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How will HPL affect Gold/Silver levels

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Better I see yout point. Thanks.I will give you this one. Go only with HPL and MSL clubs for A cup. Silver and gold go for B cup. Rest for house cup. Nothing has changed with SYL Burnaby and North Shore. Same old people just changed the name to HPL. Unless we bring in coaches from Elsalvador Mexico or Europinan same old will come out. Six hundred passes before they shoot. Boring as hell. In HPL we need to change alot more. System of play field managment is just not there in the four coaches I see on Burnaby North Shore list. I am not sure what Surrey and other clubs have. If any one of you know who the coaches are let me know. I will only send kids to coaches who will make the deferance in youth development. Pass on this one.


New Member
Dec 14, 2010
Dirty Money
Okay I need to get this straight on what is being suggested here. The teams you want to compete for the Provincial A cup is the 8 team BCPL teams with the $15,000.00 per year coaches, turf time anytime they want it ans so on and the MSL teams that will be paying $300.00 to play and the leftover parent coaches.

That would be one quick way to kill the desire for MSL kids.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Krutov that is your opinion. If you watch Europe div three teams beat out dive two and simtimes div one. MSL will be just as strong. They will erven try to prove the HPL wrong. Paid coaches mean nothing.There is many coaches that do not need the pay to coach. And also many thay stay away fro trouuble group. I was watching U 16 BCNTC kids play U18 Metro ford kids. Six shots the hole game. Mostly just passing in the back third. Strikers would never take a deffender one on one. Soccer is got long ways to go here. You have kids in gold just as good even in silver one. Two most outstanding kids last night were #10 from BCNTC and also #2 from the same side. Metro Ford onley head on lad on the outside mid willing to take people on. # 15. Rest pass pas and pass. It will be easy pickens for residency. Three kids in my opinion.# 2 red #10 # 22 red. # 15 Blue MFC. Tonight kids play U18 Burnaby side. Again one outstanding lad with total skill, Michael Andreson and a yooungster by the last name Lee are the kids to look for.


New Member
Dec 14, 2010
Dirty Money
Yes Base that is my opinion but I have to ask if Tier2 teams end up getting some results in cup play that would be very detrimental to the whole BCPL. If BCPL parents see this, how many will return with the diffirence in cost to play. I think that could be a very dangerous move for the BCPL's existence. What if (any age group or gender) from tier2 makes it to the Provincial's, how will that effect the 8 teams in BCPL in that age bracket? If one or two of those squads decides to not play at that level because Tier2 can produce the same results why bother with the higher fees.

I think that could be very dangerous move to have Tier2 competing with Tier1. I have no kids involved in the HPL I am just a parent concerned with how this is going to affect the other 99% of kids in the Province.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Krurov in HPL eyes they are the cops of soccer. Rest of us are just dumb bronze guys. This thier opinion. My opinion we are better than they will be. The reason is we help poor kids to play ball. We dont charge the clubs for development. Some parents are x soccer players they know the game well. Some of us played Europian club ball where strength and speed were the main componant of the game. Skill was thought to us by smart older coaches that worked on development and game managment. In our eyes there is no need to pay $2500.00 to play youth amature soccer. Whitecaps have a good enough program,better kids will endup up there.
Now if I was doing the coaching with Caps than I would expect to be paid. But to do that in youth amature program in my opinion it will send people away from the game and split our community. Some of us stay away from spin puph development. I am for HPL to prove that they are better coaches than the guys in MSL. Cup is that thing. Parents with money will always go to top level. It is all about braging rights.
To me the most important part is get these lads to go to UBC SFW or any othe University to get a degree and have fun. If big club comes and asks then OK. BCNTC is more than our kids need to develop.
We just need few more places in lower mainland. Many kids are missed due to in club fights and ego mania from some leaderes. Many thanks should go to Michael Findly and Dante guys that know the game and work very hard at it.
Reffing is somthing totaly ??? here. it is split in to small empires and one must belong to that sertain cult or there is no reffing. Many youg guys get the tickets. They just do not get the calls to ref. That is the part I as a coach as aref hate to see. We have better we need guys like Nick Horning and few othe guys to sat it straight. That is the only way game of soccer will move forward. All must work together not against each other.I have a youth game this weekend it just be be possible to see three offside goals. Friend and old friend in hand it is all fun.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Base - you confuse me....do you want the best kids to play BCPL or MSL!? You keep saying "this kid and that kid need to go to BCPL, they need a shot" and then you say "MSL is just as good and way cheaper." Can you just make-up your mind please??? Either you want the best kids to go to BCPL or you don't.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Better I would love best kids playing for HPL. That's what HPL stands for. At those coasts will will not get best kids. Only rich kids can aford that amount. We like it or not. All I am trying to say that kids have MSL to play in if they can not aford those coasts. I am one of those coaches who was asked many times to coach for money,I will not, I do not charge and will not charge kids in our community to play soccer. It is our duty to keap the kids away from trouble and to teach them game skills. Just to let you know there is areas with ten select level kids that can not aford to play the game. We need to pool some money help those kids and we will have tonns of talent.
By both HPL anfd MSL going for A CUP kids will feal the same. It will be less of a split. Scottyshell do`t be confused. Better knows the game free information is always wellcome. Just so all know we have kids in silver two as good as kids in gold. Finding good players is 80% of any good side. Good keeper makes a shyty D look good. Shyty keeper kills all. Bettermirror is one of those guys who loves HPL and wants the coin. I say good looking lady is better than all of that. Community soccer must be more fun. Kids will klime to top. No fun and it all turns to shykster.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
I support BCPL (nee, HPL) because of the periodization, potential links with Whitecaps, change in playing season, and reduction/retraction of teams amongst a few other reasons. Not because of the coin. Thank you very much. I have no expectation to be coaching in BCPL, for what its worth to ya. "Good looking lady"????? Erm.....?

