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Div 3 [FVSL Div 3] Results & Banter November 2009

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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Prime example of letting fittness go ten years ago I was 190 now I'm 230:(
You have an opportunity to be the next Hal Johnson! Is the weight distributed evenly thru your body or just your phat ass, blubber gut and large medicine ball sized head ?


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
You have an opportunity to be the next Hal Johnson! Is the weight distributed evenly thru your body or just your phat ass, blubber gut and large medicine ball sized head ?

geeez some of us are trying to take the Bullet out of the gun and here comes girth and his boner ecouraging hector to pull the trigger:D


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Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
You have an opportunity to be the next Hal Johnson! Is the weight distributed evenly thru your body or just your phat ass, blubber gut and large medicine ball sized head ?

Ass, Gut and man boobs:( but my arms are still skinny like a 18 year girl:(:(:(
Sep 17, 2007
Dirty Money
late seventies? god I wish. Strengh on the ball does improves with age, assuming of course you don't let your fitness go to shite. I like playing you guys because the quality of the soccer is there.

Well we have 4 guys suspended plus one of our starting stikers is away. oh well canuckboy to start up front. I hope we have 11.
can you beleave it , you got 4 suspended and when you guys played us we got no cards between all of us , what a turn around , gotta work on that hocky mentality of losing it , gotta put up with the shite and keep smiling , we got 2 or 3 yellows all season ,thats it, makes a diffrence to your performance , this time last year we were like 5th or 6th , only lost players now are the injured ones.


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAxRIQH3fa0"]YouTube- 3rd Eye - Toothbrush fan[/ame]

Since we are on the topic of hygiene and health. What the heck is up with this guy brushing his teeth in the middle the Chelsea v. Man U game. Is that some sort of new fad going on in Europe? Cause no one seemed to be saying anything to the guy or looking at him funny. I mean i didn't get it. Maybe they were filming a toothpaste commercial or something.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2008
Dirty Money
I'm not a weight loss expert or anything, but what worked for me this summer was being active and not eating shyte. i dropped 25 lbs since august. and it feels alot better on the body. so far shin splints are in check and my back no longer hurts to walk. KH, try playing indoor if you can. i run around for 2 minutes then jump off and catch my breath. it's like wind sprints but with a break anytime you want. KH i feel your pain, start of august i was 260 lbs. it's not fun.


New Member
Mar 16, 2009
Dirty Money
I have good Hygiene I'm just fat . you have a great name by the way Hamburgler uhmmmm Burgers!!!


Seriously, if you really serious about losing weight, no kidding, and you don't like to go for runs or hit the gym. Buy an elliptical machine and get on it everyday for about 30-45minutes a day. Buy the one's you see at Fitness World or something similar, those cheap one's are useless. Put tv in front or grab some tunes. Six-5 minute songs and your done think of it that way. You will burn 450-500 calories each time.

Don't eat anything big during the day. Try coffee, salads and fruits and vegetables, and maybe something with some protein in it to keep you from passing out, like cheese with crackers or something. At night, have a decent meal, rice with chicken or fish, some bread, salad. Stay away from fried stuff, and take out food. And the drink lots of water.

Try this for 2-3 months i guarantee you are going to lose weight. Not only that but you will develop it as a habit and you won't look back. Also write down what you eat in a day, if you overeat, you will notice it. And keep weighing yourself almost like a scorecard. It takes time and discipline, one day of good eating and exercise won't help you, it's a long-term thing and basically a change of lifestyle too.

All that fried food only leads too health complications, heart disease and bunch of other siht if it's eaten regularly. Also keep in mind that one Whopper from BK is about 1500 calories or more, and 1 lb of weight equals 3000 calories. So if your scarfing Whoppers everyday, it won't matter how much you exercise, you will still gain weight. It's a combination of diet and exercise.

