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Gun control on a more serious level

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It'd be massively expensive. I dunno, recycle them, send them to law enforcement for their use, or military. Perhaps they can offset costs on that end.

Dude: places like that rat-hole Ferguson MO are getting army surplus gear for free (all they have to do is maintain it). They really don't need a helluva lot more if they already don't have to pay for it. See http://www.stripes.com/how-and-why-local-police-departments-get-military-surplus-equipment-1.299570 for an explanation of this.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Further to my point...they are already getting guns far too easily and cheaply. The only thing that may work is to buy them back. Think of it as a government regulated pawn shop for guns only where they don't turn around and re-sell them, except "in house" to their own authorities agencies. Set the price appropriately to get them back- while at the same time implementing a strict registration / distribution system (otherwise, they'll just sell back to the Gov. when it is time to upgrade, or when Dick's Sporting has a big shoot em'up sale). That's the only real way I see Americans being motivated enough to give them up- money.

It would be a massively expensive boondoggle, and maybe even unpopular (but maybe not, maybe some have no issue getting money for their guns), but it would work to get guns out of houses and off the streets.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Dude - there are so many reasons why this will never happen. You would have more success on getting a crack addict to voluntarily hand over their last rock before a gun luvin American will part with their piece. I believe this is where the line, "over my dead body comes from". Think of the motto on the bottom of the Massachusetts license plates: Live Free Or Die


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I dunno...you don't need every Merican selling one back. Even a small percentage would make a big difference...and there happen to be a lot of poor people down these who own guns. In fact, the more I think about this, the more it makes sense. I think a combined action plan would make a dent over some years.

Getting it though political channels is another story.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
aksloP, I have searched the Internet high and low. I have found all sorts of crack addicts who have gone through rehab, with some coming out the other end free of the habit. But, I can't find one American anywhere who gave up their gun voluntarily, or went through treatment and then stayed off guns.

As in the game Rock, Paper, Scissors . . . Guns win every time.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Sounds like another mass shooting in California. San Bernardino, with it least 20 victims according to early reports.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
aksloP, I have searched the Internet high and low. I have found all sorts of crack addicts who have gone through rehab, with some coming out the other end free of the habit. But, I can't find one American anywhere who gave up their gun voluntarily, or went through treatment and then stayed off guns.

As in the game Rock, Paper, Scissors . . . Guns win every time.

You could have saved your self the time and just handed over your last rock . That would have been enough for me.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I saw a sickening stat yesterday, don't know if it's true and can't be fcuked to look now, but if a mass shooting is defined as 4 or more victims, the US has one per day.

...and looking at the website referenced above, they showed 310 mass shootings in 2013.

Can Canada put up a wall? Like, a big one?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sounds like another mass shooting in California. San Bernardino, with it least 20 victims according to early reports.
I felt like I was watching a slow white bronco last night again on CNN.

Of course we have islamic names attached here now so it must be terrorism of the worst kind.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
This is where I get my back-up a bit.

Full disclosure, I married into a Muslim family. Regs and most my friends know this; I’ve never been ashamed of my in-laws. I’ve come to learn about Islam in a very different way than most people would from an outside viewpoint, and what I learned, and what my by-marriage-community practices is a very real commitment to the fundamentals, which is to preach and practice peace, acceptance of others, and to be as charitable as you can be. My father-in-law is the man that was probably the best example I could have had so far as a true man of faith. One small example: every year he’d give equally to a charitable cause through his mosque, and to Covenant House. Covenant House is a society that came from Catholic origins. In the Quran, it is stated (now I am paraphrasing, and this is interpreted 99 times from Arabic) that in order to marry a Muslim woman, one must accept Islam into the household, and allow the children to learn the religion. That is exactly how he explained it to me when I went to him to ask for his blessing, and that is exactly what I’ve done.

