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Liberal / NDP Coalition Government


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
By the way...here is a quick update from this morning's proceedings in Ottawa addressing the issues of:
A) The real reason why the "Coalition" has been formed (Why they (NDP) feel they need to suppress the recorded audio is beyond me, do they have something to hide? ;))
B) How this time it is different than in 04...Harper never EVER said he would "join forces" with the BQ, he simply said he would lead until the end of term to avoid a premature election if the Lib's were defeated in the House.

The Conservatives are going to come out this smelling like roses.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I never said Harper, I said the party.

We have the Conservatives with a taped conversation over the phone where Jack Layton is talking about a coalition with the BQ, before the announcement of any plans on the Ecomony.

we have a broke & leaderless (for all intents and purposes) Liberal party that looks like they are reaching out of the grave

we have a GG that has been accused of separtism in the past.

Any coalition overthrowing the Harper-lead Conservatives will:
A) Piss off the Blue Collar NDP Voters that if given their druthers would have voted CPC before Liberal
B) Piss of the Right Leaning Liberals that would abhor a marriage with the NDP and BQ
C) Make GG Jean look like a separtist by blessing a coalition including the BQ
D) Piss off all the Frenchies that voted BQ but hate the guts of the far left leaning NDP and the Air of Entitlement Liberals

seriously, the more I discuss this with people the more I feel the end game is the same, it is just a matter of how much money the Fed spends to get there...
A) Nothing changes, the whole thing blows over, Harper as PM of a minority govt
B) The Coalition comes, Public unrest and outcry, Election happens, unhappy public installs a, at the very least, minority Harper lead CPC, perhaps even a majority
C) GG Jean spends the cash on another election, record # of Canadians mobilize and vote...Harper Lead Conservative Majority/Minority.
D) We are Annexed by America, I move to Costa Rica ;)


Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Hasnt Igantieff, the liberal leadership frontrunner as I understand it, said he wants no part of this coalition? If this is true, can the coalition even get off the ground?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I have heard that, but cannot see anywhere (with sources or notes) that bears that out.

Speaking of controversy, and I touched on it earlier...Michaelle Jean is a controversial figure as it is with the post of Governor General, being
Born in Haiti, Being married to a guy from France, Having family friends involved in the then FLQ, Being silent on whether her and her husband voted yes or no to separation during the sovereignty referendum, Having been filmed saying in french "Independance is not given, it is taken, and having her husband say publicly they are Quebecois first and Canadian second.

I hope she is getting good advice.


Active Member
Aug 25, 2006
Dirty Money
Hasnt Igantieff, the liberal leadership frontrunner as I understand it, said he wants no part of this coalition? If this is true, can the coalition even get off the ground?

Nothing quite like having a guy who's resigning as our makeshift PM.

Frontrunner means nothing in the messed up way political parties do their elections, Dion wansnt in the top 5 before their convention but when it became anybody but Igatief he started getting suport and it was a snowball effect.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The manufacturing, forestry, mining, and other resource based economies are struggling in Canada. That's life. We are a resource based economy that depends on trade. If the price of those resources fall and our trading partners suffer, so will our economy.

Get your facts straight...you make it sound as if they have all been struggling for a long time. Forestry is in the tank- granted- but mining and resource have been extremely STRONG up until September when the US banking system went for a shite.

Potash, gold, copper, and coal have been major contributors to the economy for a solid three years now. Mining and engineering around it has never been busier. Problem is that right now, with the stock price taking a shite, the companies have to put a halt to their spending. That's a problem, but you know what? It'll come back- and I think it'll come back faster than anyone thinks. The financial crisis doesn't all of a sudden mean China and India don't need resources- they do. Demand will correct the correction, as it is only a matter of time before world supplies run low.

As for this chicken shite move by the Libs and NPD...KJ- you can't tell me 100% of NDP and Lib voters would vote for a Democratic Liberal party. Where will the "safe" vote go? People are scarred shitless of the NDP. If anything, this coalition would help the Conservative vote on an election day. Do I like Harper's move last week to eliminate public funding of campaigns? No...it was arrogant and stupid, given a minority in place. But, if it wasn't this, it would be something else. The knives were already out.

