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[FVSL Masters] Results & Banter - Preseason - September 2004

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Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Jinx, jinx, jinx..

I'll predict that SU and PAU tie. :D

I'll also predict that the heckling at both teams will be paramount. :p

A word of warning about the calibre of this league, in advance, would have been greatly appreciated. ;)

Andy Cuthbert in goal?
The last time I played that lad was in a high school rugby match I think.
Great rugby player, I bet his punting is good.
He was a great centre midfielder from what I recollect too.
Man that's going back though.
Signing for the All Craps can't be making his SU bretheren too happy... ;)



New Member
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: The Masters, FVSL, 2004/05

Predictions? Hmmmmmm...

P.A. will give S.U. there second loss....and turn a few heads while doing it...A bold prediction I know but I'll stick by it......
I never predict my own team, or walk in front of Black Cats or under ladders...I really could go on...........the last two I'm with Fat&Slow.

Yes, Andy has been playing Rugby but decided to come to the Dark side.....
He was the only player bold enough Friday to step between pipes against S.U...well, he is a Rugby player after all... :p or rather...he drew the short straw.... :D ...stop me now..... :knvb:

By all accounts he'll be happy to get back in the midfield...... :eek:



New Member
Sep 23, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Jinx, jinx, jinx..

I always knew your wife liked me .... sorry you had to find out. We could have used some of your pickups as we only had 11 but still won 1-0 ... should have been more though.
Sep 15, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: The Masters, FVSL, 2004/05

The arch boys did as I thought and hammered Academico 7-0 !!
Congratulations on the thrashing of Academico 7-0. Was it done with a touch of class ?????????????????? Tell me, when the nine starting men of Academico faced off with the big bad PA were you thinking stick-em into the ground? Were you thinking slide tackle from behind when 5-0 up. Are your guys that hard up for a starting position. The only bonus points you earned for your club were for lack of class.......................Jackass? Yeah we are down & out & missing lots of players but did we just fold ????????????????????
At least the Fingerbangers (?) had the class to slow down in the second half half .......speaks a lot about CLASS?
For you only fitting another season of the typical PA high hope season: (wannabe1stbutreallyonly2ndrateAZZCLOWNS!)

P.S well done on the well deserved victory, I hope you guys go into training
honestly thinking you actually achieved something. Even if I played for you I'd be hangin my head worse than I would by losing 7-0. ...............Fleas of a 1000 camels, Karma has spoken, you guys are Fcuked


New Member
Jan 7, 2002
Dirty Money
Free English Lessons too.

Farkin' Ell Corp.Moron,
why don't you tell us how you really feel!

Yes for Peach Arse,
the bridesmaids of the Masters, :knvb:
they used to be a luvly bunch,
Corrupted by power, teetering on the brink of loosing to ScUm.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: The Masters, FVSL, 2004/05

Wow. Has this thread picked up or what? The FV Masters are also the Master pisstakers!

"Fleas of 1000 camels." When I see PA warming up this Sunday, tell me that thought won't be going through my head.

Brilliant! :D


New Member
Oct 2, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: The Masters, FVSL, 2004/05

Hey Captian,
It seems you guys can't feild a team for away games !! I think you guys had 12 or 13 at home against the All-Blacks !! What's up ??? Sounds like you guys aren't that committed !! I wasn't at the game on the week-end so I can't really comment on how Peace Arch acted in the game but I will say this, some guys play the game the same way the whole game , their play isn't dictated by the score line. As for them not slowing down , why should they ?? I think if you can't feild a team you guys should fold !! Are you really helping the caliber of the league if you show up to games with 9 guys and then whine because teams don't take it easy on you ??? I understand you guys probably have a core of 8- 10 guys who love to play and always show up ( and kudos to them ) but you need to at least be able to feild a team!! Last year the All-blacks showed up to a game in Aldergrove with 9 guys, actually 8 as bully got red carded early on. Aldergrove had a team of 14 or 15 guys out , they spanked the all-blacks 9-1. After the game in the handshake the all-black players were heard apologizing to the Aldergrove players for not being able to feild a team, not going on about Aldergrove not slowing down. They knew that if you show up with 9 guys you deserve a right thumping and they took it like men .