It doesn’t mean I actively practice in the faith. I don’t, and I’m sure that comes as no surprise here. And I haven’t actively practiced in the faith I was raised on (Catholic) since I’ve been about 8. There is a lot I disagree on when it comes to different branches of religion, but that doesn’t mean I am not accepting of their presence in my home, or of people whom follow the faith(s). And, BTW, the Quoran also states that we must accept other religions around us, so...point being, I try and honour my father-in-law and his beliefs, and the way he lived by telling others about what I’ve learned, and following his example in life. Raise your family in a positive upbringing. Provide for them, protect them, and be a leader of your household and community.

So, all that stated, yes, I do get my back-up when my families’ faith is unfairly under attack the way it is now.

I have to read and hear ignorant comments every day about why Canada should be barring its doors to Syryan Refugees, and most of the reasoning seems to be we’d be harboring terrorists, instead of the thought that we should be helping fellow human beings in dire need. Just because a person shares the same religion- in TITLE ONLY, not in action- as those following ISIL practices, does not mean they will behave in the same way, or even think in the same way. In fact, Islam is, worldwide, the 3rd largest religious group, and the vast majority of Muslims practice their religion in a peaceful manner. Millions of Canadians and American practice Islam in the way it should be- peacefully. Just like Millions of Canadians and Americans are of Christian based faiths and practice it peacefully. So, when you have a person that happens to claim to follow a certain faith commit a heinous act, it does not mean every other person that also practices that same faith will commit a heinous act. That is very simplistic and easy to understand…so why are Canadian burning down Mosques? Why are visible Muslim women being assaulted in the streets? Being told to “go home”, when in fact Canada is their home? How can we justify this?

Sorry, massive tangent.

I don’t know if it has yet been determined if is yet if the San Bernardino killers were simply your everyday gun carrying, disgruntled worker, American Phsyco, that happen to be Muslim…or in fact if they were Islamic Jihadists. I do know one thing: the Christian Fundamentalist that walked into the abortion clinic last week and shot it up? Nobody is accusing that guy of being a Jihadist, but he is equal parts Religious Fanatic Terrorist as a Jihadist is, but somehow, the media fails to make the connection.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Totally agree Dude was thinking the exact same thing. I don't think the media failed to make the connection, they are just petrified to paint a religious fanatic Christian terrorist with the same kind of brush that people paint Muslim terrorists.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
We tend to let our cdn bread way of thinking obscure our judgement. I am on the fence for this one. The young men in the middle east are filled with anger. Realistically how do we know whom we are accepting. Immigration has little resource to exploit the ones who have an agenda. You can't tell me that we as a country won't let these types in. It's a tough call. I do however have sympathy for the women and children and believe for now our borders should only be open to them. Anything more is asking for trouble at the current state things sit.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Dirty Money
Dude.. I have 2 Sikh son inlaws, I completely understand where you are coming from. This is not a religeous issue ( ignorance believes that all people from the mid east are islamic therefore they are terrorisits ) which to most rational thinking people does not relate!!!

I was raised in a ( racist ) meaning not understanding environment...my father NOW respects and loves both of my son inlaws as if they were blood, it didn't take long once he met them and their families. People must learn to respect all cultures for who they are.

Hopefully here in Canada we are mostly past the racial hatred, it may take a bit longer in the states


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Honestly it stems from a combination of ignorance and fear. Yah it scares me to have people coming here from a war torn country. Who are these people determining who is a safe refugee and who isn't?

I know when I was young I thought all police officers and firemen were the best of the best here to keep us safe. Then I became an adult and have friends who are in the professions and met many people in both. Quite simply many aren't exactly exemplary citizens that take their position in society to heart.

I just worry about the ones who slip thru the cracks, these people may be in charge of determining who is safe but really what the fcuk do they really know. Like firemen and police officers they are just human beings doing a job. They can't say definitively all these people are ok. I'm not saying don't take any refugees but ill admit it scares me. What if some family members get in and cousins or other relatives don't and are used by the terrorists to force these refugees hands to save family members. As I said those thoughts scare me


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
The other thing is why are we sending these refugees to places like surrey that are overcrowded and desirable. Send them where we need them small towns, up north. Places where we need workers and can immediately positively impact Canada. Stay here for 5 years and then move where you wish. Integrate into our culture, while still keeping yours.

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