Anyways, if your serious, good luck to you. Cheers (with water :D)


Sep 8, 2009
Dirty Money
YouTube- 3rd Eye - Toothbrush fan

Since we are on the topic of hygiene and health. What the heck is up with this guy brushing his teeth in the middle the Chelsea v. Man U game. Is that some sort of new fad going on in Europe? Cause no one seemed to be saying anything to the guy or looking at him funny. I mean i didn't get it. Maybe they were filming a toothpaste commercial or something.

apparently this guy called a BBC sports show and said he was late coming to the game and hadn't brushed his teeth yet so when his friend picked him up he grabbed it and ran out the door. Funnier thing about him though, he was asked why he was wearing sunglasses at an evening game..his response..."im a ladies man."
Sep 17, 2007
Dirty Money

Seriously, if you really serious about losing weight, no kidding, and you don't like to go for runs or hit the gym. Buy an elliptical machine and get on it everyday for about 30-45minutes a day. Buy the one's you see at Fitness World or something similar, those cheap one's are useless. Put tv in front or grab some tunes. Six-5 minute songs and your done think of it that way. You will burn 450-500 calories each time.

Don't eat anything big during the day. Try coffee, salads and fruits and vegetables, and maybe something with some protein in it to keep you from passing out, like cheese with crackers or something. At night, have a decent meal, rice with chicken or fish, some bread, salad. Stay away from fried stuff, and take out food. And the drink lots of water.

Try this for 2-3 months i guarantee you are going to lose weight. Not only that but you will develop it as a habit and you won't look back. Also write down what you eat in a day, if you overeat, you will notice it. And keep weighing yourself almost like a scorecard. It takes time and discipline, one day of good eating and exercise won't help you, it's a long-term thing and basically a change of lifestyle too.

All that fried food only leads too health complications, heart disease and bunch of other siht if it's eaten regularly. Also keep in mind that one Whopper from BK is about 1500 calories or more, and 1 lb of weight equals 3000 calories. So if your scarfing Whoppers everyday, it won't matter how much you exercise, you will still gain weight. It's a combination of diet and exercise.

Anyways, if your serious, good luck to you. Cheers (with water :D)
if you new KH like i do you would know that your wasting your time , loves his burgers , and his curry and his custerd and his cheese cake and his paneer pokoras and his chocolate milk , i could go on all day , KH wanna stop by for pizza

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
if you new KH like i do you would know that your wasting your time , loves his burgers , and his curry and his custerd and his cheese cake and his paneer pokoras and his chocolate milk , i could go on all day , KH wanna stop by for pizza

Stop by for a pizza??? He works at Domino's he can eat their for a discount


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
sure, 3-3 rockets scored first on a broken play, we tied it on a weak PK. rockets went ahead on a beauty just before half. Pacific tied it up on what I must say beautiful diving header by moi. Pacific took the lead with 20 to go on a great individual effort by our striker. Then with 10 minutes to go our center mid challenged their player from 26 yards out, the ball went staight back to our keeper, ref called pass-back! So indirect from the 6 resulted in a goal and now we probably won't win the division.

**** i was tired, 11 guys there for the start, 12 at half. no excuses though we had a good line-up. Fun game not too bad for Pacific standards/ :)


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
What a wierd season. Phoenix we just can't beat you guys. While the renegades have youth I cannot see you guys losing to them. oh well bizzare.
Sep 17, 2007
Dirty Money
What a wierd season. Phoenix we just can't beat you guys. While the renegades have youth I cannot see you guys losing to them. oh well bizzare.
I know , to be honest we did not get spanked , for sure we were bad , 3 rebounds they scored , we missed a PK and 2 or 3 good chances , they were fast to pick up on our mistakes , there passing was far better tonight than ours , maybe its because I was not playing( lol riiiite ). nevermind , start again next week


New Member
Oct 24, 2009
Dirty Money
I know , to be honest we did not get spanked , for sure we were bad , 3 rebounds they scored , we missed a PK and 2 or 3 good chances , they were fast to pick up on our mistakes , there passing was far better tonight than ours , maybe its because I was not playing( lol riiiite ). nevermind , start again next week

Ah really should have been on the sidelines for this one, dont think i would have heard the same chatter from them as the Mines vs Magpies game, sounds like coquitlam exposed the pheonix the same way Mapies did, good work.

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
Renegades must be a better team on Turf then grass. with all there speed.On to next week eh Lee, that would be us the Miners. we have to get by Celtic this afternoon first.But the Phoenix better be ready to play next week;) How did the Magpies get on?
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