New Member
Sep 12, 2003
Dirty Money
A beacon of berkdom,a tower of twerpitude

Someones lost the plot.Nice to see the Captain using his dainty lady-like artists hands,that were'nt ever intended to inflict pain.Using them to rage against injustice on this post.Practice your duck and cover technique because there's a lot of cider drinking over 14 year olds in this world,with unresolved issues in thier lives,ready to put the boot in when you're down.Next week case the joint from the saftey of the carpark,in case there's rough boys lurking.Or just stay home,we all thought the match was pointless.But then i suppose you might miss the indifferance of other peoples company.
Sep 15, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: The Masters, FVSL, 2004/05

Nice to see that my Monday Night Football pint induced "rage against injustice" raised a few eyebrows.

I think if you can't feild a team you guys should fold !! Are you really helping the caliber of the league

Absolutely correct, & we think that issue has been solved (during our 11th hour...I mean 11 hour meeting last night, Hell we might even win a game?
Popbitch.......how could I ever compete with your Masterful Manipulation of Meaningless Monikers? Priceless! (so is spellcheck!)


New Member
Sep 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: The Masters, FVSL, 2004/05

are there any teams out there that know of any practice time slots availabe in surrey or langley on tues, wed, or thursday between 8:00 - 10:00 if so, please let me know sapperton has been floating around all over the place the last few weeks.It would be muchly appreciated.In return we will take it easy on you come sunday. Cheers!


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: A beacon of berkdom,a tower of twerpitude

Ballsie, RF, BullyB, Aves, Jordy,

This is exactly what we here in the BEST over35 League in the Province have been waiting for all these years....it use to be a few post game comments by a few of us but now the whole thing is keeping up to the pace of the young buck's of VMSL and FVSL premier Leagues....good old ~regs~ will have to get us a moderator soon! :D Keep up the banter boys! It's truely lovely stuff to read....absolutely fabulous, we are teaching the young buck's a thing or two about fitba and piss takin' The Master's of course! :cool:

As for Popbitch- you're a classic my friend and it is always a pleasure hearing what you have to say...

Captain Morgan....I must say I had a towel out to wipe the tears from my face and I have to agree with Phatso on this...show up with 11 and play or get your arse's kicked all over the park, it's the nature of the game and competition...as for karma and camel flies or camel toes whatever???....are you passing on the Karma you guys have had over the past 5 plus years in this league??? or what??? :confused: I wonder which team is really fcuked here...let's see, AbsolutelyCrapAdemico or Parch Arse???? :confused: let me think???? :confused: it's a tough choice, because you guys have won so many games over the past 5 years :eek: :eek: ...to quote an unfamous TTP'er "you guys are fcuked!":eek:


New Member
Sep 29, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: The Masters, FVSL, 2004/05

I,m so glad to see everyone getting along....... :p

I would tend to agree with Fatslob aswell, however this is a free speech forum and if Capt. Morganfairchild wants to have a alchohol induced RANT, he is free to do so.... I can understand the frustration having just been WIPED out by ScUm and its no fun being on that side of the fence.... :eek:

That fact Capt Hindgrinder is MAD may seem a tad OGRE-ish but I see it as a sign he wants change....change is good...

It can be difficult to field a competetive team in this league when all the top players are clammering to play for the top sides....there are only so many over 35s to go around, yes, I agree thats life.....However, I for one hope that Academico does NOT fold and comes back with a stronger team.....

All this talk about Capt. Morgan reminds me of the time when I was young and at this PARTY....well, never mind, thats for another day... :p

slamthegoalie....speak my man, speak...once you do you'll never go back..its OK...you're with FRIENDS.... ;)

Good Luck to all this weekend!!
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