half.
Our keeper slid out on a turn over and just caught the guildford player as he dribbled by.
He got his hand on it but the hard blast from the dot deflected in.
1-0 Guildford and I have to admit I was worried. I said to the guys if you want to go to the Provincials, you need to have the right attitude and never quit. You must be able to come back from being down to deserve to be Champions.(ya cheesy but the truth).
The guys never stopped playing and were rewarded a header off a corner from Drew to tie things up. After that we seemed to start to pull away and a big rebound came off a scramble infront of the Guildford Keeper and Jonny drove it home.
As things were happening so fast another excellent shot was saved by the diveing Guildford keeper to keep them in the game.
Not much longer after that another corner led to a scramble and the ball was hammered home but at the last second a Guildford defender on the goal line useing his hand(by instinct) made a great save. Red card and PK put in by Mark 3-1.
But Guildford didnt roll over. Playing a man down turned it around and for the last 10 minutes came at us hard and hit our crossbar 2 times. Sometimes its a game of inches.
It truely was an awsome game and hats off to Guildford who played hard to the end and gave us a helluva game.
Good luck in Cup Guildford unless your playing us,lol, and good luck in Div 1 next year you deserve it.


Oct 17, 2009
Dirty Money
ACBC 3- Guildford 1
0-0 at half and thats what it should have been.
Super great game , you could tell both teams wanted to clinch the Provincial berth.
End to end fast action but not to many shots by either team. You could really tell it was a game of importants.
Guildford caught a break and were awarded a Pk 5 min into second half.
Our keeper slid out on a turn over and just caught the guildford player as he dribbled by.
He got his hand on it but the hard blast from the dot deflected in.
1-0 Guildford and I have to admit I was worried. I said to the guys if you want to go to the Provincials, you need to have the right attitude and never quit. You must be able to come back from being down to deserve to be Champions.(ya cheesy but the truth).
The guys never stopped playing and were rewarded a header off a corner from Drew to tie things up. After that we seemed to start to pull away and a big rebound came off a scramble infront of the Guildford Keeper and Jonny drove it home.
As things were happening so fast another excellent shot was saved by the diveing Guildford keeper to keep them in the game.
Not much longer after that another corner led to a scramble and the ball was hammered home but at the last second a Guildford defender on the goal line useing his hand(by instinct) made a great save. Red card and PK put in by Mark 3-1.
But Guildford didnt roll over. Playing a man down turned it around and for the last 10 minutes came at us hard and hit our crossbar 2 times. Sometimes its a game of inches.
It truely was an awsome game and hats off to Guildford who played hard to the end and gave us a helluva game.
Good luck in Cup Guildford unless your playing us,lol, and good luck in Div 1 next year you deserve it.

Playing out there, it was a very intense game. Your team IS THE best team in our division. It was a close game, but the team who won deserved it. I think we proved to our guys that this time, without the premier players, we can play with ACBC and steal a win in the future.
Damn your midfield is strong...I was exausted!