Also, this simply goes to show how very little regard the Libs and NDP really have for the Canadian economy. Harper is essentially taking a wait and see approach. Why would you announce any financial aid for the Auto Industry before Obama come public with his plan? The bail out will be there, and it will mirror the US bail out, because that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
correction, In Canada: NO BAILOUTS MAKE SENSE.

as far as Ignatieff...He is on board, this just in from Ottawa:
The announcement comes only hours after the three Liberal leadership contenders said they would support Dion as the leader of a new government coalition with the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois.

Speaking outside of the Liberal caucus meeting, Dominic LeBlanc, standing shoulder to shoulder with Bob Rae and Michael Ignatieff, said they all back the deal forged with the NDP.
Western Standard


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
none of this water once the NWO is in place. soon china will tell you what you can wear


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
OK...Financial Aid. Whatever you want to call it.

I have no objection to an aid package for the auto industry, if part of that means a removal of the Unions and complete re-vamp of the employment contracts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Oh, I just saw the news on the web, they have had their presser and everything...done deal.

Now we get to see if GG Jean is a Canadian or a separtist...(Thanks Paul Martin by the way)

And then we get to see just how big the appetite is for a Western Separation.

They wanted their anarchy, they're going to get it :(

Finally Western Canada had a voice in Ottawa, finally we were getting some representation...now the rug is being ripped out from under our feet along with our money which has been funnelled into Ontario, France West, and the desolate Maritimes for years now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Not if Marshall Law has to be instituted...

I fear the worst. When an Entire Country votes, and the process is proven useless the natives get restless and angry. I'm not so sure Canada's world wide perceived image of a kind and peaceful people will hold water till the Winter Games in 2010.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
OK...Financial Aid. Whatever you want to call it.

I have no objection to an aid package for the auto industry, if part of that means a removal of the Unions and complete re-vamp of the employment contracts.

The auto industry did themselves in by GM operating under a million different names making the same car with a different name (Cobalt, G6 etc..). Thus, making a ton of cars no one wants to buy. They need to restructure under one value name and one luxury name in order to compete, and quit flooding the market with so many cars that no one wants. Aid for the financial institutions is OK, provided it's being used to lend and not pay for troubled assets.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Marshall Law? Is that like the Merkin Marshall Plan? I think you mean Martial Law, unless you're talking about what La Señora wants, which is Marital Law...


mining and resource have been extremely STRONG up until September
:confused: what did you mean by "resource?"

The mining industry in BC specifically is historically comprised of small (or "junior" as they're known in market parlance) companies who stake, explore, drill and prove properties, and then go cash or share shopping for major partners to bring said property to production. Even with specialized investment tax breaks, rock-knocking has been slow for a number of years due to a lack of desire on the part of the investment community to assume such a substantial risk. In other parts of the country, there are more majors involved at the grassroots level (see Saskatchewan or Quebec).

I would second your conditions for the auto industry and add another one: truly performance-based salaries for senior executives. The stupidity and arrogance of the big 3 chairmen in the States was incredible. $25 M for strategically manoeuvering your employees and shareholders into the dumpster? Arriving in a private jet to ask for a handout was only a pisstake compared to that...:rolleyes:


Last time I checked, the GG's husband had no say in how the government was run. That being said, I think he's an ignoramus as well for having said such a thing and then being in the symbolic position he's in as vice-regal consort.

To answer an older question you posed: Switzerland has had coalition-style governments consistently since 1958. Israel has switched back and forth between majorities and coalition-style minorities, but has faced our situation several times where a minority government has lost a confidence motion and their president has had to find an alternative coalition to govern to avoid the cost of a subsequent election.



Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
nobody save the politico's fearing for their future has lost confidence in the government, that is the thing. The Liberals and NDP's lost confidence since Harper was going to cut their funding, heaven's forbid they do a bit of fundraising. The people voting for the NDP and Liberals never had any confidence in the government, or they would have voted that way :rolleyes:

as far as mining, BC has always had strong mining industry. The BC NDP party killed the sector.

Teck is based here, and they are one of the worlds largest resource companies, owning Highland Valley Copper, and buying Elk Valley Coal (now known as Teck Coal) in the last year. The reason "rock knocking" has been slow here is the investors are weary about investing long term in BC because they know British Columbians have short term memories and fear the NDP could come back, now we have them federally, even though nobody voted for them.

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