MSL will not be as good as BCPL. Regardless of BCPL costs. There will of course be some kids in MSL good enough for BCPL. That is the case now. There are kids in gold good enough for metro, so on and so forth. This is true of any league in the world - professional or amateur.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Bettermirror you wish Caps join your HPL. Not going to happen. They have all the soccer chools. They know witch kids they want. Just go and see the SYL try outs. Most coaches don't even watch kids play. It is a done deal.
Same old coaches are coaching HPL. Nothing New. Even my fried the slog got a coaching job. They will be big and strong. Shin gards will be needed on both sides. Back to old traditional soccer. Back it up and smoke it up the flank like Boby used to do.
Only Findley is a local guy with good soccer sence. Teaches ball movment and flad of the area.


New Member
Sep 19, 2007
Dirty Money
I want the Caps to join BCPL? When did I say that exactly?? Has anyone seen a Caps coach at an SYL tryout? The Slog? ...... this is a new best for you, I think, Base.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Better you know I am not calling you a slog. It's someone you know but not you. Take care I know you will do a good job. I will see if I can come out to see the boys side of it. I hate like hell to see you hurt.
Timber wolf again. He is known for doing that to people. Old guy at his best.


New Member
Feb 20, 2011
Dirty Money
“Ah thanks for trying out, your kid qualifies...pay up sucker. Well ya that’s what it costs and yes, for that amount of money we get to tell your twelve year old she can play only soccer...isn’t that cool? Yes, clearly she’s athletic...I see here she’s also a baseball player, likes volleyball, basketball...listen here, don’t you think it’s time your 6th grader decides what sport she’s going to excel at? Doesn’t matter that she’s been elite for the last two years, from now on you have to pay for that status. Yes, those four kids were gold two or three somewhere last season, but we have spots to fill because not everyone has fallen for that whole ‘HPL is your child’s pathway to greatness’ thing. Now they are the elite players (despite the bench warming) because, their parents paid. Why yes that is the coach from one of the most dismal teams last season...but he’s much better now cause he’s an HPL coach and he gets paid. Yep, HPL baby...you want your daughter to make the big show, sing up and pay. Ya there’s still metro, but don’t believe the rumors of a team or two able to kick the snot out of every HPL side in the same division. That’ll never happen...you know why? The High Price League only plays with itself...playing metro girls is beneath us.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
“Ah thanks for trying out, your kid qualifies...pay up sucker. Well ya that’s what it costs and yes, for that amount of money we get to tell your twelve year old she can play only soccer...isn’t that cool? Yes, clearly she’s athletic...I see here she’s also a baseball player, likes volleyball, basketball...listen here, don’t you think it’s time your 6th grader decides what sport she’s going to excel at? Doesn’t matter that she’s been elite for the last two years, from now on you have to pay for that status. Yes, those four kids were gold two or three somewhere last season, but we have spots to fill because not everyone has fallen for that whole ‘HPL is your child’s pathway to greatness’ thing. Now they are the elite players (despite the bench warming) because, their parents paid. Why yes that is the coach from one of the most dismal teams last season...but he’s much better now cause he’s an HPL coach and he gets paid. Yep, HPL baby...you want your daughter to make the big show, sing up and pay. Ya there’s still metro, but don’t believe the rumors of a team or two able to kick the snot out of every HPL side in the same division. That’ll never happen...you know why? The High Price League only plays with itself...playing metro girls is beneath us.
I'm not quite following... what are you trying to say?

Are you wishful that the whole thing doesn't work?

Do you have a better idea on how to improve the development of elite players?

How would you go about improving the development of coaches?

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
It takes a right coach to teach other coaches. Regs teacher must know the game of development. Coaches could improve miles in a short time. The truble is BC boys will not let the guys that know the game teach. As you know it is a boddy system.
Here is one for you. Opponent attacks you with five players. You have five man D. Do you pass the ball out of your back or do you clear the ball. Your side owns the ball. Game is 0 to 0 five minutes left.
What would you do? South America total control, Europe total control, Canada US boom the ball up the flanck. What would you teach your kids? Smart coach would take his time and think this one out. Poor coach would say kick it out. Good coach like you would do what? U have U14 boys subbing every three minutes. What energy system are you working on are you developing all three energy systems? Or are the wins what you think the development is all about?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I would do 5 swivels, smile and wave as I passed you on the sidelines, post on TTP that I was about to score using tapatalk, and then miss on purpose so everyone would have a good chuckle on TTP at my expense.

See the forest through the trees.

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