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
It really was an awsome game. emotional rollercoaster for sure. I am looking forward to tougher games next year in div 1. Almost all the games will be like the one we had lastnight. The only problem with div 1 is that there is really nothing to play for...ya ya Promotion, but 70% of the players on our team anyways, wont be able to play Premier as most Div 1 teams/players. And the Pak is a dream to win for a Div 1 team. Not saying it couldnt happen....its just a real longshot...and you need some help and luck in the draw along the way.
I hate the Sr A player form rule. Where each league needs so many players on A forms to get X amount of team/places in the A Provincial cup.
Its a stupid rule which I intend to address along my journey through the politics of BC Soccer.
It should be some how different. or if not....Sign everyone to an A form and take all the spots away from the VMSL who get 9 to our 5...That will change that stupid rule fast.
Nov 25, 2007
Dirty Money
yes, nomads lose again to sikh. everyone played not to get hurt or carded for next weeks cup game. there good player was the difference, scoring and setting up the 2nd. i wanna give him credit but I'm sick of that guy diving and stepping over the ball 10 times while our defender is jockying him giving him 10 yards of space. we get it bud, you're a good player. show a little more class thats all. sikh were better, good luck in the cup guys.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
SaH yellows are not carried over into cup anymore.
And I dont see where step overs show no class...If he did that and as you said he scored and set up a goal...I say do what you have to to beat your opponent. 10 yards to me says your defence showed him respect as he was doing his thing. I dare any defender to stand close to that guy while he does his step over move cause he will beat you and create danger. That is one guy I would like to have on my teams. He potted 2 on us first half and then left for a tennis match...we came back to win only after being down 2-0 at half. lucky us.....(after he left)
I dont see any disrespect from that...maybe if he couldnt pull it off it would be a joke..but that guy can pull it off.
As for diving....He never dived vs us, He was brought down a few times but thats usually because he is good enough to move the ball away last second and a fowl is created. a fowl is a fowl. I see that so much in this league where guys are callin" that was a dive" when it was just a great move put on a div2 player who thinks he was playing the ball but really he was burned by a far better player skill wize and a fowl has brought a guy down...Its not hockey. If you touch a guy enough to through him off his path without touching the ball first, its a fowl ..period.
Way to many guys cry dive when its an obvious fowl.
Again I wasnt there so maybe he was diving....I dont know. But from what I have seen from him before...he is not that kinda player...Hes just really good and makes most look silly going by them so fowls are created from div 2 players who cant check him correctly.


New Member
Sep 29, 2009
Dirty Money
ACBC 3- Guildford 1
0-0 at half and thats what it should have been.
Super great game , you could tell both teams wanted to clinch the Provincial berth.
End to end fast action but not to many shots by either team. You could really tell it was a game of importants.
Guildford caught a break and were awarded a Pk 5 min into second half.
Our keeper slid out on a turn over and just caught the guildford player as he dribbled by.
He got his hand on it but the hard blast from the dot deflected in.
1-0 Guildford and I have to admit I was worried. I said to the guys if you want to go to the Provincials, you need to have the right attitude and never quit. You must be able to come back from being down to deserve to be Champions.(ya cheesy but the truth).
The guys never stopped playing and were rewarded a header off a corner from Drew to tie things up. After that we seemed to start to pull away and a big rebound came off a scramble infront of the Guildford Keeper and Jonny drove it home.
As things were happening so fast another excellent shot was saved by the diveing Guildford keeper to keep them in the game.
Not much longer after that another corner led to a scramble and the ball was hammered home but at the last second a Guildford defender on the goal line useing his hand(by instinct) made a great save. Red card and PK put in by Mark 3-1.
But Guildford didnt roll over. Playing a man down turned it around and for the last 10 minutes came at us hard and hit our crossbar 2 times. Sometimes its a game of inches.
It truely was an awsome game and hats off to Guildford who played hard to the end and gave us a helluva game.
Good luck in Cup Guildford unless your playing us,lol, and good luck in Div 1 next year you deserve it.

Hats Off. One of the best games I've been apart of. I said it before, will say it again. Premier players or not, your squad is organized and deciplined. Great sports and they work hard.

Losing sucks. But I think we left it all on the field. NO exuces, NO regrets.

Thanks to anyone that came out to watch, support, boo. Even you westcoast. Made the game a little more sureal.

On a side note, thought that official was one of the best we've had all year. Good control of game, let us play when needed, stepped in when needed. Gave me a yellow for saying he made a beautiful call... Don't know if that's allowed??

Would have been good to clinch Provincial birth. We can still pull it off in Cup. [That is if we don't face ACBC again :)]
Good luck to remaining teams in the Cup.

Was a hell of a season for us. I remember the predictions at the beginning of the season we were predicted to be in the bottom. So I guess settling for 2nd as shitty as it feels now isn't so bad.

Coquitlam Titans are up now. Plan on thumping the piss out of them to make ourselves feel better.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2001
Dirty Money
No ghouse, he was diving, and yelling at the top of his lungs while doing it.

Bottom line in this game was only 13 nomads and 1 got hurt in the 1st 5 min after going up 1-0. We had a ton of guys missing and almost our whole defensive core. We just didn't seem to really want this game as we went up early and just sat back.

1 goal of theirs was a great shot from outside the 18 by their 'good' guy just under the bar. Then it was me stoning them on point blank opportunities, breakaways and header from inside the 6. 2nd go ahead goal was their big guy coming off the wing on a breakaway and I save it which deflets off the post coming right back along the goalline which their trailing player just barely tapped in the open net (almost got back to it). Could have really been 5-1 them, but we couldn't hit the net to save our lives. Had 3 or 4 shots on net?

O and btw, they tried to steal one of our game balls again, during the game but I caught them in the act. 2 guys leaving early pick up the extra game ball behind my net and start walking off with it and I yell during the game "what the **** do u think ur doing?" They say 'o I was just going to give the ball to ur coach on the far sideline'. I say "first, I'm the coach, and second we don't have anyone on the far sideline". They drop the ball and leave.
Nov 25, 2007
Dirty Money
house, as I said, he is probably the best player in div2. What I was trying to point out is the dancing when he has loads of space. The worst player in the league can do that when a defender gives him the room. Our guys know that if they lunge at the guy, he will beat them. If the dancing is gonna beat a guy, all the power to him, but when he does it to somewhat mock our guys, i have a problem. And as for the diving, because of his skill and the fact that he walks through 10 guys, he's gonna get fouled. I however don't like guys that overembelish, and that is what I think he does. Just my opinion. probably just sour grapes from being megged by him 9 times.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
LOL..he is good..Anyone know his name........:)
To bad you didnt grab one of thier game balls...I cant believe they steal so many balls...must be thier own wierd pisstake every game.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2007
Dirty Money
SaH yellows are not carried over into cup anymore.
And I dont see where step overs show no class...If he did that and as you said he scored and set up a goal...I say do what you have to to beat your opponent. 10 yards to me says your defence showed him respect as he was doing his thing. I dare any defender to stand close to that guy while he does his step over move cause he will beat you and create danger. That is one guy I would like to have on my teams. He potted 2 on us first half and then left for a tennis match...we came back to win only after being down 2-0 at half. lucky us.....(after he left)
I dont see any disrespect from that...maybe if he couldnt pull it off it would be a joke..but that guy can pull it off.
As for diving....He never dived vs us, He was brought down a few times but thats usually because he is good enough to move the ball away last second and a fowl is created. a fowl is a fowl. I see that so much in this league where guys are callin" that was a dive" when it was just a great move put on a div2 player who thinks he was playing the ball but really he was burned by a far better player skill wize and a fowl has brought a guy down...Its not hockey. If you touch a guy enough to through him off his path without touching the ball first, its a fowl ..period.
Way to many guys cry dive when its an obvious fowl.
Again I wasnt there so maybe he was diving....I dont know. But from what I have seen from him before...he is not that kinda player...Hes just really good and makes most look silly going by them so fowls are created from div 2 players who cant check him correctly.

He's classless. He shouldn't be playing at that level and knows he's better but likes the ego boost. He constantly does classless shite and thinks he could step into my face and only talk. If he wants to do shite like that, go to premier. Don't try and embarass yourself and others. Who cares if he was diving, because if he was you guys weren't hitting him hard enough. He doesn't like contact. And Ghouse he was flopping all over against us. There is a difference between dive and flop, flop is when you can take the contact because you are a bigger player but decide once the tiniest bit of contact you're on the ground. Diving is when you make a ghost action to the ground. He gets touched he is on the ground half the time.


Active Member
Oct 1, 2007
Dirty Money
LOL..he is good..Anyone know his name........:)
To bad you didnt grab one of thier game balls...I cant believe they steal so many balls...must be thier own wierd pisstake every game.

It is for sure a piss take. The have a problem and need to fix it. When we played them, if one of their balls went out they didn't care but once ours went out they were doing the mad dash for it.But we made sure to keep an eye on all our balls. I think their spectators are in on it as well. Some of them are good guys like their keeper but the rest are fools.
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